单词 | 写着 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 写着 verb—read vSee also:写 v—write v
有些读者可能还 记得,他们当初买的书的封面上写着 这 样 一行字:“因著作权,此版不在美国发售。 iprcommission.org | It is for this reason that some readers may remember purchasing books which had on the cover the words: “For copyright reasons this edition is not for sale in the U.S.A. iprcommission.org |
E. 要解决行李箱不像背包客的形象问题,那就在行李箱 上 写着 , “我是背包客”吧。 4tern.com | Write on your suitcase,”I am a backpacker! 4tern.com |
她向前走,抽出一张写着“万豪酒店”的纸,她的新生活由此开始。 unicef.org | She reaches in and pulls out a piece of paper saying ‘JW Marriott’, and her new life begins. unicef.org |
与声音部分一起展示的还有一块黑板,上面重叠 书 写着 数 字,粉笔灰收在下方,反应貌似永无止境的生产已经不存在的知识。 shanghaibiennale.org | In tandem with the sound piece, the exhibition includes a chalkboard work with numbers written one over the other, and the collected chalk dust below, reflecting the seemingly endless markings that acknowledge those who no longer exist. shanghaibiennale.org |
即使到了70多年后的今天,其后续表款仍不断 谱 写着 这 款 传奇腕表的成功史。 iwc.com | Even now, over 70 years on, the latest model adds another chapter to the success story of this extraordinary watch. iwc.com |
南非航空的迅速品牌推广有着独有的参考价值,因为其并不适用与其他品牌——比如另一大南非的航空公司,KULULA最近被勒令停止其广告,因为该广 告 写着 K U L UL A是“南非世界杯非官方的某某某运载商”。 labbrand.com | The widespread exposure is especially valuable because it is not available to other brands—Kulula, another South African [...] airline, was recently ordered to withdraw an [...] advertisement that said that it was [...]the “Unofficial National Carrier of the You-Know-What. labbrand.com |
墨西哥记者玛利亚·伊丽莎白·马西亚斯·卡斯特罗遇害就是 [...] 一个典型的例子,人们在新拉雷多市附近发现了她被斩首的尸身,同时发现了一 张纸条,上面写着她被 杀是因为在社会媒体网站上报道新闻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The killing of Mexican reporter, Maria Elizabeth Marcias Castro, whose decapitated body [...] was found near the city of Nuevo Laredo, [...] along with a note saying she had been [...]killed for reporting news on social media websites, is a case in point. daccess-ods.un.org |
两个月之后,新浪在纽约时代广场刊登了大幅广告 , 写着 标 语 “与2亿人一起分享幸福”。 labbrand.com | Two months later, Sina released its Weibo ad in Times Square with the tagline “Share happiness with 200 million people here”. labbrand.com |
该资料的扉页上写着该工程施工单位 ID’ART 公司的名字。ID’ART 公司的领导人是 Y. Velte 的女儿、翻新工程期间 T3E 公司的分包商 Baille 女士。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The cover page of that document gives the name of the architectural and engineering team for this operation, ID’ART, whose manager is Ms Baille, the daughter of Mr Velter and a former subcontractor of T3E during the renovation works. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我还在窗口的四面的,发现与铭文写着 ” 她 救了她的 V.B. 1925”。 luxe-immo.com | I also found on the ledge of the window, a [...] plate with the inscription “she saved [...]her V.B. 1925”. luxe-immo.com |
联科行动应当进行系统和全面的分析,从而为合并、逐步缩编和最终撤离制 订战略规划,并应编写着手移 交的适当指标和基准,以确保巩固和平进程的收益 (见第 43 和 44 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI should undertake a systematic and comprehensive analysis leading to strategic planning for consolidation, gradual drawdown and eventual exit; it should also develop appropriate indicators and benchmarks to begin a handover that would ensure the consolidation of the gains of the peace process (see paras. 43 and 44). daccess-ods.un.org |
Jaba 村的村民醒来发现,清真寺着 火了,墙壁写着涂鸦 “Ulpana 战争”、“战争已经爆发”和“付出代价”,显然这 一恶劣行径出自曾多次损毁巴勒斯坦平民财产的定居者之手。 daccess-ods.un.org | Villagers in Jaba awoke to find their mosque ablaze and the desecration of its walls with graffiti declaring “Ulpana War”, “The war has begun” and “Pay the price”, clearly indicating in this vile act the hand of settlers, who have repeatedly destroyed Palestinian civilian properties. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,意大利继续演绎着欧洲珠宝行业的动力源泉的身份,继续徜徉于古典与现代风格之间, 书 写着 时 尚 艺术的历史。 expo2010italia.gov.it | Today, Italy – the powerhouse of the European jewellery industry – continues to make fashion history with both classical and contemporary styles. expo2010italia.gov.it |
厂区运输主管Stefan Dartsch指着列车站背后的一块写着“转接边界”的标牌介绍说,从那里开始不再是德国铁路公司的领地。 reports.wacker.com | Once uncoupled, it heads to a side track. As it disappears, Stefan Dartsch (head of in-plant transport) points to a sign just behind the train station. reports.wacker.com |
我注意到,他提及国际关系中的信任理念。这使 [...] 我想起,在一个安理会理事国外交部的办公室 里 写着 这样 一句话:“上帝,我们相信;其他人,则需查验”。 daccess-ods.un.org | I note that he made reference to the notion of trust in international relations, and I am reminded that in an [...] office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a [...] Council member is written the sentence: [...]“In God we trust; others, we verify”. daccess-ods.un.org |
封面上有一条 15 世纪的注释,已经几乎完全褪色,上 面 写着 : "Di Cosimo de' Medici e degli Amici"(属于克西莫·梅第奇 [Cosimo de’ Medici] 和他的朋友们所有)。 wdl.org | On the front cover is a 15th-century note, now almost totally faded, which states: "Di Cosimo de' Medici e degli Amici" (Belonging to Cosimo de’ Medici and his friends). wdl.org |
这份 ijazah 的官方功能是让学生有权以 katabahu (书写着)与 hararahu (作者)字样签署自己的书法作品,这样他才能独立并教导自己的学生。 wdl.org | The official function of the ijazah was to give a student the authority to sign his own calligraphic works with expressions such as katabahu (written by) and hararahu (composed by), thus allowing him to become independent and take on pupils of his own. wdl.org |
订立合同时,卖方 [...] UI 公司开具了形式发票,发票上写着“成 本加运费总额,巴格达机场”,表明总价包括“工厂交货价”和空运成本。 daccess-ods.un.org | On conclusion of the contract, the seller, UI, drew up a pro forma [...] invoice with the words “Total C&F [cost [...]and freight] Baghdad Airport”, stating [...]an overall price, made up of an “ex works” price and air transport costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
东亚分部(不包括中国)的一位专家表示遗憾,因为尽管有许多国家 反对、保留或弃权,国际航道测量组织的报告中仍 然 写着 , 关于修订特别出版物 第 23 号工作组的主席小组对提议表示“令人鼓舞的支持”。 daccess-ods.un.org | but had not yet achieved consensus. An expert from the Asia East Division (other than China) expressed regret over the description in the report of the International Hydrographic Organization that there had been “encouraging support” for the proposal from the Chair Group of the Working Group on the Revision of Special Publication No. 23, in spite of the objections, reservations or abstentions by a number of countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
糖果看上去就像斜躺在桌子上,背上示 例 写着 一 条 个人消息。 ba-repsasia.com | The candy appears reclining on a table with an example of a personalized message written across its back. ba-repsasia.com |
克 里 斯 托 弗·伍 尔 — 680万美元:克里斯托弗·伍尔凭借作品《Untitled》 创下了680万美元的拍价纪录,这件出自《word paintings》系 列 的 作 品 在 白 色 的 背 景 上 用 黑 色 字 体 写 着“Fo ol”的字样(435万英镑,佳士得拍卖会)。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Christopher Wool - $6.8 million: Wool garnered a record $6.8 million for Untitled, one of his word painting series, representing the word Fool in black lettering on a white background (£4.35 million, Christie’s). imgpublic.artprice.com |
这两股强大力量相互交 融,不断改写着零售行业的格局,各种创新与创业活动由此层出不穷。 mckinseychina.com | The convergence of these two powerful forces is transforming the retail landscape and unleashing a surge of innovation and entrepreneurship. mckinseychina.com |
例如,在希伯来文写着“他们看见以色列的神”(出24:10)在LXX有“他们看到的地方站在以色列的神”,和“我会跟他嘴对嘴”(序号。 mb-soft.com | eg, where the Hebrew reads "they saw the [...] God of Israel" (Exod. 24:10) the LXX has "they saw the place where the God of Israel [...]stood"; and for "I will speak with him mouth to mouth" (Num. 12:8) the LXX translates "I will speak to him mouth to mouth apparently. mb-soft.com |
联科行动应当进行系统和全面的分析,从而为 合并、逐步缩编和最终撤离制订战略规划,并 应编写着手移 交的适当指标和基准,以确保巩 固和平进程的收益(第 73 段) 见上文。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI should undertake a systematic and comprehensive analysis leading to strategic planning for consolidation, gradual drawdown and eventual exit; it should also develop See above. daccess-ods.un.org |
在法文本中包括明确的强制性语言,而英文翻译 上写 着:“在其领土上存在这些紧急情况的国家不应该随意拒绝此种人道主义援助的提议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Included in the French text is clear mandatory language, while the English translation reads: “States in whose territories these emergency situations exist should not arbitrarily reject such offers of humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年11月美国外交政策中有一条,国务卿希拉里.克林 顿 写着 未 来 十年美国政策的主要任务是“钳制亚太地区在外交、经济、战略和其他方面的增长投入”。 youlinmagazine.com | In a November 2011 article in Foreign Policy, U.S. Secretary of State [...] Hillary Clinton wrote that a key task [...]of American policy over the coming ten years [...]would be to “lock in a substantially increased investment -- diplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwise -- in the Asia-Pacific region. youlinmagazine.com |
作为广州新兴中央商务区的一部分,意 味 着写 字 楼 周边地区充满了商业发展的机会,同时也吸引了来自世界各地的大型企业。 servcorp.com.cn | Being part of the new CBD business district in Guangzhou means that the surrounding area is filled with new developments and is attracting the biggest companies from around the world. servcorp.com.cn |
52 这个观点与特别代表自己关于推动人们探寻如何改 善实际生活的“有原则的实用主义方法”不谋而合,森 接 着写 道 ,而不是在理论 上描述“完全公正的社会”或机构,这在任何情况下都仍是空想。因此,本报告 提出了如何使国家和公司在应对商业企业和人权挑战时反应更加迅速、工作更加 有效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, this report has addressed how States and companies can become more responsive and effective in dealing with business and human rights challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |