单词 | 再造水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 再造水 noun —reclaimed water nSee also:再造—restoration • restructuring • reconstruct • rework • reproduce (copies, or offspring) • reform • give a new lease of life
由於再造水的使 用仍在研究 階段,我們暫時並沒有計劃把其擴展至其他地區。 legco.gov.hk | For the time being, we do not have any plan to extend the scheme to other areas since the use of reclaimed water is still under study. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 當局正進行的降低生產再造水成本 的研究會否包括評估有 關措施對未來水費帶來的影響,以及除了該項研究外,還有 [...] 甚麼其他措施開拓新水源? legco.gov.hk | (d) whether the study currently undertaken by [...] the authorities on lowering the cost [...] of producing reclaimed water will include assessing [...]the implications of the relevant [...]measure for future water charges, and apart from this study, what other measures are in place to develop new water resources? legco.gov.hk |
除宣傳節約用水及減少水 管爆裂的措施外,該策略亦涵蓋長遠措施,包括探討以海水化 淡和再造水為額外水源供應。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from measures to promote water conservation and reduce bursts of water mains, the Strategy also covered [...] long-term measures including exploring seawater [...] desalination and water reclamation as additional sources of water supply. legco.gov.hk |
他進一步詢問使用再造 水作非 飲用用途的事宜,並質疑為何部分學校和政 府社區會堂已使用有關技術,但政府當局卻要這麼 [...] 長的時間進行相關測試。 legco.gov.hk | He further enquired [...] about the use of reclaimed water for non-potable purposes, [...]and queried why the Administration had taken [...]so long in conducting the relevant tests when some schools and government community halls were already applying such technology. legco.gov.hk |
水務署會繼續透過節約用水控制 [...] 用水需求增長,但目前不會採用海水化淡 和 再造水 , 因 為此等 措施與購買東江水之間的價格差距甚大。 legco.gov.hk | While WSD would continue to contain the growth of water demand through [...] conservation, WSD would not resort to seawater [...] desalination and water reclamation at [...]the moment due to the substantial price difference [...]between such measures and the purchase of Dongjiang water. legco.gov.hk |
在香港,製造 再造水有一項限制,因為我們有很多地方也是用鹹水沖廁,如果要再回用鹹 水,價格會很昂貴,因為要把鹹水的鹽分脫除。 legco.gov.hk | In Hong Kong, there is also another [...] limitation in producing reclaimed water because salt water is used for toilet [...]flushing in many places, [...]and it will be very expensive to produce water from salt water, for it is necessary to carry out the desalting process. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我們要看看有哪些用途可以 使用再造水,但現時仍未能完全確立。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we must look into what [...] purposes reclaimed water can serve, but we [...]have yet come to any conclusion. legco.gov.hk |
至於以污水處理廠生產的再造水作沖 廁和灌溉花木等非飲用水 用途,我們會根據昂坪和石湖墟兩項試驗計劃的最終結果,研究可否 向上水和粉嶺的用戶供應再造水。 legco.gov.hk | On the use of reclaimed water from sewage treatment works for non-potable purposes such as toilet flushing and landscape irrigation, we are investigating the feasibility of supplying reclaimed water [...] to consumers in Sheung [...]Shui and Fanling, subject to the final results of two pilot schemes in Ngong Ping and Shek Wu Hui. legco.gov.hk |
我們會在 2009-10 年度探討可否在上水和粉嶺地區提供 再造水 作 沖 廁及其他非飲 用用途。 devb.gov.hk | We will explore in 2009-10 the [...] provision of reclaimed water to Sheung Shui and Fanling areas for toilet flushing and other non-potable uses. devb.gov.hk |
答覆: 在我們有關水資源和供應系統的策劃與拓展之內已包 括 再造水 及 海 水化淡的研 究和使用。 devb.gov.hk | Studies on and uses [...] of reclaimed water and desalination are included in our planning and development of water resources and [...]supply systems. devb.gov.hk |
我 們透過加強公眾教育,宣傳節約用水;提倡使用節約用水器 具;透過更換及修復老化水管計劃,利用新科技改善水壓管 理及滲漏偵察,從而加強控制滲漏;擴展海水沖廁系統;以 控制用水需求增長;以及積極考慮使 用 再造水 和 密 切留意海 外有關海水化淡技術的發展。 legco.gov.hk | To achieve this, we have been stepping up public education to promote water conservation; promoting the use of water saving devices; strengthening the control of leakage through implementation of the replacement and rehabilitation programme for aged water mains and the use of new technology to improve pressure management and leakage detection; taking forward the extension of the seawater flushing supply system; actively considering water reclamation; and keeping in view the technological development in seawater desalination overseas. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局在這 兩個地區使用再造水 廁之前,會先行研究其他可行的供水來 源和方法。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration would explore [...] other possible sources of water supply and methods before using reclaimed water for toilet [...]flushing in these two districts. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,我們致力加強保 護水資源、積極考慮使用再造水(包括 循環再用洗盥汚水及雨 水 )及發展海水化淡的方案,加強供水管理。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, we are committed to strengthening our work on the protection of water resources and are actively considering water reclamation (including the re-use of grey water and rainwater) and developing a seawater desalination plan to enhance our management on water supply. legco.gov.hk |
20.31 水務署署長表示,政府當局必須為最惡劣的情況作好準 備,因為全球的水源已變得越來越珍貴,因此當局有必要就開 拓新供水來源的可行性(如海水化淡和使 用 再造水 ) 進 行 研究。 legco.gov.hk | 20.31 The Director of Water Supplies said that the Administration had to prepare for the worst because water resources had been becoming more and more precious worldwide, and [...] therefore need to study the feasibility of [...] additional sources of water supply such as desalination and using reclaimed water. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 目前研究降低生產再造水成本 的焦點是技術上的可行性,並 沒有包括對未來水費的影響進行評估。 legco.gov.hk | (d) The current study on lowering the production [...] cost of reclaimed water focuses on technical [...]feasibility. legco.gov.hk |
請提供部門名稱、再造 水的用途和使用再造水的水量。 devb.gov.hk | Please provide [...] their names, and usage and quantity of reclaimed water involved. devb.gov.hk |
(a) 繼續進行香港的全面水資源管理計劃研究,就充分利用各種水 資源所佔比例及其他措施制訂長遠策略(除了使用東江水外, 還會研究使用再造水、海 水化淡、本地收集的雨水,以及節約 用水措施等),以應付未來的用水需求。 devb.gov.hk | (a) Continuing the study on Total Water Management (TWM) in Hong Kong to map out a long-term strategy [...] on optimising the share [...] of various water resources and measures to meet the future water demand, such as reclaimed water, desalinated [...]water, local [...]yield, water conservation measures etc. in addition to the use of the Dongjiang water. devb.gov.hk |
為回應梁劉柔芬議員有關使用再造水 作非飲用水用途的提問,水務署署長表示政府當局已於石 湖墟污水處理廠就再造水的使 用進行一項試驗計 劃,視乎試驗計劃的最終結果,當局或會為上水和粉 嶺的用戶供應再造水作沖 廁及其他非飲用水用途。 legco.gov.hk | In reply to Mrs Sophie LEUNG's [...] enquiry about the use of reclaimed water for non-potable purposes, DWS advised that the Administration was conducting a pilot scheme at Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works on water reclamation, and subject to final results of the pilot scheme, reclaimed water might be provided to [...]consumers in Sheung [...]Shui and Fanling for toilet flushing and other non-potable uses. legco.gov.hk |
除了為生產再造水進行 研究外,水務署在2003年亦已開始先 導研究,在屯門和鴨脷洲試驗採用“ [...] 逆滲透技術” 作海水化 淡。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from conducting studies on [...] production of reclaimed water, the WSD commenced [...]in 2003 pilot plant study on application [...]of reverse osmosis technology in desalination in Tuen Mun and Ap Lei Chau. legco.gov.hk |
發展局局長:主席,政府於2008年制訂《策略》,推出多項節水措施, 包括加強節約用水宣傳教育,推廣使用節約用水裝置、加強控制滲 漏,更廣泛推行海水沖廁,以及積極考慮使 用 再造水 和 密 切留意海外 有關海水化淡技術的發展。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR DEVELOPMENT (in Chinese): President, since the formulation of the TWM Strategy in 2008, the Government has launched a raft of water conservations measures to enhance public education on water conservation, promote use of water saving devices, step up leakage control and extend use of seawater for toilet flushing. legco.gov.hk |
如有關於再造水及海 水化淡的研究及使用,在 2008-09 年度的成果如何? devb.gov.hk | If there are studies on and [...] uses of reclaimed water and desalination, [...]what were the results in 2008-09? devb.gov.hk |
我們已在昂坪和石湖墟進行兩項應用 再造水 作 沖 廁及其他非飲用用途的測試。 devb.gov.hk | We have already carried out two pilot tests on [...] use of reclaimed water for toilet flushing and other non-potable applications [...]in Ngong Ping and Shek Wu Hui. devb.gov.hk |
由於香港既有來自東江水的供水,又有來自本港集水 區所收集的雨水,他詢問當局因何進 行 再造水 的 研 究,以及在 可用河水的新界北部使用再造水 廁和作非食用用途是否符合 成本效益。 legco.gov.hk | As Hong Kong had water supply from Dongjiang water and rain water collected from local catchment areas, he asked about the reasons [...] for conducting studies [...] on using reclaimed water and whether it was cost-effective to use reclaimed water for toilet flushing and other non-potable uses in Northern New Territories where river water was available. legco.gov.hk |
在渠務署的污水處理廠,再造 水主要 用作擬備濾水程序所需的化學劑。 devb.gov.hk | In DSD’s sewage treatment [...] works, the reclaimed water is mainly used [...]for preparation of chemical solutions required in the treatment process. devb.gov.hk |
在考慮昂坪及石湖墟兩個試驗計劃的檢討 結果後,我們或會計劃把石湖墟污水處理廠生產 的 再造水 , 供應給上水/粉嶺的 用戶,作沖廁及其他非飲用用途。 devb.gov.hk | Taking into account the findings of the reviews on the two pilot schemes [...] at Ngong Ping and [...] Shek Wu Hui, reclaimed water from Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works could be planned for provision to consumers in Sheung Shui / Fanling [...]for toilet flushing and other non-potable uses. devb.gov.hk |
利用逆滲透技術處理高鹽 含量並經二級處理的污水,以供應只適合作非飲用用途 的 再造水 , 估計 單位成本約為每立方米 9 元。 devb.gov.hk | The estimated unit cost of supplying [...] reclaimed water suitable [...] only for non-potable use using reverse osmosis technology on secondary treated effluent with high saline content is around $9.0/m³. devb.gov.hk |
在全面水資源管理計劃方面,我們現正全力展開試 用再 造水和開拓新水資源的研究,包括位於昂坪和石湖墟 的 再造水 使用 試驗計劃及採用逆滲透技術的海水化淡研究。 legco.gov.hk | These include the pilot schemes [...] at Ngong Ping and Shek Wu Hui for the use of reclaimed water, and the study on desalination by reverse osmosis technology. legco.gov.hk |
全面水 資源管理研究將考慮各種水資源的分布及供應成本(包括東江 水、再造水、海 水化淡、本地收集的雨水等),並會就各種水資 源的有效利用、妥善開發及供應比例制訂長遠策略,以應付將來 的用水需求。 legco.gov.hk | We will also map out the long-term strategies on the effective use, development and the share of supply of various water resources for meeting the future demand. legco.gov.hk |
問題: 當局可否告知本委員會:過去一年(即 2010-11 年度)本港食水供應來源 [...] (即本地收集雨水和購買東江水)的比例為何;最新本地收集雨水、購自 內地東江水和利用逆滲透技術生產 再造水 的 成 本的比較? devb.gov.hk | Could the Administration advise this Committee: the proportion of the sources (i.e. locally collected rainwater and purchased Dongjiang water) of fresh water supply in Hong Kong in the past year (i.e. 2010-11); the latest cost comparison between the locally [...] collected rainwater, Dongjiang water purchased from the Mainland and the [...] production of reclaimed water using reverse [...]osmosis technology? devb.gov.hk |
(二 ) 鑒於現時政府部門部分耗水量較大的工作(例如澆花和洗街 等 [...] ),均使用食水,會否考慮改用經過濾及淨化 的 再造水 或海 水;若會,具體安排為何;若否,原因為何 legco.gov.hk | (b) given that at present some tasks of government departments (for example, watering flowers and washing streets, and so on) which consume relatively large quantity of [...] water use fresh water, whether it will consider [...] using reclaimed water and seawater instead, [...]which has been filtered and purified; [...]if it will, of the specific arrangements; if it will not, the reasons for that legco.gov.hk |