单词 | 再造 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 再造—restorationless common: restructuring reconstruct rework reproduce (copies, or offspring) reform give a new lease of life Examples:再造林n—reforestationn 可再造adj—recyclableadj 再造纸n—recycled papern
管理支助处与维和部和外勤部合作,简化现行的业务流程并建设秘书处内 的业务流程再造能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Management Support Service, in collaboration with DPKO/DFS, streamlines current business processes and develops business process re-engineering capacity within the Secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有一个附属的再造林项目将会使村民通过木材采伐进一步获益,从而摆脱集体贫困。 teebweb.org | An affiliated reforestationproject is further [...] expected to benefit the community through timber extraction from communal property. teebweb.org |
大部分废物收集 商 收集多於一類可再造物料,但废物再造商及加工处理商 通常只处理一類可再造物料。 wastereduction.gov.hk | The majority of these waste collectors collect more than one kind of recyclables, whereas the recyclers and reprocessors usually handle only one kind of recyclablesin their workshops. wastereduction.gov.hk |
本署保证贵公司所提供的资料,除了用作更新本 署的资料库和推广废物回收活动及推动回收再造业发展之外,并不会用作其他用途。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Please be assured that the information provided by your company would be used solely for updating the database of our department, promoting waste recovery activities and development of the waste recovery/recyclingindustry wastereduction.gov.hk |
然后,由此基金组织向河流、小溪、湖泊沿岸的森林保护付款,同时也支持居民的再 造林项目以保证安全饮用水的供应。 teebweb.org | The fund in turn pays for forest conservation along [...] rivers, streams and lakes and also funds [...] community-wide reforestation projects to [...]ensure the flow of safe drinking water. teebweb.org |
(1) 继续加强消渴丸、华佗再造丸等本集团支柱产品的市场细分和管理工作,提高这些 产品的市场占有率;做好昆仙胶囊(原名「风湿 平胶囊」)、青蒿素、灵芝孢子油、狂 犬病疫苗等本集团新产品的产业化与市场策划及宣传推广工作,努力培育开发新的 二、三线产品。 equitynet.com.hk | (1) To continuously enhance the market segmenting and management of the key products of the Group such as Xiao Ke Wan and Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan, so as to increase their respective market share, focus on the industrialization of and make a sound market planning and promotion of new products of the Group such as Kun Xian capsule (formerly known as “Feng Shi Ping capsule”), Artemisinin, Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil and Rabies Bacterin, and endeavored to nurture and develop new tier II and tier III products. equitynet.com.hk |
采用“CDM造林再造林项目活动林木和灌木碳储量及其变化的估算工具”计算精 度水平,采用“CDM造林再造林项目活动监测样地数量的计算工具”来确定监测的固定样地数量 及其空间分配方案。 pandastandard.org | PPs should use the latest version of the approved tool “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities” [...] to estimate [...]precision level of bamboo biomass. pandastandard.org |
项目参与方须使用最新版的“CDM造林再造林项目活动基线情景识别和额外性评估的综合工 具”,对项目的基线情景进行识别和论证。 pandastandard.org | PPs shall use the most recent version of the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality in A/R CDM project activities” to demonstrate the most plausible baseline. pandastandard.org |
在森林再造筹资方面存在重大差距,特别是在干旱和半干旱地区,这是 由于这些地区木材和非木材森林产品的生产竞争力很低。 daccess-ods.un.org | Financing forestrestoration is amajor gap, [...] particularly in arid and semi-arid regions owing to their low competitiveness [...]for production of timber and non-timber forest products. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了确定应纳入第三条第3 款之下核算系统的毁林面积,每个缔约方用以确 定森林面积的空间量测单位应与确定造林和再造林所使用的相同,但不得大于 1 公顷。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the purposes of determining the area of deforestation to come into the accounting system under Article 3, paragraph 3, each Party shall determine the forest area using the same spatial assessment unit as is used for the determination ofafforestation andreforestation,but not larger than 1 hectare. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 2 139 300 美元将用于开展项目管理和职能工作方面的订约承办事务, 如技术流程再造、收集技术要求、集成开发、应用整合、服务器和储存流程自动 化以及数据迁移活动,还要不断向用户社区提供服务器服务、存储服务和协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) An amount of $2,139,300 would cover the engagement of contractual services for project management and functional work such as technical process re-engineering, technical requirements gathering, integration development, application integration, server and storage process automation, and data migration activities, as well as ongoing server and storage delivery and assistance to the user community. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国允许用户为其个人非商业用途访问本址,并从本址下载和拷贝资料、文件和材料(统称“材料”),但用户无权将其转售、转发、编译或衍生再造,同时用户须遵守下述条款和条件,也须遵守对本址特定材料可能适用的更为具体的限制规定。 unic.un.org | The United Nations grants permission to Users to visit the Site and to download and copy the information, documents and materials (collectively, "Materials") from the Site for the User's personal, [...] non-commercial use, without any right [...] to resell orredistribute themor to compile or create derivative works [...]therefrom, subject to the [...]terms and conditions outlined below, and also subject to more specific restrictions that may apply to specific Material within this Site. unic.un.org |
造林和再造林之外的活动如经作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方 会议的任何未来决定同意,也将符合资格。 daccess-ods.un.org | Activities additional toafforestation andreforestation will be eligible if agreed by any future decision of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过立即再造森林、 保持土壤、植树造林和其它措施,确保森 林的长期生产力、碳储存和森林资源保 护。 feel-good.ca | To ensure longterm forest productivity, carbon [...] storage, and conservation of forest resources [...] through prompt reforestation, soil conservation, [...]afforestation and other measures. feel-good.ca |
轴 (108) 属于配 件包 24K850,即中心部分再造配件包。 graco.com | The shaft (108) is part of Kit 24K850, the Center Section Rebuild Kit. graco.com |
凭借其工艺工程的专业背景,他充分发挥再造工程方面的专长;作为生产力经理,他负责协调和处理多个集团内部项目。 wacker.com | With his background in process engineering, he drew on his [...] expertisein reengineering andas productivity [...]manager to coordinate and handle [...]numerous Group-internal projects. wacker.com |
关于森林一词的讨论及与之有关的术语如造林、再造林和毁 林,请参见《IPCC 土地利用、土地利用变化与林业特别报告》(IPCC, 2000)。 undpcc.org | For a discussion of the term forest and related terms such as afforestation, reforestation, and deforestation, see the ipCC Special report on Land use, Land-use Change, and Forestry (ipCC, 2000). undpcc.org |
科技咨询机构请各缔约方和被接纳的观察员组织于2011年3月28 日之前 向秘书处提交对将枯竭林地中再造林列为造林和再造林清洁发展机制项目活动的 影响的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SBSTA invited Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit to the secretariat, by 28 March 2011, their views on the implications of the inclusion of reforestation of lands with forest in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation clean development mechanism project activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
虚拟的命题导致现实的模拟再造,其结果成为现实。 shanghaibiennale.org | The idea is to make the concept with tenable data from a supposed virtual environment, therefore, grounding something that is theoretical to reality. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们这个方案的好处是不单令社会整体节省弃置废物 的成本,更能够发展回收再造产业,创造绿色职位,使香港迈向国际大都会应有的管治水平。 procommons.org.hk | The advantages of our proposals is that not only the costs of the disposal of waste can be reduced, it could also [...] facilitate in the development of the [...] recycling industries, creating green jobs, and [...]facilitating Hong Kong on reaching the [...]level of governance on the same tier as that of an international metropolis. procommons.org.hk |
贺睦廷参与了一家知名高科技原始设计制造商(ODM)的集团发展战略的制定;为一家台湾个人电脑原始设计制造商(ODM)理顺产品线的战略和产品开发流程;为一家高科技零部件生产企业设计战略和定价策略;并领导一家台湾主要计算机原始设计制造商的企业再造。 mckinseychina.com | Martin has taken part in developing the group-level growth strategy for a leading high-tech original design manufacturer (ODM); shaping the product line strategy and product development process for a Taiwanese PC ODM; formulating a strategy and [...] pricing tactics for a producer of high-tech components; [...] and leading thereengineering of a major computer [...]ODM in Taiwan. mckinseychina.com |
尽管将造林和再造林项目列入清洁发展机制,但是由于各种方法和政策上的 制约因素,迄今只有极少数这类森林项目进行了登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the provision for the inclusion of afforestationand reforestationprojects in the clean development mechanism, owing to various methodological and policy constraints, so far only a negligible number of such projects on forests have been registered. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果发现,在访问员提出的4个选项中,超过九成(92%)的被访者选择「加强环保教育,如节约能源、减少浪费、绿化/植树」,八成(80%)表示政府应「加强废物分类回收及再造」,而另外两个选项的比率都超过七成,分别为「本地电厂订立明确的减排目标,转用较乾净能源」(77%)及「本港订立减排温室气体的目标」(71%,表十一及十二)。 hkupop.hku.hk | Out of the four options provided, more than 90% of the respondents opted for 「reinforce education on environmental protection, e.g. energy conservation, waste reduction, planting tree」 (92%), 80% thought the government should 「reinforce trash classification and recycling」, while a respective of over 70% opted for 「set a clear goal for local electricity firms on cutting greenhouse gases and using cleaner energy, e.g. renewable energy」 (77%) and 「set a goal for Hong Kong on reduction of greenhouse gases emission」 (71%; Tables 9 and 10). hkupop.hku.hk |
对西方城市而言,关键在於自我再造,例如巴黎圣杰曼区在一九二零年代时,吸引诸多知识份子与作家聚集,如今更像个观光胜地,各种独家零售商店与外籍人士经营的餐厅林立,让好奇游客在此寻找过往文人墨客驻足的体验与痕迹(如上图)。 thisbigcity.net | St. Germain in Paris,for example, is no longer a place where intellectuals and writers such as 1920s Hemingway gather, rather it feels more like a tourist trap with exclusive retail stores and foreign owned restaurants for visitors seeking a “boho” experience in a place where once famous artists lurked around (see above). thisbigcity.net |
业界可參阅《公众衞生及市政条例》(香港法例第132章)第2条“释义”部 [...] 分,当中订明“奶類”指牛奶、水牛奶及山羊奶,并包括忌廉及離脂奶,但不包括奶粉、 煉奶或再造奶。cfs.gov.hk | The trade might refer to Section 2 “Interpretation” clause of Hong Kong Law Chapter 132 “Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance” for the definition of “milk”, namely cows milk, buffaloes milk and [...] goats milk, and included cream and separated milk, but does not include dried milk, [...] condensed milkor reconstitutedmilk. cfs.gov.hk |