

单词 内视镜

See also:


mirrors pl


lens n

External sources (not reviewed)

手术时,高频(HF)电烧多年以来被视为止血的最佳方式之一,随 内视镜 手 术 发展,以及使用HF相关的新问题变多,如发生内烧伤。
As endoscopic surgery developed, new problems related to the use of HF currents arose.
PDC 系列取得 EN60601-1、UL60601-1 及 IEC60601-1 认证,
[...] 是款搭载高对比度液晶屏幕的优质医疗影像显示器,适用于一般医疗应用,例 内视镜 、 计 算机断层扫描的诊断 X光及 PCKS。
The PDC series, With EN60601-1, UL60601-1 and IEC60601-1 certifications, are quality medical image
displays with high contrast LCD for common medical treatment
[...] applications such as endoscope, CT diagnosis [...]
X-ray and PCKS.
处置复发溃疡出血可能需要再度手术,药物治疗幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter pylori),内视镜方式 出血控制 (局部注射肾上腺素(epinephrine)或者纤维蛋白/氰基丙烯酸酯胶(fibrin/cyanoacrylate glue)) 或者胃十二指肠动脉选择性栓塞。
The management of recurrent ulcer bleeding may require reoperative surgery, medical therapy of Helicobacter pylori, endoscopic measures for hemorrhage control (local injections of epinephrine or fibrin/cyanoacrylate glue) or selective embolization of the gastroduodenal artery.
为了避免立内视镜的这 些缺点和高花费,有些系统使用配备有棱镜的单 内视镜 , 棱 镜可以将影像分成两个独立的影像,之后再送往两个摄影机,其余的影像处理和立 内视镜 系 统 相同,此一系统可以获得较佳的影像分辨率和较高的亮度,3D效果明显但不真实。
To avoid the drawbacks and high cost of stereo-endoscopes, certain systems use a mono-endoscope equipped with a prism that separates the image into two identical images, which are then sent to two video cameras.
本院的消化系统中心是受到世界消化 内视镜 学 会 (World Organization of Digestive Endoscopy.OMED)认证的韩国首家“国 内视镜 教 育 中心”,与顺天乡大学医院消化系统疾病中心开展循环体系诊疗,根据患者的实际需求,针对各种消化系统疾病采取量身定制型诊疗。
Our Gastroenterology Center provides treatment through a rotation system with the Soon Chun Hyang University
Gastroenterology Center which
[...] is the first in Korea to be recognized as an ‘International Endoscopy Education Center’ by the World Organization of Digestive Endoscopy [...]
(OMED), and provides
customized treatments to meet patient demand on various gastroenterological disorders.
拜数字科技之赐,现在的摄影机可以产生接近真实的高质量影像,可以适应手术时遇到的不同状况 (预设的参数可以根据手术内视镜类 型 而调整),处理这幅图像获得准确的颜色是可能的,类似于在开放手术期间察觉的颜色,并且将构造接近摄影机时产生之折射所造成的眩目影像限制在最低程度,维持好的,总亮度并在阴影区增加对比。
It is possible to process the image to obtain accurate colors, similar to the colors that would be perceived during open surgery and to limit image dazzling caused by diffraction from structures close to the camera, while maintaining good, overall brightness and increasing the contrast in shadowed areas.
Sensei X设计中用以提高过程规划和工作流的两个特征包括工作空间可视化 内 窥 镜视 野。
Two features of the Sensei X system designed to improve procedural planning and workflow include Workspace Visualization, an enhancement that allows physicians to see the catheter's reach on a 3D map prior to
navigation, and EndoView, a feature that allows physicians to quickly change the
[...] orientation to a standard endoscopic view.
对当地资源的 权力斗争、争议和同盟:通过非内 陆 渔 业的 镜 分 析 自然资源权力下放的“ 民主”。
Power struggle, dispute and alliance over
local resources: analyzing ‘democratic’ decentralization of natural
[...] resources through the lenses of Africa inland fisheries.
文化多样性方案编制视镜》中也包含了性别层面 内 容 , 并将其与跨文化对 话联系起来,以此缓解普及人权与特定文化实践之间明显的紧张关系,这种紧张 关系被认为不利于女性和性别平等。
A gender dimension was also integrated into the Cultural Diversity Programming Lens, linking it to intercultural dialogue as a way to bridge apparent tensions between the universality of human rights and certain cultural practices, which are viewed by some as harmful to women and gender equality.
世界镜下的阿拉伯-穆斯林文明:哲 视 角 》 手册以英文和法文出版,由西班牙在 跨部门平台“促进不同文明和文化间对话及和平文化”框 内 提 供 资助。
The manual Arab-Muslim Civilization in the Mirror of the Universal: Philosophical Perspectives was published in English and French, financed by Spanish funds in the framework of the Intersectoral platform [...]
“Contribution to the dialogue among civilizations and cultures and to a culture of peace”.
向五个非洲国家提供了文化领域的政策建议(多哥、纳米比亚、佛得角、莫桑比 克和内加尔 ),并依据教科文组织的《文化多样性方案编制 视镜》 ( CDPL)为莫桑比克、马达加斯加以及塞舌尔编写了联合国国家工作队培训方 案。
Policy advice in the field of culture was provided to five African countries (Togo, Namibia, Cap Verde, Mozambique and Senegal), as well as a training programme for UNCTs based on the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Programming Lens (CDPL) in Mozambique, Madagascar and Seychelles.
也有人指出,向弱势群体提供援助本 身不违反更广泛的公正原则之内的不 视内 容。
It was also noted that directing assistance to
vulnerable groups would not per se violate the
[...] component of non-discrimination within the broader principle [...]
of impartiality.
使用胶内镜代替传统的胃镜和钡餐等肠胃检查手段,一方面可以避免检查的生理痛苦,另一方面,它还解决了一直 视 为 检 查盲区的5-7米的小肠,因为现在使用的肠镜技术只能检查大肠,小肠根本看不到。
On the one hand, it can avoid physical pain caused by examinations, on the other hand, it also has solved the problem that has been regarded as a check blind area --5-7 meters of small intestine, because the current enteroscope technique can only check large intestine but cannot see small intestine.
请选择印刷清晰,容易读取的条码做尝试,如果有时容易读取, 有时不容易读取,请用设定本设定“设置出厂参数”之后测试, 若问题持续,请用肉眼视内部光 学系统装置(直视前请将 LED 熄灭),看是否有异物附于反镜或 是 保护片上,如有异物挡在 反射镜前方,可用绵布沾酒精擦试,问题仍持续,请送修。
If the matter exists unceasingly, please look at the inside optics system equipment with eyes (let LED is OFF
before looking) to
[...] see if there is something dirty attaching the surface of reflector or protection flake, if there is something dirty, get a piece [...]
of cotton cloth to
wipe it, if the matter still can’t be solved, please send it to the manufacturer to mend.
Quattroporte“Evo”的外观不同于之前的系列, 视镜 和 轮毂的新颖设计以及独具特色且更为精良的细节为该车赋予了现代风格与迷人气质。
The exterior of the Quattroporte “Evo” differed from that of the
previous series; differences included the
[...] design of its wing mirrors and wheel rims, as [...]
well as other distinct yet finer details
that gave the car its modern, attractive style.
应为 NCCP 患者保内窥镜检查 结果,警报 症状包括吞咽困难、吞咽痛、体重减轻或贫血。
Endoscopy should be reserved for patients [...]
with NCCP and alarm symptoms including dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, or anemia.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加内 部 专 门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加视频 会 议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 [...]
求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the
number of experts
[...] and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily [...]
owing to increased
utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
贺利氏溅射靶目标也用于制作LCD(液晶 显示器)和自动防目眩视镜的薄 膜镀层。
Sputtering targets from Heraeus are also employed in the foil coating of LCDs (Liquid Crystal
[...] Displays) and automatic dipping mirrors.
[...] [...] VMS视频分配单元连接至电子-光学吊舱;分辨率达到1080像素,满足国防、执法监视、搜救等领域的应用要求;具有四屏显示功能,可同时独立显示多达四屏的实时视频图像;采用光学贴合技术确保显示器在日光下可读;配备双发光二级管(LED)背光源,满足 视镜 的 使 用;通过连接至普通电脑,可对显示器配置数据进行升级和更新;触摸屏为5线电阻屏,可运行数字移动地图;可选USB、Ethernet和RS422/232等输入输出接口。
AVDU5500 touch screen with digital and analog input, can be directly or through the curtiss Wright company Skyquest VMS video allocation unit connected to electronic - optical pods; Resolution of 1080 pixels, defense, law enforcement surveillance, search and rescue in areas such as application requirements; Have four display function, can at the same time independent real-time video image display up to four screens; By optical laminating technology to ensure that the display can be read in the sun; Equipped with double light emitting
diode (LED) light source back, meet
[...] the use of night vision goggles; By connecting to [...]
a computer, it can be to display the
configuration data upgrade and update; Touch screen is 5 line resistive screen, can run digital mobile map; An optional USB, Ethernet and RS422/232 input/output interface.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族 视 现 象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员内设 立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil
society; measures to
[...] eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office [...]
of the Ombudsman of a
sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
(e) 夜视镜必须 能在环境光度低的条件下工作,即在惰性星光的夜晚。
(e) The scope must operate under low ambient light conditions, i.e. at night with passive starlight.
关于培训内 容制作人涉足当前重要话题和关于为国际战略与 内视 听 政策拟定指导方针,有一套详细的 职权范围文件已经制定出来。
Detailed terms of reference
[...] for training of content producers on key contemporary topics and for the preparation of guidelines for international strategies and national audiovisual policies were [...]
also developed.
现在原始设备制造商喷漆工艺要求在喷漆过后立即移除几乎所有侧门,并对车窗、锁紧机构、 视镜 设 立 单独的装配流水线,从而更为有效地装配到 内 饰 上
OEM painting processes now require almost all side doors be removed immediately after painting and travel a separate assembly
line for the windows,
[...] locking mechanisms, mirrors and so forth to be assembled to the door interior much more efficiently.
三星电子是全球发展速度最快的国际性品牌之一,它是数字 视 、 内 存 芯 片、手机和TFT-LCD的领先厂商。
Recognized as one of the fastest
growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading
[...] producer of digital TVs, memory chips, mobile [...]
phones and TFT-LCDs.
10 一些直升机 急救医疗服务正更换飞机,雇请飞行员来按仪表飞行规 则飞行 (IFR), 并且采用新技术如视镜(NVG’s) 和近地 警告系统 (TAWS), 当执行任务中间天气状况突然改变就 特别重要。
The AMS community has taken significant steps, particularly in the area of aircrew resource management (a proven airline industry safety tool) to improve its safety for patients.10 Some HEMS programs are replacing aircraft, hiring pilots to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), and employing new technologies such as night vision goggles (NVG’s) and terrain avoidance warning systems (TAWS), especially important when weather conditions abruptly change mid-mission.80 Transport medicine is among the most complex arenas of medicine, and is characterized by the need to provide immediate access to time-sensitive care for critically ill and injured patients at the same time that operations are conducted in hostile environmental conditions with limited planning time.
我们也敦促各捐助国及国际金融机构和发展组 织充分视内陆发 展中国家整体所处的特殊情况。
We also urge donor nations, international financial institutions and
development organizations to give full attention to the special circumstances of
[...] the group of landlocked developing nations.
2008 年 5 月 30 日清晨,不明身份的人捣毁了属于联络处一名外交人员的车 的外部视镜(车牌号 27-CD-49)。
In the first morning hours of 30 May 2008, unknown perpetrators destroyed the external rear-view mirror of a vehicle belonging to a member of the diplomatic staff of the Liaison Office (licence plates No. 27-CD-49).
Cedric Leimer 对于自己的失利感到非常失望,但能够站上领奖台,他仍然觉得满意: 在比赛下半场,我从视镜中看 到 Andrea Amici,我当时不明白他是怎样赶上来的。
Cedric Leimer was disappointed to have lost, but was still satisfied as he finished on the podium.
一些答复指出,教科文组织应加强有关总部外办事处的力量, 视内 陆 国家和边缘群 体的经济和地理现实,来满足这些群体需要;通过提高对少数族群、受排斥群体和原住民权 利的认识,来鼓励捐助者进行捐款。
Some respondents stated that UNESCO should take into account the economic and geographical realities of isolated countries and marginalized groups by strengthening the relevant field offices to meet their needs, and to facilitate donor contributions by raising awareness of and sensitizing them on the rights of minorities, excluded groups and indigenous populations.
由前军队成员和新兵组成的越来越 多的大型团体视内政部长的要求,于 2 月底进行全国范围的训练,其支持方和 资金来源令人质疑。
Despite the Minister’s call, more and more large groups of former army elements and new recruits were witnessed conducting training exercises throughout the country late in February, raising questions about their sources of support and funding.




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