

单词 军衔

See also:


military n
army n
arms n


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External sources (not reviewed)

有关“新生力量”地区指挥军衔的 法 令也在等待关于这些 指挥官退役日期的法令。
The decree related to the rank of the Forces nouvelles zone commanders is also pending an agreement on their retirement date from the army.
2010 年 12 月 31 日,政府通过 一项总统令正式承认全国保卫人民大会和刚果爱国抵抗联盟士兵 军衔 , 回 应了 这些团体的一项长期要求。
On 31 December 2010, the Government officially recognized the ranks of CNDP and PARECO soldiers through a Presidential Order, answering a long-standing request of those groups.
洪都拉斯还承诺,在审理酷刑和虐待案件过程中,无论案犯的社会地位军 衔如何,都将坚持完全客观和公正的原则,并且不许任何人横加干涉。
The State is committed to guaranteeing due process in the trial of those accused of torture and ill-treatment, with
complete objectivity and impartiality, taking no regard
[...] of social status or military or police rank, and [...]
without interference.
根据申诉人军衔及其 在 共和国卫队长期服役的情况判断,他知晓这一组织的行事方法,赞同它的宗旨。
Based on his rank and lengthy tenure with the Republican Guards, the complainant was aware of the organization’s methods and supported its objectives.
但其 他规定尚待执行,尤其是宣军衔委 员 会的评定结 果;这在最近刚从武装团体编入刚果(金)武装力量的 [...]
But other provisions are still outstanding,
notably the announcement of the outcome of
[...] the commission on military ranks, which has created [...]
dissatisfaction among officers
who have been recently integrated into the FARDC from the armed groups.
补 充协议的这些规定的执行受到了阻碍,原因是关于统一“新生力量”人 军衔问 题 的谈判旷日持久,为执行《瓦加杜古政治协议》各项安全相关规定而建立的统 [...]
The implementation of those provisions of the supplementary agreement has been hampered by
prolonged negotiations on the harmonization of
[...] the ranks of Forces nouvelles personnel [...]
and by continued capacity constraints
of the Integrated Command Centre, which was created to implement all security-related provisions of the Ouagadougou Political Agreement.
任何军官一旦被定罪,不军衔多高,将一律受到纪 律或法庭的制裁。
Any officer found guilty was systematically prosecuted at the disciplinary or court levels, irrespective of rank.
纪念伟大的卫国战争(第二次世界大战)的参与者、退伍军人和受害者, 授予他们特军衔或荣 誉职衔(称号)或国家(公民)奖,颁布与他们有关 的纪念日和进行其他国家或公民表彰活动
Commemoration of, conferral of
special martial or
[...] honorary ranks (titles) or State (civic) awards on, promulgation of commemorative dates in respect of and granting of other State or civic commendations to participants, veterans and [...]
victims of the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War)
他声称,拥有像他这样社会背景的个 人通常可得到较军衔,但他打扫了14 个月厕所,每天晚上睡在一个上锁的单 [...]
He submits that usually individuals of his social
[...] background would get high military ranks, whereas he [...]
had to clean toilets for 14 months and
sleep in a locked solitary prison cell every night.
加盟 Emerson 之前,高文曾在美国海军服役三年,任指挥官,上 军衔 , 19 71 年退伍。
Prior to joining Emerson, Galvin spent three years as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy with duties as an operations officer before his discharge in 1971.
尽管全国保卫人民大会的反叛分子在 2009 年加速编入正规军和国家警察, 但并不能授予真正的军衔”, 因为这需要调查民兵成员的背景并将他们调 派到全国各地。
The accelerated integration of CNDP rebels into the regular army and the national police in 2009 did not allow for any true “brassage”, which would have entailed checking the background of militia members and posting them throughout the country.
特别是由于重组国家部队和统一新生力量武装部队成 军衔 以 便编入新的 国家军队而造成的拖延,国防部长正式宣布无法按照《瓦加杜古政治协议》第四 [...]
Because of delays caused by, in
particular, the restructuring of the
[...] national army and the harmonization of the military ranks of elements [...]
of the Forces armées des
Forces nouvelles to be integrated in the new national army, the Defence Minister has officially declared that the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme would not be completed prior to the presidential elections, as stipulated in the fourth Supplementary Agreement to the Ouagadougou Political Agreement.
他补充说,在期望实现统一的另一个姿态中,他让那些参加叛乱的军官恢 复原职,这些军官保留了他们军衔 , 现 在已开始领取薪金。
He added that, in another singular gesture in the
hope of achieving reunification, he had
[...] reinstated the military officers who [...]
had joined the rebellion, who have retained
their ranks and are now receiving salaries.
[...] 抵制刚果(金)武装力量身份证和制服的分发,以抗议他们 军衔 不 明
In a separate development, a number of integrated former CNDP elements boycotted the distribution of
FARDC identification cards and uniforms in parts of North Kivu, protesting a lack of
[...] clarity about their military ranks.
秘书长认为,提 高职等能够征军衔高于当前 D-1 员额相军衔的高 级军官,并使部队指挥官级 别与其他相似维持和平特派团中的类似职位相一致(A/66/686,第 [...]
18 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the upward reclassification would
allow for the recruitment
[...] of a senior officer of a higher military rank than the rank equivalent [...]
to the current D-1 post and
would align the level of the Force Commander with similar positions in other comparable peacekeeping missions (A/66/686, para. 18).
在担任美国第17任卫生局长期间,Carmona博士获得了中 军衔 , 并负责疾病预防、防病准备、健康差异、健康素养和全球健康事务。
In his role as the 17th Surgeon General, Dr. Carmona achieved the rank of Vice Admiral and focused on prevention, preparedness, health disparities, health literacy, and global health.
该 文件主要根据尼泊尔专家的意见和今年早先遣散不 合格毛派军队人员的经验,设想加强政府执行机构, 尤其是特别委员会秘书处;在营地内协商、介绍情况、 进行登记和人员自行选择;分组;在就登记标准、统军衔等问 题达成政治协议之后制定详细的整编计 划;最后介绍各种选择。
Based principally on advice from Nepali experts and on the experience of the discharge of the disqualified Maoist army personnel earlier this year, it posited the reinforcement of Government implementing institutions, notably a secretariat to the Special Committee; in-cantonment consultations, briefing, registration and choices by personnel; separation into groups; the detailed plan for integration following political agreement on entry norms, rank harmonization and so on; and final briefings on choices.
签署方还 对 2009 年 1 月完成工作军衔委员 会作出的决定迟迟没有得到落实表示关切。
Signatories also expressed concern regarding the
delays in the implementation of the decisions of
[...] the commission on military ranks, which completed [...]
its work in January 2009.
尽管武装团体希望承认军衔的要 求很 突出,但联刚稳定团估计,如果让他们作出知情决定,刚果武装团体所有战斗人员 中的三分之二以上将会选择复员和融入社区,而不是整编并入刚果(金)武装力量。
Despite the prominence of armed groups’ demands for recognition of their ranks, MONUSCO estimates that, if allowed to make an informed decision, over two thirds of all combatants within the Congolese armed groups would choose demobilization and community reintegration over integration into FARDC.
部队指挥官应由埃塞俄比亚准将及以 军衔 的 军 官 担 任。
The Force Commander shall be an Ethiopian officer of the rank of brigadier general or above.
2010 年 12 月 31 日,卡比拉总统颁布法令,在刚果(金)武装力量内部、包括 新近整编的武装团体人员中,重新分 军衔。
On 31 December 2010, President Kabila issued a decree on the redistribution of ranks within FARDC, including with respect to recently integrated armed group elements.
虽然洛朗·巴博总统签署关于“新生 力量军衔统一 的总统法令是积极的事态发展,但是为处理悬而未决的统一问题 进行协同的努力仍至关重要。
While the signing by President Gbagbo of the decrees on the harmonization of rank for Forces nouvelles elements is a positive development, concerted efforts to address outstanding reunification concerns remain crucial.
至于减少有罪不罚的问题,执行警务不着制服的警官(“便衣”警官)在进行 逮捕和押送被剥夺自由者时,必须通过姓名 军衔 表 明 其身份。
With a view to reducing impunity, police officers who do not wear uniforms when carrying out police duties (in “plain clothes”) should be obliged to identify themselves by name, surname and rank at the time of arrest and transfer of persons deprived of their liberty.
2.3 1996 年11月13 日晚上11 点左右,来自Baraki 营房的十几名士兵来到来 文提交人住所夺门而人,既没有出示逮捕令也没有提供任何解释,逮捕了他们最 小的儿子 指挥官指挥了这次行动,他由两名中尉和两名未 军衔 的 官 员协助。
2.3 On 13 November 1996 at around 11 p.m., about a dozen soldiers from the Baraki barracks broke down the door of the authors’ residence and arrested their youngest son, Mourad Chihoub, then 16 years old, without showing any arrest warrant or even providing any explanation.
11 月 16
[...] 日,巴博总统签署了有关统一“新生力量”人 军衔 的 若干法令, 包括将“新生力量”参谋长苏迈拉·巴卡约科将军和总理军事顾问格·米歇尔上 [...]
On 16 November, President Gbagbo
signed several decrees on harmonization of
[...] the ranks of Forces nouvelles elements, [...]
including the promotion to the rank
of Brigadier-General of the Forces nouvelles Chief of Staff, General Soumaila Bakayoko, and the Prime Minister’s Military Adviser, Colonel Michel Gueu.
218 负责这一行动的后勤工作的官员包括厄立特里亚政府 方面的 Te’ame’Meqele’上校(自此晋升为 军衔 )和 Tewelde Habte Negash 上校以及欧阵方面的 Abdinur Soyaan 和 Bashir Makhtal。
Some shipments of arms and ammunition were dispatched directly from Eritrea, but between 2007 and 2008, a new arrangement involving Eritrean payments to a Yemeni arms dealer was introduced.219This arrangement proved unsatisfactory, since the materiel shipped from Yemen proved to be substandard.
为了维护委员会的公正性,在 召集一个调查委员会审查涉及国家特遣队军事人员或军事观察
[...] 员的案件时,特派团团长任命来自不同特遣队和国籍的一名中 校或以军衔的军官担任委员会主席。
In order to preserve the impartiality of the board, when convening a board of inquiry to review cases involving a military member of a national contingent or a military observer, the
head of mission appoints as
[...] chairperson of the board a military officer, from a [...]
different contingent and nationality, at
the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or above.
她还指出,由于东道国政府的协议,与缔约方会 议前后衔接地 举行执行委员会的会议,其相关的费用对于预算的影响很小。
She also pointed out that costs related to holding Executive Committee meeting back-to-back with a Meeting of he Parties usually had little impact on the budget because of host government agreements.
目前联合国系统设有 若干“一体化”的战略规划程序,即:为启动和实施推进维和部或政治部领导的特 派团制订的综合特派团规划流程(不论这些流程是否涉及透过特别副代表/驻地协调 员/人道主义协调员“三重衔”, 对实地工作队和特派团实行结构性的一体化); 为人道协调厅制订的共同人道主义行动计划;执行机构和非政府组织的人道主义活 动;以及除了各国政府和世界银行的减轻贫困战略文件,或任何其他国家的战略之 外,为促进发展制订的联发援框架。
Currently, several “integrated” strategic planning processes exist within the United Nations system, namely, IMPP for start-up and ongoing missions led by DPKO or DPA (regardless of whether or not these involve structural integration of the UNCT and the mission on the ground through a “triple-hatted” Deputy Special Representative/RC/HC); the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for OCHA; implementing agencies and NGO humanitarian activities; and UNDAF for development, in addition to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) of governments and the World Bank, or any other national strategy.
该办公室还管理技术 合作项目和基金;建立和维持非洲经委会与其发展伙伴之间的伙伴关系,调动预算外资源;为 实务部门和次区域办事处提供指导和支持,帮助他们建立由需求驱动的高质量技术合作项目, 这些项目应与非洲经委会的规划和分析工作明 衔 接 ,且显然有助于实现非洲经委会的预期成 绩;处理项目评估,监测和评价技术合作项目。
The Office also manages technical cooperation projects and funds; builds and maintains partnerships between ECA and its development partners and mobilizes extrabudgetary resources; provides guidance and support to the substantive divisions and subregional offices in developing higher quality demand-driven technical cooperation projects that are clearly linked to the Commission’s normative and analytical work and that clearly feed into the achievement of the Commission’s expected accomplishments; and handles project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation projects.




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