

单词 内忧外困

See also:

内外 adv

approximately adv

External sources (not reviewed)

我认为,必须承认,进内部评估也就是了解别人对我们自己的看法,而进 外 部 评 估则 困 难 得 多,因为参 加评估的人并不在教育界工作。
I think that we must
[...] necessarily accept that while internal evaluation involves being subject to the scrutiny of others, external evaluation is even [...]
harder because the
evaluators are persons who are not part of the school community.
还表达了外聘审 计员发现的不足之处、翻修小组的规模以及项目内部管理的忧。
Concerns were also expressed about the
[...] shortcomings identified by the External Auditor, the size of the renovation team and the internal management of the project.
该区域的外一个忧患就 是犯罪和暴力行为的增加,尤其是在阿根廷和巴西。
Another concern in the region is the increase [...]
in crime and violence in particular in Argentina and Brazil.
如果外国人会遭受过度的艰困难 , 国 内 避 难就 不是合理选择。
If the alien would be exposed to undue hardship, internal flight is not a [...]
reasonable alternative.
青年党主要领导人通过加强同外圣 战 实体的结盟来处理内 的困 难, 并为区内与其看法一致的团体提供平台。
Al-Shabaab’s core leaders have
[...] also responded to domestic difficulties by seeking to align themselves more closely with foreign jihadist entities [...]
and to provide a platform
for like-minded groups in the region.
专家小组一些成员对总外办事 处因现阶段尚未与 FABS 联接而在付款期限和会计业 务监督方面遇到困难表示担忧,尤其可能对计划的执行造成影响。
Several members of the Group expressed concern over the difficulties encountered in the timing of payments and in the budget monitoring of the field offices, since they were not yet linked to the system, which could affect programme execution in particular.
自从某些曾参与前军事政 权的部门做出了激烈反应之后,阿根廷 内 产 生 了一 忧 虑 , 但是绝大部分国民均对 这种激烈反应表示谴责。
In the case of Argentina, some concerns have arisen following the violent reaction of some sectors involved in the former military regime, but the overwhelming majority of the population has condemned this reaction.
在2012年国际航空论坛上FL工艺以及波罗的海航空研究院的代表分别就“M RO 的 困 境 : 外 包 V S 内 部 能 力”以及“军校项目作为解决航空人员短缺的解决方法”做了主题演讲。
During the International Air Transport
Forum 2012 FL Technics and Baltic Aviation Academy representatives
[...] delivered the topics “The MRO Quandary: Outsourcing vs.
位于发展中国家的国立或 国际研究中心的研究人员也许会杞 忧 天 地 担 忧 在 境 外 有 效 但在该中心所在国不起作用的 技术的专利。
Researchers in national or international research centres located in developing countries may worry
unnecessarily about patents on
[...] technologies that are valid abroad, but which do not apply [...]
in the country where the centre is located.
外活动包括就大会主题——在可持续发展和消除 困 框 架 内 推 行 绿色经 济和可持续发展体制框架——进行积极的互动讨论。
The side events featured dynamic interactive discussions focused on the main themes of the Conference — the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and the institutional [...]
framework for sustainable development.
她除了患忧郁症之外,身 体健康。
Her health was good, except that she was suffering [...]
from depression.
在有关体育运动和反兴奋剂工作组取得的成果基础上,考虑到在体育现实中出现的发 展中国家青年人才困化的忧虑, 以及与保护他们相关的问题,委员会确定了在体育部长及 [...]
高官圆桌会议(巴黎,2003 年 1 月 9 日--10 日)期间体育部长审议的三个专题。
On the basis of the results generated by the working groups respectively on PES and doping, and taking into
consideration the concerns highlighted by such current sports
[...] issues as the impoverishment of talented [...]
young athletes from developing
countries, as well as questions relating to their protection, the Committee selected three themes which were examined at the Round Table of Ministers and Senior Officials responsible for Physical Education and Sport (Paris, 9-10 January 2003).
委员会对边境关卡长官有权驱逐被 认为不受欢迎的个人或决定是否批准个人进入缔约国 内 感 到 担 忧。
It is concerned about the power of officials at border crossings to turn away persons judged to be undesirable and to decide on whether or not a person may enter the State party’s territory.
但委员会仍严重关切的是监狱人 满为患的程度,有些监狱情况已大幅改善,但这一问题仍令人 忧 , 特 别是外 领土上的监狱。
However, the Committee is still seriously concerned about the level of prison overcrowding,
which, despite significant improvements in certain establishments, remains
[...] alarming, especially in the overseas territories.
毕竟,每一个人都 是自己的终极目标,有权单独或共同享受《世界人权宣言》序言(第 2 段)中宣布 的信仰自由和“得忧惧、得免困 ”。
After all, every human being is an end in himself or herself, and, individually or collectively, is entitled to
enjoy freedom of
[...] belief and “freedom from fear and want”, as proclaimed in the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (para. 2).
[...] 农民和其他农村地区劳动者从事非正规行业的工作,因此没有包括在劳工组织公 约的范内,这一事实尤为令人忧 , 此 外 , 他 们需要获得土地、种子、小规模 灌溉、渔场或森林等生产资源的保障,但没有一项国际人权文书明确承认这一 点。
The fact that the great majority of peasants and other people
working in rural areas are
[...] engaged in the informal sector, and are therefore not covered by ILO Conventions, [...]
is of particular
concern, as is the fact that their need to have a secured access to productive resources, including land, seeds, small-scale irrigation, fishing grounds or forests, is not recognized explicitly in any international human rights instruments.
工作人员工会愿意向所有参与这一进程,努力 外 地 困 难 条 件下使非集中化改革得以 开展的工作人员致敬。
STU would like to pay tribute to all staff members who have participated in this process and worked hard in the field under difficult conditions to make the decentralization reform happen.
除了爱尔兰,在销售本国主权债务方面遇 困 难 的 欧元外围经济体(即希腊、意大利、葡萄牙和西班牙)的 内 生 产 总值在 2012 年可 能下降。
All the eurozone periphery economies that
[...] have encountered difficulties in marketing their sovereign debt (namely, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain) except Ireland are likely to experience declines in GDP in 2012.
虽然在边远地区和被边缘化的社内 贫 困 率 居 高不下,但人们注意到这 些措施应能使最不发达国家走上到 [...]
2015 年实现大多数千年发展目标的轨道。
Although poverty levels had remained [...]
high in remote areas and marginalized communities, it was noted that those measures
should put the least developed countries on course to realize most of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
大家基本同意在文件 33 C/5 中,教科文组织应继续在两个横向专题框 内 , 即 在“消除 困 , 尤 其是赤贫”,尤其是在“信 息和传播技术为发展教育、科学及文化事业和建设知识社会服务”的框架内,开展跨部门项目。
There was a general agreement that in document 33 C/5, UNESCO should continue to develop intersectoral projects in the framework of the two cross-cutting themes, namely Eradication of poverty, especially extreme poverty and especially The contribution of ICTs to the development of education, science and culture and the construction of knowledge societies.
许多代表团指出里约+20 大会的主题之一是“在可持续发展和根除困 范畴内实行 绿色经济”,但同时亦强调应从可持续发展的更为广阔的视角看 待绿色经济。
Many delegations noted one of the themes of Rio+20, ―green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication‖, but emphasized that the green economy should be viewed in the broader context of sustainable development.
由于该项目内容也是同困作斗 争,其 目的是增强本地编印教材的能力。
The project, which was also aimed at combating poverty, was intended to strengthen the local capacity to produce educational materials.
鉴于目前的不安全状况和担心遭受报复忧虑,难民和内流离 失所者返回家园的进程仍很缓慢,流离失所的状况很可 [...]
Given the prevailing insecurity and the
continuing fear of retaliation, the
[...] return of refugees and internally displaced persons remains [...]
slow, and there could be a protracted
situation caused by displacement.
我们并非 Harry Winston 手表的授权经销商,因此我们提供长达两年 内 部 无 忧 质 保 ,与我们网站上所有其他钟表的服务无异。
We are not an authorized dealer of Harry Winston Watches therefore we offer our own in house extensive two year worry free warranty as we do on all our timepieces site wide.
为了持久解决危机,我国政府制定的其他优先工 作包括:向困者和境内流离 失所者提供人道主义援 助;制定全面国家安全战略,使政府能在国际恐怖团 [...]
体发动的安全威胁的情况下,更有效地开展工作;在 国家机构巩固善治、问责、透明度和公正;重建能够 确保可持续经济复原的国家基础设施;为沿海社区和
其他地区建立替代性生计项目,使年轻人不参与海盗 和其他犯罪活动——我们认为这项工作非常重要;和 加强区内各国的良好关系、相互了解和合作。
Other priorities laid down by the Government with a view to finding a lasting solution to the crisis include
the delivery of humanitarian
[...] assistance to the needy and the internally displaced; the [...]
formulation of a comprehensive national
security strategy that would enable the Government to function more effectively in the midst of security threats unleashed by international terrorist groups; the consolidation of good governance, accountability, transparency and justice in the State institutions; the rebuilding of the infrastructure of the country that would ensure a sustainable economic recovery; the creation of alternative livelihood projects for the coastal communities and other areas to dissuade youth from piracy and other criminal activities, which we see as very important; and the strengthening of good relations, mutual understanding and cooperation among countries in the region.
除了这些国家努力消除饥饿与困之 外 , 发 展中 国家的社会经济指标还表明,金融和经济危机以及此 前的粮食危机——还有气候变化的影响及其对粮食 安全的威胁——已导致《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资 [...]
In addition to these countries’ efforts to combat hunger and poverty, the economic and [...]
social indicators of developing countries
show that the financial and economic crisis and the food crisis that preceded it — as well as the impact of climate change and its threat to food security — have led to new developments in the areas on which the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development were focused.
他呼吁世界贸易组织(世贸组织) 成员确保在关于内陆发展中国家的入世谈判中将困境考虑在内,并且不要内陆发 展中国家做出超 越其经济、财政和发展能力的让步。
He appealed to the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to ensure
that accession negotiations for
[...] landlocked developing countries took their predicament into account and [...]
did not require concessions
beyond their economic, financial and development capacities.
外,贫困人口面对气候变化和危害的脆弱性不断增加显示, 气候变化适应和灾害风险管理需要以整体和整合方式与生计相连(考虑不同资产 [...]
和生产、不同团体的对应和适应战略,例如老人和年轻人、男性和女性以及不同 文化和宗教的人们)。
In addition, the increasing vulnerability [...]
of the poor to both climate change and hazards would suggest that CCA and DRM
need to link to livelihoods (taking account of the different assets and production, coping and adaptive strategies of different groups, such as the old and the young, men and women, and people from different cultures and religions) in a holistic and integrated way.
[...] 成果,路线图的一些条款得到执行,但是我们对其他 方面的大幅度拖延和索马里某些政治人物之间重新 开内斗感到忧虑。
Although the Garowe meeting had positive results and some provisions of the road map have been implemented, we are worried
about the considerable delays in other areas and
[...] about the renewed infighting among some of [...]
Somalia’s political players.




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