

单词 农地

农地 ()




Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei

See also:


agriculture n
peasant n

government field official (old)
surname Nong
diligent (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

在伯利恒以南的 Al-Khader
[...] 镇,以色列占领军发出 通知,要没收 170 德南的土地并将隔离墙背后的 20 000 德南巴勒斯农地隔离起来。
In the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem, Israeli occupying forces
issued a notice to confiscate 170 dunums of land and isolate 20,000
[...] dunums of Palestinian agricultural land behind the Wall.
(e) 推农地改革 ,把土地批给没有土地或土地不足的土著、原有人民的 跨文化社区、非洲裔玻利维亚人和没有土地或土地不足的佃农社区
(e) The promotion of agrarian reform and the [...]
granting of land to indigenous original campesino people, intercultural communities
of original peoples, Bolivians of African descent and campesino communities whose members have no land or insufficient land; (f) Profit-sharing when natural resources are extracted from the territories of
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童农村地区家 庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from
marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose
[...] families live in rural areas or below [...]
the poverty line.
此外,在 2011 年 1 月 23
[...] 日星期日,以色列人用推 土机毁坏更多的巴勒斯农地,将 伯利恒以南 Al Khader 镇的橄榄树、几十个葡 [...]
萄藤和扁桃树连根拔起,以便扩建只有犹太人可以使用的绕行道路,供附近 “Daniel”非法定居点使用。
In addition, on Sunday, 23 January 2011, Israeli bulldozers
[...] destroyed more Palestinian agricultural land, uprooting olive [...]
trees and dozens of grapevines
and almond trees in the town of Al Khader, south of Bethlehem, for the purpose of expanding a Jewish-only bypass road to serve the illegal settlement of “Daniel” nearby.
此外,在巴西,即使面积 未超过最高门槛,外国投资者在收购或租 农地 时 或 者拟 农地 进 行 任何农业、畜牧业、工业或土地垦殖计划等 项目,也须事先获得行政许可。
Furthermore, in Brazil, even if the area does not exceed the maximum thresholds, the foreign investor must, as a general rule, obtain administrative authorisation for any
acquisition or lease transaction
[...] aimed at implementing agricultural, cattle-raising, industrial [...]
or land settlement projects in rural land.
( 第六条)
[...] 委员会促请缔约国确保巴勒斯坦人能够不受阻碍地进入位于其领土全境内农 地,并 建议缔约国按其安全关切的严格需要明确划定缓冲区而且将所适用制度的 [...]
The Committee urges the State party to
ensure that Palestinians enjoy
[...] unimpeded access to their agricultural lands in all their [...]
territories, and recommends that the
State party clearly demarcate the buffer zone to the extent strictly necessary to address its security concerns and effectively inform the civilian population in the Gaza Strip of the extent of its applicable regime.
保护农民和其农村地区劳动者的权利需要更多关注农业改革,使 地农 民和 小块土地所有者受益,并促进保障土地所有权和获得土地的机会。50只有 在土地改革从根本上减少土地分配的不平等,并充分提供其他投入,包括水、贷 [...]
To protect the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, more attention needs to be paid [...]
to agrarian reforms that
benefit landless peasants and small-scale land holders and promote security of tenure and access to land.50 Agrarian reforms are successful when land reform radically reduces inequalities in land distribution and is accompanied by sufficient access to other inputs, including water, credit, transport, extension services and other infrastructure.
(b) 通过一项综合性的行动方案,其中包括关于在土著 地 、 农 村 地 区以 及城市贫民区为土著儿童提供各种服务和基础设施的有针对性的方案和投资,以 [...]
便改善土著儿童和其他少数族裔儿童的社会和经济地位,同时考虑到委员会关于 土著儿童及其《公约》规定权利的第
(b) Adopt a comprehensive action plan for indigenous children, including targeted programmes and investment in
services and infrastructure in
[...] indigenous territories and rural and deprived urban [...]
areas in order to improve the socio-economic
situation of indigenous and other minority children, taking into account the Committee’s general comment No. 11 (2009) on indigenous children and their rights under the Convention; and
新加坡还鼓 励地农业并 支持旨在提高本地生产力的研究和开 发活动。
It was also
[...] encouraging local farming and supporting [...]
research and development aimed at improving local productivity.
他表示,有必要加强有关国家的能力,并建议工发组织协调它与联合国粮 食和农业组织以及地农校的努力。
He said that there was a need to reinforce the capacity of the countries
concerned and suggested that UNIDO coordinate its efforts
[...] with the Food and Agriculture Organization and the field farm schools.
在圭亚那、哥伦比亚等地,我们与合 作伙伴一起探索基于地农作物 的非奶制 品,为当地营养不良的儿童开发强化食品。
Supplying milk and nutritious foods to schools improves health and learning outcomes and boosts livelihoods by creating demand for locally produced, high quality food.
政府有必要投资于支持地农民、小农户生产者和农业部门妇女的方案,发 展可持续的适应气候的生计,包括土地改革和相应的支助服务。
Governments need to invest in programmes supporting landless and
[...] smallholder farmers and women in the agricultural sector to [...]
develop sustainable and climate-resilient
livelihoods, including agrarian reform and accompanying support services.
这一任务的内容包括凭借十分有限的资 源,确保逐步实现粮食安全,提供保健服务、优质教育、社会保障、适足的住 房、供水和卫生设施、农村发展、土地改革和归还 地 、 农 村 和城市周边地区电 气化等等。
The implication of that task entailed, among others, ensuring the progressive realization to food security, access to health services, quality education, social security, adequate housing, water and sanitation, rural development, land reform and land restitution, and electrification of rural and peri-urban areas—with very limited resources.
行动纲领》要应对最不发达国家的基本结构问题以及粮食安全和气候变化 带来的危机,要大胆应对政治敏感问题,例如外国农工商企业大规模购地及其对地农民和 农村发展的损害,还要致力于加强发展伙伴关系,包括通过南南合作。
The Programme of Action will need to address the underlying structural problems of the least developed countries, as well as the food security and climate change crises.
联合国将为所有国家 和世界地、农村和 城市地区以及主要城市编写官方人口估计和预测,这将成为整个联合国系 统一致使用的标准人口数据集。
The official United Nations demographic estimates and projections will be prepared for all countries and areas of the world, as well as urban and rural areas and major cities, and will serve as the standard and consistent set of population figures for use throughout the United Nations system.
该计划越来越多地 侧重于青年团体和妇女网络,这种方式在 地农 村 社 区成效显著。
The programme has increasingly focused on youth groups and women’s networks and this has proved to be
[...] efficient in local rural communities.
(c) 关于土地标准价和土地购置的第1308号法律(1997年7月25日通过)是适
用于下列情况的主要法律文书:(a)土地购置包括私有化建筑占用的土地或正在 私有化的土地、私有企业的土地以及未完工建筑占用的土地;(b)依照股东(创始
[...] 人)的决定以及与土地所有权人签订的协议中规定的未完工建筑占用的公共土地 以其法定资本价值参股房屋建设项目;(c)占用耕地或 地 、 农 用 土 地 流 转以及 将耕地和林地转为其他类土地;(d)强迫转让土地;(e)租赁关系。
(c) The law on the normative price and the purchase of land, No. 1308 from 25.07.1997 is the main legal document which is applied to cases of (a) purchase of land, including lands of privatised buildings or which are in the process of privatisation, of the lands of private enterprises, as well as the lands of unfinished constructions; (b) inclusion of the value of the public property lands of unfinished buildings and constructions specified at letter a) in their statutory capital, following the decision of the share holders (founders) and with the agreement of the land owner, as a participation share in the building or
construction; (c) exclusion of the lands from
[...] the category of agricultural lands and forest lands, as well as from the agricultural circulation, and their [...]
transferral to other
categories of land; (d) forced alienation of lands; (e) lease relations.
强调国家生产和粮食供给而不强调个人 权利没有解决,比如城市贫困人口、无 地农 民或 自给农民的需求。
An emphasis on national production and availability of food rather than
individual entitlement did not, for example, address the needs of the urban poor,
[...] landless peasants or subsistence farmers.
为回应马拉维的谷物盈余问题,粮食计划署于 2010 年 7 月从谷物和豆类协 会购买了 50 吨玉米,该协会是一家由 95 000 多户小户农民组成的农民组织,作
[...] 为该机构“以购买促发展”行动的一部分,该行动为实现其援助行动,从 地农 民组织处购买盈余,以此协助推动发展中国家的农业生产和收入水平。
In response to the Malawi grain surplus, WFP bought 50 tons of maize in July 2010 from the Grain and Legumes Association, a farmers’ organization made up of more than 95,000 smallholder farmers, as part of the agency’s Purchase for Progress initiative,
which buys surplus from local farmers’ organizations for its aid operations,
[...] thereby helping to boost agricultural production and [...]
incomes in developing nations.
采矿公司 还使用过量的水,这些水本可以供 地农 民 使 用。
They also use quantities of water that are excessive and that would
[...] otherwise be used by local farmers.
大规模砍伐导 致洪水泛滥,人口迁徙,广泛地破坏 地农 业 、经 济和基础设施。
Logging has resulted in extensive flooding, large scale human
[...] displacement and widespread agricultural, economic and infrastructure damage.
地农 民、农业部 门的妇女以及小农户生产者是粮食权受到侵犯的第一受害者――尽管 小农场生产了世界农村和城市人口所需的主粮作物的大部分,以及妇女占农业生 [...]
[...] farmers, women in the agricultural sector, and [...]
smallholder producers are the first victims of violations of the
right to food, despite small farms producing the majority of the staple crops needed to feed the world’s rural and urban populations, and women being a substantial majority of the agricultural producers who produce most of the food consumed locally.
水乡风景特征  本工程中的园林设计借鉴了地农村 的水乡风景典型,像芦荡或鱼塘。
Local Landscape Patterns  The design of the gardens in this
project borrows patterns
[...] from local rural landscape, such as the reed-bordered waterways and the fishponds, but in an abstracted [...]
way to create a symbolized nature.
[...] 出杂交水稻专家,向当地的教员就如何根据当地条件引进杂交水稻栽培技术提 供咨询意见,并监测对地农民的 培训,通过亲自参与的方式解决他们的关心 [...]
Based on the needs of participating countries, hybrid rice experts will be sent to agricultural research institutes in individual participating countries to advise local trainers on how to adapt hybrid rice cultivation
technology to local conditions and monitor the
[...] training of local farmers, addressing their [...]
concerns through participatory engagement.
各国政府可努力确保尽可能多的人有明确的土地合法使用 权,而且要求地主提供土地租赁凭证,以便确认了 地农 民 的 信用。
Governments can aim to ensure that as many people as possible have clear legal tenure, and
also require landlords to provide evidence of tenancy that could help confirm the
[...] creditworthiness of landless farmers.
[...] 一些拟建的“农业技术示范中心”,专家可以在示 范中心培训地农民如 何在政府拨给的土地上提高 产量。
At present, Chinese plans in South Sudan appear limited to technical
support and a handful
[...] of proposed “agricultural demonstration [...]
centres”, in which experts would train local farmers to boost production on land granted by the government.
教科文组织教育研究所 的 CREFELD
[...] 项目为乍得湖周边国家的教师和执业者们提供环境方面的培训,该项目还在继 续培养培训教师,以教育地农村人 口和学校。
UIE’s CREFELD project on environmental training for teachers and multiplicators that groups the
countries bordering the Lake Chad, continued training trainers with a view to
[...] educating local rural populations and [...]
正如我们在第 3 章提到的,地农民对 植物品种的使用和不断发展、对这 些品种的共享和传播以及与此相关的知识对发展中国家的农业系统起着非常重要的作用。
As we note in Chapter 3, the use and continuous
[...] development by local farmers of plant varieties [...]
and the sharing and diffusion of these
varieties and the knowledge associated with them play an essential role in agricultural systems in developing countries.
若将一个地农场的 所有树木都换成单一农作物,那么随后 雨水将把大量的土壤冲到附近的低洼区域,不论好 坏,都将影响土壤的肥力。
If a hill farm replaces all its trees with a monoculture crop, the subsequent rains will wash down substantial amounts of soil into the neighbor’s low-lying fields and affect the soil fertility, for better or worse.




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