

单词 再投保

See also:

再保 n

reinsurance n


take out insurance

投保 n

policyholder n
proposer n

External sources (not reviewed)

根據意外保險公會資料顯示,在㆒般勞工保險費㆗,保險公司用了 65%在再投保、以支付 佣金及行政費用。
According to figures supplied by the the Accident Insurance Association, an
insurance company spends 65% of its general employee
[...] insurance premiums on reinsurance, commissions and [...]
舉例來說,去年保費的 65%左右是用作行政費用、佣金 再投保 及 保險公司的利潤。
Last year, for example, some 65% of the
insurance premiums was spent on
[...] administration, commission, reinsurance, and went to the [...]
pockets of the insurance companies.
很明顯,如果設立㆒個㆗央基金接受僱主的投保,可大大減 再投保 、 佣 金、 保險公司利潤及行政費等等。
A large part of it has
[...] become rebate, reinsurance fees, commission as well as administrative costs and profits of the insurance companies.
此外,保險業監督亦將獲授權,應承保㆟的申請給予豁免,使其毋須遵守有關 其本㆞資產須相等於其負債總額 40%的規定,以顧及某種情況,即承保㆟基於
[...] 某些確實原因,例如所涉及的風險太大,以致未能承保較大部分的投保額,而 須安排作超過 50%的再投保。
The Insurance Authority would also be empowered to exempt, upon application by an insurer, the requirement to match 40% of the gross liabilities to cater for circumstances where over 50% reinsurance had been arranged for bona
fide reasons, for example, where the risk was so substantial
[...] that the insurer was unable to retain a greater [...]
[...] 需備存的資產水平,不得低於其負債淨額(即在扣 再投保 的 款 額後的總負債額)的 80%。
The amended subsection (3) provides that an insurer will be required to maintain assets in Hong Kong in an amount
not less than 80% of his net liabilities (that is, the total amount of liabilities
[...] after deducting the amount reinsured).
為避免承保㆟把保險業務過再投保 , 以 規避把資產維 持於本港的規定,凡將總保險費收入 50%以㆖的業再投保的的 承保㆟,必須在本港 持有相當於其負債淨額 80%或其負債總額 40%的資產,以較大者為準。
To prevent an
[...] insurer from circumventing the local asset requirement by excessively reinsuring his business, an insurer who reinsures more then 50% of his gross [...]
premiums will be required
to maintain assets to match either 80% of his net liabilities or 40% of his gross liabilities, whichever is the greater.
擬議的第 25A 條第(2)款由條例草案第 2(b)(iii)條修訂,對條文內所提及的「從事再投保業務 的㆟士加以澄清;有關㆟士是指「獲授權從事 再投保 業 務 的㆟。
In subsection (2) of proposed section 25A,
the reference to a
[...] person "carrying on" reinsurance business is amended, through clause 2(b)(iii), to clarify that it means a person "authorized to carry on" reinsurance business.
Jackson 將該等風再投保及使 用股本期權及期貨合 約對沖該等風險。
Jackson reinsures and hedges these risks using equity options and futures contracts.
若承保㆟把收到的保險費㆒半以 再投保 , 則 應備存相等於其負債淨額 80%或 其負債總額(即在扣再投保的款額前的負債額)40%的本㆞資產,以較大者為準。
Where an
[...] insurer has reinsured more than half the premiums received, he shall maintain assets equal to either 80% of his net liabilities or 40% of his gross liabilities (that is, the amount of liabilities before deducting the amount reinsured), whichever is [...]
the greater.
在九㆓年,有關僱員補償方面的總 保費有 15
[...] 億元,但是付出的賠償金額卻不足六億元,即是表示,有九億元是保險公司 實收(日後這方面的收益將會更高),主要用 再投保 、 佣 金及行政費等項目。
That is to say, the amount actually received by the insurance companies was $900 million (proceeds from
this will be further increased in future), which was
[...] spent mainly on re-insurance, commission and [...]
administrative costs.
擬議的第 25A 條第(3)及(4)款由條例草案第 2(b)(iv)條修訂,就承保㆟在保險業務再投保比例,擴大確定本㆞資產配合負債額的基準;為了避免承保㆟逃避有關備存本 ㆞資產規定,而作過分再投保,必 須要這樣做。
Subsections (3) and (4) of proposed section
25A are amended, through
[...] clause 2(b)(iv), to extend the basis for determining the amount of liabilities to be matched by local assets by reference to the proportion of insurance business an insurer has reinsured.
事實㆖,現時每年僱主付出的保費,最後真正用在補償給工傷工友的數額只是㆒ 部分,其他大部分保費卻用於回佣 再投保 、 經 紀佣金、保險公司行政費及利潤等項 目㆖。
In fact, only a part of the premium paid by employers each year are used to compensate workers who sustained injuries in the course of employment.
根據該 計 劃 , 香港律 師 彌償基 金有限 公司(“
彌償公司” )會 就 每 宗申索 為 律 師
[...] 會會員提供 1,000 萬 元 的 承 保 額 , 而 在 該筆款 項 中 , 彌償公司為 每 宗申索 保 留 首 100 萬 元 作為自 留 保 額,再 將餘下的 900 萬再 投 保。
Of this amount, the HKSIF retained the first $1 million of every claim and reinsured the remaining [...]
$9 million.
可見, 如果改為採取㆗央保險制度,我相信那九億元㆗大部份包 再投保 、 佣 金等項目大可 減除,這樣,不單只可令保費減低,更可以將淨收益用於改善工業安全的工作㆖,㆒ 舉數得。
If a centrally operated insurance system is adopted, I believe it is possible to reduce expenses such as those on re-insurance and commission, which largely account for the $900 million.
很明顯,如果設立㆒個㆗央基金接受僱主的投保,則可大大減 再投保 、 佣 金、保險公司 利潤及行政費等等,同時,基金款額可以用作投資,令基金多㆒項利息收入。
Very clearly, a central fund to sell
[...] insurance to employers, if set up, will save a lot of money that is to be spent on reinsurance, commissions, [...]
administration and remove
the profits of the insurance companies.
[...] 展商對物業發展較自然保育會更為在意及更有認識,政府當局應考慮 規定他們將出售物業所得收益的若干部 再投 放 於 保 育 用 途。
Given that developers were more intent and knowledgeable about property development rather than nature conservation, consideration
should be given to requiring them to plough back part of their proceeds from the
[...] sale of properties for conservation purpose.
道 明 宏 達 理 財
[...] 可 為 您 直 接 代 辦 一 切 , 包 括 收 取 股 息 再 投 資 以 至保管證券等。
TD Waterhouse handles everything directly for you – from
[...] dividend collection to reinvestment and safekeeping.
随着工人降低工资 要求和企业进行利再投资, 这种安排也有助 保 持 宏 观经济稳定、应对经济衰 退和减少失业。
They help maintain macroeconomic
[...] stability as workers moderate wage demands and business reinvests profits; help [...]
cope with economic downturns; and mitigate employment loss.
可以对因翻译处理页数减少而实现的财务节约进 再投 资 ,以 确 保 条约 机构及时收到所需语种的所有文件,这一点目前由于会议管理部的条件 [...]
Reduction in the number of pages to be processed and
translated resulting in financial
[...] savings that may be reinvested to ensure that the treaty [...]
bodies receive all documentation
in a timely manner in the languages needed, which is currently not the case in light of constraints faced by the Department of Conference Management.
在本港只是從再保險業 務的海外承保㆟,已根據保險公 司條例獲得豁免。
Overseas insurers who
[...] only carry on reinsurance business here [...]
are already exempt under the Insurance Companies Ordinance.
同时,我们也力求提高参红基金的投资 回报,投保人和 股东提供稳定的收益。
At the same time we also seek to maximise returns on the
[...] Par Fund’s investments to provide stable benefits to policyholders and shareholders.
徵集資料團隊用有效和獨特的 解決方法去配合美國景氣復 甦再投資法案 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) 的需要﹐不但使到環保護局成為首個發放刺激金機 構之一﹐亦使環境保護局成為 其他聯邦政府機構在發展和徵 [...]
集與刺激金有關的資料上學效 的模範。
The effectiveness and the unique approach of the solution that the ICR
Team developed to
[...] meet the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act reporting requirements not only made the EPA one of the first agencies to [...]
disburse the Stimulus
funds, but also made EPA the primary model other federal agencies referred to when developing their Stimulus funds-related ICRs.
根据媒体报道,能源办公室 2009 年收到了数笔《美国复苏再投资法 》的 刺激经济赠款,以促进领土的资保 护 和 可再生能源,其中包括 2 060 万美元的 国家能源方案资金、960 万美元的能效节能整笔赠款、140 [...]
万美元的越冬御寒援 助资金,以及 104 000 美元的国家高能效家电补贴赠款。
As reported in the media, the Energy Office received in
2009 several American
[...] Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus grants to promote conservation and renewable energy in the [...]
Territory — $20.6
million in State Energy Programme Funds, a $9.6 million Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant, and $1.4 million for weatherization assistance, as well as a $104,000 State Energy Efficiency Appliance Rebate grant.
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任再加上 复杂的人道主义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦 保 管 理 系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the post
[...] of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and degree of responsibility, in combination with a complex humanitarian emergency, the security management [...]
system in Pakistan is
considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
政府當局告知聯合小組委員會,在評核保險公司所作出 再保 險安 排是否足夠時,保監會考慮多項因素,包括保險公司 再保 險 管理 架構再保險安排的種類、保險公司的最高自留額 再保 險 公 司之間的 風險分散,以再保險公 司的穩健程度。
In considering
[...] whether an insurance company has made adequate reinsurance arrangements, the Administration has informed the Joint Subcommittee that IA will take into account, among others, factors including reinsurance management framework of the insurance company; type of reinsurance arrangements; maximum retention of the insurance company; spread of risks among reinsurance companies; and security of reinsurance companies.
主席,鑒於近投訴收 費電視、電訊及互聯網服務的不當營商手法的個 案不斷增加,我們促請政府檢討現行機制,加強監管該等服務供應商的營商 手法,研究把現時《電訊條例》第 7M 條規管電訊商具誤導性或欺騙性的行 為的條款,擴展至涵蓋收費電視,並引入合約冷靜期及標準合約條款,保 障消費者權益。
President, as the complaints about unscrupulous business practices in pay television, telecommunications and Internet services have been on the rise in recent years, we urge the Government to review the existing mechanism, strengthen the regulation of the business practices of providers of such services, examine the extension of section 7M of the Telecommunications Ordinance, which regulates misleading or deceptive conduct of telecommunications operators, to cover pay television, and introduce a cooling-off period and standard terms in the contracts, so as to safeguard the rights and [...]
interests of consumers.
本 基 金 將 投 資 於 一 項 核 准 匯 集 投 資 基 金 ( HSBC MPF ‘A’– Chinese Equity Fund ) , 從再 投 資 於 相 關 核 准 匯 集 投 資 基 金 , 而 該 基 金 將 主 要 投 資 於 審 慎 挑 選 而 大 部 分 收 入 及 ╱ 或 資 產 來 自 中 國 的 公 司 所 發 行 及 在 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 上 市 的 股 份 組 合 , 包 括 但 不 限 於 H 股 及 紅 籌 。
This Fund shall be invested in an approved pooled investment fund (HSBC MPF 'A' - Chinese Equity Fund), which in turn invests in an underlying approved pooled investment fund that primarily invests in a portfolio of carefully selected shares issued by companies deriving a preponderant part of their income and/or assets from China and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, including but not limited to H shares and red-chips.
投保达到 程度很高,也是因为失业保险也涵盖根据 临时就业合同和义务法规定合同就业的人员及非全日制工作――保险保护不取决 [...]
High level of coverage has also been [...]
achieved due to the fact that unemployment insurance also includes persons employed
on the basis of temporary employment contracts, contracts under the law of obligations, and part-time workers – insurance protection is not dependent on the number of hours worked or the amount of contributions paid per month.
(74) 以其自身用途、代表利益或以信託方式或以其他方式接受及持有任何類 別及性質之貨幣及其他產業、土地財產、非土地財產及混合財產,並以任 何方式對上述各項進投資、再投資 、 管理、結算、控制、出售及處置 ,並按本公司及與其訂約之有關人士所協定之該等條款收回 投 資 、再 投資、管理、調整、及以任何方式處置由此所產生之收入、利潤及利息 。
(74) To receive and hold for its own use, benefit on behalf or in trust or otherwise moneys and other property and estates, real, personal, and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and the same to invest, reinvest, manage, settle, control, sell and dispose of in any manner and to collect, invest, reinvest, manage, adjust, and in any manner to dispose of the income, profits, and interest arising there from upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the Company and the persons contracting with it.




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