

单词 再婚

See also:


marriage n
marry n
wedding n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,男子在离 婚或丧偶再婚可能性较高。
In addition, men are more likely
[...] than women to remarry after divorce or widowhood.
2.1 1993
[...] 年,申诉人决定从加拿大迁往墨西哥,他在墨西 再婚 且 将 其全部资 产转至墨西哥。
2.1 In 1993, the complainant decided to move from Canada to live in
[...] Mexico, where he remarried and transferred [...]
all of his assets.
[...] 况下,失踪人员的失踪状况无法获得官方认可,从而在财产管理、继承、儿童监 护、抚恤金分配以再婚等方面损害了妇女的权益。
In most contexts, there is no official acknowledgement of the status of “missing person”, which jeopardizes women’s rights with respect to
property administration, inheritance, guardianship of children, entitlement to
[...] benefits and the prospect of remarriage.
尚存配偶可以是已故原居 民的遺孀或鰥夫,但尚存配偶如 再婚 , 便會喪失原居民尚存配偶的身份。
A surviving spouse can be either the widow or widower of a deceased indigenous inhabitant.
[...] 否有必要按照夫妻任一方的宗教法律解除婚姻关系,以使男方或女方能 再婚。
In suitable cases, the Family Matters Court may seek consultation from the relevant religious court to determine whether it is
necessary to dissolve the marriage according to the religious law of either spouse in order to
[...] allow him or her to remarry.
他还 指出,根据穆斯林传统再婚妇女 的子女只有在获得其母亲新丈夫的许可后才能 [...]
与新家庭一起生活,且摩洛哥男子一般不承担养育其新妻子与前任丈夫所生子女 的责任。
He also states that according to Muslim tradition the children
[...] of women who remarry cannot live with [...]
the new family unless permitted by
the new husband, and that in general men in Morocco do not accept the responsibility to support the children of their new wife’s previous marriages.
此外,男性在喪妻後,很多也再婚 , 甚至 再婚的妻 子較他們年輕;可是,老年女性在喪偶後,很少 再婚。
Besides, many
[...] widowers tend to get married again and may even marry younger women, but seldom do elderly widows get married again.
[...] 見後,認為建議新增的第29AB(2)條的限制,與《現行條例》第9條禁再婚的前 配偶提出附屬濟助的申請一致。
Having reviewed the relevant provisions and consulted legal professional bodies and the Judiciary, the Administration considers that the restriction in the proposed new section 29AB(2) is consistent with
section 9 of the Ordinance, which prohibits a former
[...] spouse who has remarried from making applications [...]
for ancillary relief.
至於條例草案的細節內容,我們關注到第29AB(3)條訂明 再婚 包括“在法律上屬無效或可使無效的婚姻”,而該段婚姻可成為禁制一 [...]
As for the details of the Bill, we are
concerned about section 29AB(3), which
[...] provides that remarriage includes "a marriage that is by [...]
law void or voidable", and such
a marriage may operate as a bar to an application for financial relief.
有委員曾經提出,如果某段再 婚 ”在 法律上屬無效或可使無效,但仍以此而限制前配偶申請經濟濟 [...]
Some members have queried whether it is
[...] reasonable that a "remarriage" which is by [...]
law void or voidable can still be used to
restrict a former spouse from applying for financial relief.
至于女性在丈夫反对离婚的情况 再婚 的 问 题,请参照以色列关于《消除 对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(《消除对妇女歧视公约》)执行情况的定期报告。
With regard to the issue
[...] of women remarriage in cases where the husband is opposed to the divorce, please refer [...]
to the Israel’s
periodic reports on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
(g) 倘若已離婚母親將其子女遷離香港 再婚 , 但 其現任丈夫並 沒有領養其子女,而有關子女的生父擬取回其子女,該名生 父有何法律權利; (h) 倘若兒童父母的其中一方在未經另一方同意下將子女帶往內 地由他人領養,社署如何跟進這類個案
(g) in case of a divorced mother who had removed her children from Hong Kong and re-married without adoption [...]
of the children
by her current husband, what legal rights the natural father had if he wanted to claim back the children
現時再婚而撤銷遺囑的條文, 有嚴格的規定,而新制訂的第 14 條放寬了這方面的規定。
The new section 14 relaxes current stringent provisions on the revocation of a will by a subsequent marriage.
(c) 审查有关儿童监护的立法,根据《公约》第3和第12 条,确保所有决
[...] 定都以儿童最大利益原则为依据,并确保如果一名母 再婚 , 不能撤消其对其女 子的监护;和
(c) To review its legislation relating to the custody of the child with a view to ensuring that all decisions taken are based on the principle of the best interests of the child in line with articles 3
and 12 of the Convention and that children can no longer be withdrawn from their
[...] mother’s custody if she remarries; and
对于某些严重的原因,家庭可能会否定他的妻子 再婚 的 , 但对她来说没有妻子离婚相应的权利。
For certain grave reasons, the household might repudiate his
[...] wife and marry another, but a wife on her part had no corresponding right of divorce.
條例草案建議新增的第29AB(2)條,訂明“如一段婚姻在香港以外 地方遭解除或廢止之後,婚姻的任何一 再婚 , 該方即再無權就該段 婚姻提出申請”;第 29AB(3)條則訂明再婚”包 括在法律上屬無效或可 使無效的婚姻,即“void”及 “voidable”。
The new section 29AB(2) proposed by
the Bill provides,
[...] "If after a marriage has been dissolved or annulled in a place outside Hong Kong, one of the parties to the marriage remarries, that party is not entitled to make an application in relation to that marriage.
今時今日, 我們目 睹 社 會 上 的 單 親 家 庭 、分隔 家 庭再 婚 家 庭 越 來 越 多 。
Today, we see more single parent families, more split families, more step families and so on.
政府當局亦建議,已故原居民仍然在世的配偶,只要未 再婚 , 亦 可以 在原居民代表選舉中登記成為選民,亦會就此提出修正案。
The Administration has also proposed that surviving spouses of deceased indigenous inhabitants may register as electors in the elections of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative provided that they have not re-married.
后代津贴可提供给下列人员:死者 18 岁以下的未成年
子女,或在中学、中等专业或高等教育机构继续学习的子女,直到毕业,只要年 龄不超过 23 岁;幸存配偶,条件是在赡养者死亡的时候或死亡之前 5 年,已经
[...] 达到规定的领取养老金年限或被鉴定为一等或二等残疾,同时与死者有至少 15 年的婚姻关系,而且再婚;护理死者 3 岁以下子女的配偶或监护人。
Offspring allowances may be given to minor children of an age of up to 18 years or, if they continue their studies with a secondary, professional secondary or higher educational institution, until their graduation, without having passed the age of 23 years; the surviving husband if at the moment of the decease of the supporter or during 5 years before the decease, has reached the prescribed pension age or was given the 1st or 2nd level of disability, had at least 15
years of marriage with the deceased persons
[...] and did not remarriage; to the husband [...]
or tutor, that nurses the deceased’s
child of and age of up to 3 years.
(d) 根据《家庭法》第66 条,婚后再婚妇女 失去对其子女的监护权;和
(d) In accordance to article 66 of the Family Code,
[...] women who remarry after divorce loses the custody [...]
of their children; and
除了剛才提及的紀律部隊事宜外,如果我們看回有關條例的附表 5......主 席 , 我 不 知 道 你 有 否 聽 過 , 其 中 一 項 是 有 關 給 予 並再 婚 及 品 德 良好的遺孀較好的待遇,這是一項規例,是香港輔助警隊遺孀福利的規例, 內容是怎樣的呢?
Apart from the issues relating to the disciplined forces mentioned earlier, if we look at Schedule 5 of the SDO …… President, I wonder if you have heard of a provision concerning the giving of preferential treatment to widows of officers who remain unmarried and are of good character.
不過,要保留選民資格的尚存配偶不 再婚。
Nevertheless, the surviving spouse of an indigenous inhabitant should be eligible only so long as
[...] he or she has not re-married.
国家保险法》第 135 条规定,遗孀一再婚,即 有权领取两份抚恤金, 但会丧失获得月抚养津贴的权利,本法定义的妻子包括习惯法妻子。
Section 135 to the National Insurance Law stipulates that
[...] once a widow remarries she is entitled [...]
to receive two benefit payments, but forfeits
her claim to the monthly Dependence Allowance.
我想在此澄清一下,劉江華議員剛才提到這問題時,可能有少許 理解錯誤,他表示我們是針對再婚 ” 的 問題,發現有不妥當之處,於 是作出一些改動。
Here may I clarify, when Mr LAU Kong-wah spoke on this issue earlier, there might be a little misinterpretation.
時至今天,單親 家 庭、分 隔 家 庭再婚 家 庭、同 性 父 母、未 婚 媽媽等數字 越 來 越 多,而 要 面對的 問題亦越 來 越複雜 , 包括: 離 婚 、 家 庭 暴 力 、 虐妻、 虐 兒 、 虐 老 、 婚 外情, 以至老 人家和 青 少 年 自 殺 等 問題。
At present the number of single-parent families, families with members living separately on both sides of the border, families with second marriage parents, single-gender parents, unmarried mothers and so on have been on the increase.
为了避 免过去 在第一个《家庭法典 》之下的常 见做 法,即
[...] 第一任 丈夫为 防止离婚的 妻再 婚 而 使用滥 用 拖延,一审 法院 [...]
在离婚问题上的判 决不能 (世袭 影 响除外)向高一级法院(如上诉法院)上诉。
In order to avoid past practices that were common under the first Family Code, consisting in abusive delays
used by the first husband with a view to
[...] preventing the divorced wife from remarrying, [...]
the decisions of the courts of first
instance in divorce matters cannot (except for patrimonial effects) be subject to appeal before a higher court (such as an appeal court).
若程序(1)或程序(2)均未能采用,牧职人员与信众要协助 婚 后 再婚 的 教 友,或与离婚人士结婚的教友,不要让他们觉得自己经已脱离教会或被教会所遗弃。
If neither procedure (1) nor procedure (2) can be
adopted, pastors and the faithful should
[...] help the divorced and remarried Catholics [...]
or Catholics who have married divorcees,
not to feel that they have broken away from or being abandoned by the Church.
我們認為,對 不同處境的家庭應作出不同的評估,例如跨境家庭、單親家庭 再婚家 庭 ,或貧窮家庭,他們均是有特別需要的家庭,如果我們要處理這些家 庭問題,家庭友善政策須作出進一步深化和長遠的討論,因為這些家庭 的處境有着很多不同的困難,我們須在房屋政策、社區設施,甚至在他 們的居住環境當中,作出很多具體考慮,令致這些不同處境的家庭能夠 維持家庭關係,但我們須有更詳細和深遠的討論。
We have to make concrete considerations in the housing policy, community facilities and even their living environment to enable these families under different situations to maintain their family relationships.




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