单词 | 军国主义 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 主义n—nationalismn socialistn imperialismn militarismn
c. 因为农民是被动的,也因为农村内的军国主义团体的影响,农村内没有反对军 国主义的活跃势力。 hkahe.com | organization in the villages, active opposition tomilitarism was lacking in the countryside. hkahe.com |
大部份的日本平 民因此难以分辨,究竟由政党或由军国主义者执掌政府的分别在哪里。 hkahe.com | To most Japanese commoners, thus, it meant little difference whether the government [...] was run by a party or by the militarists. hkahe.com |
皇名下的军事独裁政体。c.军国主义是日本的扩张主义及侵略行动的主要因素,也是日本转变成一个军国、极 权国家的主要因素。 hkahe.com | Japan’s conversion into a militarist, totalitarian state. hkahe.com |
军国主义造成的军事开支,使日本经济陷入危机 之中。 hkahe.com | Over-expenditure [...] caused by militarism madeJapan [...]suffer financial crisis. hkahe.com |
事实证明,以武力建立帝国这种尝试引致军国主义在国内冒起。 hkahe.com | As it happened, the attempt at creating an empire by force brought about the rise ofmilitarism at home. hkahe.com |
在 这 种 专 制 主 义 的 教 育 制 度 下 , 极 端 民 族 主 [...] 义 得 以 发 展 , 最 後 导致军 国 主 义的兴起 及 於 亚 洲 扩 张 的 [...]野 心 。 hkahe.com | Ultra-nationalism grew under such an authoritarian education system, leading finally to [...] the rise ofmilitarism and expansionist aggression [...]in Asia. hkahe.com |
D. 鼓吹对外扩张 日本军国主义鼓吹传统的「八紘一宇」思想,它的意义是把全世界各地结合起来,置於 [...] 天皇的统治之下,因此对外扩张是绝对必需的。 hkahe.com | Japanese militarism encouraged the traditional [...] concept of “Eight Corners Under One Roof 八 紘一宇” which meant a unity of the [...]whole world and put it under the rule of the emperor. hkahe.com |
政党政府未能压止叛乱及暗杀事件,这做成了两种後 [...] 果:它加深了普罗大众对政党统治的不信任,也令普罗大众易於接受军国主义。hkahe.com | The inability of the party government in restraining rebellions and [...] assassinations had two effects: it deepened popular distrust of party rule, and made it easy for [...] popular acceptance of militarism. hkahe.com |
可是,在 1920 [...] 年代,这一批元老逐渐逝世,而 军队则越来越不满;最後,军国主义的兴起侵害了政党统治。 hkahe.com | In the 1920s, however, the genro were passing away, and the military was growing discontented. The [...] consequent riseof militarism destroyed party rule. hkahe.com |
政 党政府难於抑止这些军国主义份子。 hkahe.com | The party government found it [...] difficult to checkthe militarists. hkahe.com |
B. 强调忠於国家、服从天皇 日本军国主义强调军人必须要对上级服从,对天皇要绝对忠诚,因为天皇是国家的象徵; 军人也要爱护国家,甚至是要准备为国家而牺牲,个人的利益是不重要的。 hkahe.com | They also had to be absolutely loyal to the emperor, since he was the symbol of the country. hkahe.com |