单词 | 内联网 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 联网n—networkingn networkn clusterspl clustern interconnectionn 内网n—intranetn 联—join unite 联n—allyn
董事会及各董事会委员会会议之会议记录会於一段 合理时间内於此内联网刊载以供各董事浏览。 htisec.com | Minutes of the Board and the respective board committees meetings will be posted on this exclusive site within reasonable time for the information of all directors. htisec.com |
作为知识共享基建的一部分,及为加强各科及各部门不同级别员工之沟通,机构内联网於2010年4月12日正式启用。 hksb.org.hk | As part of the infrastructure for knowledge sharing and to improve [...] communicationof staff members among all [...]ranks, Departments and Divisions, the agency [...]intranet commenced its operation on 12 April 2010. hksb.org.hk |
内联网 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Intranet industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
在有线与无线网络之间安装正确设定的防火墙,以管理进入内联网或服务网络之交通。 hkcert.org | Install a properly configured firewall between the wired infrastructure and the wireless network to manage traffic going into the internal network or service network. hkcert.org |
安 装 内 置 资 料 系 统 'EMPORT' 後 ,乘 客 可 使 用 电 子 手 帐 并 透 过 [...] 标 准 的 USB接 驳 ,进 入 机上内 联 网和电邮 系 统。 swirepacific.com | The inseat data system "EMPORT" [...] will allow passengers to use their notebook computers to access [...] onboard Intranet and email usingastandard [...]USB connection. swirepacific.com |
就内联网或外联网 VPN 连接而言, 如果抗电脑病毒保护系统失效,而其中一个网络受到电脑病毒感染,便有可能迅速地向 其它网络散播电脑病毒/蠕虫。 infosec.gov.hk | In the case ofan intranet or extranet VPN connection, if one network is infected [...] by a virus or worm, that virus / worm [...]can be spread quickly to other networks if anti-virus protection systems are ineffective. infosec.gov.hk |
为进一步加强本公司董事对董事会及各董事会 委员会会议决定之事务有更佳之沟通,特设有内联网以供本公司全体董事查阅董事会及各董事会委员会会议之会议 记录。 htisec.com | To further enhance better communication with the directors of the Company as to the business transacted at the Board and the respective board committees meetings, an exclusive Intranet site is maintained to enable all directors of the Company to gain access to minutes of the respective meetings of the Board and the board committees. htisec.com |
新的电脑将安装在不同部门及工作岗位内,让所有前线员工及管理阶层,通过内联网,改善沟通及分享知识。 hksb.org.hk | The installation of new computers are conducive to the access of agency intranet at various work [...] stations and common areas for all [...] frontlinestaff and managementstafffor improvement of [...]communication and knowledge sharing. hksb.org.hk |
内联网除张贴机构和部门的通告外,还会分享各部门之运作手册,资源、文章、研讨会及会议论文等,员工亦可以在网上预订总部的设施。 hksb.org.hk | Apart from posting up agency and departments’ announcements, there are sharing of operational manuals, resources, articles and seminar/conference papers, and also online booking of headquarters’ facilities. hksb.org.hk |
得到香港丰银行慈善基金的资助,该图书制作室现正进行设立一数码录音书制作及贮藏内联网络,完成後将会大大地改进录音服务的质量与效率。 hksb.org.hk | With a grant from the Hongkong [...] Bank Foundation, a DAISY Production and [...] Storage Local Area Networkwas being set [...]up in the Studios which would greatly enhance [...]the productivity and efficiency of the recording service upon completion. hksb.org.hk |
2006-07 年度的一般部门开支预算较高,涉及两个主要项目,包括以 110 万元委 聘顾问,草拟新工程合约之下项目管理程序的法律纲领;以及以 90 万元提供专 门支援服务,藉以改良工务计划资讯系统,并安装内联网训练管理系统。 devb.gov.hk | The two major items leading to a higher estimate for general departmental expenses in 2006-07 include $1.1 million for hiring of consultants to draft a legal framework of project management procedures under the New Engineering Contract and $0.9 million for [...] specialist support for [...] enhancements to the Public WorksProgramme Information System as well as installation of the on-line [...]training administration system. devb.gov.hk |
第一阶段的教材以录影短片的形式制作,说明如何妥善召开晋升选拔委员会,各政府部门自二零零九年十二月 起已可从内联网观看。 psc.gov.hk | The first phase of the web training package, which illustrated the proper conduct of a promotion board through a video, has been made available for access by intranet within government departments since December 2009. psc.gov.hk |
内联网VPN:这类 VPN 将多个固定地点(例如分支办事处)连接起来,这种 [...] 局部区域网之间的连接系统将多个远距离地点连接起来,成为单一的私有网 络。 infosec.gov.hk | This kind [...] of LAN-to-LAN VPNconnection [...]joins multiple remote locations into a single private network. infosec.gov.hk |
透过免费租用路由器及新世界电讯所提供的多重固定IP地址,客户可轻松管理电邮系统及网站、设立内联网及外联网,并让外出工作之员工随时连接至办公室网络。 newworldtel.com | With free-on-loan router and multiple fixed [...] IP addresses provided, NWT's network is [...] capable of hosting email and websites, [...]implementing Intranet and Extranet, and allowing [...]mobile office workers to access the office network. newworldtel.com |
Tenzing 将 为 国 泰 提 供 [...] 多 项 以 商 务 飞 行 常 客 为 对 象 的 服 务 , 包 括 机 上 收 发 电 邮 和 附 件 、可 浏 览 精 选 网 站 资 料 的 机上内 联 网以及电 子 商 业 功 能 。 swirepacific.com | Tenzing will provide Cathay Pacific with a suite of services targeted towards the frequent business traveller including [...] inflight transmission [...] and receipt of emailand attachments, an inflight Intranet providing select "Best of the Web" surfing, and [...]e-commerce. swirepacific.com |
朋友使用电邮或即时通讯所传送的附件,有可能是他感染了恶意程式後自动发出的,如果你直接开启了这个文件档,可能使电脑受到感染,让恶意程式在你的办公室工的内联网散播开来。 hkcert.org | You may receive a file which contains Document Malware from your friend through email or instant messenger when his computer was compromised. If you open the file without examining it, your [...] computer may also be compromised, and the malware will spread across your [...] office’s network through theinternal network. hkcert.org |
我们极之重视员工,致力为员工提供优於法例规定的工作条件和福利,保障员工的安全和健康,为员工提供友善的工作环境,又推行措施鼓励家庭工作的平衡生活,透过内联网和公司通讯等来加强与员工沟通。 crowehorwath.net | We also encourage our staff to maintain a work-life balance and care their needs through improved internal communication by intranet and company newsletter. crowehorwath.net |
院 方 亦 会 将 [...] 新 发 出 的 或 修 订 版 的 政 策 、 内 部 指 引 及 / 或 通 告 储 存 在 院 方的内 联 网供各职 员 以 无 需 使 用 密 码 的 方 式 随 时 登 入 阅 读 或 下 载 有 关 政 [...]策、内 [...]部 指 引 及 /或 通 告 。 pcpd.org.hk | The newly issued or revised policies, internal guidelines and/or circulars will also be posted in the intranet. pcpd.org.hk |