

单词 兼具


兼具...的特点 v

bridge v

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External sources (not reviewed)

兼具 微波煮食功能和燒烤加熱器的微波爐,能令食物較快變得金黃香脆。
Food would get crispy and brown faster when cooked in an oven with the combination of microwave cooking and grill heater.
儘管如此,本人仍然信心十足,我們的團隊將會採取迅速、強 兼具 成 效 的措施,確保 本集團持續茁壯成長,並為股東帶來長遠利益。
However, I am full for confidence that our team will take prompt, forceful and effective measures to ensure the health of the Group and bring long term benefits to our stakeholders.
经过西班牙人和瓜拉尼人大量通婚,渐渐形成了讲两种语言以 兼具 两 种文 化的民族特色。
As a result of intensive miscegenation, the rudiments of a new nationality characterized by bilingualism and a blend of both cultures were formed.
作为基层行政机构的镇政兼具行政 管理与社区服务两大功能,更需要一个开放的亲民形象。
As a basic executive body, the town government involves both public administration and community service, which requires an open and amiable image.
(A) 任何通知或文件若以郵寄方式寄發,應被視作緊隨載有該通知
或文件的信封或封套投遞入有關地區的郵政局當日之後一日 送達。就送達證明而言,載有通知或文件的信封或封套已妥為
[...] 預付郵資(倘地址位處有關地區以 兼具 空 郵 服務,則已預付 空郵郵資)、列明地址及已投入該所郵政局已足夠作為送達證 [...]
該載有通知或文件的信封或封套乃列明該地址及已投遞入該 所郵政局,應為送達的最終證據。
(A) Any notice or document sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is put into a post office situated within the Relevant Territory and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing notice or document
was properly prepaid (and in the case of an
[...] address outside the Relevant Territory [...]
where airmail service is available, airmail
postage prepaid), addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Directors that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was so addressed and put into such post office shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
为本项的目的兼具滚压 成型及旋压成型功能的机床列为滚压成型机床。
Machines combining the function of spin-forming and flow-forming are, for the purpose of this item, regarded as flow-forming machines.
这些缺陷包括:政府间决定与决策和国家一级执行之间协调不力;缺兼 具领导 权力和地位的公认推动者;高层决策缺乏代表性;缺乏对性别平等的问责、 政治意愿和支持,也缺乏全系统标准;人力和财政资源不足;国家一级支助不足 以将共同国家评估/联合国发展援助框架中的性别分析转化为性别平等方面的具 体成果;不够重视由国家驱动的需求和自主。
These gaps included weak coordination between intergovernmental decision- and policymaking and implementation at country level; lack of a recognized driver with the authority and positioning to lead; lack of representation in high-level policy decision-making; lack of accountability, political will and support for gender equality, and inadequate system-wide standards; inadequate resources, both human and financial; inadequate country-level support to translate the gender analysis in Common Country Assessments/United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks into specific gender-related outcomes; and insufficient emphasis on country-driven demands and ownership.
这些继电器具有小尺寸,并使用 Coto 的专有开关技术,因此适用于要 兼具 速 度、尺寸和性能优势的设计,例如高速、高引脚数 VLSI 测试机。
Small size plus the use of Coto's proprietary switch technology make these relays ideal for designs such as high speed, high pin count VLSI testers where speed, size and performance are all needed.
(e) 設立一個獨立的法定機構,作為物業管理行業的規 管機構,兼具監管 業界紀律以及推動業界發展的 職能;法定機構的成員將來自業界、相關專業界別 和社會各界,並由行政長官委任
(e) an independent statutory body with members drawn from the industry, related professions and the community and appointed by the Chief Executive be established as the regulatory body of the property management industry, which will take the roles of both a disciplinary body and an industry promoter
如果你需要一個完整的 NAS 伺服器解決方案兼具安全 可靠、高儲存容量、高傳輸速度,以及三年保固服務,我們強烈建議 [...]
If you need a complete all in one NAS server solution with
[...] simplicity, high capacity, safety, strength, [...]
speed, and accompanied by a three-year
warranty, we strongly recommend Synology.
警務處總電訊工程師又特別指出,便 攜 式 加密無 線 電 對 講 機備有 先 進 功能,包括“免 提式”可 啟動緊 急
援 助訊號、即 使身處 “盲 點 ”也 可與 其他警務人員保持 通 訊 、可透 過無線 電 波 進 行 遙 控 使 對 講 機的功能失 效
[...] ,以防止有 人 濫 用 儀 器 ,以兼 具符合IP54國 際標準 的 防 水 [...]
及 防 震 功能。
The Chief Telecommunications Engineer of Hong Kong Police Force (CTE, HKPF) further highlighted the advanced functions of the encrypted portable radios which included "hand-free" activation of emergency assistance signals, maintaining communication with other Police officers even at "blind spots", remote control via radio waves to disable the
functions of the radios to prevent misuse of
[...] the apparatus, as well as water- and shock-resistance [...]
in compliance with IP54 international standard.
如预算文件所示(同上,第 53
[...] 段),联黎部队拟在主任办公室设立合规和监 测股;该股兼具调查 委员会的现有职能,并行使新的合规和监测职能,协调对 [...]
As indicated in the budget document (ibid., para. 53), UNIFIL proposes to establish a Compliance and Monitoring Unit in the Office of the Director, which would
incorporate the existing functions of the
[...] Board of Inquiry as well as new compliance [...]
and monitoring functions to coordinate
responses to audit observations and would develop and implement risk management procedures.
我们所有的产品兼具产品 寿命长、维修需求少、能源消耗 低等优异性能。
All our products are designed to combine high-performance with long product lives, low service demands and low energy use.
阿拉伯文化发展计划是一兼具地区 性和国际性的项目,在此期间 也得到了进一步的实施,关于《在欧洲和阿拉伯--穆斯林世界的教科书中他人的形象》的项 目也得到了执行。
In addition, the Arabia Plan, a project of both which of both regional and international scope, was continued and a project implemented on “The Image of the Other in Arabo-Islamic and European textbooks”.
兼 具了氟聚合物的传统耐 化学性和环境耐受性,THV 对许多应用都是理 想的选择。
Combined with the traditional chemical and environmental resistance of fluoropolymers, THV is an ideal choice for many applications.
IR的iMOTION集成設計平台包括開發系統、混合訊號模擬晶片組及功率平台,若採用聯合設計,便能簡化運動控制設計,更快為市場帶來省電節能 兼具 成 本效益的解決方案。
IR's iMOTION integrated design platform consists of a development system, mixed-signal analog chip set and power stage, which when co-designed together, simplify motion control designs and bring energy-efficient, cost-effective solutions to market faster.
Seagate Laptop SSHD 整合 NAND 快閃記憶體與傳統的硬碟機儲存設備,打造 兼具 固 態硬碟機的速度和硬碟機容量的筆記型電腦硬碟機。
Seagate Laptop SSHDs integrate NAND flash with traditional hard drive storage to create a laptop drive with the speed of solid state and the capacity of a hard drive.
这次双年展的表演,该艺术团将果陀夫斯基剧场和勒寇克剧场的训练方法、京剧的把式、街舞以及表演艺术融合到即兴表演中,呈 兼具 主 流 文化和边缘文化特色的作品。
For this program, the ensemble
melds improvisation, theatre practices from
[...] the Grotowski and Lecoq lineages, Chinese [...]
Opera training, street dance, and performance
art to produce work that straddles both mainstream and fringe culture.
冲突依然是“混合战争”的一个严酷例子, 兼具 常 规能力、不规则战术和非正 规编制以及肆意的暴力行为、胁迫和刑事骚乱的特点——就索马里而言,区域国 [...]
The conflict remains a grim example of “hybrid warfare”: a combination of
conventional capabilities, irregular tactics and
[...] formations, as well as indiscriminate [...]
violence, coercion, and criminal disorder
— compounded in the Somali case by the interference of regional powers.
当今的便携式设备要兼具高能 效、高集成度、出色的影音性能。
Today’s portable devices require the combination of energy efficiency, high levels of integration and outstanding video and audio performance.
這款新車把駕駛樂趣與開篷享受提升至更高層次,匯聚輕靈跑味與時尚舒適體驗,並把奪目的跑車設計與日常行車需要完美結合,同 兼具 頂 尖性能與環保智慧。
The new roadster uncompromisingly takes driving pleasure and open-air enjoyment to a new level.
結合已開發國家與開發中國家的構想後,所謂都市村落是將大城市視為社區的統合,不僅能自我運作,民眾可集體分享與擁有社區,同時屬於大城市的一部分,都市村落因此能 兼具 鄉 村 和都會的優點,且保持和諧及共生,也是在都會空間維持都會生活方式的永續途徑。
Combining the two notions of urban villages in the developed and developing world, the idea of an urban village is to see a massive city as a collection of neighbourhoods which are self-sustainable and where people can collectively share and own the neighbourhood while still retaining the sense of being part of the bigger city.
在PP框架上将山都平热塑性硫化弹性体过成型,例如,可以生产一个牢固的, 兼具 优 良 的密封性能和抗热性能的顶部负载门密封,全部以更低的单位价格。
Overmolding Santoprene TPV onto a PP frame, for example, produces a strong top loader door seal with excellent sealing characteristics and good heat resistance – all at a lower per-unit price.
这推动了对高亮度激光 二极管兼具低的泵浦亮度损耗、合 理的成本和高可靠性的先进光束组合 系统的需求。
This drives the demands for high-brightness laser diodes, advanced beam combination with low brightness loss for pumping, reasonable cost, and high reliability.
保時捷展出車款陣容強大,除了甫上市之全新四輪驅動 911 Carrera 4 與 911 Carrera 4S 之外,展出車型還包括:加裝空氣力學套件之最新一代 911 Carrera S 跑車、雙門雙座饒富駕馭樂趣的中置引擎 Boxster S
跑車、保時捷 Gran Turismo 車系中最具個性的車型Panamera GTS 四門跑車、典型跑車運動性卻經濟環保的 Panamera S Hybrid
[...] 、以及保時捷最為暢銷之出色性能與效 兼具之 Cayenne Diesel 運動休旅車。
The Porsche booth features an exciting line-up of new cars namely: the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4 and 911 Carrera 4S, the new 911 Carrera S equipped with Aerokit, the fun-to-drive mid-engine Boxster S, the sportiest four-door Gran
Turismo Panamera GTS, the most economical
[...] Panamera S Hybrid as well as the popular [...]
SUV with outstanding performance and efficiency Cayenne Diesel.
Starling Resources的总部设在印尼峇里,是一家国际认 兼具 追 踪 纪录的顾问组织,为客户所面对的重大经济、环境和社会问题,提供实际解决方案,客户包括遍布亚洲各地的公司、政府机构和非牟利组织。
Based in Bali, Indonesia, Starling Resources is an internationally recognized consultancy with a track record of creating practical solutions for some of the most important economic, environmental and social problems facing companies, government agencies, and non-profit groups across Asia.
我們強調的是平易之人機界面;作業狀況即時顯示,進而通知各單位,以最快速的方式排除自動櫃員機之問題與狀況;查詢作業自動化,使偶發緊急事件之回應及日常交辦事項之查詢快速而有效率;可依既定之條件產生管理報表,使報表 兼具 靈 活及效率化之雙重優點;通報作業自動化的功能可利用語音或手機簡訊自動發送狀態訊息於分所屬負責人;當然,針對歷史資料之保存與利用可提供業者針對各ATM之歷史檔(Log File)追蹤各Events發生時間及頻率,並利用此資料產生分析報表,並對其端末採取有效之解決之道。
We place emphasis on the user-friendly HMI; the operation conditions are displayed in real time to inform each unit of the problems and conditions of ATMs to troubleshoot them in the quickest way; the automated query operation enables quick and efficient queries on responses to the incidents and daily action items; the management reports can be generated based on the given conditions for flexible and efficient reports; reporting automation allows automatic delivery of the status message to the respective responsible person via mobile voicemail or SMS; of course, the history data will be archived and can be used to provide the log files of each ATM to know when events occur and how often they occur, based on which the analysis reports are generated and effective solutions are taken for their terminals.
Rapide以DB9作為開發基礎,目標是做 兼具 四 門實用性、讓四人乘坐、馬力達至470匹的高性能轎車;然而很多人不知道,原來這不是廠方的第一台四門型號。
The Rapide model is based on DB9, aiming to include the functionality of four doors, allowing four passengers and horse power of 470 horse power.
今年适逢第25届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演及第60届澳门格兰披治大赛车,旅游局将结合澳门节庆活动、文化景点与现代化的旅游设施,推广多样化的主题之旅,希望吸引不同族群在不同时刻前往澳门旅游,感受澳门中西融合与时尚怀 兼具 的 情 调。
This year marks the upcoming 25th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest and the 60th Macau Grand Prix. MGTO will commingle Macau festivities, cultural attractions and modern tourist facilities together, promoting diversely-themed tours to enchant visitors of different nationalities to Macau at different times of the year so that they can experience Macau's composite aroma of East and West, trendy and antique.
花一些时间来品尝一杯安静的餐前饮料,抑或看一本有趣的书,或者二 兼具 ! 位 于6层甲板的Diamond图书馆和酒吧是一个很好的场地与朋友们碰面或者坐下来读点什么东西,图书馆与酒吧合二为一才能给您这样的独特体验。
Located on deck 6, looking onto the main atrium, the Diamond Bar is the perfect venue for socialising with friends or settling down for a relaxing read, thanks to the library and reading area incorporated within the bar area itself.




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