

单词 写道

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在巴勒斯坦犹太法典的内容是写在公元3世纪之间和5世纪初的巴勒斯坦学者;的巴比伦犹太法典的人,谁的学者之间的第3个世纪和6世纪 写道。
The contents of the Palestinian Talmud were written by Palestinian scholars between the 3rd century AD and the beginning of the 5th
century; those of the Babylonian Talmud,
[...] by scholars who wrote between the 3rd [...]
century and the beginning of the 6th century.
所有行业都需要更多的云教育,以使企业能够理解并利用这一重要新技术的优势,并且这一理解需求轻松跨越了 IT 部门的范围,”Moyse 写道。
More education is needed in cloud across all sectors to enable businesses to understand and utilize this important new technology
option to its advantage, and this need for understanding stretches past simply the border of the IT
[...] department,” Moyse wrote.
98 93. 从这些事例可以看出若干国家对“国家安全概念”的定义要素;这方面的法
[...] 学家放弃系统地研究每个法律制度如何试图界定这一概念的范围, 写道 : “ 目前 只需看到:(a) 这个词语既包括外部也包括内部威胁似已得到普遍接受;(b) [...]
各国 政府似不急于对这个词作出准确的定义(更不必说非限制性的定义),可能是为保
留其行动自由;(c) 这个概念不确切带来的风险经常受到民间社会、甚至有时受 到各国法院的诟病”。
Some elements for a definition of the “notion of national security” in a few countries have been found here and there; and, refraining from examining systematically how each legal system has attempted to fix
the limits of this notion, the
[...] author of that exercise writes: “For the time being, it suffices [...]
to note that: (a) it seems
generally accepted that the term covers both external as well as internal threats; (b) Governments seem to be in no hurry to give a precise definition (or a non-restrictive definition) of this term in order, probably, to maintain their freedom of action; and (c) the risks arising from the imprecise nature of the notion have often been denounced by civil society and at times even by national courts”.99 94.
2003 年,联合国前土著人人权和基本自由状况特别报告员鲁道夫·斯塔文 哈根在他的报告写道,加 拿大采矿公司TVIPacific在Subanon祖传土地上的存 在导致对圣地的亵渎并违反了圣地的礼仪要求。
In 2003, the former Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, wrote in his report that the presence of TVI Pacific, a Canadian mining company, in the Subanon’s ancestral land had caused desecration of the sacred sites and breaking the ritual requirements of the sacred ground.
[...] 2009 年给特别代表的一份说明写 道,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在附 [...]
件标题中使用了这一术语,而没有得到安全理事会的 明确任务授权,也未为此得到其认可,这种情况给秘 书长、特别代表以及整个秘书处都带来了法律、政治 和实际的困难。
In a note to the Special Representative in
[...] 2009, the Office wrote that that this [...]
terminology has been used by the Special Representative
of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict in the title of the annex, without a clear mandate of the Security Council nor, for that matter, its endorsement, and that that situation gives rise to legal, political and practical difficulties for the Secretary-General, the Special Representative and the Secretariat as a whole.
亨利·爱德华·帕特里奇在他1873年的日记 写道 : "我 们在57或58年埋葬了我们忠实的老‘Mauma’Mollie — 她几乎照料过家里的所有儿童;是我母亲的朋友和忠实仆人;在她的小屋里,我们经常吃炒腊肉及灰烤饼等家常饭,我们在这里始终都能得到欢迎和同情,我们就像对第二母亲一样爱她。
Henry Edward Partridge recorded in his diary in 1873: “We buried either in 57 or 58 our faithful old ‘Mauma’ Mollie – her who had nursed nearly all of the children of the family; been a friend as well as faithful servant to my Mother; in whose cabin we had often eaten the homely meal of fried bacon & ash cake and where we always had welcome and sympathy and whom we loved as a second mother.
从地理上看,罗马为代表克莱门特和黑马;波利卡 写道 士 麦 那,那里还派了七个伊格书信,他说,从安提阿途中经过小亚细亚,四名;帕皮亚是希拉波利斯主教在phrygia;在埃及的十二使徒遗训书面或叙利亚,在亚历山德里亚的巴拿巴信。
Geographically, Rome is represented
by Clement and
[...] Hermas; Polycarp wrote from Smyrna, whence also Ignatius sent four of the seven epistles which he wrote on his way [...]
from Antioch through
Asia Minor; Papias was Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia; the Didache was written in Egypt or Syria; the letter of Barnabas in Alexandria.
正如本雅明在此文的第三篇论文 写道 , 人类的救赎在于接受我们的所有过去留下的借鉴,克莱尔•方丹组合(Claire [...]
As Benjamin writes in the same text, [...]
in the thesis III the redemption of mankind will be to receive all our past as citable,
this work of Claire Fontaine wishes to allude to the possibility of redemption, but points out to the irreparable catastrophe.
这个名为‘纳尔逊·曼德拉:纯净心灵-独特愿景-永恒精神’的艺术项目再次体现了巴伐利亚州与南非之间的友好关系,这让我非常高兴,”巴伐利亚州州长霍斯特·泽霍夫(Horst Seehofer)先生在他的致辞写道。
I am pleased that the art project entitled 'Nelson Mandela: Pure Mind – Rare Vision – Eternal Spirit' once again
underlines Bavaria's friendly relations with
[...] South Africa,” wrote Bavarian Minister [...]
President Horst Seehofer in his greeting.
一份知名报写道,波兰“为其巨大的 损失而感到震惊”,人们看到,许多年龄和政治信仰 [...]
各不相同的人、一个个家庭以及一群群男孩和女孩聚 集在华沙市中心,手持红色和白色的蜡烛,点点烛光 闪动,他们在悲痛、痛苦和悲伤中团结起来,但也团 结在对他们的国家、民主以及自由硕果的深爱中,卡
Poland felt “shock at the immensity of its loss”, as one
[...] prominent newspaper wrote at the sight of [...]
so many people of all ages and political persuasions,
families, and groups of boys and girls gathered in central Warsaw holding flickering flames, candles in the red and white colours; united in grief, pain and sorrow, but also in care for their nation, their democracy and the fruit of freedom to which President Kaczyński contributed so much.
至于专家小组的报告(S/2009/640)第 129 段,Snowe 先写道:“我毫不含糊 地声明,我从未于 [...]
[2009 年]1 月 27 日乘坐阿联酋航空公司 788 航班或任何航班 从阿比让飞往阿克拉。
With regard to paragraph 129 of the Panel’s report
[...] (S/2009/640), Mr. Snowe writes: “I state without [...]
equivocation that I never travelled to
Accra on 27 January [2009] aboard Emirates Airline flight 788 or any flight from Abidjan.
相对于大会和经济及社会理事会为利用联合国力量应对这一威胁而同时做 出的努力而言,安全理事会这次会议是一项重要的对应行动。秘书长在最近的进 展报告写道,20 01 年的大规模资源调动显示了国际团结、有实证依据的行动和 政治承诺的力量(A/65/797)。
As the Secretary-General has written in his recent progress report, the massive mobilization of resources in 2001 demonstrated the power of international solidarity, evidence-informed action and political commitment (A/65/797).
而且,爱德蒙在文章写道,她 在腰部注射了维生素B12,以此来“提高自己的活力”。
Furthermore, Edmond writes that she had to [...]
inject vitamin B12 into her waist to “boost her energy.
9 月 6 日,即谅解协议签署 6 天后,总干事内
[...] 阁负责人在给总部下属司长的信 写道 : “ 根据总干事的指示,请您注意,您没有 [...]
权利批准与 Coteba 公司签署任何协议。
On 6 September, that is six days after the memorandum of understanding was
signed, the Director of the Office of the
[...] Director-General wrote to the Director [...]
of the Headquarters Division: “Please note
that, on the instructions of the Director-General, you are not authorized to reach any kind of agreement with Coteba.
洛杉矶时报》记者大卫·皮尔森(David Pierson)写道:“ 中国房地产的繁荣促成了高档盥洗市场的牛市”,“虽然大多数人对那种不到20美元的西方风格的马桶很满意,但是还是有越来越多的名牌涌现出来。
David Pierson wrote in the LA Times on October 21, 2010, “China’s housing boom has unleashed a bull market in fancy plumbing” and “although [...]
many are satisfied
with Western-style toilets that often cost no more than $20 here, pricier name brands are gaining traction.
她在1997年写道:“ 我总试图以孩子的眼睛观察世界,感受他们是快乐还是悲伤,他们需要什么。
I always try to see things with children's eyes," she wrote in 1997, "Are they happy?
”等祸患的诗人、外交官巴 勃罗·聂鲁达,自 1971 年至其 1973 年逝世任执行局委员,在本组织内部留下了深刻印象,
[...] 他在最后的诗篇《居住在地球上》 写道 : “ 我愿为你们高歌,为地球高歌,为了我们无愧 [...]
Similarly, Pablo Neruda, poet, diplomat and Member of the Executive Board from 1971 until his death in 1973, committed to eliminating scourges such as “ignorance and prejudice, … the doctrine of the inequality of
men and races,”1 left a profound mark on the
[...] Organization, writing in the last verses [...]
of “Residence on Earth”: “I wanted
to sing for you all, for the whole of the earth, this song of obscure words to make us worthy of the light that is coming”.
这位福伊特人在日记写道:“ 前往‘这片充满无限机遇的土地’的探险之旅开始了”。
An adventurous journey to the 'Land of unlimited opportunities' begins, which the Voithian records in his diary.
在国家的话题上,我想引用1998年的第24届圣保罗双年展画册里的一段话(这届双年展主要探讨的就是“国家代表”的议题),这段话引自加拿大策展人乔恩·涂普尔(Jon Tupper)在画册中发表的文章,写道 : “ 一个艺术家的作品不可能代表一个国家的当代艺术实践。
In the realm of nations, I quote the epigraph taken from the 24th Bienal de São Paulo (1998) catalogue dedicated to the segment of “National Representations”, a passage extracted from the text by the Canadian curator, Jon Tupper published in that volume: “It is impossible to represent a nation’s contemporary art activity through the work of one artist”.
Lieber写道:“无宗教信仰, 也就是未受洗礼,使个人[非基督徒 ]失去了真正道德意义上人人固有的权利”。
Paganism”, wrote Lieber, which meant being unbaptized, “deprived the individual [non-Christian] of those rights which a true … morality considers inherent in each human being”.
行政首长协调会成员支持这项建议,但指出该建议没有阐明,为了确保在写道德操 守办公室主任的空缺通知方面增加价值,在工作人员委员会一级需要哪 些能力。
CEB members supported this recommendation, but noted that it lacked clarity on what competencies would be required at the staff committee level to ensure added value in the preparation of the vacancy announcement for the head of an ethics office.
写道: “本案清楚地说明:在现 实中,宪法对人人皆有尊严人人平等的承诺,对很多人来说只是遥远的梦想”。32 [...]
法院进 行司法审查的意愿与能力不仅取决于对他们对明确的宪法权利的理解,更取决于对宪法核 心价值和尊严与平等原则的理解。
He writes: “The case brings [...]
home the harsh reality that the Constitution’s promise of dignity and equality for all remains
for many a distant dream”.32 The ability and willingness of the Court to engage in meaningful review of government decisions in these areas is largely dependent on an understanding of how they engage not only explicit constitutional rights, but also central constitutional values and principles of dignity and equality.
另一方面,A. Nollkaemper 写道:“ 最终,与洛克比爆炸案有关的个 [...]
On the other hand, A. Nollkaemper writes: “Eventually, [...]
the findings of individual responsibility in connection to the Lockerbie
bombing supported subsequent claims of state responsibility.
IP Dragon 博客中写道,中央电视台 13 频道《新闻一加一》栏目近期对乔丹与乔丹体育进行了分析,节目中主持人不仅谴责了乔丹公司这一做法有失公允,同时也也谴责了使用类似伎俩的所有中国公司。
The IP Dragon Blog points out a good example of this, noting that CCTV-13 program Yi + Yi recently ran an episode analysing Jordan vs Qiaodan Sports, in which the host criticises not just the Chinese company, but all Chinese companies that use similar tactics.
报告第九写道:“ 在过去 的几年中,安哥拉的财政账户已经表现出了较大的残余融 资,2007至2010年间,累计大约相当于32亿美元(占国内生 产总值的25%)”。
The report, p.9, states that “During the last few years, Angola’s fiscal accounts have exhibited large residual financing items, cumulatively equivalent to about US$32 billion (25 percent of GDP) from 2007 to 2010.
澳贸委中国区经理Christopher Wright 这写道,尽 管全球金融危机肆虐世界各地,但2010 年仍是中国的虎啸之年,天朝经济的巨幅增长,为澳大利亚企业持续创造了极大的机遇。
Despite the Global Financial Crisis, 2010 was the year of the roaring Tiger in China, with spectacular growth in the Middle Kingdom continuing to deliver for Australian business, writes Austrade’s China Country Manager Christopher Wright.
卡内基科学研究所全球生态学系负责人和政府间气候变化专门委员会的一个工作小组的联合主席Chris Field在一个专栏写道:“ 2011和2012年的东海岸发生的事情还不能足以证明,但是总体趋势现在越来越明显”。
Chris Field, the director of the Department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science and co-chair of a
working group for the Intergovernmental Panel on
[...] Climate Change, wrote in an op-ed that [...]
“the evidence is not yet in for the East
Coast in 2011 and 2012, but the general trends are increasingly clear.
知 识在许多头脑的应用中演化,经常是在他人的成果之上递增。艾萨克·牛顿爵士很久以前 曾谦虚写道:“如果我能够看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人肩膀上。
Sir Isaac
[...] Newton modestly wrote a long time ago: [...]
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
例如,在回应游泳选手叶诗文的夺金争议时(其比赛表现遭到使用兴奋剂的质疑),耐克发布的一条文 写道 , “ 他们能怀疑你的成绩,但不能质疑你的伟大。
For instance, in reaction to the controversy surrounding swimmer Ye Shiwen’s gold medals (whose performance was met with widespread accusations of doping), Nike released a copy with the text “They may doubt your performance but they can’t doubt your greatness”.
在与 他的谈话报告写道,当 他在获释时询问自己为什么被拘留时,有人告诉他,许 多无辜的人都被拘留过,他可以设想自己也是其中之一。
In the report on his interview, it was noted that, when he asked on the day of his release why he had been detained, he was simply told that many innocent people were detained, and he could consider himself to be one such person.456




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