

单词 农会



China National Farmers' Games (sports meeting for peasants held every 4 years since 1988)

See also:

government field official (old)
diligent (old)
surname Nong

External sources (not reviewed)

A fuel station belonging to the farmers’ union was broken into.
哈马斯事实当局在报告所述期间关闭了几个平 民协会,包括一个记者协会和一 农会。
The de facto Hamas authorities closed
down several civilian associations during the reporting period, including a
[...] journalists’ syndicate and a farmers’ union.
6 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Talbisah 农会总部 附近向执法人员开枪并发射火箭 榴弹。
At 0600 hours, an armed terrorist group opened
fire and launched rocketpropelled grenades at law enforcement
[...] personnel near the farmers’ union headquarters [...]
in Talbisah.
6:59 这些话是耶稣在迦农会堂里 教训人说的。
6:59 These things
[...] he said in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
先生的电影导演Atma的拉姆Echra,谁在他的英明领导下已成功劝说成员沙希德万佛姬起山俱乐部 农会 ) 在 村抵制BT棉的:起山Bachao Andolan(除农民运动)的主持下,在驱动器中,对他的爱和奉献,为动物和自然。
Mr. Atma Ram Echra, who under his able leadership has
successfully persuaded members Shaheed
[...] Bucha Ji Kisan Club (Farmers' Club) based at the [...]
village to boycott BT cotton in a drive
under the aegis of Kisan Bachao Andolan (Save Farmer Movement), is known for his love and dedication for animals and nature.
2013年3月18日,台湾农委会”农业试 验所表示,已开发出LED诱虫器,利用害虫对特殊光波的偏好原理所研发的灯光诱引技术,达到“节能”及“高诱杀效能”的需求,每10分钟诱虫数2500只,提升谷仓害虫防治的安全性,又能解决农药残留问题,将逐渐推广到谷仓害虫防治。
On March 18, 2013,
[...] Taiwan said, "agriculture" in agricultural experiment has [...]
developed the LED trap, using the preference
principle of pests for special light light decoys technology research and development, to achieve "energy saving" and "high luring efficiency" requirements, every 10 minutes trap number 2500, boost barn pest control security, and can solve the problem of pesticide residue, will be gradually extended to the barn pest control.
(i) 进行协作研究方案; (ii) 进行联合项目;
[...] (g) 巴基斯坦(巴勒斯坦农业研究理 会-农 研 会 ) : 接 纳次级作 物减贫中心的职员在巴基斯坦从事志愿工作,为小农、减贫举措和有机农 [...]
(g) Pakistan (Pakistan Agricultural Research Council): [...]
Accept CAPSA staff as volunteers to work in Pakistan to assist small
farmers and support poverty reduction initiatives and organic farming systems
民间社会论坛吸引了 1 500 名参与者,来自代表妇女运动、青年运动、 会、 农民联合会、媒体、以及人权维护者的 270 个组织。
The Civil Society Forum attracted 1,500 participants from 270 organizations representing women’s movements, youth movements, trade unions, peasant federations, media [...]
and human rights defenders.
2011 年,国际农业发展基会(农发基 金)与土著人民合作,开展了下列活动, 以提高公众对土著人民文化多样性的认识。
As part of the
[...] International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) [...]
engagement with indigenous peoples, the following
activities were carried out in 2011, in order to raise public awareness of indigenous peoples’ cultural diversity.
(c) 技术合作(经常预算和预算外):训练班、讨论会和讲习班:关于欧洲经 会农 业 质 量标准 的研讨会(5);数据统一、单一窗口、贸易便利化和贸易政策等一般性问题(6);关于使用 [...]
(c) Technical cooperation (regular budget and extrabudgetary):
training courses, seminars and
[...] workshops: seminars on ECE agricultural quality standards [...]
(5) and data harmonization, single
window, trade facilitation and policy issues in general (6); regional training workshops to build capacity for the use of the trade facilitation implementation guide (6).
政府的各部委,如教育部农业部, 社 会 与 青 年事务部以及与青年人打交道的非政府 组织也会成为协调机制的一部分。
Government ministries such as
[...] those of education, agriculture, social community [...]
and youth affairs, as well as NGOs working
with youth are also expected to be part of this coordinating mechanism.
为此,她敦促发达国家停止其 贸易扭曲农业补贴,因为会导致 农 产 品 匮乏, 在长期内加剧粮食危机。
In that regard, she urged developed countries to
discontinue their
[...] trade-distorting agricultural subsidies, which led to shortfalls of agricultural products and [...]
would exacerbate the food crisis in the long term.
件已在最近一届执行委员会会议上进行了审议,经讨论后,同意将该项目文件 22 中提出
[...] 的有关分析方法问题提交给食品中污染物委 会 、 农 药 残 留委员会和分析和采样方法委 员会,供他们在各自主管领域作为优先事项进行评估,特别是评估进一步开展工作是否 [...]
The Commission further noted that the project document had been considered at the last session of the Executive Committee and, after some discussion, agreed to refer the issue on the methods of analysis raised in Project
Document 22 to the Committees on Contaminants
[...] in Foods, on Pesticide Residues and [...]
on Methods of Analysis and Sampling for review
in their respective areas of competence as a matter of priority, especially whether further work was warranted and desirable.
联合国亚洲及太平洋农业工程和机械中心理 会 ( 农 机 中 心) 第七届会议核可了农机中心 2012-2013 [...]
两年期工作方案,并核准建 立亚太农业机械测试中心。
At its seventh session, the Governing
Council of the United Nations Asian and
[...] Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and [...]
Machinery endorsed the programme of work
of the Centre for the biennium 2012-2013 and the establishment of an Asian and Pacific network for testing agricultural machinery.
自 2009 年选举之后,立法
[...] 会,劳动和社会问题委员会,国防和安全问题委员会,国际事务和议会间联系委会,农业和 水利问题委员会,工业、建筑和贸易问题委员会,科学、教育、文 [...]
The Legislative Chamber is made up of committees which, since the elections of 2009, consist of the following: Budget and Economic Reforms; Legislation and Judicial Questions; Employment and Social Questions; Defence and Security;
International Affairs and
[...] Interparliamentary Relations; Agrarian and Water Supply [...]
Questions; Industry, Construction and
Trade; Science, Education, Culture and Sports; Democratic Institutions, NonGovernmental Organizations and Local Authorities; Information and Communication Technology; and Ecology and the Environment.
粮农组织的代表,代表粮农组织和世卫组织,向食典委通报了食典委上届会议以 来粮农组织和世卫组织专家会议的主要结果和开展的有关活动,以及2007年今后将举行 的会议,包括食品添加剂联合专家委 会 、 农 药 残 留联席会议和微生物危险性评价专家 联席会议的会议。
The Representative of FAO, on behalf of FAO and WHO, informed the Commission of the major outcomes of the FAO and WHO expert meetings and related activities carried out since the last Session of the Commission and future meetings to be held in 2007, including those of JECFA, JMPR and JEMRA.
美国公民自由联盟 安东尼奥·雷斯特雷波·巴尔克基金会 阿拉伯促进司法和法律专业独立中心 亚洲议员人口与发展论坛 亚洲妇女参与合作社发展论坛 法语国家议会大会 弗朗索瓦–格扎维埃·巴纽会 农村地区家庭和妇女协会 Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V.
Arab Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development Asian Women in Cooperative Development Forum Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V.
2011 年,为国家森林委员会、国家移民委会、农业委 员会和土地改革检察官的官员举办了 26 次讲习班,在各州举办了 11 次讲习班。
In 2011, 26 workshops were organized for officials of the National Forest Commission, the National Immigration Commission, the Agrarian Commission and the Agrarian Prosecutor, and 11 workshops were organized at the State level.
联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)国际农业发展基 会 ( 农 发 基 金)和国际发展法组织(发展法组织)领导人*的联合声明。
Joint statement from the leaders*of the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), the
[...] International Fund for Agricultural Development [...]
(IFAD) the World Food Programme (WFP) and
the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).
根据每年患者满意度调查,家庭医生服务 会农 村 地 区比城市好:城市有 32%的居民在联系医生的当天能够与医生约见,而农村居民则为 61%。
According to annual patient satisfaction surveys, accessibility of the
family doctor’s service is
[...] better in rural areas than in cities: 32% of city inhabitants as compared to 61% of rural inhabitants [...]
are able to get an appointment
with the doctor on the same day when they contact the doctor.
专利权或植物培育权通会强行限制 农 民 出 售所收获的种子(有时也包括再使用这 些种子),因此增强了培育者的种子市场。
Patents or PBRs
[...] normally impose restrictions on farmers’ ability to [...]
sell grown seed (and in some cases to reuse it) and
thus enhance the market for the breeder’s seed.
在五个非洲国家(贝宁、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、马里和 多哥)开展了关于“非洲人道化城市:城市化进程及城市 农 村 之 间的 会 、 经 济及文化联 系”的研究。
Research has been launched in five African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali and Togo) on
“humanizing cities in Africa: the process of urbanization and social, economic
[...] and cultural links between urban and rural areas”.
应当更着重让私营部门、民间会、 农 民 和 社区团体、研究和教育机构(包 括清洁生产中心和相关服务提供者)参与设计和执行化学物管理政策和战略。
Greater emphasis should be given to the involvement of the private sector,
[...] civil society, farmers and community [...]
groups, research and education
institutions (including the cleaner production centres and related service providers), in the design and implementation of chemicals management policies and strategies.
[...] 体、贝塔斯曼基金会、数字发展宽带委 会 、 农 业 优 先组织、全球伙伴关系论坛、 国际电信联盟、国际贸易中心、伊斯坦布尔证券交易所、责任投资原则、土耳其 [...]
女署、美国商会、联合国贸发会议、土耳其财政署、联合国开发署、南南合作特 设局、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国全球信息和通信技术与发 展联盟、世界银行。
Event organizers included African Business Roundtable, Athgo International,
Bertelsmann Foundation, Broadband Commission for
[...] Digital Development, Farming First, Global [...]
Partnership Forum, International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), ITC, Istanbul Stock Exchange, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), TOBB, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD), TUSKON, UN-Women, United States Chamber of Commerce, UNCTAD, Under-secretariat of the Treasury of Turkey, UNDP, Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development and World Bank.
准备工作国家指导委员会、普遍定期审议准备工作国家指导委员会、《消除一切 形式种族歧视国际公约》报告和执行事宜国家指导委员会、促进妇女地位国家委
[...] 员会、妇女和儿童问题国家委员会、残疾人问题国家委 会 、 农 村 发 展和减轻贫 困问题国家委员会和打击贩运人口国家委员会。
The Lao PDR has established inter-agency mechanisms to promote and protect human rights such as the National Steering Committee on the Preparations for the Ratification and Implementation of the International Covenants on Human Rights, and the National Steering Committee on the Preparations for the UPR, the National Steering Committee on reporting under and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the National Commission for Mothers and Children, the National
Committee for Disabled People, the
[...] National Committee for Rural Development and [...]
Poverty Alleviation, and the National Committee Against Human Trafficking.
方框 7.6 英国威尔士戴菲生物圈保护区中的合作 戴菲生物圈保护区的提案由
[...] EcoDyfi 协调,EcoDyfi 是代表当地会、农民组 织、旅游业和环境及社会 [...]
Proposals for the Dyfi Biosphere Reserve were coordinated by
EcoDyfi, a local NGO with representation from
[...] local councils, farmers’ organizations, [...]
the tourism industry and environmental and social NGOs.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委会和国 际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a
Food Chain Crisis Management Framework
[...] for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
[...] 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还铭记妇 女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的 会 经 济 战略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女农村 妇 女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 法服务,并增强家庭福祉。
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government
services to all women
[...] particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including access to health, education and [...]
justice services and
strengthening family well-being.
这一次,我们正在寻求执行工作计划或任何其他提议,使裁 会 能 够 按照农授权 开始谈判一项裂变材料禁产条约。
This time, we are seeking the implementation of the programme of work or of any other proposal that would allow the Conference to begin negotiations on a fissile material cut-off treaty in accordance with the Shannon mandate.




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