

单词 内场


机场内 n

boarding pass n

External sources (not reviewed)

大会还建议在所有“联合国内场所 , 包括联合国全系 统的区域和国家办事处,全面禁烟”并禁止在联合国所有房舍全面禁止销售烟草制 品。
The Assembly also recommended the implementation
of a complete ban on smoking at “all
[...] United Nations indoors premises, including [...]
regional and country offices throughout
the United Nations system”, as well as a ban on sales of tobacco products at all United Nations premises.
这种镜头能胜任多种拍摄环境,如壮丽山水的广角拍摄,颇具震撼力的远摄拍摄以及 内场 景 中(相机与拍摄对象之间距离有限)的广角拍摄。
This lens can handle a wide range of shooting situations, including shooting of expansive landscapes and
powerful telephoto shots as well as
[...] wide-angle shooting of interior scenes with limited distance [...]
between camera and subject.
该系列产品,从三月播出,将按照六个环球旅行的生活,有抱负的女子网球协会(WTA)明星,他们努力建设无论 场内场 外 他们的个人资料和增益WTA的赞助商和领先的娱乐品牌的支持协议,索尼爱立信。
The series, airing from March, will follow the lives of six globetrotting, aspiring stars of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) as they strive to build their profile both on and off the court and gain a support deal with WTA sponsor and leading entertainment brand, Sony Ericsson.
联合国不能保证或承诺停场内的汽 车或财物的安全。使用者 必须认识到并且接受联合国无法保障停 场内 任 何 车辆和留在车内的财 物的安全。
The United Nations does not warrant or promise the safety of vehicles or
property left in the garage, and users
[...] acknowledge and accept that the United Nations cannot guarantee the safety of any vehicles, or property inside them, left in the garage.
而上海场内主要 品牌,例如Visa为了迎合此次盛会而推出一系列不同形式的广告宣传,另外Omega,也在浦东机场推出了全新的广告。
This is the case of major
[...] brands in Shanghai Airports, such as Visa that [...]
is displaying a campaign on different networks,
as well as Omega, who launched a new campaign this month in Pudong Airport.
奥兰多拥有世界上最大的汽车租赁市场,大多数主要汽车租赁公司均在 场内 设 有租车点,您可直接在机场取车,免去乘坐接驳巴士去取车的麻烦。
Orlando is the largest rental car market in the world, with most of the major car rental companies located on-airport, without the need for a shuttle bus to pick up your rental car.
与此同时,一架侦察机在该地区上空盘旋,还在被占领的 Shab‛a 农场内 Ramta 阵地调集车辆。
At the same time, a reconnaissance aircraft circled over the area and vehicles were mobilized at the Ramta position, within the occupied Shab‛a Farms.
The demand for
[...] car podiums in Airports is growing quite [...]
fast especially in Shanghai, which is one of the biggest and most
international city in the world.
正如我们在安全理事会先前会议上说过的那样, 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那是一个从 场内 战 废 墟上建 设一个新国家的全新体验,1990 年代前南斯拉夫各族 人民不得不经受场内战。
As we have said in previous Security Council meetings, Bosnia
and Herzegovina
[...] is a novel experiment in building a new nation from the rubble of a civil war that the peoples of the former Yugoslavia had to endure in the 1990s.
不仅容纳了市中心图书馆,艺术馆式的画廊(不收藏艺术品),以及小 场 , 剧 场内 有 多 种播放功能(16毫米至35毫米影片以及VHS和DVD模式播放),一楼还有一个名为“开放 广 场 ” 的 室 内 风 格 开放空间。
It contains not only the civic central library but also a Kunsthalle-style gallery that does not collect artwork (“Kunsthalle” means “art hall” in German) and a studio theatre which has many varieties of screening functions, such as 16mm to 35mm films, VHSs and DVDs, in addition to the indoor-style open space called “Open Square” on the 1st floor.
[...] Blenkinsopp表示:“在2005年,对亚太地区的兴趣主要还是受各 场内 部 咨 询需求和支持全球客户在亚太的业务来支撑。
Even in 2005, interest in the APAC region was driven
primarily by opportunistic
[...] servicing of growing domestic consulting demand [...]
in each market and the wish to support global clients
in their endeavors in Asia Pacific," states analyst Damien Blenkinsopp.
[...] 活动可以包括对低收入和移民、难民及庇护寻求者家庭的家访, 场内 的 “ 教育 信息亭”,情况介绍展览会及提供相关移民语言的帮助热线。
Activities might include, for example, home visits to low-income and migrant,
refugee and asylum-seeking families, “education
[...] booths” in shopping malls, information [...]
fairs and hotlines in relevant migrant languages.
MyTECHNIC中心于2008年开办,获得了EASA许可,它是一个精益飞机MRO中心,位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔亚洲部分的Sabiha Gökçen国际场内。
Opened in 2008, myTECHNIC is an EASA-licensed, lean Aircraft MRO center, located in Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW) on the Asian side of Istanbul, Turkey.
这些条例处理东南非共同市场公共采购一体化、资金最低限额、东南非共同场内部贸 易和采购的优惠和来源地规则、采购过程、维持记录和质疑机制、行 为和道德准则,并还论及成员国的采购改革,支持包括技术委员会在内的区域 机构、争端解决机制和成员国之间的合作。
These regulations address the integration of public procurement in COMESA, financial thresholds, preferences and rules of origin for trade within and procurement within COMESA, the procurement process, record-keeping and challenge mechanisms, standards of conduct and ethics, and also discuss procurement reform in member States and supporting regional instructions including technical committees, dispute settlement mechanisms and cooperation among member States.
政府间体育运动委员会强调,考虑到自 上届会议(MINEPS IV,2004 年在雅典举行)以来已过去了很长时间,全球体育教育不景
[...] 气和所出现的新挑战(如重大国际体育赛事的管理和 场内 外 的 腐败问题),该建议具有及 时性。
In its plenary meeting in June 2011, CIGEPS recommended to the Director-General that preparations are made for the organization of the Fifth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS V) in 2013.2 CIGEPS underlined the timely nature of the proposal considering the time elapsed since the last conference (MINEPS IV, held in Athens in 2004), the global decline in physical education delivery, and the emergence of
new challenges such as the management of major
[...] international sporting events and corruption, [...]
both on and off the field.
我们期望透过此项比赛促进企业间信息和技术 的交流。欧洲的入选作品将于 EMO 期间展出,并场内举行颁奖仪式。
During EMO, selected entries from Europe will be on display and the awards ceremony will take place in the Mori Seiki booth.
300北拉萨尔有一套便利的商业和生活设施,附近有健身中心,地下停 场 , 内 部 银 行服务以及围绕整个河北地区的一系列精品店,餐厅和酒店。
Surrounded by an impressive list of business and lifestyle amenities, 300 North LaSalle offers a nearby fitness centre, underground parking, in-house banking services and an array of boutique stores, restaraunts and hotels throughout the River North area.
[...] 入极为有准备的状态(以及他们一看到有标志的联合国车辆便立即开火),这说明 他们企图掩盖场内的活动。
Third, the extreme state of readiness of the security forces (and their
willingness to open fire immediately on a marked United Nations vehicle) suggests an attempt to
[...] conceal activities at the airport.
市政当局还对该区域的车辆交通治理表示了关注,认为新设计的坡路通道将是整顿整 个区域和清理西墙广场内所有 汽车的一次机会,为了增加游客量,达到目前每年两百万名游 客,这一整顿工作势在必行。
The Municipality also expressed its concern for the management of vehicle traffic in the area and stated that the design of the new access pathway constitutes an opportunity
to reorganize the entire
[...] area and to remove all cars from the Western Wall Plaza, a reorganization [...]
needed in view of the
increase of tourist flows, presently reaching 2 million visitors per year.
它的成功是基于飞机本身的 出色运载能力,另外由场内外的 现代化、多样性和高效性的物流平台支持。
Its winning performance is founded on an exceptional handling capability at the aircraft themselves, backed up by ‘on-airport’ and ‘off-airport’ logistical platforms that are modern, varied and highly efficient.
人们普遍担心,虽然副总统和其他人士努力恢复稳定并与所有各方建立联 系,但场内战仍然迫在眉睫。
There was widespread fear that
despite efforts by the Vice-President and others to restore calm and build bridges
[...] with all sides, a civil war was looming.
在这个快速变化和不断增 长的场内,社会经济发展趋势改变了 金融格局,提升了整个欧洲对金融产品 和相关服务的需求。
In this fast-changing and growing market, socio-economic trends shape the financial landscape and boost the demand for financial products and related services throughout Europe.
大防法(日本): 旨在对伴随工厂及事场内的事业活动以及建筑物的拆卸等导致的煤烟、挥发性有机化合物及粉 尘的排放进行限制,推进有害大气污染对策的实施,制定与汽车尾气相关的容许限度等,由此针 对大气污染,保护国民的健康,同时保护生活环境。
The law seeks to protect the nation’s health and preserve its living environment by regulating the emission of soot, volatile organic compounds and dust generated by business activities and the dismantling of commercial buildings and factories, promoting the implementation of measures to combat hazardous air pollutants and setting allowable limits for automotive gas emissions.
2010 年,该部演讲事务处举办和协助举办 700 多场内部情 况通报、视像会议 和 94 次对外演说活动,在北美洲、主要是在美国的受众人数达到 36 000 多人。
In 2010, the speakers’ bureau of the Department organized and facilitated more than 700 in-house briefings and videoconferences as well as 94 outside speaking engagements, reaching more than 36,000 individuals in North America, mainly in the United States.
These markets are a popular [...]
feature of village life where villagers bring their wares and produce for sale every week.
瑞士的所有运输要道沿线、大型货运 站和场内都设 有保税仓库,尤其是在边境地区。
There are bonded warehouses on all key transport routes, at major
[...] freight depots and airports, and in particular [...]
in border areas.
为了营造隆重及奢华氛围,品牌将酒店大堂和夹层楼的餐厅快船廊(Clipper Lounge)贯通打造成一个两层的伯爵奇妙花园 场内 铺 满 数千朵特意从世界各地空运而至的紫红色伊夫•伯爵玫瑰。
To induce a ritzy atmosphere for this distinguished occasion, a wondrous Piaget floral garden, extending two floors from the hotel’s lobby area to the Clipper Lounge on the mezzanine level, was filled with thousands of fuchsia-coloured Yves Piaget roses specially flown in from across the world.
2009年5月29日21时左右,停在联络处前面停 场内 一 辆属于联络处外交 人员的奔驰车(车牌号 27-S-015)遭到 2 个不明身份者的破坏。
At approximately 2100 hours on 29 May 2009, a vehicle, make Mercedes (licence plates No. 27-S-015), belonging to a member of the diplomatic staff of the Liaison Office, parked at the parking area in front of the premises of the Liaison Office, was vandalized by two unidentified perpetrators, who damaged the windshield, the trunk and the right side of the vehicle.
卢森堡证交所”市场是一个 欧洲受监管的市场,因此该场内的 发行人须遵守发售说明书与透明度指 令,不同于欧元MTF。
The “Bourse de Luxembourg” market is a European regulated market and hence issuers on that market are subject to the requirements of the Prospectus and Transparency Directives, contrary to the Euro MTF.
请每一非按照第 5 条第 1
款行事的缔约方尽可能早地向臭氧秘书处提交该缔约方的 具体日期;并自这一日期起,缔约方将停止计量吸入器氟氯化碳必要用途豁免的提名,只
[...] 有其有效成份不仅为舒喘宁、且预期该计量吸入器将在非按第 5 条第 1 款行事缔约方的场内进行销售或分销
To request each Party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as practicable for that Party specific dates by which time it will cease making nominations for essential-use exemptions for CFCs for metered-dose inhalers where the active ingredient is not solely salbutamol and where the metered-dose
inhalers are expected to be sold or
[...] distributed on the market of any Party not operating [...]
under paragraph 1 of Article 5




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