单词 | 内部网 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 内部adj—inneradj 内部adv—internallyadv 内部—inside (part, section) 部网n—extranetn
政府亦应进一步研究内部网络转用互聯网规约 版本 6(IPv6)能带來的效益。 forum.gov.hk | The benefits arising from the Government’s migration towards an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) network should also be further examined. forum.gov.hk |
当商业机构决定使用流动技术,便需要制订清晰的保安政策,以防止因流动用户的活动而 引致内部网络入侵、病毒感染和资料外泄。 infosec.gov.hk | When an enterprise decides to use mobile technologies in business, a clear [...] security policy should be established [...] to avoid possibleinternal networkintrusion, virus [...]infection and data loss due to the activities of mobile users. infosec.gov.hk |
因此部署时要额外考虑如何隔离及控制诱捕系统,例如设置防火墙或其它网路控制装 置,又或将诱捕系统从内部网络截断。 infosec.gov.hk | Additional deployment considerations must be made in order to isolate and control the honeypot, such as by [...] means of firewalls or other network control devices, or by completely disconnecting the [...] honeypotfromthe internal network. infosec.gov.hk |
又有一些公司并不禁制员工私自地建立自己的无线存取点在内部网络上,开启後门给入侵者,使安装了的防火墙和防毒闸道失效。 hkcert.org | Some companies do not control their staff [...] connecting APs totheir internal network which opens [...]a backdoor to intruders and rendering [...]the perimeter firewall and internet antivirus gateway useless. hkcert.org |
服务内容包括协调和完成信息系统的一般审查和应用系统的监控点有效性的审查 - SSAE16 验证(即以前的SAS70等)、信息系统的一般监控审查和其他特别审查、 [...] 按美国萨班斯-奥克斯利 (Sarbanes-Oxley) [...] 法案的要求作信息系统的监控及实施和协助企业进行测试的工作、为数据中心及其信息系统在应用系统的监控和一般信息系统的监控作审查、内部网络审查 - 如IBM的AS/400、Unix、 Microsoft Windows和其他操作系统核实其安全性、建立IT审计方法和工作方案以协助进行内部和外部审计等。 crowehorwath.net | In recent years, Ester is providing IT auditing and consulting services to the clients in Hong Kong and in the United States covering manufacturing, retail businesses, education, banking and financial services industries, etc. Details of services include coordinating and completing information systems general and application controls SSAE16 (previously SAS70) examinations, Information Systems General Control Reviews and other specialized reviews; assisting organizations with the implementation and testing of Information Systems in support of Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements; [...] performing Information Systems reviews ofdata centers, focusing on [...] application controlsand general control areas; experience reviewingnetwork and operating [...]system’s security such [...]as IBM AS/400, UNIX, Microsoft Windows and others; assisting in creation of IT audit methodologies and work programs for both internal and external audits performed. crowehorwath.net |
其 他 资 源 包 括 Hospira 的内 部 网路、您 的 经 理、其 他 [...] 经 理 以 及 列 在 本 守 则 中 的 其 他 联 络 人。 hospira.com | Other resources [...] include Hospira’sintranet,your manager, another [...]manager and the other contacts listed in this Code. hospira.com |
如需我们如何保护公司 名声的详细资讯,请参阅 Hospira内部网站上的沟通与公开政策。 hospira.com | For more information about how we protect our company’s reputation, please see our Communications and Disclosure [...] Policy on the Hospira intranetsite. hospira.com |
依全球临床安全和药物主动监视 (GCSP)内部网路社群的规定,有关药物主动监视和不良反应事件的资 讯,均需向 GSK 回应中心呈报。 gsk.com | Information on Pharmacovigilance and adverse events should be directed to the GSK Response Centres as directed on the Global Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance (GCSP) intranet community. gsk.com |
所有的员工都要效忠我们的品质政策,所有员工都可由公司内部网路接触并了解他本身是品质政策的形象代言人,意思是说每个人都对我们加诸在自己身上的品质目标有贡献,而这也很自然是我们的客户对我们的期望,例如说提供好的范例或无瑕疵的功能表现。 tss.trelleborg.com | Each of us understands that he or she is a bearer of the image of Quality Policies. This means that every single one of us makes a contribution to the Quality Objective we have imposed upon ourselves, and which is expected of us by our customers, by being a good example and through qualitatively unobjectionable performance. tss.trelleborg.com |
如需详细资 讯,请参阅道德规范室内部网站上关於礼 物、招待及其他与供应商互动的政策。 hospira.com | For more details, refer to the Policy on Gifts, Hospitality and Other Interactions with Suppliers on the Office [...] of Ethics & Compliance intranet site. hospira.com |
本部的内部网路和资料库,有使用防火墙和其他的技术来防止非法入侵。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Our internal network and databases [...] are protected from unauthorised access using firewall and other technologies. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
如果您没有 Hospira内部网站的存取权,或是需要寻找本守则中所引用的任何政策或程序,可以向您的经 [...] 理、其他经理、人力资源部、法律部、道德规范室寻求协助。 hospira.com | If you do not have access [...] to Hospira’s intranet site or need assistance [...]finding any policies or procedures referred to in [...]this Code, you can ask for assistance from your manager, another manager, HR, Legal of the Office of Ethics & Compliance. hospira.com |
此外,Synovate [...] Malaysia也充分利用Web Station的功能,成功建置了一个PHP内部网站。synology.com | Further, the Web Station function is fully utilized to [...] develop a PHP internal site for Synovate [...]Malaysia with extreme convenience and ease. synology.com |
提供本产品不表示转让授权或暗示 具备任何权利可在下列管道散布使 [...] 用本产品建立的内容:营利为主的 播送系统 (电视和广播系统、卫星、 [...] 有线电视及/或其他散布管道)、串流 应用程式 (透过网际网路、内部网路及/或其他网路)、其他内容散布系统 (付费视听或随选音讯应用程式等 [...]等),或是使用实体媒体 (CD、 DVD、半导体晶片、硬碟、记忆卡 等等)。 garminasus.com | Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute content created with this product in revenue-generating broadcast systems (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or other [...] distribution channels), streaming applications [...] (via internet,intranets and/or other networks), [...]other content distribution systems [...](pay-audio or audio-ondemand applications and the like) or on physical media (compact discs, digital versatile discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives, memory cards and the like). garminasus.com |
换言之,防火墙可透过经界定的接达管制措施,藉着准许或拒绝接达活动,使内部网络得到保护,免受外间的攻击。 hkcert.org | In other words, a firewall [...] can protect the internalnetwork against any [...]attacks from outside by defining an access control [...]policy to permit or deny traffic. hkcert.org |
只有获授权的接达才可经由内部网络传送。 hkcert.org | Only authorised traffic is [...] allowed to pass via the internalnetwork. hkcert.org |
认证功能简单或没有认证功能的不安全系统或无人管理的系统不得与内部网络建立 VPN 连接。 infosec.gov.hk | Unsecured or unmanaged systems with simple or no authentication should not be allowed to make VPN [...] connections tothe internal network. infosec.gov.hk |
资讯和技术的流动,以及个人的参与,我们都必须确实遵 守这些规定以避免严重的法律後果,如制裁和出口限制内 部网站所述。 gsk.com | We must ensure we comply with these restrictions on the movement of our products, services, information and technology, and [...] personal participation to avoid serious legal consequences, as outlined on the [...] Sanctions and ExportControls intranetsite. gsk.com |
用户可利用该技术与内部网络建立一条虚拟私有隧道,通过不安全的网络如互联 网,却能够安全地进入内部网络,接达内部的资源、数据及进行通讯。 infosec.gov.hk | VPN (Virtual PrivateNetwork)technology provides a [...] way of protectinginformation being transmitted over the Internet, by allowing users to establish a virtual private “tunnel” to securely enter an internal network, accessing resources, data and communications via an insecure network suchas the [...]Internet. infosec.gov.hk |
如 需详细资讯,请参阅道德规范室内部网站上的竞争智慧政策。 hospira.com | For more details, see the Competitive Intelligence Policy on the Office [...] of Ethics & Complianceintranet site. hospira.com |
而数位通国际所推出的「数位管家,一指搞定」服务,从规划到建置一次完成,包括设备安装建置、网路接线、基本管理、网路设备OS版本更新服务、定期检查、新增或更换模组及记忆体、网路连线问题诊断、硬体维护等,期望一举解决企业对内部网管监控服务的困扰,并能节省成本支出,倍增企业竞争力。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Therefore, eASPNet brought forth the “Digital Housekeeper with a Finger Touch” service is aimed to provide a one-time and complete service package from planning to installation, which include device installation and setup, network connection, basic management, OS [...] version update [...] service for the network equipment, regular inspection, addition or replacementof modules andmemory, troubleshootingfor network connection, [...]hardware maintenance and so on. taiwanslot.com.tw |
您可能储存或是安装 Maxtech Designer [...] 软体的复制於一存取装置,像是网路伺服器、可让您藉由内部网路在您其他的电脑 上执行 Maxtech Designer [...]程式;然而,您必须为其他您藉由存取装置执行此程式的电脑取得许可。 maxthermo.com.tw | You may also store or install a copy of the Maxtech Designer SOFTWARE on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to RUN the [...] Maxtech Designer SOFTWARE on your other [...] COMPUTERS over an internalnetwork; however, you [...]must acquire and dedicate a license [...]for each separate COMPUTER on which the Maxtech Designer SOFTWARE is RUN from the storage device. maxthermo.com.tw |
CE790是一款具备自动判别连接线(Auto-MDIX)与RS-232序列功能的IP-Based [...] KVM讯号延长器,其可支援一组远端的USB控制端(USB键盘、萤幕及USB滑鼠)透过Intranet企业内部网路存取电脑系统。 aten.com.tw | The CE790 is a IP based KVM Extender with automatic cable detection (Auto-MDIX) and RS-232 serial functionality that [...] allows access to a computer system from a remote USB console (USB keyboard, monitor, and [...] USB mouse) anywhereon the intranet. aten.co.uk |