

单词 农户


小农户 n

smallholder n

See also:

surname Nong
government field official (old)
diligent (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

数千个农户将参 与建立一个粮食和乙醇烹饪燃料生产设施,采用可持续 的耕种做法,并为经济和生态上可持续的社区奠定基础。
[...] of smallholder farmers will be engaged [...]
to create a food and ethanol cooking fuel production facility, implement
sustainable farming practices and lay the groundwork for economically and ecologically sustainable communities.
为了使非农户不恢复使用甲基 溴,将需要对替代技术的使用提供咨询意见和培训。
In order to stop farmers in Africa from returning [...]
to MB use, advice and training on alternative technology use would be needed.
除非对所有资源缺乏农户给予 充分的照顾, 否则全国范围广泛施用微量营养素就不可能实现。
Unless genuine constraints on the part
[...] of resource-poor farmers are not taken care [...]
of adequately, wide-scale adoption of
micronutrient use is not expected in the country.
在 2 月 28 日和 29 日第 2 和第 3 次会议上,委员会面前有
[...] 秘书长的说明,分别转递农业统计主席之友委员会的报告(E/CN.3/2012/6)及农 村发展农户收入 统计怀伊小组的报告(E/CN.3/2012/7)。
At its 2nd and 3rd meetings, on 28 and 29 February, the Commission had before it notes by the Secretary-General transmitting, respectively, the report of the Committee of the Friends of the Chair on agricultural statistics
(E/CN.3/2012/6) and the report of the Wye Group on statistics on
[...] rural development and agriculture household income (E/CN.3/2012/7).
[...] 农业生产力,创造出口收入,并通过降低粮食实际成本和增加 农户 的 实 际收入 来减少贫穷和饥饿。
Such investments will boost agricultural productivity, generate export revenues
and alleviate poverty and hunger by lowering the real cost of food and increasing real
[...] incomes among small holder farmers.
[...] 柿,而且还有西瓜、草莓、香蕉和各种蔬菜)以及各种谷物的收割后处理;用户类型 (即,农户和小农户、高 新技术和低技术生产者);所采用替代品的主要类型;以及影 响此种替代品可持续性的因素(经济、政治、管理、技术)。
The desk study undertaken considered in general terms: a historical overview of MB phase-out in Africa and the progress made to date; the main MB consuming sectors in the region – tobacco seedlings, cut flowers, horticulture (particularly tomatoes, but also melons, strawberries, bananas and a variety of vegetables) and
postharvest treatment of grains;
[...] the types of users (i.e. both large and small farmers, high and low tech [...]
producers); the main kinds
of alternatives adopted; and factors influencing the sustainability of such alternatives (economic, political, regulatory, technical).
政府有必要投资于支持无地农民、 农户 生 产 者和农业部门妇女的方案,发 展可持续的适应气候的生计,包括土地改革和相应的支助服务。
Governments need to invest in programmes supporting landless and
[...] smallholder farmers and women in the agricultural sector to [...]
develop sustainable and climate-resilient
livelihoods, including agrarian reform and accompanying support services.
部长们重申其加大对农业的投资的承诺,以实现农业的潜力,特别是加快实 施非洲农业发展综合方案和 2003 年《马普托宣言》;全力支持在 5 年内实现非洲 粮食安全的设想,并支持提供激励措施(包括为 农户 提 供 有针对性的补贴和市 场稳定措施)的战略和措施并在所有部门政策和方案中将粮食安全主流化,以致 力于这一设想的实现;认识到必须在各自国家加快土地改革,以确保特别是小土 地所有者和妇女公平获取和保有土地使用权。
The Ministers reiterated their commitment to enhance investment in agriculture to realize its potential, particularly to accelerate the implementation of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme and the Maputo Declaration of 2003; fully supported the vision of a food-secure Africa within five years and committed to its realization through supporting strategies and measures that would provide incentives, including targeted subsidies to small-scale farmers and market stabilization measures as well as mainstreaming food security in all sectoral policies and programmes; and recognized the need to accelerate land reforms in their countries in order to ensure equitable access and security of tenure, especially for smallholders and women.
三分之二的农户生活 在偏远地区 和环境条件恶劣的贫瘠土地上,如山区或易遭受干旱和其他自然灾害的地区,而 [...]
Two thirds of smallholder farmers live on remote and [...]
marginal lands in environmentally difficult conditions, such as in
mountainous areas or areas threatened by drought and other natural disasters, while good, fertile land tends to be concentrated in the hands of wealthier landowners.
使用FOSS提供的粮食测试质量保证方案 农户 可 以确信粮食进行了正确的分级和付款,购买者也对他们所买到的粮食质量完全放心。
Using the grain testing quality assurance procedures available in
[...] FOSS instruments, farmers are assured of correct [...]
grading and payment and buyers can
have complete confidence in the grain they buy.
并且, 调查还显示 89% 的农户主要依靠薪材,而82%的城 市居民主要依靠木炭满足能源需求。
The survey also
[...] revealed that 89% of rural households relied on [...]
fuel wood, while 82% of the urban households relied on charcoal for their energy needs.
[...] Toe 镇应急部队根据当地 一农户提供的信息,2011 年 11 月 16 [...]
日从与科特迪瓦接壤地区附近的一个灌木 地中起获了 385 发弹药。
Liberian and UNMIL officials informed the Panel that on 16 November 2011 the ERU in Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County, recovered 385 rounds
of ammunition, following information
[...] provided by a local farmer, from a nearby [...]
bush area in the border region with Côte d’Ivoire.
[...] 决下列问题:增强经济活力、促进可持续利用自然资 源、提高小农和边缘农户的能力,以及建立适当的 价格与贸易政策机制。
India’s comprehensive strategy for food security and agriculture development addressed the issues of improving economic viability, promoting the sustainable
use of natural resources, empowering
[...] small and marginal farmers and adopting appropriate [...]
price and trade policy mechanisms.
这 项宣言的第一条就对农民下了定义,规定农民包括:小 农户 、 无 地 农 民 以 及在 农村地区从事渔业、手工业和服务行业的非农民家庭以及其他以从事放牧、刀耕 [...]
Its first article gives a definition of a peasant, which includes
small-scale farmers, landless peasants
[...] and non-agricultural households in rural areas, [...]
whose members are engaged in fishing,
making crafts for the local market or providing services, and other rural households of pastoralists, nomads, peasants practising shifting cultivation, hunters and gatherers, and people with similar livelihoods.
在波兰农户饲养 的动物包括牛、猪、羊、 马、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅和兔子。
The animals raised in agricultural households in Poland include [...]
cows, pigs, sheep, horses, goats, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits.
在目前审查千年发展目标(千年目标)的背景下, 该国政府努力向母亲和五岁以下儿童提供免费医疗、
[...] 其成功的防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾方案、其针对农户而且常常是赤农户开展 商业化方案,以及修 建道路支线将封闭的村庄与全国公路网相联,这些工 [...]
Against the background of the ongoing review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Government’s efforts to provide free medical care to mothers and children under five, its successful programmes to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria, its
commercialization programme for small
[...] and often desperately poor farmers, and the construction of feeder [...]
roads connecting isolated
villages to the national road grid are of particular importance.
农业的可持续性取决于适当的投资:需要投资 研发针对地方农业生态条件的适应性技术;特别是 针对农户和妇 女的投资;在农民教育和培训方面 的投资;在农业有形基础设施方面的投资;以及提 升农业和农村发展的最佳做法方面的投资。
Sustainability of agriculture depended on appropriate investments: there was a need to invest in research into adapted technologies for local agro-ecological conditions; in extension, especially for smallholders and women; in farmers’ education and training; in the physical infrastructure of agriculture; and in the scaling-up of best practices, both in agriculture and in rural development.
[...] 于被化学品污染,财产所有者或财产使用者的财产价值或功效下降;由于化学品污染,渔民、 猎人和农户的生 计受到破坏;由于传统食物被污染,土著人民的生活方式受到破坏;供水受 [...]
Externalized costs include legacy issues such as obsolete stockpiles and contaminated sites, as well as children whose development has been impaired as a result of prenatal and post-natal chemical exposure; persons whose health has been injured as a result of chemical exposure; persons providing health-care services to such people when the injured are not able to pay for the services; property owners or users whose property value or utility decreases as a
result of chemical contamination;
[...] fishers, hunters, small farmers and others whose livelihoods [...]
are impaired by chemical contamination;
indigenous peoples whose way of life has been undermined through contamination of their traditional foods; people whose water supply is contaminated; and others.
无地农 民、农业部门的妇女以及农户生产 者是粮食权受到侵犯的第一受害者――尽管 小农场生产了世界农村和城市人口所需的主粮作物的大部分,以及妇女占农业生 产者的很大一部分,生产了当地消费的粮食的大部分。
Landless farmers, women in the agricultural sector, and smallholder producers [...]
are the first victims of violations of the
right to food, despite small farms producing the majority of the staple crops needed to feed the world’s rural and urban populations, and women being a substantial majority of the agricultural producers who produce most of the food consumed locally.
研究结论是,在促进农业产业化经营和农民组织创新中,政府政策应更多地倾向于支持 农民专业合作社,提高农民的组织化程度,而不是发展“公 司 + 农户 ” 模 式。
In conclusion, public policies need to focus primarily on supporting the development of specialised farming co-ops and improving the organisation of agriculture rather than pursuing the “company + farming” household model any
further when seeking to promote
[...] the management of agricultural industrialisation and organisational [...]
innovation in farming.
粮农组织代表表示,粮农组织支持妇女署在下述方面开展的工作:减贫、粮 食和营养保障及农业政策、妇女经济赋权、促进 农户 权 利 、支持妇女组织促进 农村发展、提高农村生产力、促进妇女体面农村就业、减少男女童工和倡导农业 [...]
The representative of FAO expressed the support of FAO for the work of UN-Women in poverty
alleviation, food and nutrition
[...] security and agricultural policy, women’s economic empowerment, the promotion of the rights of smallholder [...]
farmers, support
to women’s organizations for rural development, enhancing rural productivity, promoting decent rural employment for women, reducing child labour for boys and girls and advocating agricultural investment.
在一些地区,家庭的水权被记录在 农户 水 权 证上, 但这种方法仍然很新,并且尚无法确定这种措施将在多大范围内进行推广。
In some places these rights are
[...] recorded on household water rights [...]
certificates, although this is a new approach and it
is not yet clear how widely it will be adopted.
[...] 善土地利用、可持续森林管理、获取和适当使用现代技术、市场准入以及向小规农户(包括妇女、土著人民和农村社区)赋予权力等办法实现这些目标
This should be achieved through diversification and value-added activities, research and development, improved land use, sustainable forest management, access to and the appropriate use of modern technology and
access to markets, as well as the empowerment
[...] of small-scale farmers, including women, [...]
indigenous peoples and rural communities
加纳目前的可可产量仅为潜在产量的40%,伙伴关系将改善可可种 农户 的 收 入,帮助他们提高可可豆的产量和质量,通过微观经济及商业支持创造新的收入来源,并投资于建立社区学校和图书馆、保护生物多样性项目以及改善清洁水的供应。
With current cocoa yields hitting only 40 percent of their potential in the African country, the Cadbury
Cocoa Partnership is designed to improve
[...] the income of cocoa farmers by helping them increase [...]
their yields and produce top quality
beans, introduce new sources of rural income through microfinance and business support, and invest in community-led development from schools and libraries to biodiversity protection projects and wells for clean water.
立法的关键方面是所有食 品和饲料生产操作者,农户和加 工商到零售商和提供饮食的人,具有确保在欧 [...]
A key aspect of the legislation is that all food and feed
[...] business operators, from farmers and processors to [...]
retailers and caterers, have principal
responsibility for ensuring that food placed on the European Union market meets the required food safety standards.
的占用预测,对土地规模经营和粮食生产率的影响;(2)粮食流通对粮食安全的影响的实 证分析以及中长期预测;(3)中国获取世界粮食资源的可能性有多大,将面临哪些重要的 不确定性因素,对中长期国家发展产生何种影响;(4)中长期粮食需求的影响因素,包括 城市化趋势以及能源农业需求的影响;( 5 ) 农户 的 粮食储备行为中长期变化趋势,对国家 粮食储备以及粮食安全的影响;(6)国家层面的粮食安全成本分析。
(2) An empirical analysis must be carried out as well as middle and long-term predictions about the influence of food distribution on food safety. (3) An evaluation of the probability of China being able to procure food resources on the world market, the important factors of instability China will need to deal with and the influence that this will have on national development over the middle and long-term.
[...] 离国际标准;成本花费;缺乏科学依据;缺乏透明度;缺乏上诉机制,以及对 农户不 相称的影响。
Regarding the negative aspects of private standards, replies included: the multiplicity of standards; deviations from international standards; the costs of compliance; the lack of scientific
justification; the lack of transparency; the lack of appeal mechanisms, and the
[...] disproportionate effect on smallholders.
这些骄人的成绩是执行了“零饥饿”政策的结果,即从 农户 采 购 粮食 供应,提供给儿童、青少年和有需要的成年人,并通过家庭补助金计划(家庭津 [...]
These remarkable achievements were the result of a
zero hunger policy that sourced food
[...] supplies from small farmers to feed children, adolescents [...]
and needy adults and, through
the Bolsa Familia (Family Grant) programme, gave money to poor families to keep children healthy and in school.
(e) 我们强调,特别重视农户和农产企 业的综合和可持续农业和农村发展 政策与做法,以及增加对最不发达国家的投资,对于消除贫困和饥饿以及实现粮 食安全和营养安全至关重要
(e) We underscore that integrated and
[...] sustainable agriculture and rural development policies and practices, focusing particularly on small-scale farmers and agro-businesses, [...]
as well as increased
investments in least developed countries, are essential to the eradication of poverty and hunger and the achievement of food and nutritional security
还认识到发展中国家中包括妇女在内的 农户 、 合作社、土著和地方社区在 落实就业政策、社会融合、地区和农业发展、农业及环境保护等领域发展目标方 [...]
Recognizing further the importance and
[...] positive role of smallholder farmers, including women, [...]
cooperatives and indigenous and local
communities in developing countries in the implementation of development goals in such fields as employment policy, social integration, regional and rural development, agriculture and environmental protection




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