

单词 冤大头

See also:


injustice n
grievance n




one's head is swimming
(figuratively) get a headache
have a big head

External sources (not reviewed)

此产品适合在标称电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地头与下 图所示的 头 类 似
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
启动阿富汗和平与重返社会方案引起了人权团体和 民间社会的关注,特别是该方案提及可能的政 大赦 和伸冤程序
The launching of the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme raised concern among human rights groups and civil society,
especially with regard to the mention in the Programme of possible
[...] political amnesty and grievance resolution procedures.
可是,實際上,他們一定 知道職員在能夠達致所設定銷售額的同時,出現 大 量 的投訴,沒可能全部 投訴都是假投訴,也沒可能特冤枉 電 訊公司擬要求賠償等的。
However, in practice, they will know that while the staff can reach the sales targets set, there is bound to be a large number of complaints and it is unlikely that all of these complaints are unfounded and all of them are false claims on the telecommunications companies meant to demand compensation.
用棍棒敲打被拘留者的脚底,上脚镣后,把脚抬高,再用棍子 大头 棒敲打脚底,时间长短不一,然后强迫其步行,以掩盖殴打造成的血 瘀。
Beatings on the soles of the feet with sticks, done by shackling and raising
the detainee’s feet, whereupon he is beaten
[...] with sticks or clubs for variable lengths [...]
of time, then required to walk in order
to obscure the blood congestion resulting from the beating.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
Séguéla 的钻石产量大头,其 产量较高的原生矿藏吸引了规模较大的矿工组织。
Séguéla accounts for the majority share of production, with its higher yielding, primary diamond deposits attracting larger organizations of miners.
如果不進行調查,或甘乃威議員 如果認為女事主所說不正確,我相信他會受 大 的 冤 屈 , 因為他沒有平 台、也沒有機會說出自己的版本。
If no investigation is conducted, or if Mr KAM Nai-wai considers that what the lady concerned has said is incorrect, I think he will feel greatly aggrieved because there is neither a platform nor an opportunity for him to state his own version.
广州抽水蓄能电站是中国第一座高 头 、 大 功 率 的抽水蓄能电站,其 2400 MW 的总装机在全世界名列前茅。
The Guangzhou pumped storage plant is the first high head, large capacity pumped storage plant in China and with a total capacity of 2 400 MW it is one of the largest in the world.
海外經驗顯示,嚴重的指摘往往由獨立於內部調查單位的機構進行調查,例 冤情 大使或 類似香港投訴警方事宜監察委員會的獨立委員會。
Experience overseas shows that serious allegations are usually investigated by a body independent of the internal investigative unit, such as the Ombudsman or an independent committee similar to the PCC in Hong Kong.
如果你 們的內心認同囚禁劉曉波大冤獄,《零八憲章》的罪名是莫須有的話, 我懇請你們在投票時離開議事堂,千萬不要投票,讓釋放劉曉波的議案 可以得到通過,為監獄裏的劉曉波與他的妻子劉霞作出沉默的聲援。
If they agree deep in their heart that the imprisonment of LIU Xiaobo is an unjust verdict, and the charge against 08 Charter is unwarranted, I implore them to leave this Chamber when it is time to vote and refrain from voting so as to allow this motion on releasing LIU Xiaobo to be passed as a gesture of silent support for LIU Xiaobo in prison and his wife LIU Xia.
保安局局長 保安局局長
[...] 保安局局長 保安局局長:主席,特區政府不能在內地扮演申訴專員 冤 情 大 使 的 角色。
SECRETARY FOR SECURITY (in Cantonese): Madam
President, I am afraid that we cannot possibly play the role of a commissioner
[...] for complaints or an ombudsman in the [...]
该公司从事多种钢铁产品的生产,包括钢管、钢板、型 钢。85 公司位于头大型工业区——国内最大的稀土工业基地,该地区工业特色涵盖钢铁、 机械制造、有色金属、纺织等。
The company provides various steel products such as steel pipes, steel plates, and steel profiles.85 The company is located in the large-scale industrial zone of Baotou, the largest rare earth industrial base in China, also known for its production of iron and steel, machinery, non-ferrous metals, and textiles.
這 樣 對我們 不 但 沒 有 幫 助,而 且 還 會 深大 眾 那種滿冤屈的 感覺, 而 混 亂 的 情況正好 提 供 被 人利用 的 機 會 。
Instead of helping, it may end up aggravating the present sense of grievance.
何俊仁議員:代理主席,趙連海一案,正如剛才很多發言的議員所說, 稍有正義、良知,以至人性的人也會一致認為是一宗 大 的 冤 案。
MR ALBERT HO (in Cantonese): Deputy President, regarding the case of ZHAO Lianhai, as many Members mentioned in their speeches just now, any people with a slight sense of justice, conscience and human feelings would find it a case of great injustice.
如果员工感冤情申诉程序不起作用或者不够独立,就不会利用;如果出现 不当行为,他们也不会举报,以免受到打击报复。
If staff feel that the grievance procedures are not working or not independent enough, they will not use them, nor will they blow the whistle in the event of misconduct for fear of retaliation.
事关大、结冤太深、问题太过复杂, 没有比达成相互协议更好的办法。
There is no better alternative to reaching mutual agreement: the
[...] stakes are too high, the sorrows too [...]
deep and the issues too complex.
英国的试点表明如果安装得当, 这种水头大概可以节约的水为 2m3/人/年。
UK trials
[...] suggest that these taps can save approximately [...]
2 m3/person/year if set up correctly.
國民運領袖魏京生當年被判監 15 年,罪名之㆒就是洩露國家機密,又是㆒個 大 的 冤 獄。
WEI Jingsheng, a leading democratic activist in China, was jailed for 15 years on the charge of, among others, disclosing State secrets.
即是說,在普世價值觀下, 如果我們覺得人權必然會受損害時,便要對人權何時受損害、受損害 後何時恢復、受損害的程度應有多深,以及所牽涉 冤 枉 程 度有大 等方面,不時作出調整。
In other words, according to the universal values, if we think that human rights are bound to be jeopardized, we have to make adjustments from time to time according to when human rights are jeopardized, when human rights can be restored after being infringed, the seriousness of infringement and the degree of grievances thus caused.
這些市 民平時不會上街示威,他們上街示威,一定是覺得有 大冤 屈 , 一定 是覺得他們受到很不公平的對待,一定是覺得所得的補償遠遠不足以 彌補他們的小孩因飲了毒奶粉而長期病患。
These people seldom take to the street under normal circumstances, and if they do so, they must have great grievances, feeling that they have been very unfairly treated, and that the compensation they receive can hardly be enough to treat the chronic illnesses that their children suffer as a result of drinking the tainted formula milk.
即使找到適合地點建 設這個集散批發市場,但活魚批發的運作複雜,來自不同魚塘的貨源經常混 雜批發,當有活魚出事時,當局又如何確保能夠追蹤到正確的禍源,而不冤枉好人呢?
Fish from different fish ponds are often mixed together in the wholesale process and when problems are found in the live fish, how can the authorities be sure that the right source can be traced and the innocent will not be blamed?
根據我們開展的居民諮詢會,在有關預算案的諮詢會中,其實民意 很清晰,聽到台下有很多居民反映,對於今次政府花的這筆補選支出, 認為是花得冤枉,意見大。
According to our consultation held with residents in respect of the Budget, the public opinions are, in fact, very clear.
我剛才聽過劉千石議員代表部份外籍㆟ 士在此冤,我與鄰座的張文光議員說:「他自己是拿 CI 的,他還沒有哭,感到悽涼 的應該是他自己才對。
Listening to Mr LAU Chin-shek airing grievances on behalf of some members of the ethnic minorities, I said to Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong sitting next to me, "He is not crying despite the fact that he is a holder of a CI.
一些会员国指出,由于在计算比额表时使用了 2008 年国民总收入,出会大头的会 员国分摊比例大幅度下降,故大部分其他国家,无论其国民经济的情况 好坏,其分摊比例将会增加。
Some members pointed out that in the light of the large decreases in the assessment rates of the main contributing Member States of the Organization as a result of the use of GNI for 2008 in calculating the scale, the assessment rates of the majority of other Member States, notwithstanding positive or negative performances of their national economies, shall be raised.




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