

单词 再加工


再加工食品 n

processed food n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 独立技术审计,以根据本协定,确认氟氯化碳的产量 再加工 限 额 、销售量(出口销售和 国内销售)及库存。
The Country also agrees to allow for independent technical audits administered by the Implementing
Agency (World Bank) in order to confirm the
[...] production, reprocessing limit, sales [...]
(both export and domestic) and stock of
CFCs in accordance with the agreement.
因此这一乳液尤其适用于生产 再加工 那 些可以尽量避免最终产品变色的无纺布和纤维材料。
The dispersion is thus especially suitable for the production and further processing of nonwovens and fibrous materials where the end products must show as little discoloring as possible.
绝对禁止对构成品进再加工以及 更换使 用正品零部件以外的零部件。
Do NOT attempt to modify the components parts or replace them with other than genuine Yamada parts.
渔业出口增长的份额包再加工的进 口的原料。
A growing share of fishery
[...] exports consists of reprocessed imported raw material.
中国作为世界上最大的水产品生产国和出口国,已大幅提高了水产品出口,其中 一个原因是外包,即中国的加工商从各大区域进口原材料用 再加工 和 出 口,这 些原材料主要来自南美、北美和欧洲。
China, the world’s largest fish producer and exporter, has significantly increased its fishery imports, partly a result of
outsourcing, as Chinese
[...] processors import raw material from all major regions, including South and North America and Europe, for re-processing and export.
香港多數出口電子半製成品到越南 再加工 外 銷 到歐美市場。
Most of the Hong Kong goods exported to Vietnam are
[...] semi-finished electronic goods that will be processed in Vietnam before re-exporting to markets in Europe and the United States.
(i) 根據該條例,將未受污染廢物(“進口廢物”)輸入香港再加工、循 環再造或回收或再使用的用途(“指明用 途 ”),無須領有環境保護署署長(“署長”)發出的許可證。
(i) Under the
[...] Ordinance, the import into Hong Kong of uncontaminated waste ("imported waste") for the purpose of a reprocessing, recycling or recovery operation or the reuse of the waste [...]
("the specified purpose")
does not require a permit issued by the Director of Environmental Protection ("the Director").
成品管材直径和壁厚的公差范围小意味着节省材料、降低生产 再加工 成 本和更高的竞争力。
Close tolerances in terms of the diameter and wall thickness of the tubes
produced mean material savings, lower
[...] production and further processing costs as well [...]
as greater competitive opportunities.
我们提供PTFE各种各样的品牌包括Teflon®、Dyneon和Daiken,但是机械PTFE (如被卖这里)是也许在整体混合包含各种各样的品牌的一 再加工 等 级
We offers various brands of PTFE including Teflon®, Dyneon and
Daiken, but mechanical PTFE (as
[...] sold here) is a reprocessed grade that may contain a [...]
variety of brands in the overall blend.
在这方面,欧洲联盟致力于执行国家 和国际高度协调的出口管制;适当的监测和管制措 施;浓缩再加工方面 最高的不扩散、安全和安保 标准;以及消除核恐怖主义威胁的一切措施,尤其 是安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议和《制止核恐怖 主义行为国际公约》。
In that respect, the European Union was committed to strong nationally and internationally coordinated export controls; appropriate surveillance and control measures; the highest non-proliferation, safety and security standards for enrichment and reprocessing technologies; and all measures to address the threat of nuclear terrorism, particularly Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
仅使用回收纸板(例如在新的生产周期中通过回 再加工 纸 张 和/或纸板而生产出来的纸板)和可回收纸板(可以用于生产新的纸板)。
Use only recycled cardboard (e.g. produced by reprocessing paper and/or cardboard in a new production cycle) and recyclable cardboard (that can be used to produce new cardboard).
(f) 特別設計或預備以監視或控再加工 處 理 放射性“天然鈾”、“貧 化鈾”或“特別可裂變物料”的加工處理控制儀器。
(f) Process control instrumentation specially designed or prepared for monitoring or controlling the reprocessing of irradiated "natural uranium", "depleted uranium" or "special fissile materials".
更为雄心勃勃的项目讨论了新的、额外和多边的生产设施,甚至将所有浓缩 活动多边化或国际化(可能也包 再加工 ) , 这 显然是一项更为复杂的举措,前提 是核供应国和接受国之间必须具有新的信任感,这也是和平核合作新的合作商业 形式。
More ambitious projects which discuss the creation of new, additional, multilateral production facilities, even the total multilateralization or internationalization of all enrichment (and possibly reprocessing), are obviously a much more complex undertaking which presupposes a new sense of trust between nuclear suppliers and recipients and new cooperative, commercial forms of peaceful nuclear cooperation.
至于线路板整体的感热性,对和零件之间形成焊点的焊盘从某种程度来讲对热所造成的破坏 更敏感,其不能受太高再加工温度 和频率——VIROMET 理想的匹配。
As regards board sensitivity to heat, land pads for components
are somewhat more sensitive to heat damage,
[...] requiring less rework temperature and [...]
frequency – the ideal matching of VIROMET.
然 而,在谷歌翻译数据库没有相同的具体措辞和术语,或源语文材料没有经过彻底预 先编辑的情况下,谷歌翻译是不太可能产生一个翻译 再加工 的 可 用原草稿的。
However, in most situations where specific phrasing and terminology are not replicated in the Google Translate database and where the source-language material has
not been thoroughly pre-edited, Google Translate is
[...] unlikely to produce a usable raw draft that a translator [...]
can rework.
自1992年,BRITA滤芯的所有部件均可被进 再加工 , 所 有材料均可进行循环再用。
Since 1992, all parts of BRITA filter cartridges can be
[...] completely reprocessed and the materials can be recycled.
而且,该软件还可以快速创建刀具路径,并带 再加工 路 径选择,使我们能改善产品质量。
What’s more it creates the toolpath quickly, with a
[...] choice of re-machining paths, enabling [...]
us to improve the quality of our products.
ESPRIT基于NURBS的加工引擎使得处理通常难以加工的自由曲面变得异常简单,特别是在铸模,冲模,刀具制造市场中需要设计复杂的三维模型时,ESPRIT可为您提供一系列功能强大的工具和加工指令进行3-轴或5-轴的自由曲面粗加工,变Z加工(Z-level),精 工 以 及余 料 再加工 等 功 能。
ESPRIT's NURBS-based machining engine handles fabricating difficult free-form shapes with ease. Specifically designed to address the 3D challenges in the mold, die, and toolmaking markets, ESPRIT provides you with a powerful set
of tools and machining cycles for free-form
[...] roughing, Z-level machining, finishing, and re-machining in 3-axis [...]
or 5-axis.
作为核供应国 集团和桑戈委员会的成员,哈萨克斯坦对其进行铀浓 缩再加工乏核 燃料的设备及设施实行了极为严格 的控制。
As a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Zangger Committee, Kazakhstan maintains the strictest control over its equipment and installations that enrich uranium and reprocess spent nuclear fuel.
再加工的过程减小了核废料 的量并为核反应堆提供更多的燃料。
The process lessens the volume of waste while producing more fuel for nuclear reactors.
ESPRIT的剩余材再加工指令,可以自动地对零件的未切割的区域进 再加工 , 从而减少工件的后续工作量,提升工件的表面质量。
Automate re-machining of the uncut areas of your part for maximized part quality and minimized bench work with ESPRIT's rest-material re-machining cycles.
降低零再加工和廢 品率的可能性進而減少設備停機時間;降低您的生產成本 - QC20-W循圓測試儀讓您在加工前和加工後續的工件檢查前,透過確認加工機的加工能力來有效地管理規劃您的CNC加工機。
Reduces the potential for component rework and scrap and minimises machine downtime; reducing your production costs - QC20-W ballbar allows you to manage your CNC machine tools effectively by determining a machine tool's capabilities before machining and subsequent post-process part inspection.
6.4 客户有权在一个常规的商业机构内对我们的产品进行加工和/或者进一步转让;然而,即使他在转让时已经收到了他的买家的完全付款,在这种条件下他仍然必须保留,只有当他已经履行了全部应付款项之后,该项财产所有权才能转移给他的买家;如果他已经把现在我们全部应付款项货款总额(包括增值税在内)的应付款同等金额代位清偿给我们,由于转让关系,这个应付款项则变为针对他的买家或第三方,无论我们的产品是否 再加工 之 后才转售,这个应付款项与我们将不再有任何关系。
6.4 Customer is entitled to process our products within the outline of a proper business operation and/or to resell them, but only on condition that he will receive complete payment from his customer at the time of transfer of proprietary or under the reservation that proprietary will only be transferred to its customers after they have fulfilled their payment obligations; however already now the Customer assigns its receivables up to the final invoice amount of our receivables (including value added tax) that accrue by selling products to its
Customers or third parties and independent of whether our products have been resold
[...] without or after further processing.
按照DIN 10524或RKI指南等规定,食品加工公司、餐饮业和医疗保健行业同样对成衣 再加工 面 有 着特殊的卫生要求。
Food-processing companies, the catering industry and the health care sector also demand special hygiene requirements for ready-to-wear clothing and reprocessing as stipulated e.g. by DIN 10524 or RKI guidelines.
从实地生产做最糟糕的考虑:首先用 Sn/Cu 合金波峰设定为 255 摄氏度生产流程焊接线路 板,再通过用最高回流顶温为 235 摄氏度的 Sn/Ag/Cu 锡膏在8环回流烘炉里回流,然后用 最高温度是 370 摄氏度的焊接棒用 Sn/Ag/Cu 焊锡丝进行不止一次再加工。
Consider the worse case in a real world production: a board that uses Sn/Cu alloy wave soldering with, say, 255 degree Celsius, then reflowed in a 8 zones reflow oven by using Sn/Ag/Cu paste with peak reflow temperature of 235 degree Celsius, followed by more than one time rework by using Sn/Ag/Cu wire with tip temperature setting at 370 degree Celsius.
[...] 222芯片的开发,它能测量高达750℃的灶台温度,其精确度可达到1%,亦或 DBS传感器系列,其连接技术极大降低了接线传感器的生产成本 再加工 成 本
The most recent examples are the HL 222 chip which measures with 1% precision the temperature in hotplates up to 750°C or the range of DBS
sensors whose connection technology substantially reduces costs in the
[...] production and further processing of wired sensors.
如果香港 的工 再 不 加把勁 工作, 本 人相信 香 港 的勞工市場將會 變 得 [...]
越 來 越 狹窄。
I believe the local labour market will only shrink if our
[...] labour force refuses to work with added vigour.
採收問題透過在45天的停工期間內安裝 一個額外精磨機解決,這可令磨削階段釋放更多黃金,從 工 廠 一 旦 再 次 按設計產能運營, 加 金 的 採收量。
The recovery issue is being addressed by having installed an additional fine grinding capacity during the 45 day stoppage period, which should allow the liberation of
more gold in the grinding
[...] stage and increase gold recovery once the plant is again operational at design throughput capacity.
收 購 成 本 按 所 支 付 的 資 產、發 行 的 權工 具 以 及 發 生 或 所 承 擔 的 負 債 在 交 易 日 的 公 允 價 值 總 值再 加 上 直 接 歸 屬 於 收 購 活 動 的 成 本 計 量。
The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of
the fair value of the assets given, equity
[...] instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange, plus costs directly attributable to the acquisition.
它还在非洲和亚洲最不发达 国家启动了诸多计划,其重点放在了农产 加工 业、 可再生能 源和工业研究上,并采用了包括公私伙伴 [...]
It had also launched numerous initiatives with African and Asian
least developed countries with
[...] emphasis on agro-industries, renewable energy and industrial [...]
research with an innovative
approach that included public-private partnership.




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