单词 | 冒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冒—boldemitless common: send out (or up, forth) surname Mao act under false pretences give off Examples:冒牌n—counterfeitn 假冒n—counterfeitspl impersonationn 假冒v—fakev
虽然我们并不预期通讯环节在短期内冒升成为主要的增长动力,但长远而言此行业 的重要性将会稳步上升。 asiasat.com | While we do not expect the telecommunications sector to emerge as a leading driver of growth in the short term, the sector will steadily grow in importance over the longer term. asiasat.com |
该方案的目标为:升级旅行证件的技术安全特征;执行国 际民航组织关于处理和签发机器可读护照和其他旅行证件的最低安全标准;增强 [...] 各种能力,并改善跨境合作以查出和防止使用仿冒和伪造旅行证件的行为;减少 出现此类损失和被盗护照被用于恐怖主义和其他犯罪目的的可能性,方法是履行 [...]承诺向国际刑警组织报告丢失和被盗旅行证件,推动边境管制第一线和其他执法 [...]官员实时利用国际刑警组织的数据库。 daccess-ods.un.org | The objectives of the programme are to: upgrade technological security features of travel documents; implement the ICAO Minimum Security Standards for Handling and Issuance of Machine-Readable Passports and other Travel Documents; enhance capacities and improve cross-border cooperation [...] in detecting and preventing the use of [...] fraudulentand counterfeittraveldocuments; [...]and reduce the possibility of such loss [...]and stolen passports being used for terrorist and other criminal purposes by implementing the commitment to report lost and stolen travel documents to INTERPOL and facilitating real-time use of INTERPOL databases by first-line border control and other law enforcement officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如先前专家组的最后报告所述(见 S/2009/521,第 292-306 段),非法交 易者利用加纳钻石凭单收据,把科特迪瓦毛坯钻石假冒为加纳生产的钻石。 daccess-ods.un.org | As discussed in the final report of the previous Group of Experts (see S/2009/521, paras. 292-306), illicit traders have used Ghanaian diamond voucher receipts to certify rough diamonds of Ivorian origin as Ghanaian-produced stones. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,尽管冒着巨大风险,提交人还是试 图利用科特迪瓦的司法和行政机构行使其权利,但却没有得到任何结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, despite the risks involved, the author had attempted to claim his rights through the courts and through administrative bodies, but his case had not been taken up in either instance. daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴反对美国政府所采用的非法机制,后者正是借此冒称其 有权证实其他国 家在恐怖主义方面的行为并发布带有歧视性、选择性和政治动机的名单,同时保 持双重标准,不将本地区针对古巴和其他国家公然从事骇人听闻恐怖主义行为的 肇事者绳之以法,却让他们逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba rejects this illegitimate mechanism whereby the United States Government arrogates to itself the right to certify the conduct of other nations with regard to terrorism and to publish discriminatory, selective and politically motivated lists, while maintaining a double standard by failing to try the avowed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries in our hemisphere, instead allowing them to remain at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
感冒的原因可能是由数百个不同的病毒之一导致。 cn.iherb.com | Coldsmay becaused by one [...] of hundreds of different viruses. iherb.com |
(C) 政府承认港灯及其股东由於所冒风险及投入和留存 於该企业内的资金,有权赚取合理利润;但作为回 报,政府须获得港灯保证,继续对消费市民提供足 够应付需求的服务,并须效率高和质素佳,及根据 财政及其他因素以合理的最低价格提供服务。 hkelectric.com | (C) The Government recognises that HEC and its shareholders are entitled to earn a return which is reasonable in relation to the risks involved and the capital invested in and retained in its business, and in return, the Government has to be assured that service to the consuming public continues to be adequate to meet demand, to be efficient and of high quality, and is provided at the lowest cost which is reasonable in the light of financial and other considerations. hkelectric.com |
各国应确保受到金融部门机构所采取行动不利 影响的人能得到充足的救济途径,并制定法律,通过规定惩罚冒险行为和起诉肇 事者的问责机制,阻遏有害做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | States should ensure adequate means of redress for those adversely affected by the actions taken by financial sector institutions, and adopt regulations that discourage harmful practices by providing for accountability mechanisms that penalize risky behaviours and prosecute perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
各支票 或股息单应以只付予抬头人的方式支付发送,而待支付有关支票或股息单後,即表示 本公司已妥为解除支付股息及/或红利的责任,即使其後可能发现该支票或付款单被 盗或其上的任何加签属假冒。 asiasat.com | Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. asiasat.com |
对此,我担心,在根据第十 六条审查案件时,不考虑剥夺个人的法律保护的期限和系统性这些因素,多数委 员可能冒轻率处理这一基本人权保障的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, I fear that by giving up the elements of the duration and systematic character of the deprivation of a person of the protection of the law when examining cases under article 16, the majority risks to trivialize this fundamental human rights guarantee. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为他们是如此普遍,有些人认为感冒是就 是免疫力的问题。 cn.iherb.com | Because they are so widespread, [...] some considercolds a problem of [...]immunity. iherb.com |
这样的要素可包括保护消费者健康的原材料质量、可感知的口味、气味、颜色和 质地方面的规定,以及为防假冒而为最终产品制定的基本质量标准。 codexalimentarius.org | Such factors could include the quality of the raw material, with the object of protecting the health of the consumer, provisions on taste, odour, colour and texture which may be apprehended by the senses, and basic quality criteria for the finished products, with the object of preventing fraud. codexalimentarius.org |
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站上加入一个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW Automotive网络访问和使用协议的条款和条件进行操作,但是:用户不得使用或复制TRW Automotive内容;不得为TRW Automotive内容创建浏览器、边界环境或边框;不得暗示TRW Automotive认可用户或用户的产品或服务;不得曲解用户与TRW Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的内容,不得包含不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW Automotive认为不可接受的内容。 trw.cn | If you wish to provide a link to a TRW Automotive Web Site, you may do so under the terms and conditions of this or any future TRW Automotive web access and use agreement, but: you may not use or replicate TRW Automotive Content; you agree not to create a browser, border environment or frame for TRW Automotive Content; you may not imply that TRW Automotive is endorsing you or your products or services; you may not misrepresent your relationship with TRW Automotive; you may not present false information about TRW Automotive products or services; and your linked web site shall not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial, and or contain content that is not appropriate for all age, racial, religious or other groups protected by law or content that TRW Automotive deems unacceptable at its sole discretion. trw.com |
我们不会调查、监控或检查此等第三方网站和第三方内容的准确性、适当性或完整性,并且我们不会对通过网站或张贴于网站的任何第三方内容访问的任何第三方网站承担任何责任,包括但不限于第三方网站或第三方内容的内容、准确性、冒犯性、意见、可靠性或政策。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | Such Third Party Sites and Third Party Content are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness by us, and we are not responsible for any Third Party Sites accessed through the Site or any Third Party Content posted on the Site, including without limitation the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions, reliability or policies of or contained in the Third Party Sites or the Third Party Content. beyondtheshock.com |
Carrier先生说:“将在大会上汇报的新研究成果,将显示目前仍然存在这种非法假冒商品 贸易所产生的全面影响,全球经济、政府和消费者每年损失上万亿美元, 200多万份工作将受到潜在的威胁,”他补充说,“因此,所有利益有关者都必须再次为找到新的、富有创造性的解决方案作出承诺;国际商会已通过其商业活动制止假冒和盗 版倡议这样做了,我们将在本次大会上提出新的倡议和新的数据,继续支持知识产权发挥作用,以推动创新,创建新的计划,教育消费者为什么不要购买假冒伪劣 产品。 wipo.int | Mr. Carrier said “New research to be reported at the [...] Congress will show [...] that the total impact of this illicit trade in fakes is staggering, with more than US$1-trillion in annual losses to global economies, governments and consumers and potentially more than 2 million jobs at risk,” adding “It is essential that all stakeholders renew their commitment to find new and creative solutions, and ICC, through its BASCAP program is doing that, and we will introduce new initiatives at this Congress providing new data, new support for the role of IP in driving innovation and new programs to educate consumers on why they should stop buying fakes. wipo.int |
这种情况说明了直接与生 [...] 存、身体完整性和健康相关的人与人之间的暴力侵害和结构性的暴力侵害,因为 妇女每天为水这一基本需求而要冒着生命的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such a scenario illustrates both interpersonal and structural violence [...] directly related to survival, bodily integrity and health, as [...] women risk their lives daily for water, [...]which is a basic need. daccess-ods.un.org |
另 外一种看法认为,在遭受驱逐的情况下,尊严的概念特别重要,因为对于等待驱 逐的外国人来说,其尊严经常受到冒犯,但这不一定等同于特定人权受到侵犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to another viewpoint, the concept of dignity was of particular importance in the context of expulsion, for aliens awaiting expulsion were frequently subjected to offences against their dignity that did not necessarily amount to the violation of a specific human right. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使在 21 世纪的今天,在世界上的许多城市,唯一固定或可靠的废物收集 服务(如果存在的话)是由靠一辆卡车走街串巷的非法企业来提供的;青少年和他 们年幼的弟妹把垃圾场当作游乐场和捡拾物品换取零用钱的地方;冒着健康和安 全风险回收废物的非正规企业主未受赞扬和嘉奖,反遭迫害和刑事定罪;管理有 害工业材料的最安全方法便是由工人进行露天焚烧并呼吸有毒气体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even now, in the twenty-first century, there are many urban areas in the world where the only regular or reliable waste collection services (if they exist at all) are provided by illegal one-truck businesses run from people’s homes; where adolescents and their small sisters and brothers see the dump site as a playground and a source of materials to sell for pocket money; where informal entrepreneurs who risk their health and safety to recycle are persecuted instead of praised, criminalized instead of commended; where the safest way of managing hazardous industrial materials is for workers to burn them openly and breathe in the toxic fumes? daccess-ods.un.org |
当本地习俗或其他情况导致您很难拒绝出于个人使用目的而提供的门票或 如果不接受就造成冒犯时 ,无论门票价格是多少,您必须向公司道德办公室报 告接受门票的情况。 lubrizol.com | If local customs or other circumstances make it very difficult or offensive for you to reject a ticket offered for personal use, you must report the acceptance to the corporate ethics office regardless of the value of the ticket. lubrizol.com |
澳大利亚政府谴责 2011 年在利比亚、索马里和 苏丹新近发生的令人遗憾地使用破坏性弹药的做 法,并且澳大利亚政府赞赏那些往往冒着巨 大的个 人风险努力清除 70 多个国家地雷和战争遗留爆炸物 的人们。 daccess-ods.un.org | Her Government deplored the unfortunate recent use of destructive munitions in Libya, Somalia and Sudan in 2011, and commended those who had worked to remove landmines and unexploded remnants of war in over 70 countries, often at great personal risk. daccess-ods.un.org |
您理解并同意,公司可以但无义务审查并根据其全权判断删除或移除(未经通知)任何用户内容,包括但不限于根据公司全权判断认为是违反本协议或可能是冒犯性的、非法的或可能违反用户或他人权利、伤害或威胁用户或他人安全的用户内容。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | You understand and agree that the Company may, but is not obligated to, review and delete or remove (without notice) any User Content in its sole discretion, including without limitation User Content that in the sole judgment of the Company violate this Agreement or which might be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of Users or others. beyondtheshock.com |
但实际上,除了本组织调整和优先工作不断发生变化、采用新的管理技术以及工 作人员队伍老化等因素,职位重新定级、晋升和职业发展的可能性太小了,就像一场真正的冒险历程,从而使有关的工作人员失去信心和动力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In fact, however, apart from factors attributable to restructuring and the Organization’s changing priorities, the use of new management technologies and the ageing of the staff, opportunities for the reclassification of posts, promotions and career development are so slim that they are akin to a genuine personal odyssey that undermines the convictions and motivation of the staff members concerned. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这使得时常是不见踪影的武器贩子和 各种使用方变化多端,从小罪犯到装扮成为夺取权力 的革命者和人权卫士的冒险家,还有劫匪路霸等。 daccess-ods.un.org | This enriches traffickers who are frequently invisible and users of all sorts, from petty criminals to adventurers posing as revolutionaries and defenders of human rights to seize power, as well as road blockers and other highway bandits. daccess-ods.un.org |
答: 如阁下之白金卡遗失或被窃或遭冒用,阁下须对於本行实际收到该等通知前所产生之未经授权白金卡交易负责,阁下所 需承担之最高金额将不超过 HKD500 。 bank.hangseng.com | A: If your Platinum Card is lost or stolen or misused, you are liable to the Bank for all unauthorised Platinum Card transactions up to HKD500 before the Bank is actually notified of such event. bank.hangseng.com |
她解释说,撤消全球甲基溴信息交流项目并不是由于与其他执行机构之间 缺乏协调造成的,但由于协调需要很多时间,她倾向于撤消这一项目,而不是甘冒开发计 划署无法找出足够的实践处理这一问题的风险。 multilateralfund.org | She explained that the removal of the global MB information exchange project had not been caused by a lack of coordination with other implementing agencies, but as coordination was time-consuming she preferred to remove the project rather than run the risk that UNDP could not devote sufficient time to it. multilateralfund.org |
WIPO总干事弗朗西斯•高锐将会同国际刑警组织秘书长雷纳德•纳布尔先生和世界海关组织秘书长御厨邦雄先生以及法国经济部长克里斯蒂娜•拉加德女士,共同出席2011年2月2日将在巴黎举行的第六届全球反假冒反盗版大会,共同探讨如何以兼顾各方利益、可持续的方式处理树立尊重知识产权风尚的问题。 wipo.int | WIPO Director General Francis Gurry will be joined by his counterparts at INTERPOL, Mr. Ronald K. Noble, and the World Custom’s Organization (WCO), Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, as well as France’s Minister of Economy, Mrs. Christine Lagarde, at [...] the opening of the Sixth Global Congress [...] on CombatingCounterfeiting and Piracy in [...]Paris on February 2, 2011 to address the [...]question of building respect for intellectual property in a balanced and sustainable way. wipo.int |