单词 | 冲击力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冲击力 —force of impact or thrustSee also:冲击 n—impact n • shock n • onslaught n 冲击 v—impact v • blow v • blows v 冲击—a shock • an attack • under attack 冲力—impulse
作为表演艺术,这件熟悉的作品具有强烈的视 觉 冲击力 , 在 颠覆原型的基础上重新精心设计,经多层面抽象和提炼,塑造出这一高达20米的图腾柱。 shanghaibiennale.org | In performance, this familiar figure is visually exploded, subverted and elaborated through various levels of abstraction until it reaches its final form: an organic 20-meter-tall totem pole. shanghaibiennale.org |
机 遇是方方面面的,这是“中欧倡议”的重要优势,如果与其他国际组织的经验和 资源相结合,会有更强大的冲击力。 daccess-ods.un.org | This range of opportunities is an important advantage [...] which, if combined with the experience and resources of other international organizations, [...] can have an even stronger impact daccess-ods.un.org |
我们所感受到的巨大的视觉冲击力, 并非来自于个体差异,而恰恰源于可能以集体或网络形式而短暂存在的人的形象。 shanghaibiennale.org | Instead of differences, we are offered a powerful vision of possible, momentary collectives or networks of being whose recurring connections are rendered visible and visceral in time and space. shanghaibiennale.org |
一些让运动员 免受损伤的新型设备成为了标准设备,如为高山滑雪和自行车运动员设计的头盔以及更好地吸 收冲击力的跑鞋。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Novel equipment that protects athletes from injury such as helmets for Alpine skiers and cyclists or running shoes that better absorb impact have become standard. unesdoc.unesco.org |
测试范围包括使用冲击力锤的 简单流动性测试和使用大量响应加速度计的多振动器测试。 bksv.cn | The tests range from simple mobility tests with impact hammers to multi-shaker testing using a large number of response accelerometers. bksv.com |
传统模态分析包括从用冲击力锤进 行的简单测试,到用数百个响应加速度传感器和多个激振器对大型复杂结构进行的测试。 bksv.cn | Classical Modal Analysis [...] ranges from simple mobility tests with impact [...]hammers to multi-shaker testing of large and complex [...]structures with hundreds of response accelerometers. bksv.com |
委员会建议应在《亚太 灾害报告》中继续刊登从经济和社会角度对各种灾害 的 冲击力 进 行 分 析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾害风险方面的作用所进行的分析;同时亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a) 介绍那些致力于减少灾害风险工作的领军人 物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c) 报道各种社区做法与全 球视角之间的比照;(d) 分析《兵库行动框架》与各项千年发展目标 之间可能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the Report continue to feature such elements as economic and social analysis of the impacts of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and information and communications technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such as (a) information on champions for disaster risk reduction, (b) social and psychological analysis, (c) coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d) analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果对气候变化对全球经济的社会经济 影响听之任之,其冲击力就有可能使当前的经济衰退 的影响也相形见绌。 daccess-ods.un.org | The socio-economic impact of climate change on the global economy, if left unchecked, is likely to dwarf the current economic recession. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会已了解到紧急事件数据库的局限性──此种数据库仅仅记 录那些规模超过某一特定临界线的灾害,因此建议各政府有系统地收 集关于各种小规模灾害的数据,因为这些小规模灾害的累 积 冲击力常 常要超过大规模灾害的冲击力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Aware of the limitations of the Emergency Events Database (EMDAT), which only records disasters above a particular threshold, the Committee recommends that Governments systematically collect data on small disasters, the aggregated impact of which often exceeds that of large disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
可承受 70m/S2 加速冲击力,及机械震动 80-20 次/分,持续 5 小时。 4-direct.com | It is capable of withstanding the transport bumping at acceleration of 70m/S2 and shock frequency [...] of 80-20 times/min for 5 hours. 4-direct.com |
创新型柔印包装解决方案充分利用立袋、包装箔和软塑料的需求增长,能够提供最大的视 觉 冲击力 和 精确的品牌颜色。 graphics.kodak.com | Take advantage of the growth in stand-up pouches, packaging foils, and flexible plastics with innovative flexible packaging solutions that deliver maximum impact and accurate brand colors. graphics.kodak.com |
抛光不锈钢表壳搭配黑色放射状图案表盘,辅以夸张的加长罗马数字,尽显出人意料的视 觉 冲击力 , 这 正是 Jaquet Droz 向我们展示的魅力所在。 hk.ashford.com | The polished stainless steel watch case sports a black face with dramatically [...] elongated roman numerals in a starburst pattern for [...] that unexpected punch that we have come [...]to expect from Jaquet Droz. ashford.com |
从锻件横截面方向中心位置选取试样,在室 温 条 件 下 进 行 冲 击 力 实 验 ,测 试 结 果 如 下 assab-china.com | Approximate room temperature impact strength, as measured by samples removed from the centre of a forged block, and tested in the short transverse direction is shown below. assab-china.com |
南非还认为,必须在国家、区域和国际各级建立 [...] 和实施最好和最适当的机制,如同秘书长报告提出的 那样,让海盗感受到全面起诉的 冲击力 和 国 际法的巨 大力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | South Africa also feels it is important that the best and most appropriate mechanisms, at the national, regional and international levels, be [...] established and implemented, so that [...] pirates can feel the force of the full prosecution [...]and might of international law, as [...]suggested in the report of the Secretary-General. daccess-ods.un.org |
该媒体套装的高强度的视觉网络连贯性以及强大视 觉 冲击力 , 使 得海尔地产的品牌效应得到更大的体现。 samdecaux.com | The consecutive media network and strong visual impact is continuing to enhance a maximum brand effect for Haier. samdecaux.com |
方案的造型构思来源于两颗滚动的水滴,通过设计手法的处理,让水滴具有的神秘感、不可预测性和生命力的元素堆砌成恢弘大气、时尚前卫的外型,给人的视觉带来强劲 的 冲击力 和 震 撼感。 chinese-architects.com | The scheme for the project inspired by two rolling water drops, the building captures the elements of mystery, unpredictability and dynamics. chinese-architects.com |
苏格兰场任命的病理学家 [...] Nathaniel Cary 医生证实,是爆炸的冲击力造 成布托女士的致命伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dr. Nathaniel Cary, the pathologist appointed by Scotland Yard, [...] confirmed that the force of the blast caused [...]Ms. Bhutto’s fatal injury. daccess-ods.un.org |
还可以选配高冲击力型系 统,用于原始颗粒坚硬的高团聚样品。 malvern.com.cn | Optional impaction systems are available for strongly agglomerated samples with tough primary particles. malvern.com |
双15"两分频扬声器专为最大化冲击力 , 便 携性和易用性而设计。 acehk.com | A dual 15" two-way speaker designed for maximum impact, portability and ease of use. acehk.com |
特级红葡萄酒酒身呈现出红宝石的色泽.鼻尖洋溢着罕见的极 富 冲击力 的 水 果香气(黑色覆盆子,黑加仑,桑葚,熏烤过的肉豆蔻),而这些香气在口中与香料以及炙烤般的单宁触感交相辉映,极富Burlenberg的特点.由其火山岩风土所形成的特有的强烈气质,但是这一款葡萄酒在其同类之中仍然显得比较稚气。 marceldeiss.com | The nose has a [...] rare fruity violence (black raspberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, nutmeg and smoke), which bounces off the very [...]spicy taste of the [...]burnt tannins that are so characteristic of Burlenberg. marceldeiss.com |
这次广告宣传将作为最佳实例展示数字化媒体,有效定位目标客户,带来不同反响的视 觉 冲击力。 samdecaux.com | This campaign is a great example of how digital media can be used to effectively target clientele in an eye-catching manner. samdecaux.com |
当我们把这个概念推到极致就会发现要实现这一目标的两个途径:高度功能化及视 觉 冲击力。 chinese-architects.com | Pushing this logic to the extreme can provide results that are both highly functional and visually striking. chinese-architects.com |
这次巨大爆炸的冲击力震碎 了附近两辆公共汽车的车窗——整个耶路撒冷市 都听得到爆炸声。 daccess-ods.un.org | The impact of the large explosion blew out the windows of two nearby buses — and could be heard throughout the City of Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
从概念到客户,柯达的包装印刷解决方案都能帮助您提供具有准确品牌色彩的、 高 冲击力 的 直 立小包和口袋 - 可采用任意基质并通过任意印刷工艺进行加工。 graphics.kodak.com | From concept to consumer, Kodak’s packaging printing solutions help you deliver high-impact stand-up pouches and bag containers with accurate brand colors–across all substrates, through any printing process. graphics.kodak.com |
他为 Murciélago Roadster 设计了极具视觉冲击力的外形,使其成为一款真正独一无二的跑车。 lamborghini.com | He bestowed it with its own sensational appearance, making the Murciélago Roadster a truly unique model. lamborghini.com |
您或许还可以将场地选在繁华地段以吸引更多注意力,或选在游览 胜地或风景秀丽的地方,以使活动更具视觉美感 和 冲击力 worldhepatitisalliance.org | You might also want it to take place in a busy area to attract attention, or in an interesting or beautiful place, so that the event is as visually striking as possible worldhepatitisalliance.org |
Bikila使用了全新的鞋底构造,其特点包括覆有Dri-Lex ®的3毫米聚氨酯内底(最后部分在脚掌下方)以及符合解剖学的4毫米外底设计,分散前脚 掌 冲击力 的 同 时,对于正确的前掌着地跑步方式极其重要的地面反馈感受毫无遗损。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Built on an entirely new platform, the Bikila® features a Dri-Lex® covered 3mm polyurethane insole (thickest under the ball of the foot) and a 4mm anatomical pod outsole design that offers more plating for underfoot protection. vibramfivefingers.cn |
它对所有行业的关键性需求做出了回应:由于其耐久性、长期耐磨性和抗流体侵蚀等特点,可通过减重和替代金属实现对环境友好,通过吸 收 冲击力 或 防火实现更高的安全性,同时加工工艺简单,并可实现可持续发展。 rhodia.com.cn | It provides the answer to all industries’ key needs such as environmental-friendliness through weight reduction and metal substitution, safety through impact absorption or flammability [...] protection, processing simplification, and sustainability, due to its [...] durability, long-term resistance and fluid resilience. rhodia.com |
暗夜骑士版,车如其名,如午夜间的神秘来客疾驰于华灯璀璨、车水马龙之间,而极富视 觉 冲击力 的 “ MIDNIGHT EDITION”字样徽章,更是彰显出极富个性的特质。 lexus.com.cn | As its name indicates, MIDNIGHT EDITION like a mysterious visitor gallops in the constant rush of traffic in dazzling evening and the MIDNIGHT EDITION badge with strong visual impact further demonstrates its highly distinctive trait. lexus.com.cn |