

单词 内人


几内亚人 n

Guinean n


internal contradiction among the people (pretext for a purge)


On the correct handling of internal contradictions among the people, Mao Zedong's tract of 1957

External sources (not reviewed)

又重申在每一国家内人人有权 自由迁徙和居住,人人有权离开任何国家, 包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家
Reaffirming also that everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State, and to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country
健全的国家食品控制和管理体系对于确保 内人 民 的健康和安全 以及确保进入国际贸易的食品的安全和质量来说是必要的。
Sound national food control and regulatory systems
are essential to ensuring the health
[...] and safety of the domestic population as well [...]
as ensuring the safety and quality of
foods entering international trade.
属人法司法机内人力资源能力不足,在内部区域无法运作也是这一 状况持续存在的原因。
It is also explained by the lack of human resources in the personal status courts, which means that they are not operational in the hinterland regions.
拟编列 241 300 美元差旅费,用于开展技术支助活动(埃及、美利坚合众
[...] [...] 国、南非、黎巴嫩和印度的外联活动(年度展览、征聘和博览会、工业博览会和 在博览会上征聘妇女);外地职业发展咨询以及参加一次职业发展圆桌会议,分 享联合国系内人力资 源管理的最佳做法,提供人力资源信息技术支助,以确保 顺利实施和过渡到 Inspira 框架(人才管理)),并参加乌干达恩德培的专家小组, [...]
An amount of $241,300 is proposed for travel to undertake technical support activities (outreach in Egypt, the United States of America, South America, Lebanon and India (annual exhibitions, recruitment and fairs, industry fairs and recruitment at fairs for women); career development counselling in the field and participation at a career development round table sharing best practices
in human resources
[...] management within the Untied Nations system, for human resources information technology support to ensure [...]
smooth implementation
of and transition to the Inspira framework (talent management)), and to participate in the expert panel in Entebbe, Uganda, and consolidate findings and interview reports for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范内人人都可 参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
课程包括:“司法领 域中的乌兹别克斯坦共和国国内法和国际标准”、“国际人道主义法基础”、 “打击国际犯罪的法律基础”、“国际人权保护标准在执法机关工作中的地位和 作用”、“乌兹别克斯坦共和国国内法与国际人权法”、“国际和 内人 权 保护 机制”。
The curriculum includes courses on Uzbek domestic law and international standards of justice, the foundations of international humanitarian law, the legal basis for the fight against international organized crime, the place and role of international human rights standards in the work of law enforcement agencies, Uzbek domestic law and international human rights law, the legal status of the public in international law and international and national mechanisms for the defence of human rights.
青年党还一再阻碍索马里内 人道主义援助的交付或发放。
Al-Shabaab has also repeatedly obstructed access to, or distribution of, humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
他对部长和高级别代 表参加政府间部长级会议表示欢迎,并认为这次会议是各国作出新承诺和保证的 一个机会,以加强为《公约》范 内人 员 寻 得解决办法和分担负担。
He welcomed the Ministers and high-level representatives taking part in the Intergovernmental Ministerial Event and observed that the event represented an opportunity for States to make new commitments and pledges in order to strengthen solutions and enhance burden sharing for persons covered by the Conventions.
内人士告 诉小组,大部分黄金被送到国际市 场中心,在那里融化、提炼,然后出售。
Industry sources informed the Panel that most of the gold is moved to international market centres, where it is smelted, refined and then sold.
国 际法院的咨询意见确认,必须在导致通过科索沃独立宣
[...] 言的实际背景下看待该宣言,包括咨询意见所述的为解 决科索沃内人道主义危机而根据第 1244(1999)号决 [...]
议建立的框架和联合国主导的 2005 年至 2007 年最终 地位进程中出现的事态发展——尽管尽了全力,但这
一进程最终未能在科索沃地位问题上产生彼此同意 的结果。
The Court’s opinion recognized that the
declaration of independence of Kosovo had to
[...] be considered within the factual context [...]
that led to its adoption, including,
as the opinion described, the framework established by resolution 1244 (1999) to resolve the humanitarian crisis in Kosovo and the developments in the 2005-2007 final status process brokered by the United Nations, which, despite exhaustive efforts, was unable to yield a mutually agreeable outcome on Kosovo’s status.
白俄罗斯将普遍定期审议视为了解 内人 权 状 况过程中的重要步骤,有助 于制订战略方针和做出国家层面的相应决定,扩大国家及其他利益攸关方在人权 领域的建设性互助。
Belarus regards the UPR as an important stage in the process of grasping the human rights situation in the country, thus furthering the formulation of strategic approaches, the adoption of the appropriate decisions at government level and the expansion of constructive cooperation between the State and other human rights actors.
鉴于约旦在教科文组织通常会追踪的领 内人 力 发 展的记录,它是一个中等水平 的发展中国家,在阿拉伯地区拥有合理的发展指标和一个几乎令人称羡的发展地位。
Jordan is a middle level developing country with reasonable development indicators and an almost enviable development position within the Arab region given its human development track record in the areas usually tackled through UNESCO interventions.
参与者们在各种主题突出的技术演讲和 小组讨论中,可以和内人士进 行充分的交流和 技术分享。
Participants are able to see for themselves during high-profile lectures and smaller discussion groups with partners from the industry.
本研究包括联合国共同制内人数最多的职业类中约 500 个对应员额,并 包括美国总薪级表及哥伦比亚特区华盛顿其他特别薪资系统中的员额。
The current study involved equivalencies for approximately 500 posts representing the most populous occupation groups within the United Nations common system and included posts from the United States General Schedule and other special pay systems in Washington, D.C.
关于以下方面的国际公约和标准应包括 内 : 人 权 、 性别平 等、劳工权利和体面工作、残疾人问题、环境可持续性、消费者保护、劳工组织 原则和劳工标准、联合国消费者保护准则、工商企业与人权:实施联合国“保 护、尊重和补救”框架指导原则、以及国际透明和问责标准。
These include international conventions and standards on human rights, gender equality, labour rights and decent work, disability, environmental sustainability, consumer protection, the ILO principles and labour standards, the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework, and international transparency and accountability standards.
在其任务框架的范内,人权高专办哥伦比亚办事处观察人权状况和国际人 权法,以便协助当局制定和实施关于促进和保护人权的各项政策、方案和措施, 并向高级专员提交分析报告。
In the framework of its mandate, OHCHR-Colombia observes the situation of human rights and international humanitarian law in order to assist authorities in the development and application of policies, programmes and measures to promote and protect human rights, and submits analytical reports to the High Commissioner.
可以看出内残疾人数最 多的是以西班牙语为 母语的人口,因为内 10 人中便有 7 人从小学习西班牙语。
Disability by ethnic origin: The majority of persons with disabilities in Peru have Spanish as their mother tongue, [...]
since 7 out of 10
people learn Spanish during childhood.
在联合国为肯尼亚开展的性别平等和增强妇女权能联合方案下,并在“一体 行动”框内,人居署 、妇发基金和开发署与肯尼亚负责地方政府、性别平等、 儿童和社会发展、规划以及公共服务的各部委合作,通过蒙巴萨附近的马图加政 府培训学院和肯尼亚地方政府当局协会,为性别平等和地方治理工作主持人开办 了首期培训班。
Under the United Nations joint programme for Kenya on gender equality and women’s empowerment, and within the “Delivering as one” framework, UN-Habitat, UNIFEM and UNDP, together with the Kenyan ministries for local government, gender, children and social development, planning, and public service, organized a first training course for facilitators on gender and local governance through the Government Training Institute in Matuga, near Mombasa, and the Association of Local Government Authorities in Kenya.
在出现 造成内人口流 动问题的情况下,难民署应当根据 有关国家明确提出的要求采取行动,并考虑其他组 [...]
In situations involving internal displacement, UNHCR [...]
should act at the explicit request of the State concerned and take
into account the complementarities of mandates and the expertise of other organizations.
请详细说明自委员会审议前一份定期报告以来,香港特别行政区采取了哪 些新的政治、行政和其他措施促进和保护人权,包括 内人 权 计划或方案以及为 此所划拨的资源、途径、目的和成果。
Please provide detailed relevant information on the new political, administrative and other measures taken to
promote and protect human
[...] rights at the domestic level, since the previous periodic report, including on any domestic human rights plans [...]
or programmes, and
the resources allocated thereto, their means, objectives and results.
工作权和其他工作场所权利不在《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》范围内 ( 人人有权 享受的组织和参加工会以保护他的利益的权利除外1) ;因此,G.E.先生 在受审议的来文中提出的论据与缔约国批准《任择议定书》时提出的保留直接相 关。
The right to work and other workplace rights are not covered by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (except for the right of everyone to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests1 ); for that reason, the argument put forward by Mr. G. E. in the communication under consideration is directly related to the reservation formulated by the State party on ratifying the Optional Protocol.
表示严重关切索马里内人道主 义局势的恶化和目前的干旱影响,强调国际 社会需要紧急支持联合国的联合呼吁和其他呼吁;谴责青年党和索马里境内的其 它武装团伙袭击和阻碍人道主义援助的运送。
To express serious concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in Somalia and the impact of the current drought; to stress the need for the international community to support the United Nations consolidated appeal and other appeals urgently; and to express its condemnation of the targeting and obstruction of the delivery of humanitarian aid by Al-Shabaab and other armed groups in Somalia.
通过启动名为“工作 中基本权利原则宣言草案”(PAMODEC)的这一旨在促进和保护工作地 内人权 的方案,该措施近期得到进一步落实。
This commitment was recently further put into effect with the launching of the "Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and
[...] Rights at Work" Support Project (PAMODEC), the aim of which is to promote and protect people's rights [...]
at the workplace.
截至2010年报告日,瓦克集团员工的平均年龄为43.1岁 ( 编 内人 员 )。
The average age of the Group’s (permanent) workforce was 43.1 on the 2010 reporting date.
也被称为技术图形分析,反过来,发现所有必要的因素,在图中表示的,因为它反映了市场行为(原教旨主义 内人 士 介 绍,风扇等),并评估从图表,投资者参与影响价格的形成。
The graphic analysis, also known as technical, in turn, finds that all the necessary factors are represented in the graphs,
insofar as it reflects the market behavior
[...] (fundamentalists insiders, fans etc) and [...]
evaluate from the graphs , investors participation
in influencing price formation.
快速发展的汽车智能化技术使驾驶者在驾驶过程中需要处理的信息日益增多,这对 内人 机 交 互界面的可靠性、明晰度和易操作性提出了更高的要求。
The rapidly-developing automotive intelligent technologies make drivers have to process more information while driving, which puts forward higher requirements for reliability, clarity and operability of human-machine interface.
人权理 事会正在执行有关普遍定期审议和推选特别程序任
[...] 务执行人的各项建议,并且将在该届会议期间举行 其有关联合国系内人权主 流化问题高级别小组的 第一次年度会议。
The Council was implementing the recommendations concerning the universal periodic review and the selection of the special procedures mandate holders, and would be
holding its first annual high-level
[...] panel on human rights mainstreaming within the United [...]
Nations system at that session.
[...] 公司、财务、行政、人事、业务等部门有效整合在一起,不再是各自独立的信息孤岛,企业管理层或决策者能迅速得到来自企业内部的各种信息、数据,并可对单 内人 、 财、物及事件等有效跟进、监督,并以此为依据形成企业战略决策。
Office automation system (OA) business hours (a) the company, financial, administrative, personnel, operations and other departments to effectively together, is no longer a separate island information, business
management or decision-makers can receive from
[...] the enterprise internal information, [...]
data, and wife of units, financial, and material
and events, such as effective follow-up, supervision, and the basis for the formation of corporate strategic decision-making.
鉴于基线模式与 2008-2013 年 TRAC-1 分配模式采用相同的收入、人口、TRAC-1 最低分配额和可预计性基本 参数,这种变化是国家范内人均国民总收入和人口在 2005 年(2008-2013 年方 案规划安排使用的基准年)至 2009-2010 年之间的变动所致。
As the baseline model uses the same basic income, population, TRAC-1 minimum allocation and predictability parameters as the 2008-2013 TRAC-1 allocation model, this change is attributed to country-level movements in GNI per capita and population between the year 2005 (base year in use for the 2008-2013 programming arrangements) and the years 20092010.
在 2010 年期间,人道主义事务执行委员会继续作为联合国讨论受人道主义 危机影响的国家和/或区内人道主 义政策和业务事项的高级别论坛发挥作用。
In 2010, the Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs continued to act as a high-level United Nations forum for addressing humanitarian policy and operational matters in countries and/or regions affected by humanitarian crises.




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