

单词 内部结构

See also:

内部 adj

inner adj

结构 pl

structures pl



External sources (not reviewed)

重力恢复和内部实验室(GRAIL)是美国航天局发现方案中的一次美国月 球学飞行任务,它将通过绘制高质量的月球重力场图来确定它 内部结构。
The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is an American lunar science mission in the Discovery
Program of NASA which will use high-quality gravitational field-mapping of the Moon
[...] to determine its interior structure.
第一,必须认真规划,以透彻了解冲突起因以及 如何利用现有的当地内部结构寻求 解决办法。
First, there must be careful planning that entails a thorough understanding
of the causes of the conflict and how
[...] existing local or internal structures can be utilized [...]
in the search for a solution.
实时需要提供数据时,Grid控件可以一种虚拟的形式运行;它还可以维护其自 内部结构 中 的数据形式运行。
It can be used in a virtual manner where the data is provided on demand
in real time, or it can be used in a manner where the Grid control maintains the
[...] data within its own internal structures.
然而, 秘书长在关于信通技术战略实施进度的报告(A/65/491)中评估了信通厅 内部 结构,但并未讨论信通厅在本组织结构中的位置问题。
However, while the Secretary-General assessed the internal structure of the Office, he did not address the question of the placement of the Office in the context of his progress report on the implementation of the ICT strategy (A/65/491).
从各种可视化工具中获取数据——报表生成器和分析系统——能够以简单的视图界面完成,因此不需要了解仓库 内部结构。
Getting data for visualization tools - report generators
and analysis systems - is done with simple interface of views,
[...] so learning the internals of the warehouse [...]
is not needed.
委员会认识到,其评价政策符 合联合国评价小组的准则和标准以及秘书长关于方案规划、预算内方案部分、执 行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则的公报(ST/SGB/2000/8),委员会核准委员会
[...] 工作评价报告中所载的建议,并呼吁执行秘书继续努力,特别是通过评价秘书处 的工作和审查内部结构,来 提高秘书处的业绩,实现最高标准的效益和效率。
The Commission recognized that its evaluation policy is in line with the norms and standards of the United Nations Evaluation Group and the Secretary-General’s Bulletin on Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation (ST/SGB/2000/8), endorsed the recommendations contained in the report on the evaluation of the work of the Commission and called upon the Executive Secretary to continue efforts to improve the
performance of the secretariat through, inter alia, evaluation of the work of the secretariat
[...] and review of its internal structure to achieve the [...]
highest standards of effectiveness and efficiency.
作为本组织改革战略的组成部分,为了使秘书 内部 结构趋于 合理,已将支助和服务局撤消,其原来的各 个科室已被分到管理和行政单位的不同处室中。
As part of the reform strategy of the
Organization and in a bid to
[...] rationalize the structures within the Secretariat, the Bureau for Support and Services [...]
was dissolved with
its different units being divided between different services within the Management and Administrative Services Sector.
这是继 Jason 和 CALIPSO 之后第三个利用 PROTEUS 平台的飞行任务,有
[...] 两项与天体物理学有关的目标:通过分析恒星的振荡模式研究恒 内部结构 以及 通过观测恒星由于凌日的行星在其正面掠过时的重力吸引产生的周期性反射运 [...]
It is the third mission to use the PROTEUS platform after Jason and CALIPSO and
has two astrophysics-related
[...] objectives: to study the internal structure of stars through [...]
the analysis of their oscillation
modes; and to detect exoplanets by observing the periodic reflex motion of stars due to the gravitational pull of their planets as they pass in-transit in front of the stars.
调心滚针轴承是由冲压外圈、带有凹 内部结构 的 塑料支撑环、带有球形外表面的外圈滚针以及保持架组件和可移动内环组成的单元。
Aligning needle roller
[...] bearings are units comprising drawn outer cups, plastic support rings with a concave inner profile, outer [...]
rings with a spherical
outside surface, needle roller and cage assemblies and removable inner rings.
在2203型旁边,您可以看到一个测量放大器 内部结构 , 背景中还有发电机机架,分析仪和一个CRT屏幕。
Next to the Type 2203 you see the innards of a measurement amplifier and in the background there are racks of generators, analyzers and a CRT screen.
[...] 外在独立性的一个国家机构,独立于国家的政治权力,拥有明晰 内部结构和 明 确界定的雇员职能关系,并受法律约束在平等原则和(或)机会原则基础上 [...]
Bosnia and Herzegovina stressed that the Prosecutor’s Office had external independence as a State body and
independence from political power in the
[...] State, had a clear internal structure and clearly [...]
defined functional relationships between
its employees and was bound by law to make a decision on the initiation of criminal prosecution, based on the principle of legality and/or the principle of opportunity.
达尔富尔混合行动已设立新 内部结构 , 以 加快项目的实施, 其中包括下放项目建议书审批程序以及增加达尔富尔混合行动警察和军事人员 [...]
UNAMID has put
[...] in place a new internal structure to expedite [...]
the implementation of projects, which includes decentralization
of the project proposal approval process and the increased involvement of UNAMID police and military personnel.
经过训练的耳朵能够对完整奶酪 内部结构 极 其一致性做出判断;如果声音很硬,则说明Parmigiano-Reggiano质地均匀而紧密,如果声音沉闷并嗡嗡作响,则很可能存在膨胀部分或充气部分或空洞区域; [...]
A trained ear is able to give a
[...] judgement about the inner structure of the whole cheese [...]
and its consistence: if the sound
is hard the content of Parmigiano-Reggiano is homogeneous and compact, while if the sound is deep-toned and booming it’s very likely that there are some swellings, bladders or empty zones; in this case the "whole cheese" is inevitably depreciated or it can also be rejected.
内部结构或国 家机构陷于瘫痪并因此国家无 法承担保护其公民的责任的情况下,就产生了一个问 题:国际社会怎么办?
In circumstances where internal structures or State institutions have collapsed [...]
and therefore the State cannot shoulder
its responsibility to protect its citizens, the question arises: What will the international community do?
这些材料中的大部分属于纳米结构材料,其中包括外部尺寸超出纳米范围, 内部结构 却 是 纳米级(1-100纳米)的物质,瓦克生产的气相二氧化硅HDK®属于此类产品。
Most of them are nanostructured
– a classification that includes
[...] materials whose internal structures are nanoscale [...]
(between 1 and 100 nanometers), but
whose dimensions are greater than the nano range.
内政部已要求进一步提供技术援助,以建 内部结构, 更好地处理基于性别的暴力行为。
The Ministry of Interior had requested further technical assistance to create internal structures to better address [...]
gender-based violence.
该机器的侧板装有易更换的Linatex高级橡胶磨损衬里(螺栓式),保护机器 内部结构 , 使 其拥有长久的使用寿命。
The side plates of the machine are fitted with easily replaceable (bolt in)
Linatex Premium Rubber wear liners, affording
[...] protection to the structure of the machine, [...]
delivering long service life.
[...] 其能够确定小行星的受热历程和演变、粒子辐射和地质构造,并深入了解两个原 行星内部结构和核心体积。
These data will make it possible to determine the thermal history and
evolution, bombardment and tectonics, and to get some
[...] insight into the internal structure and core size [...]
of the two proto-planets.
[...] 构;(b)了解月球不对称的热演化;(c)确定月球撞击盆地的地表下结构和月球质 量密集的来源;(d)确定月壳角砾岩和岩浆活动的时空演化;(e)确定月球深层内部结构;(f )确定月球内核的大小极限。
The main objectives of the mission are to: (a) map the structure of the lunar crust and lithosphere; (b) understand the asymmetric thermal evolution of the Moon; (c) determine the subsurface structure of impact basins and the origin of lunar mascons; (d) ascertain the temporal evolution of crustal brecciation and
magmatism; (e) constrain
[...] the deep interior structure of the Moon; and (f) place limits on the size of the Moon’s inner core.
对于结核以及这些样品的子样品,采用了下列非常具体的调查方法:用 X 射 线荧光进行整批地球化学分析;用扫描电子显微镜对结核等 内部结构 进 行 极为 精细的调查;以及用微型探针进行高清晰度地球化学分析。
For nodules and subsamples of these, the following highly specific methods of investigation where introduced: XRF (X-ray fluorescence) for bulk geochemical analyses, and SEM (scanning electron microscope) for
extremely fine-scale
[...] investigations of the internal structure of, for example, nodules and microprobes [...]
for high-resolution geochemical analyses.
内部结构合理 ,选粉效果显著,是实施水泥新标准后提高粉磨系统产品质量的首选产品,引导选粉机技术革新新潮流。
The internal structure is reasonable, [...]
and the effect of choosing powder is remarkable, it is the first-selected product
to improve the quality of grinding system product after the implementation of the new standard of cement, and it guides a new trend of powder choosing machine technology innovation.
我们现在的处境是,组织变得如此灵活——如此富于变化——以致组织 内部结构 变 得 更加有流动性,边界变得更加不固定,”Steve谈道。
We're now reaching a point where
organisations can become so flexible - so dynamic
[...] - that their internal structures become more fluid [...]
and their borders become less fixed," said Steve.
此外,您同意您将不会:(i)进行任何对本公 内部结构 造 成 或可能造成(按本公司自行酌情确定)不合理或不合比例的重大负荷的行为;(ii)未经rentome和适当第三方(如适用)事先明示书面准许,对网站的任何内容(除您的资料以外)制作拷贝、进行复制、修改、制作衍生作品、分发或公开展示;(iii)干扰或试图干扰网站的正常工作或网站上进行的任何活动;或(iv)越过本公司可能用于防止或限制进入网站的机器人排除探头或其他形式。
Further, You agree that you will not: (i) take any action that imposes or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (ii) copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display any content (except for Your Information) from our Site without the prior express written permission of Rentome.com or the appropriate third party authorized to grant such permission;(iii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Site or any transaction being conducted through our Site;(iv)use any device, software or routine to bypass our robot exclusion headers.
随着视力恢复Exchange服务器,它可以浏览脱机教育局数据库 内部结构 , 选 择个别邮箱,文件夹和邮件和出口。
With Visual Recovery for Exchange Server it is
[...] possible to browse the internals of offline EDB [...]
database, select individual mailboxes, folders and messages and export them.
入射 X-射线光束与大分子中所有原子中的电子相互作用,从而形成所谓的反映尺寸、形状 内部结构 等 颗 粒结构信息的“散射图”(= X-射线在不同散射角度下的光强)。
The incoming X-ray beam interacts with the electrons of all atoms in the macromolecule, resulting in a so-called “scattering pattern”
[...] (= different X-ray intensities at different scattering angles), which is characteristic for the particle structure, i.e. size, shape and internal [...]
常规釜的使用压力为10Mpa,搅拌转速0~1500r/min可调,工作温度300℃,主体接触物料材料为1Gr18Ni9Ti不锈钢,搅拌桨叶的形式为推进式,电机为普通直流电机;常规釜盖开口:气相口配针形阀,液相口配针形阀及釜内插底管,固体加料口配丝堵,测控温口配铂电阻,压力表安全爆破口配压力表及安全防爆装置,釜内冷却盘管进、出口配水咀;如果用户在釜盖、釜体开口 内部结构 、 压力高低、搅拌桨叶、及增加其它附助装置(如冷凝回流装置、恒压加料罐、接收装置、冷凝器等)等有特殊要求,可完全安用户的要求加工制造。
Normal reactor using pressure 10Mpa, stirring rotate speed 0~1500r/min adjustable, working temperature 300℃, main contact material 1Gr18Ni9Ti stainless steel, push type stirring blade, ordinary DC motor; normal reactor hatch: gas hatch match of needle valve, liquid hatch equipped with needle valve and pipe inserted reactor bottom, solid charging hatch equipped with screw plug, platinum resistance for temperature testing and control hatch, pressure meter and secure explosion-proof equipment for pressure meter safe blasting hatch, water nozzle for inside and outside entrance in reactor.
如 果规则(或至少在其准备资料)中未作此明示,那么,一切都有利于得出如下假定, 即反措施必须被视为与按其规则设立并反映在规则中的该组 内部结构 不 一 致。
) is missing, everything militates for the assumption that
countermeasures must be deemed inconsistent with the
[...] organization’s internal structure as set up by [...]
and reflected in its rules.
对于不可见实物的间接体验的另外一方面是,我们可以“看入”一些真实物体的内部,将他们变得透明,并把其某 内部结构 和 固 有属性在一个相应的虚拟世界中展现出来,例如,“数据映像”(data [...]
Other invisible parameters are certain components of pollution, traffic over computer-networks, etc. Another aspect is to “look into” real
objects, making them “transparent” and
[...] identify certain internal components or their ascribed [...]
characteristics in a corresponding
virtual world (e.g., the “data shadow” or Web page of a physical object or the playing piece example described below).
由于植物表层微孔很小,如果外压下降迅速,瞬间下降为大气压,此时植物内部被充汽体只有很少部分通过植物表层微孔原路返回大气压,而大部分存于植物内部的高压汽体,则在内外压差的做用下完成膨胀做功,破坏植物组 内部结构 , 从 而完成木质素、纤维素、半纤维素等组织及糖链的分段分离。
As the plant surface micro-small, if the external pressure dropped rapidly, and instantly dropped to atmospheric pressure, this time inside the plant to be filled only a small part of the vapor through the porous surface of plant backtrack atmospheric pressure, and most of the plants stored in the
internal pressure vapor, is used in internal and external pressure to do to
[...] complete the expansion work done, the internal structure of plant tissue [...]
damage, thus completing
the lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and other organizations and sugar chain segment separation.
由于这些“可怕”动物的化石相当稀少(右图上部为雕刻家重建的邓氏鱼模型),而研究人员又不原意剖开这些化石来研究 内部结构 , 因此早前的大部分研究主要是关注于这些盾皮鱼残骸的形状和表观。
Because fossils of these fearsome creatures (sculptor's reconstruction of Dunkleosteus, top) are relatively rare and
researchers are loath to slice them up to
[...] look at their internal structure, most previous [...]
studies have focused on the shape and
surface appearance of the remains.




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