

单词 军事情报

See also:


military matters
military affairs

事情 n

matter n
things pl
thing n
affair n
business n


(spy) intelligence

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,根据两个孩子的证言,一些孩子在被转交 给儿童保护机构之前,在乌干达人民国防 军 / 军事情报 指 挥 部门停留了 2 个多月。
In addition, according to testimonies given by two children, some children stayed
for more than two months with
[...] UPDF/Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence before being [...]
handed over to child protection agencies.
他仍然被剥夺自由,目前被关押 军事情报局 的设施中。
He remains deprived of his liberty and is currently being held in the
[...] facilities of the Military Intelligence Directorate.
他显然担心,由于叙利亚参与了暗杀拉 菲克·哈里里,他可能遭遇不测;也知道黎巴 军事情报 部 门 也想采访他。
He was apparently afraid of what may happen to him in light of the Syrian
implication in the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, and also aware
[...] that the Lebanese Military Intelligence wanted to interview him.
国家情报和安全局以军事情报 部门 的广泛权力继续阻碍着政治权利在达尔富尔的充分行使。
The extensive powers of the
[...] National Intelligence and Security Service and Military Intelligence continued [...]
to obstruct the full
exercise of political rights in Darfur.
收到的投诉和委员会举行的听证会都清楚地表明,关于酷刑、虐待和殴打 的投诉多数与安全防范事务局、情报总局,特别 军事情报 局 有 关。
It is evident from all the complaints filed and the hearings convened by the Commission that most of the complaints of torture, ill-treatment and beating concerned
the Preventive Security Service,
[...] the General Intelligence Service and, in particular, the Military Intelligence Service.
最近,监察组获得可信信息和证据指称,一些阿法尔联阵部队最近在厄立特 里亚得到了东区军情局主管“Hatsaynet”中校(见 S/2011/433,第 262(e)段和
[...] 第 274 段)和在红海南部地区活动的一名厄立特里 军事情报 官 “ Debesay”少校 支持下的收容和训练。
More recently the Monitoring Group has obtained credible information and evidence that some ARDUF forces have recently been hosted and trained in Eritrea under the auspices of Lieutenant Colonel “Hatsaynet”, Chief of Military Intelligence for the Eastern Zone (see S/2011/433, paras.
262 (e) and 274), and Major
[...] “Debesay”, an Eritrean military intelligence officer active in [...]
the Southern Red Sea region.
2010 年,此前与上帝抵抗军有关联的儿童和年轻母亲大部分 (77%)通军事情报指挥 部门或乌国防军儿童保护部门被遣返回乌干达,而非立即移 [...]
In 2010, the majority (77 per cent) of children and young mothers formerly associated with LRA were
repatriated to Uganda through the
[...] Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence or through UPDF [...]
child protection units, instead of
being handed over immediately to appropriate civilian child protection actors.
具体而言,监察组同许多 以前就了解人民民主和正义阵线(人阵)和军事机构的前厄立特里 军事、 情报和外交官员进行接触。
In particular, the Group has contacted many
[...] former Eritrean military, intelligence and diplomatic officials [...]
with prior knowledge of the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) and military establishment.
第二个案件涉及 Abdul Mujeeb
[...] 先生,据称他于 2009 年 9 月 1 日在位于奎 达的俾路支大学文学院门口被边境部队 军事情报 人 员 绑架。
The second case concerned Mr. Abdul Mujeeb, allegedly abducted in front of the Arts Faculty of
the University of Balochistan, located in Quetta, by
[...] Frontier Corps and Military Intelligence agents on 1 September 2009.
一如欧安组织其他军备控制措施,该条约也要求每年定期进 军事情报交 流 ,并计划裁减军备和通过视察来进行核查。
As with the other OSCE arms control
measures, the Treaty requires the annual
[...] and periodic exchange of military information [...]
and envisages arms reduction and verification through inspections.
军事情报称, Chuma 上校先前与恩塔甘达将军合作, 但他拒绝加入兵变,并阻止恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织获取更多的采矿收入。
Chuma had refused to join the mutiny and was preventing NDC from obtaining enhanced mining revenue.
据报,胡塞武装团体和亲政府的民兵队伍大多让男童发挥战斗和后勤支援作用, 让女孩发挥支助作用(包括准备食物、搜 军事情报 和 携 带雷管),并训练他们使 用武器。
It has been reported that boys are mostly used by Al-Houthi armed groups and pro-Government militia in combat and logistical roles and girls in
support roles (including food
[...] preparation, gathering military intelligence and carrying detonators) [...]
and are trained on how to use weapons.
委员会关注的是,他们被拘留,据称由于涉嫌与基地组织有联系,在情报 部门控制的最大拘留中心――巴勒斯 军事情报 科 中 心遭受酷刑。
The Committee is concerned that they were detained and allegedly tortured in the largest
detention centre controlled by the
[...] intelligence services, the Military Intelligence Palestine [...]
Branch Centre, due to suspected links with Al-Qaida.
例 如 ,在阿尔及利亚军 事情报专 门 逮捕和审讯被 认 为 拥 有有关武装团伙 在 阿尔及 利亚境内活动的国际恐怖分子网络的情报者。
In Algeria
[...] for example, the military intelligence service (DRS) specializes [...]
in detaining and interrogating people who are
believed to possess information about the terrorist activities of armed groups acting within Algeria or of international terrorist networks acting abroad.
然 而,2012 年 3 月 14 日和 15
[...] 日在金沙萨举行、联刚稳定团作为观察员参加的刚果 民主共和国和乌干达国防部长、总参谋长 军事情报 局 长定期会晤期间,两国同 意有必要在上帝军问题上加强合作和信息共享。
During a regular meeting on 14 and 15 March 2012 in Kinshasa in which MONUSCO participated as an observer, however, the
ministers of defence, the chiefs of general
[...] staff and the military intelligence chiefs of the [...]
Democratic Republic of the Congo and
Uganda agreed that there was a need to enhance cooperation and information sharing related to LRA.
比如,区域合作理事会会员国近期 达成共识,决定军事情报领域 展开合作,增强互 信和地区安全。
Thus the members of the Regional
[...] Cooperation Council had recently agreed to cooperate in the field of military intelligence with a view to [...]
building mutual confidence
and strengthening security in the region.
(d) 促请该国政府、司法总长和国会建立民主管制情报部门的强有力的机 制,推进建立具有最高内部控制水平的数据保护中心,并建立清理情报档案的机
[...] 制,同时强调指出必须在相关司法调查方面取得进展,以便确定并惩处 军事情 报机构人员据称所犯罪行的实质性和情报方面的肇事者
(d) Urges the Government, the Procurator General and Congress to establish strong mechanisms of democratic control of intelligence services, to move forward in establishing data protection centres with the highest standards of internal control and to establish mechanisms to purge intelligence files, and emphasizes the need to make progress in the judicial investigations to establish and punish the material and
intellectual authors of alleged crimes committed by
[...] members of the civil intelligence agency (Department [...]
of National Security, DAS)
最后,他被转移军事情报局, 现在他仍然被关押 在那里。
In the end, he was
[...] transferred to the Military Intelligence Directorate where [...]
he continues to be held today.
[...] 还确认检察院未能采取干预行动,防止安全部门成员,尤其 军事情报 局 成 员篡 夺根据法律具有司法警察地位的机构的权力,特别是鉴于根据巴勒斯坦军事刑事 [...]
It has also been established that the Office of the Public Prosecutor failed to intervene in order to prevent
members of the security apparatus,
[...] in particular the Military Intelligence Service, from usurping [...]
the powers of the agencies
which, under the law, had the status of judicial police, particularly given that the Palestinian security apparatus, under Palestinian military code of criminal procedure, does not have the status of judicial police in cases involving military personnel.
内政部或军情报局和军事情报局等 情报机构定期直接向布托女士传达这些威胁警告,并 通过拉赫曼·马利克先生和被委派担任她的联络人和个人警卫官员的警官伊姆蒂 亚兹·侯赛因少校(退役)传达。
These threat warnings were regularly communicated by the Interior Ministry or intelligence agencies [...]
such as the ISI and Military
Intelligence directly to Ms. Bhutto, and through Mr. Rehman Malik and Major (ret) Imtiaz Hussain, a police officer deputed as her liaison and personal protection officer.
巴勒斯坦主管当局还必须禁 军事情报 局 强行对非军事人员 进行逮捕和拘留。
The competent Palestinian authorities must also prohibit the
[...] exercise by the Military Intelligence Service of the [...]
power to detain and arrest with regard to non-military persons.
29 据当时在阿斯马拉并参加了这些活动的索再解放联盟官员介绍,政府 高级官员——特别是新闻部长Ali Abdou、执政的人民民主和正义阵线政治事务
[...] 负责人Yemane Ghebreab和一名叫做Te’ame30 的高军事情报官— —在关于索再 解放联盟重要任命的决定中发挥了直接作用。
During the course of 2007, the Government of Eritrea sponsored the establishment of ARS as an opposition movement.29 According to ARS officials present in Asmara at the time, and who participated in these events, senior government officials — notably the Minister of Information,
Ali Abdou, the head of political affairs for the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, Yemane
[...] Ghebreab, and a senior military intelligence officer known as [...]
Te’ame30 — played a
direct role in decisions concerning key ARS appointments.
巴勒斯坦安保部门未能遵 守这项规定,他们军事情报局总 部关押着许多被捕者,但根据巴勒斯坦法律, [...]
The Palestinian security services failed to abide by that
provision and detained scores of
[...] arrested persons at Military Intelligence headquarters, [...]
even though those headquarters
are not, according to Palestinian law, designated for the arrest and detention of civilians.
第五个案件涉及 Kamal Shikho 先生,据称他于 2010 年
[...] 6 月 23 日在叙利 亚-黎巴嫩边境被叙利亚边境管制人员逮捕,随后被移交给叙利 军事情报 局的 工作人员。
The fifth case concerned Mr. Kamal Shikho, allegedly arrested at the SyrianLebanese
border by Syrian Border Control agents and later handed
[...] over to Syrian Military Intelligence Service agents [...]
on 23 June 2010.
虽然布托女 士的初步案情报告申请中并未提及这些人的名字,但巴基斯坦和外国媒体很快报 告称,布托女士的信中提到以下人士:在齐亚哈克将军独裁统治下担 军事情报 局局 长和在她首次担任总理时担任三军情报局局长的 Hamid Gul 中将(退役);情 报局局长和前三军情报局官员 Ejaz Shah 准将(退役);穆沙拉夫将军的最亲密政 治盟友之一,穆盟-奎派旁遮普省首席部长乔德里·佩尔瓦伊兹·埃拉希先生。
While Ms. Bhutto’s FIR application does not name these persons, Pakistani and foreign media soon reported that Ms. Bhutto’s letter referred to Lt. General (ret) Hamid Gul, Director General of MI under the General Zia ul-Haq dictatorship and Director General of the ISI during her first tenure as prime minister; Brigadier (ret) Ejaz Shah, Director General of the Intelligence Bureau and former ISI official; and Mr. Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, PML-Q Chief Minister of Punjab, one of General Musharraf’s closest political allies.
5 月号 6 月期间,在考卡山谷,海军陆战队成员通过儿童收集该地区游击队的信 息.8 月,在乔科省,据称,国民军人员询问
[...] 13 至 16 岁的四名儿童(他们刚离开 民族解放军)以求获军事情报。
In August, in Chocó, national army personnel
allegedly questioned four children between the ages of 13 and 16 who had demobilized from
[...] ELN to obtain military intelligence.




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