

单词 写意画

See also:


painting n
picture n

classifier for paintings etc

画画 n

paint n

External sources (not reviewed)

绘画风格上我确又在一次变的乱了,首先笔法上不是很控制性的,而是随意的,是那种没有练习过的,想象中的中 写意画。
I also stuck some photos in there, some photos of the singers and dancers from old Shanghai that I
[...] like, downloaded off websites.
英语 (美国)、英语 (英国)、简体中文 (手写、拼音、画)、繁体中文 (手写、拼音、注音、仓颉、画)、 法 语、法语 (加拿大)、法语 (瑞士)、德语 (德国)、德语 (瑞士)、意大利 语、日语 (罗马字、假名)、韩语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、保加利亚语、加泰罗尼亚语、切罗基语、克罗地亚语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、表情符号、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、佛兰芒语、希腊语、夏威夷语、希伯来语、印地语、匈牙利语、冰岛语、印尼语、拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、马其顿语、马来语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、葡萄牙语 (巴西)、罗马尼亚语、俄语、塞尔维亚语 (西里尔字母/拉丁字母)、斯洛伐克语、瑞典语、泰语、藏语、土耳其语、乌克兰语、越南语
English (U.S.), English (UK), Chinese - Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin, Wubihua), Chinese - Traditional (Handwriting, Pinyin, Zhuyin, Cangjie, Wubihua), French, French (Canadian), French (Switzerland), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Romaji, Kana), Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, Greek, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic/Latin), Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
协调委员会还商定,这些实验性会议应该依据以下某 些关键原则:自愿参加,特别是涉及会议侧重讨论的缔约国时;各次会议的总体 目标是寻找支助执行的合作途径;不 写 任 何 报告,说 意 见 都来自哪些与会者 或表明与会者的立场。
The Coordinating Committee also agreed that these experimental sessions should be based on certain key principles, including: that participation would be on a voluntary basis, particularly as concerns States Parties that would be the subject of a national focus; that the overarching purpose of each
session would be to seek
[...] cooperative means to support implementation; and, that there would be no report produced attributing views to any participant [...]
or revealing participants’ affiliations.
咨询小组还意写信给 联合国主计长,说明这些尚未执行的 建议的有关方面。
The Group also agreed to submit a letter [...]
to the Controller on the relevant aspects of the outstanding recommendations.
[...] 具包和读物,巴基斯坦科学基金会还为一本关于水问题 画 报 编 写 文 字说明,2007 年 2 月将要举行 的技术委员会会议将对此进行审查。
To popularize science, science tool kits and readers on science themes have been prepared for rural learners and
neo-literates, and the Pakistan Science
[...] Foundation has prepared a script for a pictorial book on water-related [...]
issues which will be reviewed
at the Technical Committee to be held in February 2007.
该公园拥有漂亮的花园、迷人的小岛以及充满诗 画意 的 小 桥流水。
The park shelters beautiful gardens, islets and bridges.
诚然,艺术家在双年展上呈现的充满着诗 画意 的 雕 塑作品并非用来净化、制备和输送水或引领一次全球人道主义行动的最为有效的方法,然而从它们具备实际功能这一点来看,它们作为艺术作品的感染力恰恰在于能够借此激发我们的意识与行动。
The poetic sculptures they present at the Biennale may not be the most efficient means to purify, prepare and transport water, or to launch a world-wide humanitarian effort, but in their ability to actually function, they gain power as works of art created to move us to awareness and action.
蒋志的工作领域涵盖了摄影、纪录片制作、录像装置、 画 、 装 置和小 写 作。
Jiang Zhi’s working field covers photography, documentary production, video
[...] installation, painting, installation and novel writing.
在这一方面,理事会请工作组主席 写 任 择 议定书草案,用作 谈判的基础,其中要考虑到在工作组第一次会议上发表 意 见 和提供的投入,适 当意儿童权利委员会意见, 并且酌情考虑相关的联合国特别程序以及其他专 家的意见。
In this regard, the Council requested the Chairperson
of the Working Group to prepare a proposal for a draft optional protocol to be used as a basis
[...] for the negotiations, taking into account the views expressed and inputs provided during the first session of the Working Group and giving due regard to the views of the Committee on the Rights of the Child [...]
and, where appropriate, the views of relevant United Nations special procedures and other experts.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示 意 , 预 计这 种做法会给地区办事处和全国委员会在拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
在技法上,这幅画毫无矫揉造作之感,它是对于原则的陈述,是哲学与政治的遗产, 写 作 、 书法与 画 所 成 就的革命。
The drawing, done without any pretention of virtuosity, is
a statement of principles, a philosophical and political
[...] legacy, a revolution through writing, calligraphy and drawing.
固定 作品的方法有许多,可写在纸上, 画 在 画 布 上,录制下来(声音或 图像)等等。比如,在要求作品固定的国家,舞蹈设计要受到保护, [...]
必 须把动作写成舞谱,制成录像,或者以其他形式固定下来。
A work can be fixed in many different
[...] ways, it can be written on paper, painted on canvas, recorded [...]
(sound and/or video), etc. For
example, in countries that require fixation of a work, a dance choreography is only protected once its movements are written down in dance notation, recorded on video, or fixed in any other form.
配合Tony Foti为吴尊创作的摄写实的插画,Sh otopop在这位歌手的周围创建了幻想的世界,其中还展示了消费者购买金瓶盖Coke可以赢得的奖品。
Pairing up with Tony Foti for the photorealistic
[...] illustration of Wu Zun, Shotopop constructed [...]
a fantastical world around the singer
showing the prizes consumers can win when they purchase a Coke with a golden cap.
法律保障新闻和印刷自由,保障每一个巴勒斯坦人的言论自由,每一个 巴勒斯坦人都可透过任何表达形式或媒介形式,通过言语 写 作 、 照片或画自由发表言论。
The press and printing are free and freedom of opinion is guaranteed to every Palestinian, who may express his opinion freely in speech, writing, photographs or drawings in any form of expression or medium.
秘书处意到精心编写的哥伦比亚国家淘汰计划执行情况综合进展报告以及有关证 明文件,包括关于哥伦比亚消耗臭氧层物质国家消费量的乐观的核查报告。
The Secretariat noted the comprehensive and well written progress [...]
report on the implementation of the Colombia NPP, together
with the supporting documents, including the favourable verification report on national ODS consumption in Colombia.
2003 年 3 月 8 日,在总部举办了几项活动:a)意大 利 画 家 和 摄影家 Roshanak Bahramlou 的摄 影展“阿富汗人的日常生活”;b)关于“妇女半边天”的现代艺术展,教科文组 织向利用艺术为各洲女艺术家争光的妇女致敬;c)与《巴黎竞赛》合作,就最新 [...]
次有约旦王后陛下出席的讨论会和“揭开面纱,伊斯兰世界的女艺术家”展览 会;和 e)与电视 5 台和国际法语国家机构合作制作了世界妇女纪录片,其间,指 定法国宇航员兼艺术家 Titouan Lamazou 先生为教科文组织和平艺术家。
On 8 March
[...] 2003, several activities were held at Headquarters: (a) a photo exhibition Intimités Afghanes by the Iranian painter and photographer [...]
Roshanak Bahramlou;
(b) a contemporary art exhibition “On this side of the sky, UNESCO salutes women in art” honouring women artists from all continents; (c) a discussion-forum Overcoming fear, winning the battle against breast cancer” was organized in collaboration with Paris Match on recent scientific breakthroughs and preventive advice; (d) a conference-discussion and an exhibit “Breaking the veils, women artists from the Islamic world” with the participation of Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan; and (e) the screening of the documentary “Portraits of Women of the World”, produced in collaboration with TV5 and l’Agence Internationale de la Francophonie, during which Mr Titouan Lamazou, French navigator and artist, was designated UNESCO Artist for Peace.
在讲述业绩之前,首先请各位意画 面 上 有关业务展望之重要提示。
However, income and employment growth remain steady and domestic demand is expected to remain strong.
写意的RING CUBE标志经过了饱满丰富的三色处理。
A lavish three-color treatment of the casual RING CUBE logo.
该公司以悠久的运动鞋生产史而闻名,公司名称“ASICS”是一个拉丁短语的 写 , 意 为 “健全的心灵寓于强健的体魄”。
Known for its rich
[...] history in athletic shoes, the name of the company, "ASICS," is an acronym of a Latin phrase which translates to "a sound mind in a sound body.
新一代肯德基概念门店陆续登录亚洲、澳洲及英联邦国家,概念店的室内装 写 真 及 壁 画 分 别 由生活摄影师Michael Warren和壁画艺术家Tim Marrs担当完成。
A new line of next generation KFC concept stores are opening in locations in Asia, Australia, and the United Kingdom, featuring a series of lifestyle photographs by Michael Warren and murals by Tim Marrs.
大型多角画面会帮助写低角 度或高射枪是否捕捉静止图像或全高清视频剪辑。
The large Vari-Angle screen helps compose low-angle or [...]
overhead shots whether capturing still images or Full HD video clips.
可以个人或小组方式让学画画或写 作 , 如以写作方式进 行,写下每个观点时都以“我有一个梦想”开始。
This could be done as writing, starting each idea with ‘I have a dream …’ or as an illustration, individually or as a group.
报告所述期间,每年举行辩论和 画/写 信 /标 语竞赛,竞赛主题包括:消除贫穷; 拯救女童;为把世界建设成更有利于青年的场所而做贡献;快乐祖父母和幸福家 [...]
Debates and painting/letter-writing/slogan contests [...]
were held every year during the reporting period on subjects such as
ending poverty; saving the girl child; contributions to make the world a better place for youth; happy grandparents and happy families; curing cancer; eliminating junk food for healthy living; and the power of youth to rid the world of tobacco.
画完画、写完诗的那一刻起, 作品便受到保护。
The instant you draw
[...] a picture or write a poem your works [...]
are protected by copyright.
有的建议,提供投入者在写意见时 ,首先要反思哪些有关因特网的 国际公共政策问题没有得到现有机制的适当处理,应当开展哪些工作来加强这些 [...]
It was suggested that, in preparing comments, contributors reflect, [...]
above all, on what international public policy issues
pertaining to the Internet were not being adequately addressed by current mechanisms and what specific processes should be pursued to enhance international cooperation in these areas.
[...] [...] Parreno的一部科幻短片《火星来的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光,水牛在水田里踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天田野上空的太阳,塑料棚与周围的树木被风吹动的 意画 面 , 以及片尾黑幕时一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过目不忘的迷幻氛围。
Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s architectural sci-fi film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the slowly moving starlight, the footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette pulling hard and submerging into the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light
bulbs, the sun above the field during
[...] the daytime, the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy [...]
and the surrounding trees blown
by the wind, and the chanting of an aged man at the end of the film, all contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that was hard to forget after viewing.
细木墙裙可能是1766年时为王妃铺装的,除了门头饰板的边饰以外,墙裙应该是蓬巴杜夫人卧室装饰的“再利用”:墙上挂着纳图瓦尔(Natoire)的四幅画作,它们以 意画 的 形 式展现了绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐艺术。
The woodwork was probably carried out for the Dauphine in 1766, except for the frames of the overdoors, which are undoubtedly a “reuse” of the decor from Madame de
Pompadour’s room:
[...] they frame four paintings by Natoire representing allegories of Painting, Sculpture, [...]
Architecture and Music.
现在我们分析一下什么的代码,要使用PHP创建PDF文件,有四个步骤:1,创建文档句柄;2,注册文档的字体和颜色;3,用PDFLib提供的函数向文件句 写 文 字 或 画 图 ;4,保存文档。
Now we analyze what kind of code, to use PHP to create PDF documents, there are four steps: 1, handle the creation of the document; 2, the registration
document fonts and colors; 3, the function provided by PDFLib
[...] file handles to write text or drawing; 4, save [...]
the document.




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