单词 | 冲浪板 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冲浪板—paddleboardSee also:冲浪n—surfern 浪—unrestrained dissipated breaker
PQI首创新一代Surfboard i817L/V USB Flash Drive冲浪板随身碟,给予视觉与操作上的新体验。 us.pqigroup.com | PQI's first [...] new generation Surfboardi817L/V USB Flash [...]Drive offers a new visual and operating experience. pqigroup.com |
i817L/V采用PQI独家专利Intelligent [...] Stick介面,相容於USB1.1 / 2.0,造型有如冲浪板,拥有流线美型,且考量人因工学,『直觉式插入』的设计使操作更为简单,不仅保护Intelligent [...]Stick介面,同时解决掉盖问题。 us.pqigroup.com | Its shape resembles a surfboard andwith pleasant, [...] ergonomic lines and an "intuitive plug-in" design to make operation even [...]easier, which both protects the Intelligent Stick interface and solves the problem of cap loss. pqigroup.com |
一向极具前瞻性的Quiksilver于1990年推出ROXY品牌,为女性冲浪手提供高质素的冲浪服饰,及後ROXY更推出滑板及滑雪的服饰用品。 sogo.com.hk | In response to the [...] needs of fashionable young women who love thesurfing lifestyle, Quiksilver established ROXY in 1990. sogo.com.hk |
寻找最佳浪点,或在我们的冲浪天堂学冲浪。 danpacplus.hk | Discover the best breaks or [...] learn tosurf in our surfing paradise. danpacplus.hk |
最後,未来前景仍需视乎全球不同地区所出现的经济难题, 对我们所营运的市场会否开始产生较大的负面冲击。 asiasat.com | Finally, it still remains to be seen whether economic issues in various parts of the world will begin to have a greater negative impact on the markets in which we operate. asiasat.com |
黄金海岸有70公里阳光普照的海滩和四个气势雄伟的礁岩浪点,因此,黄金海岸最着名的城区被命名为冲浪者天堂(Surfer’s Paradise),也就不难理解了。 danpacplus.hk | With 70 kilometres of sun-drenched beaches and four epic point breaks, it¡¦s easy to see why the Gold Coast is home to a city calledSurfers Paradise. danpacplus.hk |
例如冲浪板、滑水板和滑浪板、越野滑雪、高山滑雪板和滑水板以及曲棍球棍,全都获益于戴铂的Divinycell高性能三明治芯材。 diabgroup.com | For example, surf, wake and windsurfing boards, cross-country, alpine and water skis, as well as hockey sticks, all benefit from DIAB’s Divinycell high-performance sandwich core materials. diabgroup.com |
当Royal Caribbean 的海洋绿洲号游轮於2009 年12 [...] 月开始其处女航时,除了为其乘客提供超过40 英尺长的冲浪游泳池、滑索道和30 英尺高的攀岩及其它娱乐设施外,这艘1200 [...]英尺长的游轮- 目前世界上最大的游轮- 还为其乘客提供一项RFID [...]服务,方便家庭和团队追踪他们的成员。 vitcode.com | When the Royal Caribbean cruise ship on the ocean oasis of numbers in December 2009 began its maiden voyage, [...] in addition to its passengers, providing [...] more than40-footsurf pool, slide and [...]30-foot-high rope climbing and other recreational [...]facilities, the ship 1200 feet a long cruise - the world's largest cruise ship - and its passengers, an RFID services to facilitate the tracing of their families and team members. vitcode.com |
使用 VAIO [...] 笔记型电脑,你可以看电影,在 Web 上冲浪,发挥强大,需要大量资源的现代游戏,来处理图形编辑器中的资讯。 magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru | Using VAIO Laptops, you can [...] watch movies, surf the Web, play [...]powerful, requiring large resources of modern games, to process [...]information in graphics editors. magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru |
澳门及香港,2012 年 6 月 5 日〕──「澳门银河™」综合渡假城铺满耀目白沙的人工沙滩、 全球最大规模的空中冲浪池和青葱翠绿的热带花园,再配合「傲视世界 情系亚洲」的热情服 务,是炎夏消暑降温的最佳度假胜地。 galaxymacau.com | (Macau & Hong Kong, 5 June 2012) – With its immaculate white sandy beach, the world’s largest wave pool, tropical gardens and famous “World Class, Asian Heart” service, Galaxy MacauTM is the place to be when the weather heats up. galaxymacau.com |
自上世纪60年代的冲浪服饰技术革新,至今日时尚、运动、休闲等各类服饰的生产,Quiksilver持之以恒地为世界各地的人们带来创新的产品、赛事活动及购物环境,这一切都是品牌优秀品质与信誉的最佳印证。 sogo.com.hk | From the creation [...] of the firstsurfwear technology in [...]the 1960s and 70s, to the production of almost every genre of fashionable [...]sports and leisure wear today, Quiksilver’s authenticity is evident in its innovative products, events and retail environments across the globe. sogo.com.hk |
从黄金海岸的冲浪海滩、刺激的主题公园和茂盛的腹地,前往生机勃勃的首府布里斯本。 danpacplus.hk | Drive from the surf beaches,thrilling [...] theme parks and lush hinterland of the Gold Coast to the vibrant capital of Brisbane. danpacplus.hk |
海岸线以顺时针方向转向 45°, 既可以为 9 号及 10 号码头提供免受渡轮所激起海浪冲击的停泊区,又可以避免使用这些码头的船舶干扰码 头以东解放军码头的运作。 devb.gov.hk | By turning the direction of the shoreline 45° clockwise, the layout of Piers No. 9 and 10 has been designed such that on one hand there is a sheltered berthing area from the waves generated from the ferry vessels, and on the other hand, vessels using these piers will not interfere with the operation of the PLA berth on the east. devb.gov.hk |
滑雪,冲浪背袋,套子,脚绳等配件,农机工具,背袋等 trade-taiwan.org | Skiing,surfing backpack, cap, foot [...] rope and other accessories ,Agricultural tools, backpack, etc. trade-taiwan.org |
此外,Swatch亦活跃於国际体坛,一直致力支持极限运动(FMX、冲浪、滑雪、花式滑雪及BMX)及沙滩排球运动。 sogo.com.hk | The brand has also established a strong presence in the world [...] of sports with its ongoing support for [...] extreme sports (FMX, Surf, Snowboarding, [...]Free Skiing, BMX) and beach volleyball. sogo.com.hk |
利益冲突最少 – 指定我们已经提名的余产受益人时,要认识到其潜在弊端,并 确保信托人之中至少有一人不是余产受益人。 pavetheway.org.au | people with minimal conflict of interest – be aware of the potential pitfalls of appointing people whom we have nominated as residual beneficiaries and make sure that at least one of our trustees is not a residual beneficiary. pavetheway.org.au |