

单词 军用的

See also:


(for) military use
military application


military n
arms n
army n

External sources (not reviewed)

在内罗毕首脑会议上,根据记录,有22 个缔约国报告了杀伤人员地雷生 产设施转为民用或停军用的状况
At the Nairobi Summit, it was recorded that 22 States Parties had provided information on the conversion or decommissioning of anti-personnel mine production facilities.
不过,行预咨 委会在审议达尔富尔混合行动 2011/12 年度拟议预算过程中获悉,无论是 L-100
型固定翼飞机还是 4 架 MI-35 型直升机,都未曾部署到任务区,并且尽管该控制
[...] 中心的首要重点是规划人员和货物在该区域各特派团之间的移动,但该行 的军 用直升 机是根据具体的协助通知书安排提供的,这种安排规定不得在任务区以外 [...]
During its consideration of the proposed budget for UNAMID for the 2011/12 period, however, the Advisory Committee was informed that neither the L-100 fixed-wing nor the four MI-35 helicopters had ever been deployed to the mission area and that, whereas the primary focus of the Control Centre was on planning the movement of personnel and
cargo between missions in the region,
[...] the Operation’s military helicopters were [...]
provided under specific letter of assist
arrangements that precluded their use outside the mission area.
专家组还质疑最终用户证明的可靠性以及苏丹政府承诺不向达尔富尔运送 从国外进的军用物资 的保证的可靠性。
The Panel also questions the reliability of end-user certificates and
assurances in which the Government of the Sudan commits itself
[...] not to transfer military materiel imported [...]
from abroad to Darfur.
军用直升机数量预计在 2011 年
[...] 初会加速减少,根据秘书处得到的信息,对联刚稳定团余 的军用 直 升 机中的 10 架的协助通知书到时不会再续。
The decline in that number is expected to accelerate early in 2011, when, according to information
received by the Secretariat, letters of assist for 10 of
[...] the remaining military helicopters of [...]
MONUSCO will not be renewed.
另一 方面,对依照《协助通知书》提 的军用 飞 机 适 用 的 标 准是各部队派遣国的国内 军事法规。
On the other hand, the applicable
[...] standards for military aircraft provided under letters of assist are the national military regulations [...]
of the respective troop-contributing country.
联刚稳定团保护平民和执行其任务其他核心内容的能力取决于有无必要的 资源,特别是特派团用的军用直升 机的数量。
The capacity of MONUSCO to protect civilians and to implement other core elements of its mandate is dependent on
the availability of the necessary resources, in
[...] particular the number of military helicopters available [...]
to the Mission.
从 2010 年 2 月 至
[...] 7 月,专家组评估了苏丹政府在达尔富 的军用 航 空 资产的数量和类型,并观 察了商用飞机向该地区运送政府武装部队的情况。
From February to July 2010, the Panel assessed the
[...] number and types of military aviation assets [...]
of the Government of the Sudan in Darfur
and also observed the transfer of armed Government forces into the region by commercial aircraft.
规定最低飞行时数,以解决联合国维和行动 的军用 飞 机 目前利用不足 的问题。
To establish minimum flight hours to address the current
[...] under-utilization of military aircraft in United [...]
Nations peacekeeping operations.
来自于Gurkha军用车的灵感,KNIGHT XV是一款超豪华、纯手工、生物燃料驱动的、全防护运动型多用途车。
Inspired by the Gurkha military vehicle, the KNIGHT [...]
XV(TM) is an ultra-luxurious handcrafted, Bio-fuel powered fully armoured SUV.
LDS 的全系列电动振动台和控制器 保证小到按钮,大到导弹等所军用 物 资 的 安 全 储存和运输。
LDS's complete line of electrodynamic shakers and controllers ensure that the smallest of triggers to the largest of missiles are properly designed for safe storage and transport.
[...] 司本国民用航空管理局民用航空法规,对军用航空单位 用的军 事 法规,以及对 商用航空公司和军用航空单位均适用的东道国民用航空规章。
The Committee was further informed that the applicable rules and regulations refer to the civil aviation regulations of the civil aviation authority of
the air carrier for commercial air
[...] operators, the military regulations of military aviation [...]
units and the civil aviation rules
and regulations of the host country in respect of both commercial carriers and military aviation units.
我们的产品用于几乎所有主的商用 和 军用 飞 机 项目,被主要的飞机制造商和OEM客户指定为各种关键应用的密封解决方案供应商。
Our products are used in almost every
[...] major commercial and military aircraft program and [...]
are commonly specified by leading
aircraft manufacturers and OEM customers as sealing solutions on a wide range of critical applications.
他们 通军用飞机和政的补给船将游客运至西沙群岛。
They use military planes or government supply ships [...]
to bring tourists to the Paracel Islands.
该品牌还生产军用手表 、飞机仪表和重 的 鱼 雷 装置,还在“空军一号”上显示官方时间。
The brand has also produced military watches, aircraft instruments, [...]
critical torpedo mechanisms and kept official time on Air Force One.
此外,各国应当 向联合国报告本国私营军事和保安公司的市场状 况,对武器军用物资的出口 进行限制,实行出口 许可证制度,对私营军事和保安公司的工作人员进 行国际人道主义法准则和人权文书教育,并对他们 的犯罪记录进行核实。
States might also be required to report to the
United Nations on the most
[...] important military and security services markets under mechanisms similar to those regulating exports of arms and military equipment, and to establish [...]
export licensing
regimens for such services that might require the personnel of private military and security companies to receive training in the norms of international humanitarian law and human rights instruments and undergo criminal record checks.
从专家组的角度来看,军队间转运机构在执行禁运方面扮演了一个负面角 色,因为科特迪瓦海关对国防部的装备进口没有管制权,专家组已经了解到,通
[...] 过军队间转运机构至少进口了车辆(见 S/2011/272,附件八)、电信军用物资用 于军事目的,因 而明显违反了制裁制度。
From the Group’s perspective, Transit Interarmées played a negative role in the enforcement of the embargo because Ivorian customs had no control over its import of equipment for the Ministry of Defence, and the Group was already aware that, at a minimum, vehicles (see annex VIII of S/2011/272), telecommunication and military material
were being imported
[...] through Transit Interarmées for military use, thus representing a [...]
clear breach of the sanctions regime.
(b) 联合国人员、媒体代表、人道主义人员和开发工程人员及有关人员临时 出口到阿拉伯利比亚民众国的仅供其个人使 的 防 护 服,包括防弹背心和军用头 盔;(c) 事先由委员会批的其他军火和相 军用 物 资 的 出 售或供应、或提供的
(b) Protective clothing, including flak jackets and military helmets, temporarily exported to
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by United
[...] Nations personnel, representatives of the media and humanitarian and development workers and associated personnel, for their personal use only; or
哥斯达黎加同意,条约范围应包括所有坦克、军用车辆、火炮装置、军用飞 机和直升机(有人或无人驾驶)、备 军用 武 装 或设 的 水 上 和水下舰艇;导弹和 导弹系统(制导或非制导);轻小武器;供上述任何装备使 的 弹 药 ;为上述任何 装备特别和专门设计的零部件;为开发、制造或维护上述任何装备而特别和专门 设计并使用的技术及设备。
Costa Rica agrees that the treaty’s scope should include all tanks, military vehicles, artillery systems,
military aircraft
[...] and helicopters (manned or unmanned), surface and submarine naval vessels armed or equipped for military use, missiles and missile systems (guided or unguided), small arms, [...]
light weapons,
ammunition for use with any of the above, parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above, and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above.
作为MEMS技术和精密转换器的领先供应商,ADI公司具有得天独厚的优势来满足当今最先 的 商 用 和 军用 航 空 器系统的传感和控制要求,包括惯性导航、引擎管理和自动飞行控制。
As a leading supplier of MEMs technology and precision converters ADI is well placed to meet the sensor and
control requirements in today’s most
[...] advanced commercial and military aircraft systems including [...]
Inertial Navigation, engine management and automated flight control.
[...] 题,包括与苏丹解放军讨论建立具有补充民事司法系统 用的军 事 司 法系统问题。
Discussions with the Government are ongoing on UNMISS support in mandated
areas, including with SPLA on the
[...] establishment of a military justice system [...]
complementary to the civil justice system.
2010 年 7 月从塞内加尔到科特迪的军用物资 运输停止,主要运往科特迪的军用物资 (催泪弹药)最终被送到几内亚(见附件 27)。
In July 2010,
[...] the transport of military materiel from Senegal to Côte d’Ivoire ceased, and military materiel primarily [...]
destined for Côte d’Ivoire (tear gas ammunition) was eventually delivered to Guinea (see annex 27).
根据在武装冲突期 间用的“军事需 要”概念类推拟订,“行动需要”的概念适用于联合国部队的 [...]
非军事活动,作为解除部队在执行部队任务过程中一般行动所造成的财产损失或 损害的赔偿责任的情况。
Drawn by analogy from
[...] the concept of “military necessity” applicable [...]
in times of armed conflict, the concept of “operational
necessity” applies to the non-military activities of the United Nations force, as a circumstance precluding liability for property loss or damage caused in the ordinary conduct of the operation and in pursuit of the force mandate.
关于根据《协助通知书》提的军用 飞 机 ,秘书长指出,继他 2010 年向维 持和平行动特别委员会提出报告(A/64/768)之后,维持和平行动部/外勤支助部 [...]
In respect of military aircraft that are [...]
provided under letters of assist, the Secretary-General states that further to
his report to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations in 2010 (A/64/768) the terms and conditions of letters of assist are presently under review by a Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support working group, in consultation with Member States.
专家组建议,科特迪瓦政府在接近平民区的地方存储军用弹药和(或)爆炸 物时,包括存于阿比让的航空运输和联络集 的军用 弹 药和(或)爆炸物,要确保 根据规定的国际标准储存并与联科行动协商。
The Group recommends that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire ensure that military munitions/explosives stored close to civilian areas, including those present at the Groupement aérien de transport et de liaison in Abidjan, are stored according to the required international standards and in consultation with UNOCI.
在这方面,我高兴地报告,特派团最近增加了一 架南的军用运输 直升机和三架巴基斯 的军用运 输 直升机,而且预计最近几周将有四架乌克兰战斗直 升机抵达,这将为联刚稳定团在东部的能力提供亟需 [...]
的推动力,由于军用直升机能力不足,最近几个月这 种能力已严重受损。
In that regard, I am pleased to report that the recent addition of
[...] one South African and three Pakistani military transport helicopters and the expected [...] [...]
arrival of four Ukrainian combat helicopters in coming weeks will provide a much needed boost to MONUSCO capabilities in the east, which have been severely impacted in recent months by insufficient military helicopter capability.
造成本项下差异的主要因素是,由于 2010 年 1 月生效的新合同规定了机 队保障价位,并且与某个部队派遣国政 的军用 直 升飞机协助通知书安排的费用 提高,加上航空燃料价格上涨 17.2%(2010/11 财政期间为 0.706 美元,而 2011/12 期间为 0.8273 美元),因此特派团旋转翼飞机机队的租赁和运营费用增加。
The main factor contributing to the variance under this heading is the increase in the rental and operation of the Mission’s rotary-wing aircraft fleet owing to an increase in the guaranteed fleet cost based on new contracts effective January 2010 and the higher cost of the letter-of-assist arrangements with a contributing Government with respect to military helicopters, combined with a 17.2 per cent increase in the price of aviation fuel ($0.706 in the 2010/11 financial period, compared with $0.8273 for the 2011/12 period).
(c) 飞机载有 12 吨运往阿尔及利的军用物资 ,可能说明其最大载荷剩余 的(约)33 吨载重量可能包含军事物资;据报告,机组人员没有向阿尔及利亚当局 [...]
(c) The aircraft
[...] carried 12 tons of military-related materiel to Algeria, [...]
which may suggest that the remaining 33 tons (approximately)
of its maximum payload could have consisted of military materiel; the aircrew reportedly did not supply Algerian authorities with a cargo manifest
[...] 各个军事地点同时发动袭击,大幅削弱哈马斯在行动中所能 使 用的军 事 部 队。
It was struck on the first day of the aerial campaign, as part of a coordinated IAF opening strike, intended to substantially
weaken the military force available to Hamas during the Operation by concurrently
[...] attacking numerous military locations.
苏丹政府还申明,根据它的理解,军火禁运仅针对向驻扎在达尔富 尔的苏丹武装部队运送的用于与反叛团体交 的军用 物 资
The Government of the Sudan also reaffirms that, in its understanding, the arms embargo would only pertain to military materiel transferred to the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in Darfur for the purposes of engaging armed rebel groups.




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