

单词 再发见

See also:

再见 n

farewell n


see you soon
see you again later


meet v
appear v

External sources (not reviewed)

当我们再见时,哈娜11岁的弟弟跑向我,递给我一半巧克力片,这是我们为孩子们 发 的。
As we say goodbye, Hanaa’s 11-year-old brother runs up to bring me half of his piece of the chocolate that we have distributed among the children.
由于姐妹俩手牵着手,再见,他们团聚的翅膀,纯从它们的翅膀闪 发 光 的光 突 发 爆 炸 ,慢慢的,奇迹般地愈合天衣的折翼。
As the sisters hold hands and say goodbye, they reunite their wings and an explosion of pure sparkly light [...]
bursts from their wings, slowly magically healing Tink’s broken wing.
在表 23 中,为说明见再次将实体分成以下四组泛泛的分散类别:低度-0% 至 19%;低至中度-19%至 [...]
38%;中至高度-38%至 57%;高度-57%以上。
In table
[...] 23, entities have again been grouped for [...]
illustrative purposes into four broad fragmentation categories as follows:
low, 0-19 per cent; low to average, 19-38 per cent; average to high, 38-57 per cent; and high, above 57 per cent.
调查结果及时地反应给客户,同时也反馈给本公司的设 计、生产、技术部门,防止故再发 生 ,以此确保产品质量的改善和提高。
The results of the investigation are reported promptly
to the design and production department
[...] to prevent any recurrence of such a case, [...]
and to further enhance the current level of quality.
阿塞拜疆共和国再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如 见 阿 塞 拜疆最近 发 的 文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic
[...] of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, [...]
the most recent document
circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
智能化牧场将对风险、估计、体力活 再见 , 使 操作更简单精确,实现可持 发 展 、 改善动物福利和提高牛奶质量,并且带来更好的生活方式和更高的利润。
Smart Farming is about saying good-bye to risks, guess-work and physical chores to [...]
embrace simplicity and precision, sustainability,
improved animal welfare and high milk quality, plus better lifestyle and profits,” Mazeris concluded.
正是在上述背景下,总干事决定在大会第三十三届会议的辩论后,综合各方的 见, 再把指导方针作为秘书处的文件发。
It is against this background that the Director-General has decided to issue the Guidelines, as a Secretariat document, after the debate at the 33rd session of the General Conference, taking into consideration the various discussions.
缔约国还有义务采取措施,防止今 再发 生 类 似的违约 情况。
The State party is also under an obligation to take measures to prevent similar violations in the future.
他们认为,为了使教科文组织的科学计划产生重大影响,本组织 发 挥 推动全球、地区和国家层面制定科 学政策的作用,具体工作包括改善相关科学研究知识的基础,通过促进政策性工作和参与提出政策咨询 见来 传 播这方面的知识,以及提高各国制定政策、进行科学监测和制定基准的能力。
They considered that in order for UNESCO science programmes to make a significant difference, the Organization should act as a facilitator of global, regional- and countrylevel science policy development by improving the base of relevant [...]
scientific research knowledge
and communicating that knowledge, by promoting policy work and participating in formulating policy advice, as well as by building country capacity in policy making and scientific monitoring and benchmarking.
据申诉人称,补救措施应涵盖受害人遭受的所有损失, 包括归还财产、赔偿、康复、作出令人满意的答复和保障此类行为 再发 生 ,以 及预防、调查和惩处责任人。
According to the complainant, remedial measures cover all the damages suffered by the victim, including restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition, as well as prevention, investigation, and punishment of the persons responsible.
政府对上述这些虐待行为采取了刑事行动, 以确保再发生此类情况。
The Government has taken penal action to counter these abuses and to
[...] ensure that they are not repeated.
在第六十届会议期间,荷兰代表在第六委员会上同样指出,“在 目前的体制下,反对所涉政治层面,即反对国对保留的可取性表达的 见 , 发 挥 着 重要作 用,而反对的法律效力却变得越来越无关紧要”(A/C.6/60/SR.14, 第 31 段;反对所涉政治层 面,另见葡萄牙的发言,A/C.6/60/SR.16, [...]
第 44 段)。
During the sixtieth session, the representative of the Netherlands stated that “in the current system, the political
aspect of an objection,
[...] namely, the view expressed by the objecting State on the desirability of a reservation, played a central role, and [...]
the legal effects of
such an objection were becoming increasingly peripheral” (A/C.6/60/SR.14, para. 31); regarding the political aspect of an objection, see Portugal (A/C.6/60/SR.16, para. 44).
对历史有兴趣的公众和专家可能发 现 或 再发 现 丘 吉尔、罗斯福和戴 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 [...]
家可以钻研梵高、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的
原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。
The public and experts with a passion
[...] for history may discover or rediscover letters written [...]
by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle
and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
即使离开了对法律文件权威性的解释的原则问题,显然,一文件之作者的意 见若在起草之后提出、但与当时所表达的 见发 生 冲 突,则其意见不能被赋 予决定性的价值。
And even leaving out of the question the principles governing the authoritative interpretation of legal documents, it is obvious that the opinion of the authors of a document cannot be endowed with a decisive value when that opinion has been formulated after the drafting of that document and conflicts with the opinion which they expressed at that time.
据报,Bastani 先生被单独监禁三个月,并在 2011 年
[...] 6 月家人探访期间要求多点时间与其母亲和妻子 再见 时 被一监狱工作人员殴 打。
Mr. Bastani reportedly spent three months in solitary confinement and was beaten by a prison
staff member during a family visit in June 2011, when he asked for a few more
[...] minutes to say goodbye to his mother and wife.
在早期的哲学家阿那克萨哥拉有助于一个纯粹的精神灵魂的概念,但更直接的贡献是由宗教的Eleusinian和奥尔弗斯奥秘,在道德说教的亮化和未来生活的希望,我们有 发见 证 到了影响哲学家,诗人,历史学家。
Among early philosophers Anaxagoras contributes to the notion of a purely spiritual soul; but a more directly religious contribution is made by the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, to the influence of which in brightening and moralizing the hope of a future life we have the concurrent witness of philosophers, poets, and historians.
然而在这个赛季,我们恐怕不得不和他们 再见 , 将 他们送离瑞典顶级联赛。
However at this season, we
[...] might have to say goodbye to them for the [...]
top league of Sweden.
虽然目前正根据移民和海关执法局收到来自非政府组织和法律权利团体等 利益攸关方另外提出的反馈见,再 次 审 查和修订按执行结果实施的国家拘留标 准,但按执行结果实施的国家拘留标准的修订和在全国范围实施的前景证明美国 政府不断致力于确保所有被拘留的非公民得到人道的对待。
Although the Performance-Based National Detention Standards are again currently under review and revision, based on additional feedback that ICE received from non-governmental organizations and legal rights groups, among other stakeholders, the revision and prospective nationwide implementation of the Performance-Based National Detention Standards is evidence of the United States Government’s ongoing commitment to ensuring that all detained non-citizens are humanely treated.
为了执行这一法律,哥伦比亚 的地雷行动方案就以下事项开展工作:补偿;就业和行政赔偿;信息系统;预 防;保护和保证再发生;以及援助、关怀和康复。
To achieve the implementation of this law, Colombia’s mine action programme (PAICMA) has worked on the following matters: reparation; employment and administrative compensation; information systems; prevention; protection and guarantees of non-repetition; and, assistance, attention and rehabilitation.
缔约国还应采取措施,确保今后 再发生 类似违反情况。
The State party should also take measures to ensure that such
[...] violations do not recur in the future.
对于在第一阶段公众咨询期间有意见认为政府应以务实态度处理现有违规私营骨灰龛这个存在已久的问题,政府就相关豁免想法及条件持开放态度,并希望听取市民 见 , 再 制 定 相关政策及有关细节。
Regarding views suggesting that the Government should handle the historial legacy of the pre-existing unauthorised private oclumbaria in a pragmatic manner during the first consultation, the Government is open-minded about the concept and
conditions of exemption and would like to
[...] gauge the public views before proceeding [...]
to the formulation of the relevant policy and its details.
卡塔尔再发放新 的捕捞许可证,并在每年的特定月份里限制每艘渔船每月 的上岸次数。
Qatar had stopped issuing new fishing licences and limited the number of monthly landings per fishing vessel for certain months of the year.
路和采取一切措施确保安全,但以色列继续违反其法 律义务,通过一系列已使局势加剧的非法、挑衅性措
[...] 施悍然阻止恢复直接谈判的努力,这些措施包括其政 府官员再发表煽动性言论,以及以色列内阁最近就 [...]
效忠犹太国誓言通过的法西斯法案,这明显违反了在 以色列的阿拉伯人的法律和宗教自由。
While the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly affirmed its determination to pursue the path of peace and undertake all measures to ensure security, Israel continues to violate its legal obligations and blatantly impedes efforts to resume direct negotiations through a series of unlawful, provocative
measures that have only inflamed the
[...] situation, including repeated inflammatory remarks [...]
by Government officials and the racist
bill recently passed by the Israeli cabinet on the Jewish loyalty oath, in clear violation of the legal and religious freedoms of the Arab population in Israel.
兹拟定卡塔尔国关于落实教育方面千年发展目标的国家自愿情况介绍,谨随 函转递卡塔尔的国家报告,请作为经济及社会理事会
[...] 2011 年实质性会议“高级 别部分:年度部长级审查”的文件 发(见 附 件 )。
With regard to the preparations of the voluntary national presentation of the State of Qatar on the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals on the theme of education, I have the honour to transmit the national report of Qatar for circulation at the annual
ministerial review of the high-level segment of the substantive session of the Economic and
[...] Social Council of 2011 (see annex).
秘书处代表对新的、首次任命的法国外聘审计员所提出的五违规审计 见发 表 了 评 论,并称其对 180 EX/33 号文件中所提供的信息没有任何情况可补充。
The representative of the Secretariat commented on the clean audit opinion given by UNESCO’s newly and first time appointed French External Auditor and stated that he had nothing further to add to the information in document 180 EX/33.
在随后的讨论中,小组成员针对主持人和印度、危地马拉、美国、赞比亚和 塞内加尔代表以及希腊和印度尼西亚观察员(代表东南亚国家联盟成员国以及中 国、日本和大韩民国)提出的问题和 见发 了 言
A discussion ensued, during which statements were made by the panellists in response to questions raised and comments made by the moderator and the representatives of India, Guatemala, the United States, Zambia and Senegal, as well as by the observers for Greece and Indonesia (on behalf of the States members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as China, Japan and the Republic of Korea).
在筹备起草《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的第二次和第三次合并定期 报告时,当时的性别与家庭事务部将《结论性 见 》 发 给 所 有利益相关部委,以 获得关于当前情况的最新信息。
In preparation to draft the second and third combined CEDAW periodic report, the then Ministry of Gender and Family forwarded the concluding comments to all stakeholder Ministries to obtain an update of the current situation.
通过讨论,对清单进行了少许修改,然后征求全球海洋观测 系统沿岸观测系统专门小组各成员的 见 , 再 次 修 改清单。
Well-defined methods of data collection, data formats and data archiving, as well as data exchange practices must be established, along with methods for controlling and assuring the quality of these data and meta-data.
人权理事 会愿意通过其各种特别程序来支持这些努力,包括
[...] 关于结社自由和关于寻求真相、司法、赔偿和保证再发生的特别程序,以便制定良好做法和标准, 帮助提出具有专题性质和符合国情的建议。
The Council stood ready to support those efforts through its special procedures, including on the freedom of association and on the
promotion of truth, justice, reparations and
[...] guarantees of non recurrence, in order to set [...]
out good practices and standards and
help produce thematic and countryspecific recommendations.
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国赞同不结盟国家运动、伊比利亚-美洲国家元首和 政府首脑会议、里约集团和欧洲联盟-拉丁美洲和加勒比首脑会议 再发 表 的 声 明,反对采取具有域外效力的单方面措施,因为此类措施与真正表现多边主义的 对话与合作背道而驰。
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela endorses the repeated declarations made by, inter alia, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, the Rio Group and the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Summit of Heads of State and Government, in repudiation of the application of unilateral measures with extraterritorial effects, which it considers to be contrary to dialogue and cooperation as genuine expressions of multilateralism.




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