

单词 养蚕业

See also:


raise silkworms

raise (animals)
bring up (children)
give birth
keep (pets)


silkworm n


peas pl

External sources (not reviewed)

作为 美洲金枪鱼委成员的秘鲁表示,从数据和信息交流中获得了益处,有助于在技术 和年度会议上就业养护和 管理措施作出决策。
As a member of IATTC, Peru noted benefits from the exchange of data and information to facilitate decision-making on fisheries conservation and management measures at technical and annual meetings.
1997 年中旬,埃塞俄比亚政权由于它自己更清楚的理由以挑衅的方式悄悄蚕食厄立特里亚的主权领土。
In mid-1997, the Ethiopia regime began to encroach on sovereign Eritrean territories in a stealth and provocative manner for reasons better known to itself.
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家庭酿酒,饭(米饭),年糕,以及随米饭一起上的小菜;缝纫则—做衣服、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣 养蚕 、 焊 接烹饪用锅和壶以及如何生火;桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜(马、牛和鸡);孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。
It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and soybean paste, domestic alcoholic beverages, bap (cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes served alongside bap;
Bongimchik—making clothes, dyeing, weaving by
[...] hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering [...]
cooking pots and kettles, and how to make
fire; Sangarak—how to plow a field and how to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal training, methods of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation.
从实际价值看,主要的新兴国家货币自 2010 年以来大幅升值达 35%,大蚕食了 他们的出口竞争力,加剧了非 业 化 风 险, 促使巴西等国家采取资本管制措施。
In real terms, major emerging country currencies have seen substantial appreciation of up to 35 per cent since 2010, significantly
eroding their export
[...] competitiveness and accentuating the risk of de-industrialization, a concern which led [...]
some countries, such
as Brazil, to take capital control measures.
36 由此可见,渔业管理进程的各个
[...] 阶段都需要专业人员,既需要能将科学意见转变成知情决策、制定完善的 业养 护和 管理措施的管理人员,也需要了解渔业现况、趋势、结构、社会和经济动态 [...]
The fisheries management process usually entails three primary activities: fisheries policy and development planning, the formulation of management plans and strategy and management implementation.36 Fisheries would thus need professionals at all stages of the management process, from the managers who are able to translate scientific
advice into informed decision-making and
[...] develop sound conservation and management [...]
measures for the fishery, to the professionals
who have an understanding of the state, trends, structure and social and economic dynamics of the fishery sector and of the markets in which it trades.
伴随着电业日益 激烈的竞争形势,运营商正面临着诸多挑战:首先,如何兼顾成本效益,高效进行多网络的 业 务 运 营是头等问题;其次,移动宽带的飞速发展,加速了网络升级与演进的步伐;最后,来自互联网的竞争不断加剧,传统运营商的市场被不 蚕 食 - -这些无不在促使运营商尽快转型。
With the serious competition situation in telecom industry, operators are facing more challenges: first, how to efficiently implement full service operation while considering both costs and revenue becomes the major problem; secondly, network upgrade and evolution requirement become urgent with the rapid development of wireless broadband; finally, traditional operators lose market share due to the completion from Internet—All these factors push traditional operators to transform as soon as possible.
由于严重干旱,农业毛附加值在 2007 年 GDP 中所占的比重大幅下降(与 2006 年相比降幅达 4.4%,几乎比 2003 年低 2 倍),严重干旱导致种植业总产值 与 2006 年相比下降 33.4%,畜牧养业总产值与 2006 年相比下降 1.8%。
Significant decrease of the gross added value of agriculture in the 2007 GDP (with 4.4% compared to 2006 and almost 2 times lower than in 2003) is mainly determined by the severe drought, which decreased the total vegetal production by 33.4% and the animal production by 1.8% compared to 2006.
越南专家根据在 2010
[...] 年签署的其他协定,帮助乍得开展灌溉活动、水稻种 植、业、养蜂和食品加工。
Under other agreements signed in 2010,
Vietnamese experts are helping with irrigation activities,
[...] rice cultivation, fishing, bee-keeping and [...]
food processing in Chad.
因此,在业养护和管理的很多领域,如在制定和加强国内渔业监管政策方 面,包括跨界鱼类种群或高度洄游鱼种养护政策指南及渔业立法等方面,发展中 国家都需要得到援助。
Accordingly, developing States may need assistance in many areas of fisheries conservation and management, such as the development and strengthening of domestic regulatory fisheries policies, including policy guidelines for the conservation of straddling fish stocks or highly migratory fish stocks, and fisheries legislation.
西岸(主要是欧洲后裔)所从事养牛 业、 养猪业和对 欧洲的鹿肉出口是最为重要的农业经济作物生产活动。
The raising of beef cattle on the west coast (mostly by European descendants), pig farming and the export [...]
of venison to Europe
are the most important cash-producing agricultural activities.
根据调查:金湖县秋茧售后的短短半个月时间,全县毁桑面积就达到6000多亩,约占全县桑园面积的二分之一,尤其是成片成带的高产桑园被毁严重,就连已被套栽上杨树的桑园也未能幸免,难 蚕 桑 产 业 真 的 到了穷途末路了吗?
According to the survey: autumn cocoon Jinhu County, the short sale two weeks time, destroy the whole county area reached 6,000 mu of mulberry, mulberry area, accounting for about half of the county, especially into the film into a high-yield mulberry with a destroyed seriously, even on the
poplar trees have been planted mulberry quilt was
[...] not spared, should sericulture industry is indeed [...]
going to a dead end it?
毁桑改种司空见惯,尤其经济发达地区桑园面积减幅较大,如金湖县2005年桑园面积35000亩,2008年春桑园面积只剩下12000亩,今年秋茧的价格 蚕 农 养蚕 不 仅 无利可图,而且亏损贴人工,致使桑园被毁严重,桑园面积大幅度减少,就连西部地区还出现弃桑 养蚕 的 现 象。
Sang replant destroyed commonplace, particularly in economically developed regions, a larger reduction in Mulberry area, such as the Golden Lake County in 2005 an area of 35,000 acres of mulberry, mulberry area of the spring of 2008 only 12,000 acres
this year³'s autumn
[...] cocoon prices, sericulturist sericulture is not only unprofitable, but posted a loss of labor, resulting in serious destruction of mulberry, mulberry area is substantially reduced, even in the western region have emerged are not disposable mulberry sericulture phenomenon.
继 2005 年颁布《业(养护和管理)法令》后, 领土开始实施新的执照颁发规定。
Following the enactment of the Fisheries (Conservation and Management) Ordinance in 2005, the Territory began implementing the new licensing regime.
与粮农组织和其他组织的合作包括协助提高刚果民主共和国的玉米 产量,在埃塞俄比亚提供业养护专 业 知 识 以提高产量。
Collaboration with FAO and other organizations includes helping increase maize production in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and providing conservation agriculture expertise to enhance production in Ethiopia.
瓦克为德国境内的员工提供的业养 老 金 由两大核心部分组成:基本养老保险和附加养老保险。
In Germany, the WACKER company pension has two components: the basic pension and a supplementary pension.
(b) 帮助建设发展中国家,包括最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家执行《协 定》的能力,特别是在科学、数据收集及报告、监测、控制和监视、港口和船旗 国控制及业养护和 管理方面的能力,便于进入和发展跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游 鱼类种群的可持续渔业活动
(b) Provide assistance to build the capacity of developing States, in particular the least developed among them and small island developing States, to implement the Agreement, particularly in the areas of science, data collection and reporting, monitoring, control and surveillance, port and flag State control and fisheries conservation and management, facilitating access to and development of sustainable fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks
[...] 研究与发展工作,包括研究成果商业化,以应对相同的发展挑战,特别是 卫生、业、养护、 可持续利用自然资源和环境管理、能源、林业和气候 [...]
(iv) Establish international needs-based partnerships, where countries and their private sectors can collaborate on research and development, including the commercialization of research results, to address similar development
challenges, especially those related to health,
[...] agriculture, conservation, sustainable [...]
use of natural resources and environmental
management, energy, forestry and the impact of climate change
如今,它们已被广泛应用于业养护 以 及特种涂料里,其用量还在持续增加。
Their use is now well established in industrial maintenance and specialty coatings and is continually increasing.
目前正在拟订条例和法律文 书,拟进一步完善和规约各层级的养老金制度,并同时规约参与养老金保险者与业养老金方案之间的关系。
Regulatory and legal instruments are now being drawn up which should in the future improve and regulate the system of pensions at various levels and also govern relations between those taking part in pension insurance and employment pension schemes.
在以色列继续占领巴勒斯坦土地和以色列定居 者不蚕食土 地的情况下,巴勒斯坦人民将看到他们 的土地诉求在他们的眼前支离破碎,这使建立一个自 立的巴勒斯坦国极其困难。
As the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories continues and as Israeli settlers keep encroaching further into the territories, Palestinians will watch their land claims disintegrate before their eyes, making a viable Palestinian State very difficult to achieve.
但是这部分员工只有在工龄达到一定年限后,才能享受某些福利及其全额待遇,例如利润分红或者 业养 老 保 险等。
However, participation in some benefits and their full payment, e.g. profit-sharing
[...] and the company pension, are dependent [...]
on minimum seniority.
另外,我们预计myTECHNIC和海航的飞机与引擎 养业 务 之间可以产生巨大的协同增效作用。
In addition, we anticipate being able to generate significant synergies between myTECHNIC and HNA's aircraft and engine maintenance businesses.
增加养老金、发展养老金形成的积 累原则和鼓励自愿交纳养老保障金,以及完善居民非国家养老保障体系和 业养 老体 系等,都将对提高养老保障起到促进作用。
This will help increase the size of pensions, develop accumulative pension principles and incentives for voluntary payments into pension schemes and promote systems based on non-State and occupational pensions.
由B&CE提供 - 在英国业养老金 经验最丰富的供应商之一。
It is provided by B&CE – one of the most experienced
[...] providers of workplace pensions in the UK.
此外,通过对绿色技术方面的政策 协同增效和规范性研究、农业工程的研究与开发、 业养 护 技 术、农业机械开 发以及清洁发展机制的应用,农业技术转让方面的能力得到了提高。
Furthermore, capacity in agrotechnology transfer was enhanced through policy synthesis and normative research on green technology, research and development for agricultural engineering, conservation agricultural techniques, agricultural machinery development and clean development mechanism application.
第二支柱:业养老保险计划(BVG)是对第一支柱的补充, 使退休人员可以在退休后维持一贯的生活标准。
Pillar 2: The
[...] occupational pension plan (BVG), which [...]
supplements the first pillar, makes it possible for retired persons
to maintain their accustomed standard of living after retirement.
加强全国委员会自身业务能力的工作自总干事 2001 年 8 月致负责与教科文组织的关系
的部长之第 CL/3599 号通函之后开展起来,该通函请部长们增加全国委员会的资源配给,同
[...] 时下发了一份关于全国委员会在 养业 务 能 力和调动资源方面的最紧迫的需求的调查表, [...]
33%的全国委员会作了答复;还对外聘顾问提供的服务和培训进行了一次专门审议,以便今 后的改进和提高。
This was complemented by a survey, answered by some 33% of National Commissions, on their most urgent needs in terms of capacities and
resources and a special review of the content
[...] and training currently offered by an [...]
external consultant so as to improve its relevance and impact.
(a) 通过公共和私营部门自愿建立伙伴关系等办法,加强和改善现有机制,
[...] 并支持各项研究和开发举措,以便满足发展中国家在卫生、 业 、 养 护 、 可持续 利用自然资源和环境管理、能源、林业和气候变化影响等方面的特殊需要
(a ) To strengthen and enhance existing mechanisms and to support initiatives for research and development, including through voluntary partnerships between the public and private sectors, to address the special needs of
developing countries in the areas of health,
[...] agriculture, conservation, sustainable [...]
use of natural resources and environmental
management, energy, forestry and the impact of climate change
戴克澜是科布登中心顾问委员会的成员,是一个经常到谷歌批准的金融新闻频道www.goldmadesimplenews.com,并已开发了行业领先的做法,以消除交易对手风险,如“隔离”黄金(每个客户都有自己的自己单独密封的盒子,在一个独立的库), 业养 老 保 险产品,并显示为主讲嘉宾活动,如FT/投资者纪事黄金论坛和协会会员的退休金计划年度会议。
Declan  is a member of the Cobden Centre Advisory Board, is a regular contributor to the Google Approved Financial News Channel www.goldmadesimplenews.com and has developed industry leading practices to remove counterparty risk, such as 'segregated' gold (where each clients has their own
individual sealed box within an independent
[...] vault), specialist pension products and appears [...]
as guest speaker at events such as
the FT / Investor Chronicle Gold Forum and the Association of Member-directed Pension Schemes annual conference.
在钢管领域,充分运用独自开发的SCM系统“TIMS”(※),在面向石油・天然气公司的油井管业务中,除了提供一体化管理以外,还增加了维修 养业 务 , 构建作为综合服务提供商的全球网络。
In the tubular products business field, the Metal Products Business Unit is involved in a proprietary SCM system called "TIMS*," which includes comprehensive management as well as maintenance and storage, for Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) for oil and gas companies.




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