

单词 再也

再也 ()

(not) any more


再也(不) adv

anymore adv

External sources (not reviewed)

在国际公共部门会计准则下再也不 可能哪怕是对会计记录作小小的调 整,因为任何影响到报告实体的财富的事件必须在其发生时就予以确认。
Under IPSAS, it is no
[...] longer possible to make even minor adjustments [...]
to accounting records since any event which impacts
the reporting entity’s wealth must be recognized at the time it occurs.
结果造成受体蛋白质被截短了许多 再也 无 法 到达细胞表面,从而可阻止 HIV 病毒感染细胞或减缓细胞感染的速率。
This results in the receptor protein being severely truncated and unable to reach the cell surface, thus preventing the HIV virus from infecting the cells or slowing the rate of infection.
国际经再也 不允 许追逐利益所驱动的金融市场掩盖实体经济的 发展需求了。
The international economy could no longer allow [...]
a financial market driven by profit to overshadow the development needs of the real economy.
例如,如果国际组织有 义务将有些人或财产转移到某一国家,那么,要是已经违反了这项义务而将这些 人或这项财产转移到了另一国家 再也 不 能履行这项义务了。
Should for instance an international organization be under the obligation to transfer some persons or property to a certain State, that
obligation could no
[...] longer be performed once those persons or that property have been transferred [...]
to another State in breach of the obligation.
他的眼伤 不断恶化再也不可能治愈了。
The condition of his eye has worsened over time and the injury is now irreparable.
孩子的大夫医生补充说:“我很高兴,到本周末,全国的孩子都将受到保护,他 再也 不 用 像小金一样经历现在这样的疾病折磨。
One of the baby’s doctors added: “I am so glad that at the end of this week all children in my country will be protected and none of them will need to undergo what the little Kim is going through right now.
有 人 仍 然 可 以 批 評 說 值 日 官 是 警 隊 的 一 員 , 但 我再 也 想 不 出 還 有 甚 麼 更 加 實 在 的 建 議 , 可 讓 獨 立 於 調 [...]
查 之 外 的 人 來 向 被 捕 人 提 供 所 需 的 資 料 。
The criticism
[...] can still be made that he is part of the police team but we are unable to make any more [...]
practical recommendation
as to how an arrested person is to be given the requisite information by a person independent of the investigation.
此外,还有更多的BM交易所(BM&FBOVESPA以前被称为仅作为喊价交易 Bovespa指数)再也看不 到尖叫为什么股市在上个世纪已成为众所周知的。
Moreover, there is more outcry trading on the BM & FBovespa (formerly BM & FBovespa was known only as Bovespa): No longer see that screaming why the stock market has become known in the last century.
一些国家指出再也不能 单独地理解教育而不顾其与文化及价值观的联系,正如社会的发 展若要持久下去,应综合采用社会、文化、环境等方法,而不仅仅是经济方法。
As some States emphasized, education can no longer be viewed independently of its links to culture and values, in the same way that the development of societies, in order to be more sustainable, depends on the inclusion of social, cultural and environmental approaches, and not just strictly economic ones.
年迈的Erika Hütter再也不必 爬楼梯,她现在住在一处位于底层的漂亮寓所,“有一个大房间,一个卧室和一个儿童室。
Today, her old garden has
[...] run wild, frequented by hares, and Erika Hütter no longer has [...]
to climb stairs, but lives in a
nice ground-floor apartment “with a large living room, bedroom and nursery.
毀壞硬碟機則會對環 境造成傷害,而再也無法 因保固或租約結束而將硬碟機退回。
Physically shredding the drive is environmentally hazardous, and neither practice obviously allows the drive to be returned for warranty or expired lease.
雖然我們必須繼續發展,以滿足不斷膨脹的人口和日 益蓬勃的經濟的需要,政府當局和市民現在也明白,我們必須尋求平衡,因 為我再也不能 理所當然的認為任意和胡亂規劃和建設,不會對我們周遭的 環境造成無法補償的破壞。
Whilst development must continue to cope with rising demand of our expanding population and economy, clearly both the Administration and the public now realized that a balance has to be found, as we can no longer take for granted that uninhibited and random planning and development would not cause irreversible damage to the environment that we live in.
故事的结尾说,医生以及听说他去世前,人们经常看到在过去的故事“的结果时,我去的火车上,没有目的地 再也 不 会回来了,不知道这是什么标志。
End of story as saying that doctors as well as the outcome of the story “Heard that before he died, people often see the past, I went on a train with no destination and never come back , do not know what this sign.
日死亡。因此,他本人及子女在刚 再也 没 有 任何可以依靠和支持的社会联 系。
As a result, he and his children no longer had any social network there that they could count on for support.
在这方面,我们认为,我再也不能拖延 举行大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议,而按 照在 1978 年第一届特别会议上达成的协议,第四届 特别会议在制订替代解决办法以改进裁军机制—— 裁军谈判会议、裁军审议委员会和第一委员会——的 效力时,应侧重分析和评估其运作情况。
In this context, we believe that we can no longer delay convening the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament, which, in keeping with the agreements reached at the first special session of 1978, should focus on the analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the disarmament machinery — the Conference, the Disarmament Commission and the First Committee — as it formulates alternative solutions for improving its effectiveness.
公元前 612 年,尼尼微落入玛代人和巴比伦人之手后,这座城市被摧毁 再也 没 有 恢复其先前的辉煌。
After Nineveh fell to the Medes and Babylonians in 612 BC, the city was destroyed and never regained its earlier significance.
如果许可证被吊销,进口再也不能进口该种化学品,直到农业部颁发新的许可证为止(进口商以前的许可证如果被吊 销,自吊销之日起五年内不得申请新的许可证)。
If licenses are cancelled, importers are no longer able to import that particular chemical until a new license is issued by the Department of Agriculture (an application for a new license by importers whose previous licenses were revoked cannot be made within five years after the date of cancellation of the previous license).
其敌对行为损害了直布罗陀的领土 完整,更坚定了直布罗陀人再也不 受 治于西班牙 的决心。
Its hostile acts, undermining Gibraltar’s territorial integrity, made Gibraltarians even more determined never to come under Spanish rule.
随后,提交人被拘禁了七个月,主要是在阿比让拘禁教养所 再也 没 有见过他的 两个堂兄弟,也没有听到关于他们的任何消息。
The author was then held for seven months, mainly in the Abidjan Detention and Correction Centre.
[...] 2011 年 5 月 1 日欣闻乌萨马·本·拉再 也无法 实施这种恐怖主义行径,并重申,不能也不应把恐怖主义与任何宗教、 [...]
In this regard, the Security Council
welcomes the news on 1 May 2011 that Osama
[...] bin Laden will never again be able to perpetrate [...]
such acts of terrorism, and reaffirms
that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or group.
再也不能 小看或忽视妇女和女孩对解决冲突、建立和平、建设和平和维 持和平的各个阶段以及在重建进程中所能做出的贡献。
We can no longer afford to minimize or ignore the contributions of women and girls to all stages of conflict resolution, peacemaking, peace-building, peacekeeping and the reconstruction processes.
改革性社会保护不仅提供了生计得以改善的手段和保障;而且还能催化权 力的变化并确保公民在这种干预后更有能力改变其生活以及在今后的危机 再也 不会如此脆弱。
Transformative social protection not only provides the means and security that enables the improvement of livelihoods; it also catalyses a change in power and ensures that citizens are better able to transform their lives following the intervention and ensures that in future crises they are no longer so vulnerable.
當第一位 Mirra
[...] 使用者發現他們可以透過網際網路存取,自動保護、遠端存取及輕鬆與人分享數位內容時,他們終於明白 再也 不 必 用以前的方式來「備份他們的 PC」了。
When the first Mirra users found that they could automatically protect, remotely access and easily
share their digital content to anyone with Internet access, they knew "backing up their
[...] PC" would never be the same again.
安全理事会若能通过摆在安理会面前 的关于以色列非法定居点问题的决议草案(S/2011/24),必将有助于此,向以色 列政府发出正确而有力的信息:国际社 再也 不 会 容忍此类非法政策和行动。
Adoption by the Security Council of the draft resolution (S/2011/24) before it in regard to illegal Israeli settlements would surely contribute in this regard, sending the proper and strong message to the Israeli Government that such illegal policies and actions will no longer be tolerated by the international community.
尽管作出这些承诺,但发展中国家 1990 年至 2000
[...] 年期间达到的青春期生 殖率降幅 2000 年之再也没有 出现过,许多发展中区域的青春期生殖率仍然偏 [...]
高,尤其是撒哈拉以南非洲(15-19 岁妇女每 1 000 人 119 胎)、拉丁美洲和加勒
Despite such commitment, the reductions of adolescent fertility achieved
in developing countries between 1990 and
[...] 2000 have not been replicated after 2000 [...]
and adolescent fertility remains high in
many developing regions, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (119 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19), Latin America and the Caribbean (73), Oceania (63), South Asia (54) and Western Asia (50).
将非洲和性别平等问题列为整个中期战略期间的全球优先事 也再 次 得 到与会者的肯 定。
The designation of Africa and gender equality as global priorities throughout the period of the Medium-Term Strategy was also confirmed.
[...] 正在进行隔离墙建设和扩大以色列定居点的同时,也再次呼 吁以色列停止扩大在西岸的定居点,停 止拆毁西岸以及东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人的家园, [...]
这些都严重损害了西岸和加沙的社会和经济结构, 增加了失业、贫困和对人道主义援助的依赖,并直
Reiterating South Africa’s condemnation of the continuing blockade, the ongoing construction of the
separation wall and the expansion of
[...] Israeli settlements, he also again called on Israel [...]
to cease expansion of settlements in
the West Bank and its demolition of Palestinian homes there and in East Jerusalem, which were severely damaging the social and economic structures of the West Bank and Gaza, increasing unemployment, poverty and reliance on humanitarian assistance and directly affecting the enjoyment of economic and social rights.
也再次申明,关于申诉机制和补救的体制规 定所支持的宪法和法律框架,包括新成立的人权委员会和一个开放和自由的媒 [...]
It also re-affirms that the [...]
constitutional and legislative framework supported by the institutional provisions for complaints
mechanisms and redress, including the new HR Commissions, and, an open and free media, allow for such cases to be addressed.




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