

单词 冲泡

See also:

flush v
develop (a film) v
infuse v
collide with v
go straight ahead v


(of water) dash against v
mix with water v


foam n
bubble n

pick up (a girl)
hang about
get off with (a sexual partner)
small lake (esp. in place names)
blister (i.e. skin bubble)

External sources (not reviewed)

免费服务包括:无限的新冲泡后, 您的第一杯咖啡,纯净过滤水,好书交换,更
Free services include: unlimited fresh brewed coffee after your first cup, pure Filtered water, book exchange and more.
因为,普洱茶是用茶冲泡而成 的真正的茶水,虽然含有咖啡因,但是普洱茶中咖啡因的含量比其他品种的茶叶和咖啡少得多。
Since it is real tea from tea leaves it does contain caffeine but the amount is much less than other teas and coffee.
我强烈建议您尝试任意一种或者所有品种的茶叶;即便您是一位忠实的咖啡爱好者,您也能从一杯精 冲泡 的 茶水中找到乐趣。
I highly recommend that you try any and all varieties of tea; even if you are a committed coffee drinker, you will find pleasure in a well-brewed cup of tea.
6),从不同的解释迄今接受,这样的喧哗大作,甚至主教曾要求验证的犹太人,他们宣布,到伟大的烦恼都杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,这杰罗姆的渲染不同意与 冲泡 , 或 希腊文,或(老)拉丁抄本。
When they came to the passage in Jonah containing the word "ḳiḳayon" (iv. 6), which differed from the interpretation hitherto accepted, such a tumult arose that the bishop had to ask the Jews for a verification, and they declared, to the great annoyance
of both Jerome and Augustine, that Jerome's rendering did not
[...] agree with the He brew, or Greek, or [...]
(old) Latin codices.
于70年代,化学家Adolphus 先生跟妻子Lizeth 住在瑞士的小村庄,他们相信屋前野生的一大片紫色锦葵是上天送给他们的礼物,Lizeth更相信锦葵是有药用价值的植物,她以花 冲泡 花 茶 外,沐浴时更喜爱加上一片片的花瓣,相信能保持肌肤细滑。
During the 1970’s, there was a chemist by the name of Mr. Adolphus who lived with his wife Lizeth in a hamlet in Switzerland. They were grateful for the wild purple mallow grown in front of their house and thought of them as a unique gift from heaven.
纳升液相的标准操作如溶剂脱气,排除 泡 , 冲 洗 柱子等步骤都可程序化自动完成。
Standard HPLC operations, such as solvent purging, air removal and column flushing are performed automatically.
另一方面,市民在泡即食 杯麪時應遵從有關指 示,切勿把沸水注入破損或變形的容器 泡 麪 條
On the other hand, the public should follow the instruction when preparing the noodle for consumption and should not fill up damaged or distorted container with boiling water to prepare the noodle.
無千斤頂升降台車配備可刺穿機身的刺針噴管,在機艙內噴射 水泡沫或 乾粉,撲滅機艙內的火警,包括波及輔助動力裝置或 [...]
Jackless Snorkels are equipped with a nozzle which
can pierce through the fuselage and discharge
[...] water spray, foam and dry powder [...]
to tackle fire in the cabin of the aircraft,
including fire involving the auxiliary power unit or tail engine.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨 泡 沫 塑 料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种泡剂的 试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整泡沫塑 料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整 泡 沫 塑 料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for
validation of methyl
[...] formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval [...]
of the project was
without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解 冲 突 , 但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 [...]
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing
political efforts towards the earliest
[...] resolution of the conflict on the basis of [...]
the generally accepted norms and principles
of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
[...] 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关冲突问 题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 [...]
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water
ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources,
[...] aspects of conflict prevention [...]
and resolution in relation to water issues,
the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
关于冲突和冲突后 地区的作用问题,一些会员国认为应继续宣传和平文化的理想, 使教科文组织在这方面的活动与其它联合国组织的活动,特别是在重建教育体系和保护文化 遗产方面的活动协调一致。
Concerning the contribution to conflict and post-conflict areas, several Member States proposed to continue promoting the ideals of a culture of peace and to coordinate UNESCO’s action in that regard with that of other United Nations organizations, in particular as regards the reconstruction of education systems and the preservation of cultural heritage.
每支含水銀的廢舊光管和泡雖然 只含微量水銀, 但破損的燈/光管會釋出水銀污染附近環境,不慎吸入或經皮膚接觸更會危害人 體健康。
Even though it is only present in trace amount in each mercury-containing lamp, release of mercury from broken lamps may contaminate the surrounding and create health hazard through inhalation or skin contact.
秘书处代表指出,两个项目都符合 55/43(e)号决定,除其他外,两 个项目请双边和执行机构编制和提交数量有限的且有时效要求的项目提案,并让有兴趣的
[...] 系统企业或化学品供应商参与制定、优化以及确认那些使用非氟氯烃 泡 剂 的 化学品制度。
The representative of the Secretariat noted that both projects were in line with decision 55/43(e), which, inter alia, invited bilateral and implementing agencies to prepare and submit a limited number of time-specific project proposals involving interested systems houses or
chemical suppliers for the development, optimization and validation of chemical systems for
[...] use with non-HCFC blowing agents.
最后,尼古拉女士 着重指出,为了防冲突, 建设和平,也为了避免滥用教育系统所固有的危险, [...]
和平协定必须提到教育,对教育必须有一个和谐统一的方针;学校、小学生和教 育工作人员的安全保障是优质教育的部分内容。
Finally, Ms. Nicolai argued that in
[...] order to prevent conflict, build peace and [...]
avoid the dangers inherent in abuse of educational
systems, peace agreements needed to have a reference to education and there must be a harmonized approach thereto; security and safety of schools, school children and education workers was part of quality education.
[...] 国际边界问题,提议续设边界分析员(P-3)临时一般人员职位,以便通过提供中 立的技术专长,及时应对边界危机并预防边 冲 突。
Accordingly, and in the light of a continued heavy workload and anticipated international boundary issues, it is proposed that the general temporary assistance position of Boundary Analyst (P-3) be
continued to respond immediately to boundary crises
[...] and prevent border conflicts by providing impartial [...]
technical expertise.




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