

单词 再度

External sources (not reviewed)

委員詢問,當有關取 消 對 某 評估機構的委任再 度委任的決 定 遭 上 訴反對 時 , 該 項決定應否 施行。
Members have enquired whether a decision to cancel an appointment or re-appointment of an assessment agency should take effect when the decision is under appeal.
津巴布再度承诺 ,将排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 [...]
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from [...]
its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish
another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
在采取这些步骤的同时,国际社会必 再度 给予高度关注并加倍作出努力,争取实现我们的大目标: [...]
实现中东公正、持久与全面的和平,并且根据国际法, 在充分实施联合国相关决议和协议、当事方履行各自 义务的基础上,以及在马德里原则、路线图和《阿拉 伯和平倡议》订立的框架内,解决巴勒斯坦问题。
Together with these steps, the
[...] international community must rededicate its attention and [...]
redouble its efforts towards the larger
objective of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East and the resolution of the Palestinian question on the basis of international law and the full implementation of the relevant United Nations resolutions and agreements, the obligations of the parties and the framework provided by the Madrid terms of reference, the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative.
大会在其第 65/240 号决议中强调对世界许多地区政界、舆论界和整个社会 中的种族主义暴力和仇外思潮增多感到震惊,造成这一现象的原因包括,以种族
[...] 主义和仇外纲领及章程为基础成立的各种团 再度 活 跃 ,而且这些纲领及章程不 断被用来宣传或煽动种族主义意识。
In its resolution 65/240, the General Assembly emphasized its alarm at the increase in racist violence and xenophobic ideas in many parts of the world, in political circles, in the sphere of public opinion
and in society at large as a result,
[...] inter alia, of the resurgent activities of [...]
associations established on the basis of
racist and xenophobic platforms and charters, and the persistent use of those platforms and charters to promote or incite racist ideologies.
了解真相权既是一项个人权利也是一项集体权利:每个受害者都有权了解 对其造成影响的侵权行为的真相,但同时也必须向社会各级公布真相,以确保这 类侵权行为不再度发生
The right to the truth is both an individual and a collective right: each victim has the right to know the truth about violations that have affected
him or her, but the truth also has to be told at the level of society to
[...] ensure against the recurrence of such violations.
自缔约国第十届会议以来,哥伦比再度通报 缔约国,有非国家武装行为者在其境内开展违反《公约》禁令的活 动。
Since the 10MSP, Colombia again advised the States [...]
Parties that armed non-State actors are carrying out acts in contravention
of the Convention’s prohibitions on Colombian territory.
[...] 章关于区域办法在解决会员国之间及之内的争端方面的作用的规定,又回顾 2007 年至 2010 年间举行的以往协商会议的公报;会 再度 审 查 了共同关心的事项, 尤其是按照《联合国宪章》第八章加强两机构间在维持非洲和平与安全方面的伙 [...]
Reaffirming the Security Council’s primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and the mandate of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union with regard to the promotion of peace and security in Africa, as well as the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations on the role of regional arrangements in the settlement of disputes among and within their member States, and also recalling the communiqués of their previous consultative meetings
held between 2007 and
[...] 2010, the meeting, again, reviewed matters of common interest, in particular ways and means of strengthening [...]
the partnership
between the two institutions consistent with Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations with regard to the maintenance of peace and security in Africa.
較近期,市場對歐元區 債務水平及非歐元區經濟體系復甦脆弱的憂 再度 浮 現 ,增加了市場的波動性。
More recently, concerns about Eurozone debt levels and the fragility of the recovery in non-Eurozone economies have resurfaced and further increased market volatility.
提交再度表示 ,无论如何,只因为 他是车臣人,已足以令法庭宣布他有罪。
The author repeats that in any [...]
event, the mere fact that he was a Chechen was sufficient for the courts to declare him guilty.
委员会认识到贸易金融对于推动贸易与投资所具有的重要性, 并为此要求各相关国际金融机构和机制发挥更为积极主动的作用,以期防 止今再度发生金融危机。
The Committee recognized the importance of trade finance for promoting trade and investment and called for a more proactive role for relevant international financial institutions and mechanisms to prevent future financial crises.
秘书处进一步指出,虽然依照第 60/44(a)号决定,两企业都符合资格获得供资, 可是一家公司 2009 年没有消费量,另一家 2010 年消费水平极低的事实仍然是个问题,由 于建筑行业对挤塑聚苯乙烯绝缘泡沫塑料的需 再度 上 升,预计两企业最早都在 2011 年继 续生产,今后的生产将使该国处于不履约状态。
The Secretariat noted further that while both enterprises are eligible for funding in line with decision 60/44(a), the fact that one company having had no consumption in 2009 and the other a very small level of consumption in 2010 remains an issue, as both are envisaged to start production as early as 2011 due to the renewed demand for XPS foam insulation in the construction industry, and that this future production could place the country in non-compliance.
再度延誤 是不可接受的,因此我們尋找替代的運載火箭。
This further delay was unacceptable and we therefore looked for an alternative launch vehicle.
在对该问题的辩论过程中,保罗·E·德贝雷多·卡内罗先生表示担心在执行 再度 出 现政治辩 论的情况,为避免浪费时间,他建议“执行局成立一个分委员会或工作小组,由几名执行局委员组 [...]
During the discussion on this question Mr Paulo E. de
Berrêdo Carneiro, expressing his
[...] concern lest the Board again be involved in arguments [...]
of a political nature, and in order
to avoid wasting time, suggested that ‘the Board should set up a subcommittee or working group, consisting of some of its own members, who would be responsible between sessions for studying requests for admission that were likely to arouse controversy, obtaining documentary information on the activities of the organizations concerned, holding discussions with their responsible officers and carrying out a meticulous analysis of the contribution they make to the work of UNESCO’ (70 EX/SR.21, paragraph 28.1).
尚餘約 10% 之樓面將於市場環境適合再度 推出
There are about 10% of floor spaces remaining and which will be re-launched when market conditions are suitable.
[...] 立即产生经济效益的可供开发的财富和资源,而且维持着基础的生态服务功能,如为大气层生产氧气,海洋和 陆地有机化合物再度矿化
The ocean as a global commons was considered a central concept, because it not only provides goods and resources exploitable with immediate economic benefits, but because it sustains basic ecological services, such
as oxygen production to the atmosphere and the remineralization of organic compounds from
[...] ocean and land-based sources.
如果资源价 格暂时下跌,对资源稀缺的关切可能会减弱,但本质上的重大问题——例如对所 有各类资源需求日增、不可持续地大量使用有限资源和可再生资源以及对可持续
[...] 资源使用体制投资不足(尽管正在增多)——会使资源稀缺以及对资源可持续性 的关切很快再度成为 政策议程的优先事项。
Concerns about scarcity may recede at times if prices fall temporarily, but the underlying fundamentals — of rising demand for resources of all kinds, unsustainable use levels of both finite and renewable resources and inadequate (albeit growing) investment in systems for sustainable resource use — make
it likely that scarcity and concerns over resource
[...] sustainability will once again move up the policy [...]
agenda before long.
(d) 若有關公司確有作出改善,並有誠意糾正問題,則應繼續予以 密切監察,以及在適當時再度予以 視察。
(d) If the company shows genuine improvement and the sincerity to correct its problems, it shall continue to be closely monitored and re-inspected in due course.
请允许我提醒安理会,以色列军队持续不断侵犯 黎巴嫩领空,以色列违反其根据第 1701(2006)号决议 作出的承诺,都可能导致该地再度 出 现 紧张和损害 维持稳定的努力。
Allow me to remind the Council that the ongoing violations of Lebanese airspace by Israel’s forces and the violations of its commitments under resolution 1701 (2006) are all fraught with the threat of the return of tension to the region and the undermining of efforts to maintain stability.
各国同 样应采取措施防止此类事再度发生 ,并酌情向检察官及其家人提供必要的咨询 [...]
Likewise, steps should be taken to
[...] prevent their future recurrence and to provide [...]
prosecutors and their families with the
necessary counselling or psychological support, when appropriate.
故此,我們認為現在是適當時再度 組 成 跨 部門工作小組進行全面的研究,俾使香港在新的數碼時代可以持續發展。
It is appropriate in timing to revisit the topic for the sake of sustaining the development of Hong Kong in the new Internet era.
[...] 句,我相信各同事也會同意我的說法:假若你願意的話,我們非常歡迎你在今年再 度答覆問題。
DR LEONG CHE-HUNG: Governor, as I am given the first chance to ask a question I have to say that I am sure my colleagues
will agree with me that, if it is your choice, you will be more than welcome
[...] to answer questions again within this year.
該報再度確定 隧道方案最能夠保護和保存維 港。
The Comparison Report has reaffirmed that [...]
the Tunnel Option serves best to protect and preserve the Victoria Harbour.
该次专家会议的目标 是通再度振兴 古老的丝绸之路来重新兴建欧亚大陆之间的各条交通运输 线路,并介绍说,丝绸之路先前曾是各方开展贸易活动、传播各种知识和 相互交流思想的主要路径。
The objective of the Conference would be to establish Euro-Asia land transport routes through the revival of the Silk Route, which had formerly been the backbone for trade, transfer of knowledge and sharing of ideas.
除商品价格波动外,干旱可能卷土 重来,给前景带来重大风险,再度 可 能 造成严重的粮食短缺。
Next to commodity price fluctuations, the prospect of renewed droughts poses a major risk to the outlook and could spark the re-emergence of severe food shortages.
近年来,国际 石油公司的常见做法是重新购回股份,以便向现有股再度分派现金。
In recent years, it has been common for IOCs to repurchase
[...] shares so as to redistribute cash to existing [...]
考虑到科特迪瓦当前的内部安全局势,包括侵犯人权的指控、冲突双方遗留 下来的大量无主武器遍布全国、敌对团体有可能重新组合以及有可能因为即将举 行的议会选举再度爆发 敌对行动,专家组认为,钻石销售收入仍然有可能用于 购买军火和有关物资,违反禁运制度。
In the context of the current internal security situation within Côte d’Ivoire, which includes allegations of human rights violations, the proliferation of unclaimed weapons left behind by both sides and scattered throughout the country, the possibility of the reconsolidation of opposition groups and the prospect of renewed hostilities as a result of the upcoming legislative elections, the Group is of the view that revenues from the sale of diamonds continue to have the potential to be used for the purchase of arms and related materiel in breach of the sanctions regime.
[...] Orman先生在新闻发布会上表示:“作为土耳其历史最悠久的体育俱乐部,我们非常高 再度 作 为 行业先驱,与IMG Dogus建立长期稳定的合作关系。
Speaking at the press meeting, Mr. Fikret Orman, Chairman of Besiktas JK, said, "As the oldest
sports club in Turkey, we are glad to
[...] pioneer the industry again to initiate a strong [...]
long-term cooperation with IMG Dogus.
(2) 第 一 次 保 釋 申 請 被 拒 後,除 非 有 未 被 初 審 法 庭 考 慮 的 事 實 或 情 況 出 現,( 不 論 有 關 事 實 或 情 況 在 被 告 首 次 出 庭 前 或 後 產 生 ),被 告 不再 度 申 請 保 釋 。
(2) To forbid further applications after the first one has been refused unless there are additional facts or circumstances which were not brought to the attention of the first court (i.e. either arising before or after the first appearance).
奥美公关联合CIC再度发布 《2012微时代危机管理白皮书》,根据对50个品牌危机案例数据的分析研究,白皮书指出,品牌在8小时内做出回应是有效控制微博危机至关重要的一环,不仅能最大程度缩短危机持续时间,同时可显著控制负面声量的下降。
CIC and Ogilvy Public Relations,
[...] China have teamed up again to jointly launch [...]
the white paper, “2012 Crisis Management in
the Microblog Era,” which analyzed 50 Chinese brand crises in 2012 – concluding that brands which respond within the first 8 hours of a crisis’ outbreak are more effective at controlling it, shortening its duration and lowering the overall level of negative buzz.




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