

单词 军情五处

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

我们也要表示,我们感谢秘书长的发言,感谢秘处提供建设和平委员会的报告(S/2012/70),介 绍了委员会五届会议情况。
We also wish to express our thanks to the
Secretary-General for his statement and to the
[...] secretariat for the report of the Peacebuilding Commission (S/2012/70), which covers the proceedings of its fifth session.
同年,103 名移民在事 前被用氟哌丁苯使之冷静情况下 ,离开一些官员喜称的“卡普奇诺斯旅馆”, 被五架军用飞机运至马里、塞内加尔、喀麦隆和几内亚科纳克里。
In the same year, 103 immigrants, after being tranquillized with
haloperidol, left “Hotel Capuchinos”, as
[...] some officials liked to call it, and were flown in five military aircraft to Mali, Senegal, Cameroon and Guinea Conakry.
维持和平 特派团、各联合国新闻中心、联合国毒品犯罪问题办公室外勤办 处 、 五 个 区 域 委员会的七个次区域办事处和三个区域 军 办 事 处(联合国和平与裁军非洲区域 中心、联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心以及联合国和平与裁 军亚洲及太平洋区域中心)也可以使用 iSeek,从而确保以及时、可即时读取的方 [...]
Peacekeeping missions, all United Nations information centres, the field offices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime, seven subregional
[...] offices of the five regional commissions and three regional disarmament offices (the United Nations Centre for Peace and Disarmament [...]
in Africa, the United Nations
Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean and the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific) also have access to iSeek, ensuring that information is shared with United Nations staff around the world in a timely and immediately accessible manner.
到 2004 年初,按照
[...] 32C/5 减少的实际零增长方案的人事费限额,将会出现这样情 形 :五个多国办处将至少在五个计划部门各有一名计划专家(阿皮亚、曼谷、金斯敦、 [...]
蒙得维的亚和圣约瑟);24 个多国办事处都将有教育专家, 19 个多国办事处将配备科学专
家, 11 个多国办事处将配备社会科学专家, 23 个多国办事处将配备文化专家, 24 个多国 办事处将配备传播与信息专家。
By the beginning of 2004, within the staff provisions of the reduced zero real growth
scenario of document 32
[...] C/5, the situation would be as follows: five cluster offices will have [...]
at least one programme specialist
from each of the five programme sectors (Apia, Bangkok, Kingston, Montevideo, San Jose); education specialists would be present in 24 cluster offices, science specialists – in 19 cluster offices, social sciences specialists in 11, culture specialists in 23, and communication and information specialists in 24 cluster offices.
委员会深切关切武装冲突对儿童的影响,其中包括儿 处 于 公 开冲突的地 区被击中的危险、冲突地区人道主义服务受阻、儿童被杀伤人员地雷和未爆炸弹 药杀害或致残、他们流离失所生活在贫困的经济和社 情 况 下 、以及 军 方 多 年 来奉行其“四管齐下”政策对整个村庄进行系统摧毁期间学校受到攻击。
The Committee is deeply concerned about the impact of the armed conflict
on children, including
[...] that children remain at risk of being shot in open conflict areas; access to humanitarian services is obstructed in conflict-affected areas; children are killed and maimed by anti-personnel landmines and unexploded ordinance; they are displaced and live in poor economic and social situation; and schools [...]
were attacked during
the many years of systematic destruction of entire villages by the military carrying out its “four cuts” policy.
军事目标”,就物体而言,是指任何因其性质、位置、目的或用途而对军 事行动作出有效贡献并在当时情况 下 将其全部或部分摧毁、夺取或使其失效可 取得明军事益处的物体。
Military objective’ means, so far as objects are concerned, any object which by its nature, location, purpose or use makes an effective contribution to military action and whose
total or partial
[...] destruction, capture or neutralisation, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.
大会第六五届会议请军谈判 会议在其 2011 年会议期间尽早于此议程项 目下设立一个工作组;敦促从事外层空间活动的国家以及有意从事这种活动的国 家,将有关这个问题的任何双边或多边谈判的进 情 况 随 时通知 军 谈 判 会议 (第 65/44 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly invited the Conference on Disarmament to establish a working group under the agenda item as early as possible during its 2011 session; and urged States conducting activities in outer space and those interested in conducting such activities to keep the Conference on Disarmament informed of the [...]
progress of bilateral
and multilateral negotiations on the matter (resolution 65/44).
麻委会五十届 会议关于加强对海地解决毒品问题的国际支助的第 50/8 号决议 尤其回顾秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团的报告,他在报告中指出,必须提 供补充援处理毒品和军火走 私问题,并指出,这些非法活动远非国家当局和 该特派团所能控制,对海地的长期稳定构成严重问题。
At its fiftieth session, the Commission, in its resolution 50/8, on strengthening international support for Haiti in combating the drug problem, recalled, inter alia, the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, in which it was stated that supplementary assistance would be crucial to [...]
address problems presented
by the smuggling of narcotics and weapons and that those illicit activities far surpassed the ability of national authorities and the Mission to control them and posed a grave problem to the long-term stability of Haiti.
联合国国际贸易法委员会年鉴》(《贸易法委员会年鉴》)汇编了特定 年份秘处发布的与贸易法委员会及其工作组工作有关的所有实质性文件, 以及其他信息,包括大会第六委员会的报告。10 《贸易法委员会年鉴》以英文、 法文、俄文和西班牙文出版,世界各地的联合国收藏图书馆以及贸易法 委员会网站都可以查到(情见附件 五 )。
The Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (the UNCITRAL Yearbook) is a compilation of all
substantive documents
[...] issued by the Secretariat in relation to the work of the Commission and its working groups for a given year, as well as other information, including reports of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.10 The UNCITRAL Yearbook is published in English, French, Russian and Spanish and is available in libraries around the world that function as United Nations depository libraries, as well as from the UNCITRAL website (see annex V for further information).
[...] 的传播使得世俗民主化势力边缘化,在齐亚·哈克将军的军人政权期间得到促进 (该政权推翻了以布托女士父亲为首的民选政府,后 处 决 了 他); 军情 报 局 最 初在冷战和 1980 年代的反苏战争中,后来在支持克什米尔叛乱分子的过程中, 发展了这些关系。
The development of these organizations and the spread of Islamist extremism, which marginalized secular democratizing forces, was promoted during the General Zia ul Haq military regime (which overthrew the civilian government headed by Ms. Bhutto’s father
and later executed
[...] him); the ISI cultivated these relationships, initially in the context of the Cold War and the anti-Soviet [...]
war in Afghanistan
in the 1980s and later in support of Kashmiri insurgents.
2010年1月22日和24日,一架 C-160 型和三架贝尔土耳军用飞机五次违 反国际空中交通管制条例,并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。
On 22 and 24 January 2010, one C-160 and
[...] three Bell Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the [...]
national airspace of the
Republic of Cyprus three times.
另一代表团说,应该为主席制定如 处 理 不 同 情 况 的导则,因为不同的事情需要 在科学建议的基础上不同程度的协调一致。
Another delegation said that guidelines should be given to
[...] chairs on how to deal with different situations because it [...]
seemed to them that different matters
required a different degree of consensus also depending on the availability of scientific advice.
然后,他被带到伊斯 兰堡某个看起来像军营的地方,他在那里被关了一个月,与外界没有
[...] 任何接触,见不到律师或红十字委员会工作人员,并在附近的一个房 屋内受到自称为中央情报局官员的美国官员盘问,还有一次受 军情 六处的英国情报人员盘问。
He was then moved to a place in Islamabad, which looked like a barracks, where he was held incommunicado for one month without access to a lawyer or ICRC, and was interrogated in a
nearby house by American officers, who identified
[...] themselves as CIA, and, on one occasion, by a British agent from MI-6.
但近年来人们发现,这些机构在目标宏大、预算有限 情况 下孤军作战 ,不仅不利于研发进展,还削弱了可能由互补产生的 处。
It has, however, emerged in recent years that working in isolation with limited budgets and cylindrical objectives has not only frustrated progress in R&D in these institutions but they have also reduced the potential benefits of complementarity.
中国依据和平处五项原 则批判前苏联在冷战中对 东欧的干涉以及以美国为首的北约对前南斯拉夫的干涉 为霸权主义行径.中国对通过军事行动来干涉他国内政 的做法也常表示反感,但近年来,中国的实际行动曾多 次偏离互不干涉的政策。见危机组织报告《中国的石油 问题》及《中国在联合国维和发挥着越来越重要的作 用》,均引用如前。
Crisis Group Reports, China’s Thirst for Oil and China’s Growing Role in UN Peacekeeping, both op. cit.
如果不是莫萨德,那就 是中央情报局军情六处或某 些其它外国势力。
If it is not Mossad, it is
[...] the Central Intelligence Agency, MI6 or some [...]
other foreign force.
安理会已经情处理了 与这些挑战和威胁相 关的问题:违反安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》 第七章制订的制裁制度和根据第七章做出的其 他决定,特别是第 1373(2001)号和第 1540(2004) 号决议以及其他相关决定,跨界非法贩 军 火、 贩运毒品、非国家行为体贩运核、化学和生物武 器及其运载工具和相关材料、贩运冲突矿物和恐 怖分子及其资金的流动(以下称为“非法跨界贩 运和流动”)。
The Council has addressed, when appropriate, related to these challenges and threats, illicit cross-border trafficking in arms, drug trafficking, trafficking by non-State actors in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, their means of delivery and related materials, trafficking in conflict minerals and [...]
the movement of terrorists
and their funds in violation of United Nations sanctions regimes imposed by the Security Council in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter and other decisions taken under Chapter VII, in particular resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004) as well as its other relevant decisions (hereinafter — illicit crossborder trafficking and movement).
委员会还回顾,自设立联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部 队)和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)以来,派驻以色列-黎巴嫩地区和 以色列-阿拉伯叙利亚共和国地区的停战监督组 军 事 观 察员便被置于这两个维 持和平特派团部队指挥官的行动指挥之下,协助其执行任务,但这不妨碍停战监 督组织在这两支维持和平部队的任务到期未续 情 况 下 ,在两个地区继续履行职 责(A/66/6 (Sect.5),第 5.66 和 5.67 段)。
The Committee also recalls that UNTSO military observers assigned to the Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syrian Arab Republic sectors have been placed under the operational control of the Force Commanders of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to assist them in the fulfilment of their tasks, since the establishment of the two peacekeeping missions; this is without prejudice to the continued functioning of UNTSO in the two sectors should the mandates of the peacekeeping forces lapse (A/66/6 (Sect. 5), paras. 5.66 and 5.67).
许多目击者说,警方逮捕的所有人都好几周或好几个月被单独拘禁在君 士坦丁警察总部,遭受了系统的虐待,然后转押 情 安 部 所属的 五军 区 地 区研 究和调查中心。
According to numerous witnesses, all the persons arrested by the police were held incommunicado for several weeks or months at the police headquarters in Constantine, where they were systematically tortured before being transferred to the Centre territorial de recherches et d’investigations (Territorial Centre
for Research and
[...] Investigation) (CTRI) in the 5th military region, under the Intelligence and Security Department (DRS).
[...] 的专题章节为三种国家法律的对比分析,工作组通过分析查明了国家法律的共通处及监管私军事和 安保公司所面临的挑战。
The thematic section of the report is a comparative analysis of three approaches to national
legislation that identifies common elements and challenges in the
[...] regulation of private military and security companies.
喀土穆 政府通过以下方式阻碍维和部队部署工作:不正式批准 军队组成名单;拒绝尼泊尔、泰国和北 五 国 的 军 队; 坚持只接受非洲军队;花费数月为达尔富尔基地分配土 地;不批准 UNAMID 夜间飞行。
Khartoum has obstructed deployment by not formally
[...] approving the list of troop contributions; rejecting troops from Nepal, Thailand and Nordic countries, insisting [...]
on only Africans;
taking many months to allocate land for bases in Darfur; and not approving UNAMID night flights.
大会第三五届会议请军谈判 委员会开展全面禁试条约的实质性谈判,作 为其 1981 年举行的会议初期的最高优先工作(第 35/145 B 号决议)。
At its thirty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Committee on Disarmament to initiate [...]
substantive negotiations
on a comprehensive test-ban treaty as a matter of highest priority at the beginning of its 1981 session (resolution 35/145 B).
宣布紧急状态,随后反复延长或有时直接将其永久化,也助长了秘密拘留 的做法。95 在打击恐怖主义的镇压措施中,宣布紧急状态给 军 方 更 多权力并 提供了情处理的余地。
perpetuations.95 States of emergency gave
[...] more powers to the military and provided room for discretion in the repressive [...]
measures against terrorism.
进行这次访问的另一个动机是,安全理事会 2011 年 12 月 20 日第
[...] 号决议鼓励布隆迪政府、建设和平委员会和布隆迪的本国和国际伙伴信守它们根 据布隆迪建设和平战略框架执情况 第 五 次 审 查的成果文件做出的承诺,并在第 二代减贫战略文件拟定后审查这些承诺,以确定建设和平委员会如何以最佳方式 [...]
The visit was also undertaken partly pursuant to Security Council resolution 2027 (2011) of 20 December 2011, in which the Council encouraged the Government of Burundi, the Peacebuilding Commission and its national and international partners to honour their
commitments made under the outcome
[...] document of the fifth review of the implementation of [...]
the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding
in Burundi and to review these commitments once the second poverty reduction strategy paper had been finalized, in order to determine how the Commission could best contribute to Burundi’s peacebuilding priorities.
在这次会议上,委员会决定根据请求邀请欧洲联盟观察员出席 五 十 五届 会议并情在会 议上发言,但有一项谅解,即这样做不影响今后提出的同样性 [...]
At the same meeting, the Committee decided to invite, at its request, the observer
for the European Union to
[...] attend its fifty-fifth session and to address it, as appropriate, [...]
on the understanding that it
would be without prejudice to further requests of that nature and that it would not involve any decision of the Committee concerning status.
经济及社会理事会在题为“预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会的运作”的第 2003/31 号 决议中决定,自 2004 年起,预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会应在每届会议结束时选
出下届会议的主席团,并应鼓励主席团在委员会常会和非正式闭会期间会议的 准备过程中发挥积极作用,使委员会能够向联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案不
[...] 断提供有效的政策指导;还决定委员会主席应在任何适宜 情 况 下 请 五 个 区 域 组的主席、77 国集团和中国主席以及欧洲联盟轮值主席国代表或观察员参加主 [...]
In its resolution 2003/31, entitled “Functioning of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice”, the Economic and Social Council decided that, with effect from 2004, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice should, at the end of each session, elect its bureau for the subsequent session and should encourage the bureau to play an active role in the preparation of the regular session as well as the informal intersessional meetings of the Commission, so as to enable the Commission to provide continuous and effective policy guidance to the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme; and also decided that the Chair of the
Commission should, whenever appropriate,
[...] invite the Chairs of the five regional groups, the [...]
Chair of the Group of 77 and China and
the representative of or observer for the State holding the Presidency of the European Union to participate in the meetings of the bureau.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终
止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三)
[...] 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;( 五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of
their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the
[...] education of the children; (v) other cases.
(c) 推动了秘书长核军五点建议的非正式核心之友小组一些成员,最近由 乌拉圭与和平市长会议合作牵头,继续努力为就彻底消除核武器的路线图建立国 际共识寻找具有创意的新办法,其中包括一份国际法律文书。
(c) Members of the informal core group of
friends that promoted the
[...] Secretary-General’s five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament, most recently led [...]
by Uruguay in partnership
with Mayors for Peace, have continued their efforts to pursue new and innovative means for building international consensus on a road map for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, including by means of a universal, legal instrument.
在申请过程中,海南省对包括国家旅游局、国家发 展计划委员会、中国人民解放军总参谋部 军处和 中 国人民解放军海军运营部在内的数家部委机构进 行游说。
Throughout the process, it strongly lobbied various parties and ministries, including the National Tourism Administration, the State Development Planning Commission, the Navy Bureau of the PLA’s general staff department and the PLAN’s operations department.




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