单词 | 冀县 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 冀县 —Ji county in HebeiSee also:冀—(literary) hope for • surname Ji 县 n—counties pl
代理主席女士,我在㆔月就財政預算發言時,指出那些受到長期病患及頑疾煎熬 的㆟士身受的苦況,我說:「有些病㆟會努力工作幾年 , 冀 盼 能 儲得足夠金錢,購買㆒ 個㆟造關節,但到頭來,卻發覺通貨膨脹已蠶食他們的儲蓄,儲得之數僅足以支付舊 價。 legco.gov.hk | Madam Deputy, in my response to the Budget in March, I had referred to the plight of those suffering from chronic and long-term illnesses: "Some of these patients would work the best they can for several years, hoping to save enough money to pay for an artifical joint, only to find that inflation has eaten away their savings and that they only had enough money at yesterday's price. legco.gov.hk |
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县 政 府 (2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本智庫認為市區更新,尤其是在市區重建方面,應符合可持續發展的原 則,近年社會價值觀出現明顯轉變,市 民 冀 望 有優質的生活環境,相信訂立較低 的地積比率,有助滿足公眾期望。 procommons.org.hk | A comparatively lower plot ratio can meet public aspiration better due to value changes and the pursuit for a better living environment. procommons.org.hk |
中高一贯教育学校作为一所学校、一个整体进行中高一贯教育的“中等教育学校”,是由同 一设立者将中学和高中连接在一起,依照中等教育学校基准进行中高一贯教育的“并设型中等 [...] 教育学校” ,另外还有现有的城镇中学和县立高 中为加强教育课程的编制和老师学生之间交流 [...] 合作等,实施的“定向合作型中高一贯教育”的中高一贯教育学习。 hyogo-c.ed.jp | There are unified junior and senior secondary education schools that operate as one school offering junior and senior high school education in one institution; schools that operate separately but are under the supervision of one institution and act as one unified school; schools that are different [...] institutions but are in the same municipality or [...] town and work together to have exchange [...]between the junior high school and senior [...]high school staff and students as well as building an unified curricula. hyogo-c.ed.jp |
行预咨委会回顾,在 2011/12 [...] 年期间、也就是该特派团的第一年,南苏丹特 派团根据计划将建立 10 个州办事处以及预计设立的 35 个县支助基地中的 19 个, 特派团需要在第二年为另外 9 个县支助 基地确定人员编制,这样使已建成基地的 总数达到 28 个(A/66/592,第 12-13 段)(另见下文第 [...]59 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee recalls that for the 2011/12 period, the first year of the Mission, it was planned that UNMISS would establish 10 state [...] offices and 19 of the [...] envisaged 35 county support bases, and that in the second year it would require staffing for 9 additional county support bases, [...]bringing the total [...]of constructed bases to 28 (A/66/592, paras. 12 and 13; see also para. 59 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
議員殷切期望 當局確保設立有效的監察機制,以加強保障私隱,並確保處理個 人資料的員工竭力遵從,冀能增 強公眾對政府、公共機構和工商 企業處理個人資料的信心。 legco.gov.hk | Members were keen to ensure that an effective monitoring mechanism was in place to strengthen the protection of privacy and ensure compliance by staff handling personal data, thereby enhancing the public's confidence in the handling of personal data by the Government, public bodies and business corporations. legco.gov.hk |
我们不能忽视一个事实,即,人们在冲突面前最 大的希冀就是实现和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | We cannot lose sight of the fact that the greatest aspiration in the face of conflicts is to achieve peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們預期『楓之寶』產品系列將備受香港及其他市場歡迎, 並冀為關注健康之人士提供更多優質的保健產品選擇。 ck-lifesciences.com | We expect the A.G. range of products to be warmly received in Hong Kong and other markets and are looking to providing health conscious customers with a top-quality selection of nutritional supplements. ck-lifesciences.com |
無可否認,較大經濟體亦有自身的難題:巴 西 冀 望 藉主辦 2014 年世界盃足球賽吸引更多投資,但至今未能如願; [...] 印度則由於基礎設施匱乏(尤其與道路、鐡路和發電相關 的),導致供應受限而令經濟發展大受掣肘。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Admittedly, the larger economies have their own [...] problems: in Brazil, the hoped-for boom [...]in investment ahead of the 2014 FIFA World [...]Cup has failed to materialise while, in India, infrastructure shortfalls, particularly related to roads, railways and power generation, have led to significant supply-side constraints. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
通过关联服务走向劳动力市场”项目,在维尔扬 迪 县 当 局 的领导下实施,目 的包括改善年轻母亲进入劳动力市场的机会,创造提高妇女就业率的新方法,为 [...] 目标群体找工作,告诉目标群体进入劳动力市场的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aims of the project “Through connected services to the labour [...] market”, carried out under the leadership of [...] the Viljandi County Authority, included [...]improving access to labour market for [...]young mothers, creating new methods for raising employment among women, finding jobs for the target group and informing them about the opportunities for accessing the labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
否则,观察团的工作将会旷日持久,在实 地也不能取得希冀的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, the duration of this Mission will be extended without achieving the desired results on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
而2009年也因此成为Clare制表厂历史上的转折点,也是其所有人所 希 冀 的 一 个里程碑:通过最佳零售商以自有名义生产并分销独家表款。 hautehorlogerie.org | The 2009 thus becomes a turning point in the history of the Manufacture Claret, a milestone that its owner wished to symbolise by an exclusive timepiece produced and distributed under its own name by the finest retailers. hautehorlogerie.org |
教科文组织与中国社科院(CASS)和中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)开展合 作,将在四川计划确定的县内对 社会工作者、政府官员和决策者实施需求评估和能力建设。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO, in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), will lead on needs assessment and capacity-building of social workers, officials and policy-makers in programme counties of Sichuan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们非常期待本赛季与他们的持续合作,并 希 冀 以 赛道上的成功来回报他们的支持。 oris.ch | We very much look forward to continuing our relationship with them in the season ahead and returning their support with some success on the track. oris.ch |
季度觀點透視》與《環球市場縱覽》都是「市場洞察」系列的元素,旨 在為投資者提供基建於邏輯分析的市場及經濟觀點 , 冀 能 協 助投資者作出 理性的投資決定。 jpmorganam.com.hk | A high ICOR is not preferred because it indicates that the country is not producing efficiently. Although the ICOR is used predominantly in determining a country’s level of production efficiency, it should not be regarded as the only indicator to explain a country’s capital productivity. jpmorganam.com.hk |
伊拉克选举产生的宪法政府冀望任 期延长,也希望提供的援助,符合具体的 [...] 机制,得到伊拉克政府先前的批准,并采用 2007 年 8 月 6 日我信中提到的方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | The elected [...] constitutional Government of Iraq, while reiterating [...]its wish that the mandate should be extended, hopes that [...]the provision of assistance will be in accordance with specific mechanisms and with the prior approval of the Government of Iraq, in the manner referred to in my letter dated 6 August 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
(3) 如 某 人 收 到 材 料,而 發 出 的 人 冀 望 接 收 到 該 材 料 的 人 士 會 將 該 材 料 用 於 新 聞 報 導,則 該 名 人 士 得 被 視 作 為 此 目 的 而 獲 取 該 材 料 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (3) A person who receives material from someone who intends that the recipient shall use it for the purposes of journalism is to be taken to have acquired it for those purposes. hkreform.gov.hk |
憲法第 9 條使日本永遠放棄以戰爭作為國家政策:「日本國民真 誠 冀 求 以 正義及秩序 為基礎的國際和平,日本國民以後解決國際糾紛,將永久放棄以國權發動戰爭,以 武力威脅,或以武力行使等手段」。 hkahe.com | Article 9 makes Japan give up employing war as a national policy: “Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a mean of settling international disputes. hkahe.com |
政府統計處在二零零二年七月至九月期間,以外判形式進行了一項「勞動人口對就業的關注事項及培訓需要」主題性住戶統計調查,搜集有關勞動人口對其就業及培訓需要的各類關注事項的意見,包括在現時職位所面對的挑戰/困難、對目前所從事經濟行業及所屬職業類別的前景的意見、自二零零一年以來本地企業重組架構所帶來的影響、對個人事業 的 冀 望 、 往內地工作的情況 和 冀 望 、 參加與工作有關的培訓/再培訓課程的情況和計劃等。 censtatd.gov.hk | Thematic Household Survey on employment concerns and training needs of the labour force was commissioned by the Census and Statistics Department during July to September 2002 to collect the views of the labour force on a wide range of issues concerned with their employment and training needs, including challenges/problems encountered in the current jobs, perceived prospects of the currently engaged economic sectors and occupation categories, impact brought about by corporate restructuring since 2001, personal career aspirations, experience in and aspirations for working in the Mainland, and experience in and plan for attending job related training/retraining courses. censtatd.gov.hk |
展望將來,除了提供綜合管理資訊系統外,本集團還會進一步探討及劃撥資源給其在中國的保安及監控行業 的戰略投資上,冀能改 善本集團的整體表現。 equitynet.com.hk | Looking ahead, apart from the provision of integrated management information system, the Group will further explore and dedicate resources to its strategic investments in the SSI in the PRC so as to improving the overall performance of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局與韓國MBC電視頻道合作拍攝旅遊特輯,向韓國十七個城市推介澳門旅遊,增加澳門知名度 , 冀 進 一 步吸引韓國旅客來澳度假。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) joins hands with MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting System), one of the biggest TV channels in Korea, to present a Macau travelogue to 17 cities in Korea. This act seeks to raise Macau's profile and further attract visitors from Korea to Macau. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
霪兰銮耄芝毳是容笔磊雯盏竿褰京萼竽盖套盏翥挲蔷嘴流速水头、喷头水头损失、喷嘴流量及喷头喷头的水力特性:指喷头的工作压力、喷嘴压力、喷嘴流速水犬、¨贝六小六似大、伙硼训h生从^一的水姜 翌 冀 黎 孝 妻雾射嘉嚣萎醢流量系数、流速系数及水流断面收缩系数等。 onsmu.com | Heavy rain Lan Luang Mao Zhi Cui is the capacity of pen Lei Jing Wen When light pole calyx yu lamp cover sets Qiang Zhu fondle mouth velocity head, nozzle head loss, nozzle flow and spray nozzle of the hydraulic properties: that the work pressure nozzle, nozzle pressure, nozzle flow of water dogs, shellfish like six small six large, boron training partner h ^ a raw water from the next Jili Xiao Jiang's wife wilt minced meat din Ka radiation fog flow... onsmu.com |
是項統計調查的回應率為百分之七十二,搜集了共八千個住戶對勞動人口所關注的各類事項的意見,包括在現時職位所面對的挑戰/困難、對目前所從事經濟行業及所屬職業類別的前景的意見、自二零零一年以來本地企業重組架構所帶來的影響、對個人事業 的 冀 望 、 往內地工作的情況 和 冀 望 、 參加與工作有關的培訓/再培訓課程的情況和計劃等。 censtatd.gov.hk | At a response rate of 72%, a total of 8 000 households were successfully enumerated for their views on a wide range of issues of concern to persons in the labour force, including challenges/problems encountered in the current jobs, perceived prospects of the currently engaged economic sectors and occupation categories, impact brought about by corporate restructuring since 2001, personal career aspirations, experience in and aspirations for working in the Mainland, and experience in and plan for attending job-related training/retraining courses. censtatd.gov.hk |
香港電腦學會會長劉嘉敏太平紳士表示,自 1977 年起舉行的「香港國際電腦會議」,一向為 本港資訊及通訊科技業界每年一度的盛事,旨在研究最新的科技動向及解決當下需迫切解決 的資訊科技議題,冀望能 提供更多更好的解決方案,促進資訊科技的進步,從而更有效地支 持其它產業的發展,不斷為社會經濟發展注入能量。 hkcs.org.hk | HKICC has been the annual focus of ICT industry in Hong Kong since Year 1977, and aims at examining the latest ICT trends and giving solutions to the most addressed ICT issues, with the hope that more excellent schemes could be brought forward to stimulate ICT advancement, thus further support other industries’ development, which could sustainably inject power to the social economy. hkcs.org.hk |
多數民眾或許不太願意頭頂環保人士的頭銜,但大多日益重視自然之美, 也 冀 望 都 市設計能追求和諧,更希望今日與未來都居住在安全、幸福、健康之處。 thisbigcity.net | Most of all, there is a core desire to live somewhere safe, happy and healthy – now and in the future. thisbigcity.net |
半导体制造业者针对连结导线架(Lead Frame)与 IC 晶片的接合线, 加速了改用铜质导线的措施, 并 以此冀望能比现在主流之金线降低约 90%的原料成本。 tanaka.com.cn | There is a growing movement among semiconductor manufacturers to replace gold wire, which is currently the most widely used bonding wire for connecting lead frames and IC chips, with copper wire, which enables the cost of noble metal bullion to be reduced by approximately 90 percent. pro.tanaka.co.jp |
對於主機板不支援,卻又冀望擁有USB 3.0的用戶,安裝銀欣科技EC01是最快速也最全面的解決方案,從此不必擔心主機板限制,輕鬆享受USB 3.0所帶來的高速效能。 silverstonetek.com | For those looking to use cases or drive bays that supports the new USB 3.0 internal connector standard, the EC01 is the quickest way to upgrade any motherboard with PCI-E gen 2.0 slot to be compatible with the new standard. silverstonetek.com |
通过教育和终身学习,我们可以实现所 期 冀 的 生 活方式,过上经济和社会公平、食品 安全、生态完整、生计可持续、尊重所有生命形式以及拥有有利于社会和谐、民主和集体行 动的强大价值观的生活。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Through education and lifelong learning, we can achieve lifestyles based on economic and social justice, food security, ecological integrity, sustainable livelihoods, respect for all life forms and strong values that foster social cohesion, democracy and collective action. unesdoc.unesco.org |