单词 | 冠以 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冠以—labelSee also:冠n—crownn capn crestn hatn 冠—be first put on a hat surname Guan dub 以prep—byprep so as toprep withprep in order toprep according toprep by means ofprep
纳米技术在定义上常被冠以“分子制造”的名称,因而过去二十年来一 直对科幻小说作者产生巨大的诱惑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Often this definition of nanotechnology goes by the name of ‘molecular manufacturing’ and has long been one of the most enticing aspects for science fiction writers of the last two decades. unesdoc.unesco.org |
民法典》第1538 条对姓名权有所规定,夫妻可以各自保留自己的姓 氏,亦可选择在其本身姓氏上冠以对方 不超过两个之姓氏;保留前配偶姓氏之人 不得行使冠以配偶姓氏之权能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the issue of the family name, article 1538 of the CC establishes that husband and wife may keep their own surnames, and, if they so choose, may also add their spouse’s surnames up to a number of two. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些精美绝伦的手表中有些还特别采用大胆的金质表 冠以彰显 奢华尊贵、刚毅硬朗的气质。 hk.ashford.com | Some of these beautifully executed timepieces [...] feature bold gold crowns for added panache [...]and masculine glamour. ashford.com |
他认 为有必要区分普通刑事罪行――即各国国内法规定的犯罪――与一些被 冠以不同名称的恶劣犯罪,如国际犯罪、国际关注的犯罪、严重违法行为、违反国际人道 主义法的犯罪等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members nevertheless acknowledged the difficulties presented by the topic, particularly as it had implications for other aspects of the law, including questions of prosecutorial discretion, questions of asylum, the law on extradition, the immunity of States officials from criminal jurisdiction, peremptory norms of international law, as well as universal jurisdiction, thereby posing problems in terms of the direction to be taken and what needed to be achieved. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,Apollo亦精通箭术,百发百中,从未射失;故曜越太阳神即以其为象徵,代表团队光明磊落与热情,甫以前头 冠以集团名称及队中有多名选手,称为曜越太阳神(Thermaltake Apollos)。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo also mastered in archery; he could shoot with unfailing accuracy. This was where Tt APOLLOS got the name from, symbolizing integrity and passion of the team. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
冠以Jabra 品牌的 GN 耳机畅销全球市场。 jabra.cn | GN headsets are marketed globallyunder theJabra brand. jabra.com |
联合会的正式成员是基督教家庭运动,它们虽然可能被 冠以其他 名称,但符合下 述基本特点:(a)它们是由夫妇、家庭、单身父母、寡妇等组成的小团体,这些 人谋求成为真正的家庭社区,与他们的牧师一起促进共同发展;(b)他们定期聚 会,根据上帝教谕加入“奉行、判断和行动”的塑造过程;(c)他们为所有家庭, 做见证及给予帮助,尤其是处于困难境地,如经历痛苦和贫穷的家庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Full members of the Confederation are Christian Family Movements (CFM) which meet the following basic characteristics even though they may be called by other names: (a) they are organized in small groups of couples, families, solo parents, widows, etc., who seek to become genuine family communities and work together with their chaplains to promote mutual growth; (b) they meet regularly, participating in a formative process of Observe, Judge and Act in the light of God’s word; (c) they witness and minister to all families, especially to those in difficult situations such as the suffering and the poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
51 几点注解即可说明美国关于“基 [...] 督教国家”的法律论据的来龙去脉:直到 1856 年,一直存在着一种由不同的王 国和国家构成的集体国际政治特征,被 冠以各种名称,如:“基督教世界”、“基 督教联邦”和“国际大家庭”(“欧洲基督教国家及其在美洲的属地”)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eventually, United States government attorneys filed a brief with the Supreme Court that was based in part on the Doctrine of Discovery and the era of the Vatican papal bulls; in it they argued that it was a well-recognized principle in international law that “the lands of heathens and infidels” were open to acquisition (taking) by [...] “Christian nations”.51 A few [...] commentswill place theUnited States legal argument about “Christian nations”in context:until 1856, [...]there existed a collective [...]international political identity, comprising different monarchies and States, called variously by such names as “Christendom”, “the Christian common wealth” and “the Family of Nations” (“the Christian nations of Europe and their offshoots in America”). daccess-ods.un.org |
看一眼下面的照片吧!冠以“冲 浪天堂”之名的206套房,以其天然的装潢材料和搭配了日落橙的温馨色调,渗透出真实的Billabong品牌风格。 labbrand.com | Dubbed as a “surfer’s paradise”, Suite 206 exudes true Billabong style, with its use of natural materials and a wash of soothing colors coupled with energetic bursts of sunset orange. labbrand.com |
整个系列被重新冠以不同的配音演员为动画片网络。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The entire series was re-dubbed with different voice actors for Cartoon Network. seekcartoon.com |
父 亲身分尚未确立时,如母亲及其丈夫在负责民事登记之公务员面前声明其欲对未 成年子女冠以母亲丈夫之姓氏,则可 冠以该姓氏( 《民法典》第1730 条和第1731 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whenever paternity is not established, the minor may take the surnames of the husband of the mother, should either party declare before the registrar that this is their wish (arts. 1730 and 1731 of the CC). daccess-ods.un.org |
在德国,德国对话框编辑器传说埃伯哈德Storeckand演员德克·巴赫说写的原始声音,屏幕上的动作有关的诙谐诗被 冠以了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In Germany, witty poems relating to the screen action were dubbed over the original sound, written by German dialog editor legend Eberhard Storeckand spoken by actor Dirk Bach. seekcartoon.com |
其他显着的变化:精致的金表冠,以增加抓地力的整体平衡,以及存在的计数器超大的表盘,从而提高可读性,多为黑色板岩(除在6点钟秒计数器永久),他们站出来的映衬下银缎拨号。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Other significant changes: the refined goldcrown foradded grip as the overall balance, and the presence of counters oversized dial to increase readability as much as black slate (except counter at 6 o'clock for seconds permanent), they stand out well against the background silver satin dial. en.horloger-paris.com |
三、经采取前二款措施均无效时,分别以主频率及次 频率盲目发送,发话前并冠以「盲目发送」,所发 电文需每句重覆一遍。 tacare.org.tw | If the attempts specified in (1) and (2) above fail, the aircraft station shall transmit blind its message twice on both primary and secondary frequencies, preceded by the phrase "TRANSMITTING BLIND". tacare.org.tw |
同时,Apollo亦精通箭术,百发百中,从未射失;故曜越太阳神即以其为象徵,代表团队光明磊落与热情,甫以前头 冠以集团名称及队中有多名选手,称为曜越太阳神(Thermaltake Apollos)。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | This was where Tt APOLLOS got the name from, symbolizing integrity and passion of the team. taiwanexcellence.in |
除 差 错 和 疏 忽 外 , [...] 凡 专 利 产 品 名 称均冠以大写字 母 , 以 示 区 别 。 world-heart-federation.org | Errors and omissions excepted, the names of [...] proprietary products are distinguished by [...]initial capital letters. world-heart-federation.org |
尚礼坊香港花店开张花篮,由橙色太阳花,黄玫瑰,紫色桔梗(可以要求其他顔色组合)组成, 冠以天堂 鸟,放於铁架上。 givegift.com.hk | Give Gift Hong Kong Flower Shop grand opening flower stand, with yellow geberra, yellow roses, purple eustoma(can request other color combination), topped with Birdof Paradise, placed on metalic stands. givegift.com.hk |
也就是说,那些酒精含量不达标的酒类品牌不能 冠以包含 “vodka”字样的名称。 labbrand.com | This means that brands which do not have a sufficient amount of alcohol will not be allowed to have names which sound like or contain the word ‘vodka’. labbrand.com |
此款腕表亦配备专有的橡胶表带(钛合金和玫瑰金款式采用灰色,铂金款式采用蓝色),由微型精抛光和缎面磨砂钛合金螺柱连接,在设计上模仿赛车的冷冻进气口,而微型精抛光表冠(以钛合 金、玫瑰金或白金打造)则以机械方式制作成近似齿轮的形状,并饰上刻有爱彼标识的红色阳极氧化铝夹板。 audemarspiguet.com | The specially - designed rubber strap - grey on titanium and pink gold editions, blue on the platinum edition - is attached by microblasted, satin-brushed titanium studs which emulate a racing [...] car’s cooling scoops, while the [...] microblasted crown(madefrom eithertitanium, pink [...]gold or white gold) is machined to resemble [...]a gear wheel and adorned with a red anodised, aluminium plate carrying the Audemars Piguet logo. audemarspiguet.com |
HRH 王子 Khaled bin Sultan-海洋生物基金会(总部位于美国并 冠以王子姓名的环境组织)的创始人和主席今天在巴塞罗那举行的世界自然保护大会上宣布,基金会正式发起 “全球珊瑚礁探险:科学无国界(R)” 计划。 tipschina.gov.cn | HRH Prince General Khaled bin Sultan, founder and Chairman of the Living Oceans Foundation, the U.S.-headquartered environmental organization that bears his name, today announced the formal launch of the Foundation's "Global Reef Expedition: Science Without Borders(R)" at the World Conservation Congress being held here. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们几乎有无限的机会为这些产品冠以Sunbrella 品牌名称。 glenraven.com | There is an almost endless list of opportunities for applying theSunbrella brand name to products. glenraven.com |
四、通信失效如由於接收机故障,发话前应 冠以「接收机故障盲目发送」,并告知下一次发话时间。 tacare.org.tw | Whenan aircraft station is unable to establish communication due to receiver failure, the message transmitted shall be preceded by the phrase "TRANSMITTING BLIND DUE TO RECEIVER FAILURE". tacare.org.tw |
爱彼与汽车运动建立了非常密切的关系,特别是与赛车冠军好手Rubens [...] Barrichello所建立的合作伙伴关系,在彼此合作伙伴的关系范围内,品牌为这枚运动型计时码表搭配模仿排气设备的按钮、踏板造型的表耳、高精密机械的表 冠以及静止在时间刻度上的法兰,像极了紧贴地面的低车身赛车。 audemarspiguet.com | Audemars Piguet's well-established ties with the field of motor sports, and especially its partnership with racing champion Rubens Barrichello, are honored in [...] this chronograph with a dedicated [...] design that includespushpieces resemblingair extractors, [...]pedal-shaped lugs, a high-mech [...]crown and a flange resting on the hour-markers much like a low-slung racing car hugs the ground. audemarspiguet.com |
09.04 国际局认为商品和服务未按正确类别分组,或者未 冠以类号,或 者类号不正确时,将提出自己的建议,通知原属局并抄送申请人。 wipo.int | 09.04 If the International Bureau considers that the goods and services are not grouped in the appropriate class or classes, or if they arenot preceded by the number of the class or classes, or if that number is not correct, it will make its own proposal, which it notifies to the Office of origin and copies to the applicant. wipo.int |
(g) 理解需要在地方、国家、区域和国际各级制定战略并协调行动,通过教 育和提高认识等行动,消除诋毁他人和对他人 冠以负面宗教成见以及煽动宗教仇 恨的行为 daccess-ods.un.org | (g ) Understanding the need to combat denigration and the negative religious stereotyping of persons, as well as incitement to religious hatred, by strategizing and harmonizing actions at the local, national, regional and international levels through, inter alia, education and awareness-raising daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 理解需要在地方、国家、区域和国际各级制定战略并协调行动,通过教 育和提高认识等行动,消除诋毁他人和对他人 冠以负面 宗教成见以及煽动宗教仇 恨的行为; (h) 确认以开放、建设性和相互尊重的方式进行思想辩论以及在地方、国家 和国际各级开展宗教间和文化间对话,可在消除宗教仇恨、煽动和暴力行为方面 发挥积极作用 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Understanding the need to combat denigration and the negative religious stereotyping of persons, as well as incitement to religious hatred, by strategizing and harmonizing actions at the local, national, regional and international levels through, inter alia, education and awareness-raising daccess-ods.un.org |
其他玫瑰金部件包括表盘上的手工嵌花的多立面指示器,分针和时针,位于4点钟位置的小三针,位于3点钟位置的烤漆表冠,以及表带上的折叠扣。 hautehorlogerie.org | Other rose gold components are the hand-applied faceted indexes on the dial, the minute and hour hands, the small second hand at 4 o’clock, the thermo-lacquered crownat 3 o’clock, and the strap’s folding buckle. hautehorlogerie.org |
叙利亚申明,对恐怖主义不能冠以自卫一词,并谨此提醒人们注意某些国家 的机会主义,这些国家在为叙利亚和世界其他地区的恐怖分子提供武装的同时, 却声称要打击全球恐怖主义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Syria affirms that terrorism cannot be characterized as self-defence, and would like to draw attention to the opportunism of certain States, which claim to be fighting global terrorism even as they are arming terrorists in Syria and other parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |