

单词 内源性

See also:

内源 n

source n

External sources (not reviewed)

对于使用任何禁用物质或禁用方法提内源性荷尔 蒙的“正常值范围内偏低”水平,不视为可接受的治疗干预。
The use of any Prohibited Substance or
Prohibited Method to increase “low-normal”
[...] levels of any endogenous hormone is not [...]
considered an acceptable therapeutic intervention.
内源性”物 质指人体能自然生成的物质。
endogenous” refers to a substance [...]
which is capable of being produced by the body naturally.
可阻内源性过氧化酶的活性! 许多细胞和组织都含内源性过氧化 酶,而这内源性过氧 化酶可影响对IHC染色结果的判断。
Many cells and tissues contain endogenous peroxidase and can increase your signal to noise ratio in IHC staining.
物质或禁用方法提内源性荷尔 蒙的“正常值范围内偏低”水平,不视为可接受的
The Use of any Prohibited Substance or
Prohibited Method to increase “low-normal”
[...] levels of any endogenous hormone is not [...]
considered an acceptable Therapeutic intervention.
促皮质素 如果运动员的样品中上述禁用物质或其代谢物的浓度和(或)其相关比值或标识物偏离 人群正常范围,以致不能认为是由正常 内源性 生 成 的情况下,该样品被视为含有(上面所列 的)禁用物质,除非该运动员能证明这一浓度是病理或生理原因所致。
Unless the Athlete can demonstrate that the concentration was due to a physiological or pathological condition, a Sample will be deemed to contain a Prohibited Substance (as listed above) where the concentration of
the Prohibited
[...] Substance or its metabolites and/or relevant ratios or markers in the Athlete’s Sample so exceeds the range of values normally [...]
found in humans
that it is unlikely to be consistent with normal endogenous production.
有时会要求实验室对指称为取自某个住院或生病人员的样品进行禁用物质内 源性物质 的分析,以协助医生做出诊断。
Occasionally the Laboratory is requested to analyze a Sample for a
[...] banned drug or endogenous substance allegedly [...]
coming from a hospitalized or ill
Person in order to assist a physician in the diagnostic process.
以预料的成绩提高之外,不会造成任何额外的成绩改善。对于使用任何禁用物质或禁用方法 提内源性荷尔 蒙的“正常值范围内偏低”水平,不视为可接受的治疗干预。
The use of any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method to increase “low-normal” levels of any endogenous hormone is not considered an acceptable therapeutic intervention.
[...] 离人群正常范围,以致不能认为是由正常 内源性 生 成 的情况下,该样品被视为含有(上面 [...]
a. With regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the
legal jurisdiction of the federal or
[...] central legislative power, the obligations [...]
of the federal or central government shall
be the same as for those States Parties which are not federal States.
研发ABL800睿智血气分析仪肌酐传感器时中,共有62种不同 内源性 及 外 源性物质已经确识,均符合CLSI推荐的EP-7A《干扰检测协议》。
When developing the creatinine sensor for the ABL800 FLEX blood gas analyzer, 62 different endogenous and exogenous substances were identified and subjected to the interference test protocol EP-7A recommended by CLSI.
几位代表强调了以下方面的需要:从短期项目转向国家领导 内源性 项 目 , 以便实现可持续的长期效果;增进知识交流文化;使能力建设成为本组织所有实 [...]
Several delegations emphasized the
need to: move from short-term projects to
[...] nationally-led endogenous projects in order [...]
to achieve sustainable and long-term
results; promote a culture of knowledge exchange; and mainstream capacity development in all practice areas of the organization.
阳性分析结果:实验室或其他获准进行检查的实体,验明样品中有禁用物质或其代 谢物或标记物(包括高含量内源性 物 质 ),或验明使用了禁用方法后提交的报 告。
Adverse Analytical Finding: A report from a laboratory or other approved Testing entity that identifies in a Specimen the presence of a Prohibited Substance or its
Metabolites or Markers (including elevated
[...] quantities of endogenous substances) or [...]
evidence of the Use of a Prohibited Method.
就某一禁用物质(如上所列)为人体自身能够生成而言,运动员的样品中该禁用物质 或其代谢物或其标识物的浓度和(或)其相关比值偏离人群正常范围,以致不能认为是正内源性生成 的情况下,这一样品被视为含有这种禁用物质。
If WADA modifies the Prohibited List or the Standards for Granting Therapeutic Use Exemptions, it may, by written communication addressed to the Director-General of UNESCO, inform her/him of those changes.
中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年10月30期出版的一项关于“Effects of pre-moxibustion at Zusanli (ST36) on heat shock protein 70 expression in rats with gastric mucosal lesions after neurotomy”的研究显示,以损毁神经传入通路对艾灸效应及保护物质的影响为切入点,探讨艾灸启动 内源性 保 护 信息与神经通路的关系,结果说明艾灸预刺激大鼠双侧足三里穴8d对胃黏膜损伤有较好的保护作用,其作用机制与诱导热应激蛋白70表达有关,艾灸对胃黏膜组织中热应激蛋白70表达的调控作用其信号传导有多种神经通路的参与。
A study published in Neural Regeneration Research Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 7, No. 30, 2012) studied the effects of pre-moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) on heat shock protein 70 expression in rats with gastric mucosal lesions after neurotomy and investigated the correlation between endogenous protective information and neural pathways.
正确估价 外性成本 ,以及一个透明的过程将这些成 内源 化 会 促使生产者选择与市场回 报相等的,最有效的方法来提供产品。
Appropriate valuing of externalities and a transparent process of internalizing these costs will [...]
allow producers to select
the most effective means of delivering output commensurate with the returns available from marketed products.
从标记获取 属性用于指示在值性内可选 定义的标记是否应用作相关数据源。
The Get From Tag properties are used to indicate whether the tag optionally defined in the Value property should be used as a source for the data in question.
本次级方案将协助亚太经社会成员国把环境可持 性内 容 纳 入经 济和社会发展进程,其中包括采用绿色增长办法、以及其他有效的政策举措、 以及按照生态效益规划和管理自然 源 的 开发工作,包括 源 与 水和可持续 城市发展,并为此推动实行各项共同商定的区域举措,从而在区域、次区域 和国家各级成为提高包括民间社会在内的所有利益攸关方能力的知识中心。
The subprogramme would assist ESCAP member
States in integrating
[...] environmental sustainability in economic and social development, including the application of the green growth approach and other effective policy initiatives and eco-efficient planning and management of natural resources development, including [...]
energy and water
and sustainable urban development, by facilitating mutually agreed regional initiatives and by serving as a knowledge hub that would build the capacities of all stakeholders, including civil society, at the regional, subregional and national levels.
她在介绍咨询委员会关于经济及社会理事会 2008 年实性会议通过的决议和决定引起的订正估 计数的报告(A/63/567)时表示,咨询委员会注意到相 关决议和决定引起的所需额外支出,而且,秘书长预 期所有这些支出都可在 2008-2009 两年期核定源内 匀支
Introducing the report of the Advisory Committee on revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the
Economic and Social
[...] Council at its substantive session of 2008 (A/63/567), she said that the Advisory Committee had noted the additional expenditure requirements arising from the resolutions and decisions in question, and the fact that the Secretary-General expected that the amount concerned could be absorbed within the level of funding already approved for 2008-2009.
一些会员国感到宣传 和提高认识的活动过于分散,有时缺少实 性内 容。
A number of Member States felt that advocacy and awareness-raising activities were too dispersed and at times
[...] void of significant content.
工作组除了强调这几点之 外,还将强调“指导原则”的合法性,这一合 性源 于 “ 指导原则”根植于现有 的国际人权标准、具有体制上的后盾和多利益攸关方的支持,规范清晰 内 在实 用,且各国和公司均有越来越多的工具和资源可以支持“指导原则”的实施。
In addition to stressing these points, the
Working Group will
[...] emphasize the legitimacy of the Guiding Principles, provided by their grounding in existing international human rights standards, institutional backing and multi-stakeholder support, their normative clarity and inherent utility, [...]
as well the increasing
availability of tools and resources that may support their implementation by both States and companies.
(g) 加大措施,包括积聚源,以 加快实现关于改善产妇保健的千年发展目 标 5,为此应满足农村妇女的特殊保健需要,采取具体措施,提供并增加农村地 区妇女获得可达到的最高标准健康的机会,普及高质量、付得起的初级保健和支 持服务,包括在性健康和生殖健康所涉各领域,例如产前和产后保健、产科急诊 护理、计划生育信息以及对预防包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病 内性 传 播 疾病的的强化 了解、认识和支助
(g) Strengthening
[...] measures, including resource generation to accelerate progress towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 5 on improving maternal health through addressing the specific health needs of rural women and taking concrete measures to enhance and provide access to the highest attainable standards of health for women in rural areas, as well as quality, affordable and universally accessible primary health care and support services, including in such areas of sexual and reproductive health as prenatal and post-natal health care, emergency obstetric care, family planning information and increasing knowledge, awareness and support for the prevention of sexually transmitted [...]
diseases, including HIV/AIDS
无极灯全产业链的纵向整合体现了技术质量优势,它意味着,包括核心器件镇流器、PCB、泡壳明管、光源到无极灯专用灯具的研发制造,所有都由 源内 部 的自控体系及质量体系所牢牢把控,整个产业链都配备了全自动化的生产设备,消除了由不熟练、差错、疏忽等等人为造成的质量问题,产品稳 性 与 质 量可 性 由 此 实现了本质上的突破。
The whole industrial chain is equipped with automatic production devices, which remove the quality problems resulted from unskilled interventions, errors or negligence so as to assure the products’ stability and quality reliability.
文档管理解决方案帮助企业将不同 源内 容 整 合到一个统一分类的集中管理存储库中;记录管理工具使您的组织能够存储和保护静态业务记录,建立审计跟踪,用于安全的企业治理;案例管理解决方案对文档进行自动管理和版本控制,并且确保关键业务文档的安 性。
Furthermore, Pactera’s record management tools give your organization the capability to store and protect static business records as well as create an audit trail for secure corporate governance.
[...] 作,继续采取适当措施,提高世界民众对纪念活动和永久纪念碑倡议的认识,并 继续推动开展努力,在现有源范围 内 在 联 合国总部竖立永久纪念碑;还请秘书 [...]
长向大会第六十五届会议报告为执行宣传教育方案而持续采取的行动,包括会员 国采取的行动,以及为提高世界民众对纪念活动和永久纪念碑倡议的认识而采取
的步骤(第 64/15 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Department of Public Information, in cooperation with the countries concerned and with relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, to continue to take appropriate steps to enhance world public awareness of the commemorative activities and the permanent memorial initiative, and to continue to facilitate efforts to
erect the permanent memorial at United
[...] Nations Headquarters, within existing resources; [...]
and also requested the Secretary-General
to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on continued action to implement the programme of educational outreach, including action by Member States, as well as steps to enhance world public awareness of the commemorative activities and the permanent memorial initiative (resolution 64/15).
[...] 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到的物质为 源性 来 源 , 则报告为阳性检测结 果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding
which indicate(s) that the substance detected
[...] is of exogenous origin, will be reported [...]
as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
根据计划 V.2,促进传播的发展以及信息和传播技术服务于教育、科学和文化,采取的行动面
[...] 向两个主要目标:(1)支持传播媒体的发展,包括在冲突中和冲突后地区以及灾后情况下;以及 (2)通过获取多性内容和 交付系统增加学习机会,从而促进全民教育目标和《信息社会世界首脑 [...]
Under Programme V.2, Promoting communication development and ICTs for education, science and culture, actions were geared towards two main objectives (i) supporting the development of communication media, including in conflict and post-conflict areas and postdisaster situations; and (ii)
enhancing learning opportunities through access to
[...] diversified contents and delivery [...]
systems, thereby contributing to achieving
the EFA target goals and the WSIS Action Plan, and strengthening capacities for scientific research and information sharing.
陳蓉蓉女士說,這 項風險評估研究的目的,是檢測動 源性 食 物的多溴聯苯醚含量;估計本港中學生可能 從這些食物攝入多溴聯苯醚的情況;以及評估多溴聯苯醚對健康帶來的風險。
Ms Melva CHEN said that the RA study aimed
to measure the levels of PBDEs in
[...] food of animal origin, to estimate the potential dietary [...]
exposure to PBDEs of secondary
school students in Hong Kong from these foods and to assess the associated health risks.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过 源 可 持续 管理减少生物多性的损失、可再生 源 、 国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention
and preparedness,
[...] minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the [...]
formulation of national
strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.




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