

单词 内化


内在化 n

internalization n

文化内 adj

intracultural adj

(在一定幅度内)变化 v

range v

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 一个有关人权问题的专门实体和综合协调机制,清楚说明各种文书批 准、内化和执行的过程和框架;监测、评价和报告执行情况的措施。
(a) A dedicated entity and comprehensive coordination mechanism on human rights issues which
spell out processes and frameworks for
[...] ratification, domestication and implementation [...]
of Instruments; and measures for monitoring,
evaluation and reporting on implementation.
环 境调查机构和泰国海关官员介绍了监测非法贸易的实用技巧, 内化 学 品专家介绍了各类 化学品的详细资料。
EIA and Thai customs officials introduced the
practical skills to spot illegal
[...] trade, and the domestic chemical expert provided specific information about the chemicals.
本项目的设计将延续这种发展方向,探索对传统江南建筑内在结构的继承与更新以及地方建筑特征 内化。
The project will carry on this direction of development and explore the art of inheriting and updating the internal structure of
traditional Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River)
[...] architecture and the internalisation of local architectural [...]
认识到人权学习包含知识的获取 内化 以 及 理解自己和他人的尊严
Recognizing human rights learning as encompassing the
[...] acquisition and internalization of knowledge and [...]
understanding of one’s own and others’ human dignity
[...] 都得到履行,因为它力求纳入消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约和关于非洲妇女权利 的非洲议定书并将其内化。
The enactment of this bill into law would fulfill most of The Gambia’s obligations
on women in that it seeks to incorporate and
[...] domesticate both the CEDAW [...]
and the African Protocol on the right of Women in Africa.
我们呼吁所有巴勒斯坦人在 巴勒斯坦内部对话框内化解分 歧,实现团结。
We call on all Palestinians to resolve their differences within the framework of the intraPalestinian dialogue in order to achieve unity.
为 帮助处理这些数据缺陷,需要国际组织采取合作办法,包括培养 内化 解 释 此类 数据的能力。
A cooperative approach among international
organizations to help address these data gaps, including by
[...] developing and internalizing skills to interpret [...]
such data, is needed.
对不同类型绿色经济政策的相对强调程度存在差异(例如价格、税收和补贴 等环境外差因素内化以及 对绿色基础设施和技术的公共开支),但是,各国普 [...]
遍认为,某些部门显然符合任何有效的绿色经济概念,包括可再生能源、能源和 材料增效以及可持续建筑。
Differences exist on the relative emphasis to be accorded
to different types of green economy
[...] policies (e.g., internalization of environmental [...]
externalities in prices, taxes and
subsidies, and public expenditures on green infrastructure and technologies), but there is broad agreement that some sectors clearly belong to any working concept of a green economy, including renewable energy, energy and material efficiency improvements and sustainable buildings.
THERMAX不属于国土交通省告示第1113~1115号规定的与引起 内化 学 物质过敏症的甲醛有关的建筑材料,可以放心使用。
Concerning formaldehyde, which causes sick house disease, Thermax is a building material that is outside the range of application of Notification Nos. 1113 to 1115 of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
关于里约+20 大会可持续发展和根除贫穷背景下实行绿色经济的 主题,会议一致认为:(a) 应完成国别分析并奠定绿色经济国别战略 的基础;(b)
应营造有利的政策、法律、法规和体制框架以实行绿色 增长战略;(c)
[...] 需要进行财政和预算改革,以实现低碳绿色经济和可 持续发展内化环境成本,以及统筹环境的可持续发展、社会的包容 [...]
性和经济增长之间的关系;(d) 可通过太平洋次区域组织理事会可持 续发展工作组制订太平洋绿色增长路线图,以协助太平洋小岛屿发展
Regarding the Rio+20 theme of a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, the Meeting agreed that: (a) national country analyses should be completed and form the basis of countryspecific strategies for greening economies; (b) enabling policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks should be developed in order for green growth strategies to be pursued; (c) fiscal and budgetary reforms are necessary to achieve a
low-carbon green economy and sustainable
[...] development, to internalize environmental [...]
costs and to harmonize the imperatives of
environmental sustainability, social inclusiveness and economic growth; (d) a regional green growth road map could be developed through the CROP Sustainable Development Working Group to assist Pacific small island developing States and support the implementation of the Pacific Plan.9 17.
1999年,本公司的千叶事业所作为符合ISO规则25(有关实验所和校对机构的能力的一般要求事项)的实验所,在 内化 学 分 析行业首次从在日本化学实验所认证机构(JCLA)取得了化学及环境领域的特定试验方面的认证。
In 1999, our Chiba Laboratories became the first laboratory in Japan’s
chemical analysis
[...] industry to be certified as complying with ISO/IEC Guide 25 (general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories), according to Japan Chemical Laboratory [...]
(JCLA) with respect to specific testing for the chemical and environmental sectors.
(a) 理顺价格,包括取消补贴、给自然资源定价,并对损害环境的行为(环
[...] 境“公害”)征税,以便实现外差因素 内化 、 支 持可持续消费并刺激多种商业 选择。
(a) Getting prices right, including removing subsidies, valuing natural resources and imposing taxes on things that
harm the environment (environmental “bads”)
[...] in order to internalize externalities, [...]
support sustainable consumption and incentivize business choices.
2008-2009 年方案执行情况报告(A/65/70)至少包括一项关于本评价所涉及 的 19 个方案中 16 个方案的两性平等主化内容。 18 关于两性平等主流化的另外 一节包括了一些实例,说明各区域委员会、经济和社会事务部和环境署采取的举 措和参加秘书处举办的培训班、研讨会和讲习班的妇女比例定量清单(同上,第 三节H和第四节)。
The Secretary-General’s 2008-2009 programme performance report (A/65/70) included at least one reference to gender mainstreaming for 16 of the 19 programmes covered by the evaluation.18 A separate section on gender mainstreaming contained examples of initiatives taken by the regional commissions, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and UNEP and a quantitative listing of the proportion of women participating in training courses, seminars and workshops delivered by the Secretariat (ibid., sect. III.H and sect. IV).
一些格式和标准被用于书目信息著录、 化内 容 数字化及其存取、集成 化虚拟系统和公共的文化遗产门户http://www.epaveldas.lt.的创建上。本文描述了这些格式和标 准的发展、应用和更新的经验,并详细介绍了立陶宛国家书目机构编制国家书目的工作,努力 将与记忆性机构合作的明确规定引入立法,以及对于这些合作的各方面如方法论的建立及其实 践的工作。
We would like to share our experience in the development, implementation, and updating of formats and standards used in recording bibliographic information and digitized cultural content, providing access to it, creation of the Integrated Virtual System and a common portal on cultural heritage http://www.epaveldas.lt. The presentation also specifies Lithuanian national bibliographic agency’s efforts on the introduction of specific provisions on collaboration between memory institutions into legislative documents, the creation of as methodology for such collaboration and its implementation as well as encouraging the compilation of the national bibliography.
性别指通过学习获得的,在整个生命周期中男性和女性的社会不同之处,尽管在每一文化中是根深蒂 固的,但随着时间的推移会发生变化而且在 化内 部 和 文化之间也有很大的差别。
Despite the fact that international law guarantees women and men equal rights in the enjoyment of all human rights, women and girls continue to face de jure (in law) and de facto (in practice) inequalities in virtually all societies.
未来期间,公司将继续根据内外部环境的变化及时调整、完善内部控制体系 的建设,规范内部控制制度执行, 化内 部 控 制监督检查、促进公司健康、可持续发展。
In the future, the company will continue to adjust and improve its internal control procedures,
regulate the
[...] implementation of its internal control system, and strengthen supervision and inspection of its internal controls in [...]
order to facilitate sound and sustainable development.
为保障这项工作采取的三项基本措施是:(a) Avelino Siñani 法,该法是 与土著和农村组织制定的,规定推行多元 化 、 文 化内 和 双 语的去殖民化教育; (b) Juancito Pinto 补助券,向小学一至八年级的所有公立学校学生发放 200 玻利维亚诺,这项公共政策的主要受益者是土著男童和女童,可防止辍学;(c) 公 共政策“我能”国家方案推动玻利维亚扫除了文盲,最终于 2008 年 12 月 20 日 发表宣言,确认玻利维亚成为拉丁美洲第三个无文盲国家。
To that end, three basic measures have been implemented: (a) the Avelino Siñani Education Act, formulated with indigenous and rural organizations, which provides for intercultural, intracultural, bilingual, decolonizing education; (b) the Juancito Pinto bonus programme, under which the sum of 200 bolivianos is disbursed to all public school students from the first to the eighth grades, as a public policy aimed primarily at indigenous children to prevent them from dropping out of school; and (c) the public policy and national programme “Yes, I can”, which made it possible to eradicate illiteracy in Bolivia, as recognized on 20 December 2008 in a declaration proclaiming Bolivia as the third illiteracy-free zone in Latin America.
许多政府和非政府网站上列出了培训材料,例如就如何将气候化 内容纳 入相关教育领域的课程为教师提供的指导。
Training materials, such as a teacher support guide on how
[...] to incorporate content on climate change [...]
in the curricula of relevant educational
areas, have been made available on many governmental and nongovernmental websites.
有些会员国强调说,必须更好认识所有重大计划均有 化内 涵 , 它们提出的 具体问题有艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育、教育促进可持续发展、使用多语种和创作本地化 内容。
Several Member States insisted on the need to
[...] better recognize the cultural dimension in all major programmes, mentioning specific issues such as HIV/AIDS prevention education, education for sustainable development, multilingualism and production of local cultural content.
我们需要对保护数化内容和 权利人利益的最佳手段做更多分析,同时承兑那些确保消费 [...]
More analysis needs to be undertaken about the best means of
[...] protecting digital content and the interests [...]
of rightsholders, whilst at the same time
honouring principles that ensure adequate access and “fair use” for consumers.
[...] 和具有创造力的多样性这三者之间的联系,文化多样性、对话和发展之间的联系,文化与经 济方面的问题在发展中都占有同样重要的地位,承认 化内 容 和 艺术表现形式具有特殊性, 即文化财产和文化服务业具有文化和经济的双重性,最后是促进创作活动和文化财产及文化 服务业,因为它们是传播文化多样性的极好手段。
The overall thrust of their work has remained that of the Universal Declaration: the link between respect for fundamental rights, democracy and creative diversity, the link between cultural diversity, dialogue and development, the
equal importance of
[...] the cultural and economic aspects of development, recognition of the specific character of cultural contents and artistic [...]
expressions, meaning
the dual – cultural and economic – nature of cultural goods and services, and lastly, promotion of creative activity and of the cultural goods and services that are the main channels thereof.
[...] [...] BIKE、菜篮车和小童车都非常感兴趣,有客户直接在展会上下单,还有很多客户洽谈的非常愉快,留下了详细的联系方式,要求我们车展后马上报价回盘,还有要求来公司现场参观后下单;同时,此次展会上我们也参观学习同行的先进技术和 化内 涵 , 此次展会对我们的所有的参展人员和公司的发展都有很重要的作用。
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the exhibition but also by the United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we
also visited peer learning
[...] advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition [...]
to our all the exhibitors and the
company's development has the very vital role.
为了便于提出报告,委员会在 2002 年就年度报告的格式和结构提出了建议(见 ISBA/8/LTC/2,附件),包括根据《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》附件 4(见 ISBA/6/A/18,附件)中的标准条款,提出了标 化内 容 清 单(概述、勘探工 作、采矿试验和采矿技术、培训、环境监测和评估、财务报表、工作方案的拟议 调整、结论和建议)。
To facilitate reporting, in 2002 the Commission recommended a format and structure of annual reports (see ISBA/8/LTC/2, annex), including a standardized content list (general, exploration work, mining tests and mining technology, training, environmental monitoring and assessment, financial statement, proposed adjustment to the programme of work, conclusions and recommendations) which is based on the standard clauses for exploration contract set out in annex 4 to the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area (see ISBA/6/A/18, annex).
过去两年,促进将信通技术应用于教育的主要活动有:(a) 把中小学教科书 和教学材料上载到一个活跃的网站,其中包括 50
种孟加拉语书籍、26 种英语中 学教科书和 33 种小学教科书;(b)
[...] 向师范学院的教师培训员提供培训,教导他 们如何开发数化内容, 以便在课堂上采用基于信通技术的教与学方法;(c) [...]
向 6 500 名中学教师提供计算机培训;(d) 向 20 500 所学校(包括宗教学校)提供膝
上型计算机和多媒体投影机;(e) 开设 17 个流动计算机实验室,帮助住在边远 地区的学生认识信通技术;(f) 在 20 所普通学校、35 所宗教学校和 20 所师范学 院建立现代化计算机实验室;(g) 在 128 个区建立信通技术培训和资源中心。
Major activities promoting the use of ICT in education in the last two years are as follows: (a) Textbooks and education materials for primary and secondary education uploaded in a dynamic website which includes 50 Bangla version books, 26 English version secondary education textbooks and 33 primary education textbooks; (b) Training of teacher
trainers from the teacher training colleges on
[...] developing digital content to facilitate ICT-based [...]
teaching-learning processes in
class; (c) Computer training for 6,500 secondary schoolteachers; (d) The supply of laptop computers and multimedia projectors to 20,500 schools and madrasas; (e) The launch of 17 mobile computer labs to orient students living in remote locations; (f) Establishing modern computer labs in 20 schools, 35 madrasas, and 20 teacher training colleges; (g) Establishing ICT training and resource centres in 128upazila. 58.
在高速增长的高清家庭娱乐市场通过HDBaseT(TM)技术发布多媒体内容的无厂半导体厂商Valens Semiconductor今日宣布,英特尔旗下Digital Content
[...] Protection(DCP)LLC公司已经批准在高清数 化内 容 保 护(HDCP)视频信号的传输过程中采用Valens公司的HDBaseT技术。
Valens Semiconductor, a fabless semiconductor company that enables distribution of multimedia content in the high growth high definition (HD) home entertainment market through HDBaseT(TM) technology, announced today that Digital Content Protection (DCP) LLC, an Intel company,
has approved the transmission of high
[...] definition digital content protected (HDCP) [...]
video signals over Valens' HDBaseT technology.
因此,在 罗安达首脑会议上商定的重新制订常驻代表机构任 务授权一事更为重要,除政治内容外,任务授权将大 力强调化内容, 支持在东帝汶使用葡萄牙语。
Thus, the reformulation of the mandate of the permanent representation that was agreed at the summit in Luanda, with
a strong cultural
[...] component and support for the use of the Portuguese language in Timor-Leste, in addition to the political component, is of added [...]
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多化和尊 重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员内设 立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development
of a national campaign
[...] to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office [...]
of the Ombudsman of a
sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新 内 亚 、 波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、内加尔 、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
那一天,即 2001 年 9月11日,
提醒我们世界仍然是一个真正的战场,这 不 是 许多人
[...] 声称的宗教之间的战场,不是国家之间的战场,而是 每一个宗教、每一个国家和每一种 化内 部 的 战场; 是建设者和毁灭者之间的战场;是那些选择自由的人 [...]
和那些发誓要消灭自由的人之间的战场;是虚无主义 和文明观念之间的战场。
That day, 11 September 2001, reminded us that the world remained a true battlefield — a battlefield not among religions, as many people claim, or of
nations, but a battlefield within every religion, every
[...] nation and every culture; a battlefield [...]
between those who try to
build and those who seek to destroy, between those who choose freedom and those who pledge to eradicate it; a battlefield between nihilism and the very idea of civilization.




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