

单词 冒犯的

See also:

冒犯 v

insult v



give off
act under false pretences
surname Mao
send out (or up, forth)

External sources (not reviewed)

他建议,通过在冒犯的程度”之后插 入“尽管”一词,把两句合并成一句。
He suggested combining the last two sentences by inserting the word “albeit” after the phrase “the scale of offences caused”.
主席,如果他不收回這句說話,本人 便請主席裁決他所的是冒犯的語言
President, if he does not withdraw this remark, I am obliged to ask you to rule that this is offensive language.
MR ALBERT CHAN (in Cantonese): Chairman, is the remark made by Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung that we are sitting here as if we are a log offensive?
地鐵公司又表示,就相關附例採取執法行 動,通常是由受到此類語言或行 冒犯的 乘 客 或職員的舉報或投訴所 觸發。
MTRCL has also advised that the enforcement of this Bylaw is normally triggered by reports or complaints from passengers or staff who are being abused by such language or behaviour.
在因特网上除了可以获得大量有价值的资源外,还有一些不正确的、有错误导向的、 以及可能造冒犯的内容
In addition to the many valuable resources available on the Internet, some are incorrect, misleading and may be offensive.
Fathalla 先生说,他冒犯的程度不影响第 19 条第 2 款的范围这一表述感到不满。
said that he was not happy with the formulation that the scale of the offence caused did not affect the scope of paragraph 2 of article 19.
No offence meant, just part of the game and we pat Ferguson [...]
on his back if that was the way he saw it fit.
观点,反对删除短语“不冒犯的程 度 ”,但是可 以通过采纳 Amor 先生提议的措辞来解决问题,把 [...]
最后两句合并,并在“冒犯”之前插入“严重”一 词,以示强调。
said that while she took Mr. O’Flaherty’s point against deletion of the phrase
[...] “regardless of the offence caused”, the [...]
issue might be resolved by
adopting Mr. Amor’s proposed wording for the merging of the last two sentences with the addition of the word “deeply” for emphasis before the word “offensive”.
冒犯的 問題 ,你真要嚴肅處理,看看對議員來說是否有那個意思。
As for the issue of offending Members, you [...]
should really take the matter seriously and examine if Members find the remarks offensive.
大家只要重聽黃毓民議員剛才的發言,便可發現若大家批評我的 某些行為例如剛才提及“黑社會”的說話是帶有冒犯,相對於黃毓民議 員剛才的發言和當中是否涉冒犯的 問 題,我相信大家所 的 “ 冒犯” 曾經出現了很多次。
If Members will review the remarks made by Mr WONG Yuk-man earlier, they will find that certain criticisms of me, for example, those about my reference to "triad societies" being offensive, they will find that when compared to the remarks made
by Mr WONG and whether
[...] they would involve any offence, I am sure the kind of offence referred to has happened [...]
many times.
Lallah 先生质疑倒数第二句中短语“不冒犯 的程度”的相关性,建议予以删除。
questioned the relevance of the phrase “regardless of the scale of offence caused” in the penultimate sentence and suggested its deletion.
关于该段的最后两句,他建议将其合并如下: “第 2 款的范围包含可被视冒犯的观点 ,但一切 表达仅受到第 19 条第 3 款和第 20 条规定的限制”。
As for the last two sentences of the paragraph, he proposed merging them as follows: “The scope of paragraph 2 embraces even views that may be regarded as offensive, albeit all expression may only be limited in accordance with the provisions of article 19, paragraph 3, and article 20”.
任何个人或实体如认为刊登在定期刊物的文书或图像直接冒犯或含有直冒犯的内容 ,又或提及不真实或错误的情事,可能影响其名声或声誉,因而受到 损害时,得行使答辩、否认或更正权。
Any person or entity that feels aggrieved or misrepresented by a written text or image which constitutes or contains a direct insult or a wrongful or untrue reference to a fact likely to affect such person’s public standing or reputation has the right to respond, disclaim and/or rectify such text or image.
主席:何秀蘭議員,我剛才聽到了謝偉俊議員的說法,我不覺得他冒 犯的含意
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Ms Cyd HO, I have heard what Mr TSE
[...] said earlier and I do not think he meant any offence.
如果主席女士認為我今天 對 主席女 士 作出過冒 犯 的 評 論 , 我希望主席女士也不會 對 號 入 座 。
If the President thinks that I have made some offensive remarks about you, I hope you do not take them personally.
主席说,如果删除短语“不冒犯的 程 度 ”, 那么在当前的上下文中,冒犯” 显然是指“侮 辱”而非“犯罪”。
said that if the phrase “regardless of the scale of offence caused” were deleted, it would be [...]
clear that the word “offensive” referred
to “insult” and not “crime” in the present context.
同时,精神的圣诞礼物显示了伊甸 的冒犯 她 的 身 后 ,她的同事取笑她。
Meanwhile, the Spirit of Christmas Present shows Eden her co-workers
[...] teasing her behind her back, which offends her.
又认识到和平、促进和平文化及尊重人权是可持续发展的构成要素,但大量 开支被把拨用于战争和军事活动,包括研究活动,特别是核武器使用方面的研究 活动,这对地球构成了严重威胁,影响到各地人们的生活,构成令人无法接受的 风险,尤其是在土著人民不冒犯的 土 地 上存储核废料和开采铀矿以及自然和人 为灾害可能会对核反应堆造成的损坏
that peace, the promotion of the culture of peace and respect for human rights are constitutive elements for sustainable development and that the large expenditures being allocated to warfare and military activities, including research, in particular for the use of nuclear weapons, represent a serious threat to the planet, affecting the lives of people everywhere, and pose unacceptable risks, in particular in respect of the storage of nuclear waste and uranium mining on the sacred lands of indigenous peoples and the potential nuclear reactor damage posed by natural and human-made hazards
主席说,根据委员会的讨论,他认为第 11 段最 后两句在合并与修正后,应为“第 2 款的范围包含 可被视为严冒犯的观点 ,但此类表达可依照第 19 条第 3 款和第 20 条的规定受到限制。
said that based on the Committee’s discussion, he took it that the last two sentences of paragraph 11, as merged and amended, should read, “The scope of paragraph 2 embraces even views that may be regarded as deeply offensive, albeit such expression may be limited in accordance with the provisions of article 19, paragraph 3, and article 20.
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实际上,应用“一切” 一词来代替“表达”之前的“此类”一词,以强调 一切形式的表达都要受到第 19 和 20 条规定的限制, 而不只冒犯性的表达
Indeed, the word “all” should replace the word “such” immediately before the word “expression” to emphasize that all forms of expression, and not just offensive ones, were subject to the limitations set out in articles 19 and 20.
有關眾議員在加拿大國會外作出 被視為特權問的冒犯性言論的個案
Case about Representatives’ offensive remarks outside the Parliament of Canada that constitute a matter of privilege
过去曾发生记 者因发冒犯一些人的文章 而被起诉的情况。
In the past, journalists had indeed been
[...] prosecuted for articles that had offended some people.
该决议草案认识到,解决带冒犯性 言 论的 唯一办法是更多地发表言论,而非使用以容忍为名限 制言论的法律。
The draft resolution recognized that the only solution to offensive expression was more expression, not laws that restricted expression in the name of tolerance.
34 4.3 擬議綱領列 出 8項 道 德 準則,第七 項關乎 “ 個人操守” ,可作 為規管眾議員與議會程序無關或在議院外作出,並可能會損害國會聲的冒犯性言行的機制。
35 4.3 The proposed framework listed eight ethical principles, the seventh of which was on “Personal Conduct” and might serve as a mechanism for regulating Representatives’ offensive words or acts unconnected with parliamentary proceedings or outside the chamber that may discredit the Parliament.36 It provided that
以各种武 断和空洞借口进行的所有这些非法行动具有高度的 煽动性,威胁到当地和区的稳定, 冒犯 宗 教敏感性, 破坏谈判的恢复,并危及“两国解决方案”。
All such illegal actions, undertaken under a variety of arbitrary and empty pretexts, are highly inflammatory, threatening local and regional stability, stoking religious sensitivities, sabotaging resumption of negotiations and jeopardizing the two-State solution.
委员会回顾其关于在刑事司法系统的司法和运作中预防种族歧视的第31号 一般性建议(2005年) ,根据该建议,缺乏与种族歧视行为相关的申诉、检控
或定罪或这方面数量小的情况。也能表明受害者也许对其权利缺乏其充足的 了解,或者害怕社会指责或报复,或受害者由于资源有限难以承担司法程序
[...] 的费用,或因其复杂性而退却,或由于对警察和司法当局缺乏信任,或由于 当局未能充分警惕或认识种族主 冒犯 行 为 的 存 在
The Committee recalls its general recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system, in which it is stated that the absence or small number of complaints, prosecutions and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination may indicate either that victims have inadequate information concerning their rights, or that they fear social censure or reprisals, or that victims with limited resources fear the cost and complexity of the judicial process, or that there is a lack of trust in the
police and judicial authorities, or that the authorities are insufficiently
[...] alert to or aware of offences involving racism.
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議 事規則委員會主席曾鈺成議員表示,應 內務委員會的要求 ,議事規則委員會曾研究是否需 要明示授權事 務委員會主席,處 理在事 務委員會會 議上有 議員被指使冒犯性或侮辱性 言的 情況, 以及有關立法會、 常 設 委員會及專責 委員會會議秩 序 的 《 議 事規則》I部的適 用 範圍, 應否擴 展至其他 委員會。
Mr Jasper TSANG, Chairman of CRoP, said that as requested by the House Committee, CRoP had studied whether it was necessary to provide express authority for a panel chairman to deal with the situation where a Member was alleged to have used offensive or insulting language at a panel meeting, and whether Part I of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) concerning order at Council meetings, standing committees and select committees should be extended to other committees.
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