

单词 军师

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External sources (not reviewed)

新的立法议会和全国大会党和苏人解的伙伴关系的发展,将是确保消除人民的关 切、包括该州苏丹解军师的关切的可信程序的关键。
The new legislative assembly and the evolution of the partnership of NCP and SPLM will be
crucial in ensuring a credible process that meets the concerns of the people,
[...] including the SPLA Division in the State.
在联合州,苏丹解军第 4 师 4 月释 放了 89 名儿童(从杜阿尔的 Pakur 和 Buoth 军营); 5 师(在马佩勒)7 月释放了 50 名儿童;11 月释放了 26 名儿童(从 Wunyik)。
In Unity State, 89 children were released from SPLA Division 4 in April (from Pakur and Buoth barracks in Duar); 50 children from Division 5 (Mapel) in July; and 26 children (from Wunyik) in November.
[...] 就此问题展开了讨论,并已达成了一项初步协 定,准备就与《公约》有关的问题 军 队 律师 进行培训。
The matter has, however, been discussed and an initial agreement reached on
[...] the training of military lawyers on questions relating [...]
to the Convention.
特派团还通过军事工程师支持政府在震后开展人道主义、复苏和降低风险努 力,包括清除废墟、清理河道及铺设柏油马路。
Through its military engineers, the Mission also [...]
supported the Government’s post-earthquake humanitarian, recovery and risk
mitigation efforts, including debris removal, infrastructure repairs, drilling of wells, cleaning of rivers and paving of roads with asphalt.
此外,我们赞同秘书长关于重新配置联海稳定团 军事部分的构想,以便随着情况的发展,将由更军 事工程师为重建工作作出贡献。
In addition, we share the Secretary-General’s idea of reconfiguring the military component of the Mission so
that as the situation evolves there will be a
[...] larger number of military engineers to contribute [...]
to reconstruction work.
这个V-HSLA钢计划的核心是由大学,钒产业顾问,结构工程顾问和美国 军 工 程 师 共 同实施产品的研发,设计和测试。
At the core of the HSLA-V Steel program was product research, design and
testing, conducted by universities, vanadium industry consultants, structural
[...] engineering consultants and U.S. Army engineers.
军方高级律师、高 级法官、区 域人权机构的代表、研究人员和人权专家出席了这两次会议。
Both meetings were
[...] attended by senior military lawyers, senior judges, [...]
representatives of regional human rights bodies,
researchers and human rights experts.
乌干达人民国防军法案》(2005年) 建立了下列强制惩戒机制:单位纪律委 员会;野战军事法庭师军事法 庭;一般军事法庭;以及军事法院上诉法庭。
The UPDF Act (2005) establishes the following force-disciplinary mechanisms: Unit Disciplinary Committee; Field Court Martial; Division Court Martial; General Court Martial; and Court Martial Appeal Court.
2009 年使用了24
[...] 枚杀伤人员地雷,以继续其培训和测试活动,这些地雷被 用于测试人员的防护服和防护设备及培 军 方 工 程 师 和 排 雷人员。
Ukraine reported that 24 anti-personnel mines were used in 2009 to continue training and testing activities and
that mines have been used to test personnel protective clothing and
[...] devices and to train military engineers and deminers.
他们说服了曾做军官、法官和师 约 翰•韦斯利•艾默生(John Wesley Emerson)作为其主要的投资人,在密苏里州圣路易斯市建立了 [...]
Emerson 公司。
With the financial backing of John Wesley
[...] Emerson, a former Union army officer, judge and lawyer, they establish [...]
The Emerson Electric Manufacturing
Company in St. Louis, Missouri.
所以,部队派遣国参与调查至关重要,具体做法是 派遣一军事律师,最好是一军事 检察官;他熟知本国军法条款,知道今后采 取行动需要有哪些材料,他还可以确保调查将有助于而不是阻碍今后根据本国法 [...]
Thus, it is crucial that troop
-contributing countries
[...] participate through a military lawyer, preferably a military prosecutor, [...]
who has expert knowledge of
the requirements of that State’s military law and understands what material will be required for subsequent action and who will ensure that the investigation assists rather tha n hinders subsequent action under national law.
土耳其埃拉泽菲拉特大学医学院教授(2000 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事 医学院副教授(1993 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事医学院助理教授(1991 年);
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国伦敦伦敦大学、皇家免费医学院、神经科学实验室 和生物力学实验室研究员(1988 年);土耳其安卡拉 Hacettepe
[...] 大学医学院解剖专 家(1986 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事医学院师(1983 年)。
Professor, Firat University Medical School, Elaziğ, Turkey (2000); Associate Professor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1993); Assistant Professor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1991); Research Fellow, London University, Royal Free School of Medicine, Neurological Science Laboratory and Biomechanics Laboratory, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1988); Specialist in anatomy, Hacettepe University Medical
School, Ankara, Turkey (1986); Medical Doctor,
[...] Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, [...]
Ankara, Turkey (1983).
这个竞赛项目着眼于拯救一个因有争议的战争而四分五裂的民族,吸引了数千退 军 人 和建 筑 师 参 与 了提案。
Undertaken to heal a nation torn apart by the controversial war, the competition attracted
[...] proposals from thousands of veterans and architects.
[...] 因是,更加复杂的授权任务需要专门的军事能力(如, 具有重型起重设备的飞机军队工程 师 、 后 勤人员,指 挥控制与情报收集)。
The absence of developed nations poses certain challenges to peacekeeping operations, as more complex mandates
require specialised capacities (ie,
[...] heavy-lift aircraft, army engineers and logisticians, [...]
command-and-control and intelligence gathering).
我当 时在国家议会讲话时,将自己的角色定位 军 队 的牧 师,我保证将医治国家心灵上的创伤,不再购买任何 [...]
Speaking then before our national parliament, I defined my
[...] role as that of an army chaplain and pledged [...]
to heal the wounds of the country’s
heart and soul and not to buy more weapons.
2002 年 5 月在利马举行的在武装冲突情况下保
[...] 护文化财产区域专家会议帮助各国更好地了解 了《公约》及其《第二项议定书》,并为该区 域的文化遗产专业人员、民政军事 律 师 以及 36.
The May 2002 Lima regional expert meeting on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict has contributed to better knowledge of the Convention and its Second Protocol and allowed for
information-sharing and networking of cultural heritage
[...] professionals, civilian and military lawyers and civil servants [...]
of the region.
国民卫军官的代理师和休 达检察院均未对驳回诉讼的命令提出异议,因此该 命令成为最终裁决。
The dismissal order was not challenged by either the attorney representing the Civil Guard officers concerned or by the Office of the Attorney General of Ceuta and thus became final.
许多人猜测华为可能与中国政府有一些黑暗的政府关系的主要一个原因就是羞怯,因为他从未公开出面谈及他之前的工作,创办华为之前,他在人民解 军 做 工 程 师。
That shyness is one of the main reasons why many speculate that Huawei may have some murky government connections with Beijing, since he has
never publicly come out to discuss his
[...] former role as an engineer in the People’s Liberation Army before he founded Huawei.
100 元纸币上的图案是世界著名女高音歌唱家内莉•梅尔巴女爵士(Dame
[...] Nellie Melba)(1861–1931)和著名军人、工 程 师 和 将 领约翰•莫纳什爵士(Sir [...]
John Monash)(1865–1931)。
The $100 note features world-renowned soprano Dame
Nellie Melba (1861–1931), and the
[...] distinguished soldier, engineer and administrator [...]
General Sir John Monash (1865–1931).
委员会建议为儿童工作和在儿童中开展工作的所有专业群体接受关于儿童 权利的充分系统的培训,尤其是法官、 师 、 警察 和 军 人 、医务人员、社会工作 者、教师和一切形式替代照料设施中工作的人员。
The Committee recommends that all professional groups working for and with children be adequately and systematically trained on children’s
rights, in particular
[...] judges, lawyers, the police and the army, health personnel, social workers, teachers and [...]
personnel working
in all forms of alternative care.
尼人权委 还为各层级学生和师、军队、 公务员、立法者、私营部门、石油和开采企业、 卫生保健工作人员和青年人等各类人士,开展提高公众认识和培训活动。
It also carries out public awareness
and training activities for
[...] students and teachers at all levels, the military, civil servants, [...]
legislators, the private sector,
oil and extractive industries, health-care workers and young people, among others.
[...] 机制应如何工作的经典范例,强调资源缺乏,难以任命足够的调查员、 师 、军 事分 析家和法医专家,因此成了重要的制约因素。
The Commission — deemed by many as a textbook example on how such a mechanism should work — nevertheless highlighted the lack
of resources to appoint sufficient
[...] investigators, lawyers, military analysts and forensic [...]
experts as an important constraint.
维和人员”包括在维和任务中执行一系列职责的人 员,包括作战部队(目前中国尚未派遣过)、警察、医 疗专家、工师、军事观 察员和其他辅助人员。
Peacekeepers” includes personnel performing a variety of functions within a peacekeeping mission, including combat troops (which
China has yet to contribute), police,
[...] medical specialists, engineers, military observers and other [...]
supporting personnel.
[...] 如公务员、媒体专业人员、社会福利工作者、 师 、 执 法人员 军 方) 举办的人 权培训方案中增加经济、社会和文化权利。
The Committee recommends that the State party include economic, social and cultural rights in the curricula of schools and in the human rights training programmes for professionals who have a direct role in the promotion and protection of human
rights, including civil servants, medical
[...] professionals, social workers, teachers, law enforcement officers [...]
and the military.
[...] Cuillère携手合作,将名表荟萃于瑞士2007年世界糕 师 大 赛 冠 军 得 主 位于Rüeggisberg的工作坊,拍摄一组高级腕表与时尚甜品完美结合的大片。
Watches The Guide magazine has teamed up with La Cuillère suisse to set up its cameras at Rüeggisberg (Switzerland) for a
mouthwatering shoot at the home of
[...] 2007’s world champion of pastry cooks, which you [...]
will be able to discover in the near
future on Watches The Guide’s iPad and iPhone applications – always up to the minute with the latest watchmaking news and now downloadable on the App Store.
[...] 寻求庇护的儿童和难民儿童工作的部门、移民当局、警察机关、 师 、 法 官以军事法 官、医务人员、社会工作者和新闻工作者等专业群体开展有关《任择议定 [...]
The Committee recommends that further training on the provisions of the Optional Protocol be provided for all relevant professionals, including those working with asylum-seeking and refugee
children, migration
[...] authorities, police, lawyers, judges, including military judges, medical [...]
professionals, social workers and journalists.
这些世界一流的竞赛活动包括:堪称烹饪界后起之秀力争国际认可亚洲竞技场的FHA2012 烹饪挑战赛;每四年举办一次、旨在弘扬中餐业界风采的 FHA2012中餐筵席争霸赛;以提高职业咖啡师水平、培养亚洲特色咖啡鉴赏力为宗旨的第三届亚洲咖 师 冠 军 赛 ; 以及作为法国里昂世界杯甜点大赛亚洲区预选平台的亚洲杯甜点大赛。
World-class competing events, including the FHA2012 Culinary Challenge - Asia's renowned platform for established and emerging culinary talents to gain worldwide recognition; FHA2012 Imperial Challenge - held once every four years to reveal highest levels of Chinese banqueting techniques and artistry; the third edition of Asia Barista Championship - a premier stage which seeks to boost baristas as a professional career and cultivate Asian appreciation of specialty coffee; and the Asian Pastry Cup - the official pre-selection platform to the World Pastry Cup held in Lyon, France.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩军火、 非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).




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