单词 | 写法 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 写法 —spellingless common: way of writing a character • style of writing (literary style) See also:写 v—write v
另一种意见认为,应当避免这一写法 , 否则就没给关于行使自卫权的习惯 国际法规则留下余地。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to another view, such a [...] formulation was to be avoided since it left little room for [...] customary international law rules on the exercise [...]of self-defence. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,批准了“可以由联邦法规定俄联邦国语和各 共和国国语字母的其他书写法”应 参照的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | A regulation is also being approved in accordance with which “the use of other alphabets for the [...] official language of the Russian Federation and the official languages of the republics [...] may be instituted by federal law”. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据一个会员国的建议,特别报告员提出一个替代的、更笼统 的写 法,但 他主张坚持一读通过的方针,具体说明这类“其他理由”的事例,包括按 [...] 一会员国的提议而以“条约的规定”作为额外理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Acting on the suggestion of a Member State, the Special Rapporteur proposed an alternative, more [...] general, formulation, although he preferred [...] to retain the approach adopted on first [...]reading of specifying examples of such [...]“other grounds”, including as suggested by a Member State, “the provisions of the treaty” as an additional ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
正面 背面 用名信片的时候 和信封的写法大概 相同,但是可以在正面的左侧写自己的住址。 town.matsushige.tokushima.jp | The same as addressing an envelope, or you can write your own [...] address on the front, down the left side. town.matsushige.tokushima.jp |
仍以某单位的年终奖金分配为例说明,这里以员工Annie的排名为例说明公式 的 写法。 oapdf.com | Still a year-end bonus distribution of units as an example, where Annie's ranking employees as an example of the wording of the formula. oapdf.com |
委员会在利益共享这一条是应列出各种可 能的共享形式或是应更加笼统地提及利益共享的这一问题上未能取得一致的立场,故选择了 提请全体会议对该条款的两种可能的 写法 予 以 最后讨论和批准的作法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Not having taken a unique position concerning whether the article on sharing of benefits should enumerate possible forms of benefit-sharing or instead refer to benefit-sharing in a more general way, the Board opted to propose to the plenary meeting two possible formulations of the article for the final discussion and approval. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而且,提交的资料与美国完全不同,因此特 地查了写法,小 心书写,以免出现错误。 jasso.go.jp | In addition, since the documents submitted are [...] completely different from those in the United States, I [...] researched how to write them and took care that I made no mistakes. jasso.go.jp |
对于根据第[61 ]条提出的申诉,以及对于要求对复议机构作出的决定或者对复议 机构未根据第[62 或 63]条在规定时限内作出决定进行司法复议的请求, [ 填 写法 院名称]拥有管辖权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The [insert name of court or courts] has jurisdiction over actions pursuant to article [61] and petitions for judicial review of decisions made by review bodies, or of the failure of those bodies to make a decision within the prescribed time limit, under article [62 or 63]. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用了各种方法:秘书处编写法规草 案,直接提交委员会,因为目前 没有一个工作组拥有相关专门知识(例如《电子资金划拨法律指南》(1987 年) 和《私人融资基础设施项目立法指南》(2000 年);秘书处编写的法规草案先由 一个工作组审查,再由委员会通过(例如,《跨国界破产合作实务指南》(2009 年));以及委托秘书处编写法规草 案,直接提交委员会(例如,关于使用《贸 易法委员会仲裁规则》的建议(2012 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Various approaches have been used: a draft text was developed by the Secretariat and referred directly to the Commission as there was no existing working group with the relevant expertise (e.g. the Legal Guide on Electronic Funds Transfers (1987) and the Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (2000); a draft text prepared by the Secretariat was reviewed by a working group prior to its adoption by the Commission (e.g. the Practice Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation (2009)) and preparation of the draft text was entrusted to the Secretariat and referred directly to the [...] Commission (e.g. Recommendations [...]on the use of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (2012). daccess-ods.un.org |
法律实体 可以填写法律性质,同时填写法律实 体在该国组成的国家的名称,适用时, 并填写该国域内单位。 wipo.int | Legal entities may indicate their legal nature, together with the name of the State in which they are incorporated or organized and, where applicable, the territorial unit of that State. wipo.int |
在利益共享问题上,与会代表作出了保留该条原来 的 写法 , 以明确反映培养和加强发 展中国家采集和处理人类基因数据能力的必要性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to sharing of benefits, participants opted to retain the original formulation of the article but chose to reflect explicitly the need to develop and strengthen the capacity of developing countries to collect and process human genetic data. unesdoc.unesco.org |
词汇缓冲技术在OCX文件中预先存储了1000个最容易常规拼写的词汇的错 误 写法 , 这 使得在拼写校验中减少查找词库和获取正确拼写建议的时间。 evget.com | This results in fewer dips into the dictionary, and faster access to suggested spellings. evget.com |
这种写法好在 :我们只创建一次方法函数,在构造器中调用它们。 developer.mozilla.org | That's better: we are [...] creating the method functions [...]only once, and assigning references to them inside the constructor. developer.mozilla.org |
然而第13 段的现行写法是令 人误解的,因为“废除”这一词可能被 理解为各国应该退出条约。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the current formulation of paragraph 13 was misleading, as the word “denouncing” might be understood to mean that States should withdraw from the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Halpern 和Kerman一文的基础下,我们研究发现,由繁体与简体中文的语法相近度的关系,其代码与正 确 写法 的 转 换规则,关键在於准确性水平99%以上 。 hanweb.kanhan.com | In the context of Halpern and Kerman's work, our [...] research found out that [...] Code and Orthograhic conversion rules are critical to the accuracy level of up to 99% because of the grammatical proximity [...]of TC and SC. kanhan.com |
为了完整地执行《条约》第 12.4 条,并更好地落实《条约》的中心思想和 专业术语,目前西班牙正在撰写法律 修正案草案,对《民法典》第一卷的第九和 第十章,以及《民事诉讼法》第四卷第一篇第二章进行修改。 daccess-ods.un.org | To achieve full compliance with article 12(4) and better adaptation to the spirit and terminology of the Convention, work is proceeding on the preparation of a draft Act amending Parts IX and X of the Civil Code and Book IV, Part I, chapter II, of the Civil Judgements Act, which regulate proceedings concerning the capacity of individuals, and also introducing minor amendments, principally to adapt the terminology used in the Commercial Code, the Mortgages Act and the Organization Statute of the Public Prosecutor's Office . daccess-ods.un.org |
下表中的指⽰在某些型号上写法不同。 citizen.com.hk | The indications in the table [...] below are written differently on some models. citizen.com.hk |
患者安全解决方案能解决写法相似 、读音相似的药品名称问题;患者身份识别问题;患者交接时的沟通问题;在正确的身体部位进行正确操作的问题;浓缩电解质溶液的控制问题;确保治疗改变时的药品准确性;避免导管和插管错接的问题;注射器的单次使用问题;加强手部卫生以预防医疗相关性感染的问题。 zs.jointcommissi...nternational.org | The Patient Safety Solutions address the issues of look-alike, sound-alike medication names; patient identification; communication during patient handovers; performance of correct procedure at correct body site; control of concentrated electrolyte solutions; assuring medication accuracy at transitions in care; avoiding catheter and tubing misconnections; single use of injection devices; and improved hand hygiene to prevent health-care associated infection. jointcommissioninternational.org |
如果您熟悉 Crimson 的表达式语法(写入表 达式章节详细描述了这种语法),您就可 [...] 以直接在编辑框内输入表达式来编辑属性。 redlion.net | If you are familiar with [...] Crimson’s expression syntax—a complete description [...]of which can be found in the Writing Expressions chapter—you [...]can edit the property by typing an expression directly into the edit box. redlion.net |
若尝试将新算法写入现 有文件,现有文件的内容将 被清除。 seagate.com | If you try to write a new algorithm to a pre-existing [...] file, the existing file's contents will be erased. seagate.com |
他说,秘书处准备的说明不过是将一些 想 法写在 了纸上,既不是设定什么限制,也不是一览无遗的。 daccess-ods.un.org | He remarked that the note prepared by the Secretariat had merely placed some thoughts on paper and that the paper was neither restrictive nor exhaustive. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果未擦除全部页面,应用程序将无 法写 入 数 据。 analog.com | If not all pages are [...] erased, the application cannot write data. analog.com |
你也可以建议, “ 你能不能把我的想法换一种方法写下 来 ,这样是否更有可能得 到批准和资助? acd.org.au | You could also suggest, “How can you write down my idea in a different way so that it is more likely to be approved and funded? acd.org.au |
另外,为了实 现自己的愿望,将如何利用自己的长 处和专业性,把自己的想法写出来, 反映自己的职业观和价值观。 jasso.go.jp | Your opinion of work and values will be reflected in this section. jasso.go.jp |
(1) 采用针对特定语法写的低级专有DFA解析器解析,试验表明比使用通用抽象的BNF语法体系解析(Java中一般用JavaCC或AntLR)要快,因为BNF为了通用,考虑了太多因素,导致其效率降低,当然,BNF在处理复杂语法(比如要解析C/C++/Java等语法时)很有优势,但CommonTemplate的语法非常简单且统一,所以使用专有的低级解析器是比较好的选择。 javakaiyuan.com | (1) using a specific syntax to write low-level proprietary [...] DFA parser , tests showed that using a common abstraction than [...]the BNF grammar parsing system (Java in general use JavaCC or AntLR) to be fast, because the BNF for GM, taking into account many factors , resulting in reduced efficiency , of course , BNF in dealing with complexComplex syntax ( for example, to parse C/C/Java syntax , etc. ) have the edge , but CommonTemplate syntax is very simple and uniform , it uses a proprietary low-level parser is a better choice. javakaiyuan.com |
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动 做 法 表 示 满意,预计这 种做法会给 地区办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III). unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中包括做体力活动、练习放松技巧(如瑜伽、冥想或太极)、寻求社会支持、简化您的生活、获得充足的高质量睡眠、将您脑海中所有的 想 法写 成 日 记、尽可能多笑、积极思考,或是在适当的时候变得自信。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | These include engaging in physical activities, practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or Tai Chi, reaching out for social support, simplifying your life, getting [...] enough quality sleep, [...] journaling by writing whatever comes to your mind, laughing whenever possible, thinking [...]positively, or [...]being assertive when appropriate. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |