单词 | 冰天雪地 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冰天雪地—a world of ice and snowSee also:冰雪n—snown icen 冰雪—ice and snow 天地n—worldn heaven and earthn waterfalln 雪地n—snown 天地—scope field of activity
携带热饮,想想在冰天雪地里喝杯热咖啡或茶是一件多麽幸福的事。 4tern.com | Bring hot drink-Imagine of you drinking a hot cup of [...] coffee or teaup on theicy cold glacier. 4tern.com |
明亮的北极光甚至能够照亮冰天雪地的北国景色,帮助滑雪者找到回家的路。 visitfinland.com | Bright auroral displays can [...] even light upthe snowyarcticlandscape [...]enough to help skiers find the way home. visitfinland.com |
蹄形水道宽约3~5m,拱高3~4m,用钢化玻璃或透明塑料板制成的通道,通道长度视室内的空间决定,拱形通道的顶部水幕流淌,通道外部空问可栽植花卉树木、热带雨林,或绘画成冰天雪地、海洋世界、水上乐园,在水幕的流动晃忽下,配以灯光变幻,人们穿行其间时,宛如置身于南疆北国或亲临海底。 onsmu.com | Tixing waterway width of 3 ~ 5m, high arch 3 ~ 4m, with a glass or transparent plastic plate made of the channel, the channel length, as the indoor space decision, arched top of the water curtain flowing channel, the channel can be external spatial planting [...] flowers, trees, tropical rain forests, [...] or painting intothe snow andice,Sea World, water [...]park, the flow of the water curtain [...]shake downs, together with the light changes, when the people through them, like a southern exposure or in person at the North sea. onsmu.com |
小女儿的一句「我想食热嘢!」,引发野人家族合力把冰封了长毛象的双耳锅由冰天雪地搬到火山加热,以轻松幽默的手法带出法国品牌Pyroflam [...] ® 系列耐冷耐热,可瞬间抵受450°C温差,适合香港人多样化的煮食方式。 wellcome.com.hk | Starting from a simple wish of the [...] little daughter from savage family, the [...] new funny and lighthearted TV ad brings [...]you the French-made Pyroflam ® series which [...]can endure extreme heat and cold, and withstand a rapid temperature change of 450°C. Suitable for use with most cooking appliances, Pyroflam ® cookware is an ideal set for busy Hong Kong people. wellcome.com.hk |
因为是滑雪常年山庄,夏天与冬天都同样活动不断,滑雪、越野滑雪、天然 湖泊滑冰、登 山、山地自行 车、滑翔伞运动和水上运动。 leapfrog-properties.com | Because they are year-round villages you will also find them equally beautiful in the summer as in the [...] winter with activities [...] that include skiing, cross-country skiing, natural lake ice skating, hiking, [...]mountain biking, paragliding and water sports. leapfrog-properties.com |
因此,建立一个重点研究冰雪和水资源的地区中心符合教科文组织在下一双年度及第 34 C/4 号文件中淡 [...] 水计划方面的预期目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The creation of a regional [...] centrefocusing on glacier snowand water resources [...]thus complies with the objectives foreseen [...]in UNESCO’s programmes on freshwater for the coming biennium and in document 34 C/4. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为 一项建议,研讨会呼吁在中亚建立由教科文组织赞助的冰川学中心,以加强科研工作的协 调,提高对气候变化影响冰雪及水 资源情况的科学认识,并拟定该地区相 关研究工作的进一 步需求。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the recommendations formulated by the workshop was a call for the establishment of a Central Asian Glaciological Centre under the auspices of UNESCO to foster scientific coordination and to enhance scientific [...] understanding of the climate [...] change impacts on glacier,snow and water resources and formulate further research needsin the region. unesdoc.unesco.org |
屋顶是建筑物的主要保护结构之一,它们每天都暴露在各种环境影响之下: 阳光、雨雪、冰雹和烟尘无时无刻不在影响着屋顶的使用状态。 wacker.com | Roofs are the main source of protection for [...] buildings, and as such are [...] constantly exposed to the elements: sun, rain, snow, hailand exhaust fumes all affect the state [...]of roofs. wacker.com |
个人或全家作出承诺,每季尝试一项新活动: 雪地健行、远 足、冰壶、单车、保龄球、露营、溜冰、滑雪、游泳、滚轴 溜冰。 cancer-asian.com | Make a personal or family commitment to try a new activity each season: snowshoe, hike, curl, bike, bowl, camp, skate,ski,swim, in-line skate. cancer-asian.com |
确保稳抓地面及 方向稳定性,例如在光滑的 冰雪上行走,或於陡峭的越野地面上负重行驶。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Guarantees excellent traction and [...] directional stability, for instance when driving on snow and ice in winter, or when loading the vehicle on rugged [...]terrain. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
该公寓的地址是正确的TUBEJ旁边的滑雪坡 KOBLA并在特里格拉夫国家公园,它提供了各种各样的体育活动中心:滑雪,运动攀登,骑马 - 骑马,肾上腺素公园,串联跳伞,乘一列火车与博物馆火车到Soèa谷,冰-溜冰,在冬天和夏天,划船,漂流,皮划艇,钓鱼,网球,足球,沙滩附近的水上公园湖Bohinj游泳 - 抽射,等 instantworldbooking.com | The location of the TUBEJ [...] apartments is rightnext to the skiing slope KOBLA and in center of Triglav national park, which offers a wide variety of sports activities:skiing, sportclimbing, horse - riding, adrenalin park, tandem parachuting, a train ride with the museum train to the Soèa valley,ice- skating,swimming in the nearby aqua park [...]in [...]the winter and lake Bohinj in the summer, rowing, rafting, kayak, fishing, tennis, football, beach - volley, etc. instantworldbooking.com |
例如有一条船在瑞典哥德堡搁浅而且被 冰雪所困了,这时“Bugsier 16”迅速地进行了营救。 voith.com | The "Bugsier 16" for example managed to quickly come to the rescue [...] of a ship which had run aground in Gothenburg, Sweden, and was trapped by ice. voith.com |
於回顾期内,集团面对之不利经营因素包括: (i) 能源成本上升令进 口氧化铝成本走高; (ii) [...] 国产氧化铝供应的增加虽较前兩年缓慢,但仍处高位; 及 (iii) 二零零 八年年初华南地区雨雪天气导 致部分国内的铝冶煉厂停产,令氧化铝需求下降造成价格下 滑。 mmg.com | In the period under review, the Group in particular faced the following adverse operating environments: (i) imported cost of alumina ran high because of rising fuel costs; (ii) increase in supply of domestically-produced alumina in the PRC, though slower than previous two years, still remained on the high side; and (iii) decreased demand for alumina as a result of the [...] disruption in production of certain PRC [...] aluminium smelters after snow storms in Southern China [...]in early 2008 has caused a price slide of alumina. mmg.com |
晶莹剔透的冰雪魔幻般地将博登湖变成了一个童话世界。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Snow and ice magically transforms the Lake Constance [...] countryside into a winter fairy tale. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
冬季,西伯利亚寒冷的北风来袭,夜间气温降至冰点以下,上海虽不常降雪,但每年仍有一、两个下 雪天。 seagate.com | In winter, cold northerly winds from Siberia can cause [...] night-time temperatures [...] to dropbelow freezing, andalthough not usually associated withsnow,thecity can receive one or two daysofsnowfall per year. seagate.com |
全 球变暖可能导致全球水循环的加剧、加速或加强。2 平均气温和极端气温的升高 [...] 预计将导致的降水变化将通过降水形式、频率、强度和分布的改变以及通过土壤水 分、冰川和冰/雪融水、河流和地下水流的变化影响到水资源的可用性,并导致水 质进一步恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Global warming is likely to result in an intensification, acceleration or enhancement of the global hydrological cycle.2 The changes in precipitation that higher average temperatures and temperature extremes are projected to cause will affect water resources availability through changes in form, frequency, intensity [...] and distribution of precipitation, [...] soil-moisture, glacier- and ice-snowmelt, andriver and [...]groundwater flows, and will lead [...]to further deterioration of water quality. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们必须於几天之内逃出冰极天与地,可怕的是,一群目露凶光的的北极灰狼,正对他们虎视眈眈,垂涎着他们的人肉鲜味。 vbox.hk | However, they may not be survivors much longer when they realise that they are stranded in the wild and hunting them are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders. vbox.hk |
香港马球发展及推广协会参与的首个活动为「FIP 雪地马球世界盃赛2012」,将於2012年2月2至12日於天津环亚国际马球会举行,是国际马球联合会 (FIP) 首次主办的雪地马球比赛。 snowpoloworldcup.com | The FIP Snow Polo World Cup 2012, the first snow polo event organized by FIP, which will take place at Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan Polo Club from 2 February to 12 February, 2012, [...] will be the first major polo event to be co-organized bythe HKPDPF. snowpoloworldcup.com |
粮食、能源、经济及金融等方面遭到 [...] 种种冲击,造成相互提升和加剧的恶性循环,加上气 候变化产生的负面和不相称影响,诸如喜马拉雅山等地冰川融化、反复无常的天气模式及水灾等,大大限 制了为实现千年发展目标作出的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vicious cycle of the mutually reinforcing and exacerbating impacts of food, energy, economic and financial crises, together with the adverse and disproportionate impacts of [...] climate change, such [...] as the meltingofglaciers in the Himalayas and elsewhere, erraticweather patterns and [...]floods, have significantly [...]constrained our efforts to meet the MDGs. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里涵盖了强烈对比的景色,如:冰山 雪地、冰河、 森林、草原、湖、河、沼泽地带和海边。 4tern.com | There are many [...] things to see, such as snowmountains, rivers, forest, [...]meadows, lakes, rivers, and beaches. 4tern.com |
在白雪天地里进行雪鞋健行,是何等的欢乐。 visitfinland.com | Snow shoes are the ideal way to travel througha snowy landscape. visitfinland.com |
很少有冰会进入福伊特施耐德推进器,您将能够在 冰雪中更好更安全地航行。 voith.com | The general advantage of the Water Tractor concept lies in the low positioning [...] of the propellers: Less ice reaches the propellers. voith.com |
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新与诱惑的味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味道结尾,让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA SUI摇滚天后的摇滚魅力。 hk.eternal.hk | At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last [...] play, is a deep woody [...] composition,cedar wood,amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm. hk.eternal.hk |
无论你是在雪地行驶公路阿拉斯加冰或建筑物仍然执行了一个雪人在你的后院,新的TG – 610和TG – 310可以当摄氏度)的温度骤降远低于冰点(华氏14度; -10。 technologeeko.com | Whether you’re [...] cruising the Alaskan icehighwayin asnowmobile or building a snowman in your backyard, [...]the new TG-610 and [...]TG-310 can still perform when the temperature dips well below freezing (14 degrees Fahrenheit; -10 degrees Celsius). technologeeko.com |
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity andits environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为寻求最新电子玩伴系列产品的灵感,从喜马拉雅山 冰雪覆盖 的顶峰到非洲酷热的草原,Optimal集团(纳斯达克股票代码:OPMR)旗下的WowWee公司已将足迹踏遍地球的每个角落。 tipschina.gov.cn | Fromthe snowy peaks of the Himalayas to the sweltering plains of Africa, WowWee, an Optimal Group company (NASDAQ:OPMR), has scoured the corners of the Earth in search [...] of inspiration for their newest [...]line of animatronic playmates. tipschina.gov.cn |