

单词 养老

养老 ()

enjoy a life in retirement
provide for the elderly (family members)


养老金 pl

pensions pl


look after one's aged parents and arrange proper burial after they die


old-age insurance


(of parents) bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age

See also:

raise (animals)
bring up (children)
give birth
keep (pets)

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity
(of meat etc) tough
venerable (person)

External sources (not reviewed)

养老基金 的目的是推动必要的政府储蓄,以应对今后公 养老 支 出 的迅 速增长,并为石油收入的长期管理提供支助。
The purpose of the
[...] Government Pension Fund is to facilitate Government savings necessary to meet the rapid rise in public pension expenditures in [...]
the coming years, and
to support a long-term management of petroleum revenues.
然而,在私营部门工作的大多数人,退休时得不 养老 金津 贴。
However, most people working in the private
[...] sector do not get pension benefits upon [...]
危地马拉还要求提供关于无证件的移徙者获得保健服务、住房、教育、 工作及社会保健服务,以及关于互 养老 金 制 度的情况。
It also asked for information on access by undocumented migrants
to health services, housing, education, work and social security services, as well
[...] as on the solidarity pension system.
同第一项《国家养恤金保险法》相比,现在养恤金已经指数化 养老 金实 行推迟发放,遗属养恤金比率已经修订,有资格享受遗属养恤金的人员的范 围已经扩大,国家养恤金和提前退 养老 金 在 养 恤 金 领取人继续工作时,也 发给他们。
As compared to the first State Pension Insurance Act, pensions are now indexed, a deferred old-age pension has been introduced, the rate of the survivor’s pension has been revised and the range of persons [...]
entitled to the survivor’s pension has
been extended, and the national pension and the early-retirement pension is paid to pensioners also when they continue to work.
增加养老金的 缴款率是区域一些经济体很可能实 施的另一种办法。
Increasing the pension contribution [...]
rate is another option that is likely to be implemented in some of the region’s economies.
关于纳费公式的变化,总干事代表指出: (i) 总干事有责任为工作人员提供充足的社会
保障制度,包括为符合条件的退休人员提供医疗保险,使他们能继续参加医疗保险基金; (ii) 在大多数联合国组织中,雇员和雇主的缴费比例都是 40/60 ,甚至是
[...] 33/67, 如联合国工 作人员共养老基金 ;(iii) 医疗保险基金总体缴费达到很高的水平,现在应该在一定程度上 [...]
Concerning the change in the contribution formula, the representative of the Director-General recalled that (i) it is the responsibility of the Director-General to offer an adequate system of social security for the staff, including medical insurance for the retirees meeting the conditions to maintain their participation in the Medical Benefits Fund; (ii) in most United Nations organizations the share between the employee and Employer contributions is 40/60 or even
33/67, as is the case in the United
[...] Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund; (iii) the [...]
global MBF contribution is reaching such
a point that the staff and retiree contributions should now be alleviated to a possible extent.
[...] 券市场的资本,稳定房地产市场,支持中小型企业, 并增加对社会边缘群体的社会福利 养老 金 支 付。
Funds had been allocated to recapitalize the major banks and financial securities market, stabilize the housing market, support
small and medium-sized enterprises, and increase social
[...] benefits and pension payments for [...]
socially marginalized groups.
(vi) 任何有关接纳、修订或操作购股权计划 养老 金 或 退休、死亡或伤残福利 计划或其他安排(涉及董事、其联系人士及本公司或其任何附属公司雇员, [...]
且并无给予任何董事或其联系人士任何与涉及该计划或基金的雇员所无的 优待或利益)的建议或安排。
(vi) any proposal or arrangement concerning the
adoption, modification or operation of a
[...] share option scheme, a pension fund or retirement, [...]
death or disability benefits scheme
or other arrangement which relates both to Directors or his associate(s) and to employees of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director, or his associate(s), as such any privilege or advantage not accorded generally to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates.
[...] 只用于支付超出根据《国家养恤金保险法》支付的养恤金的部分,根据《公共服 务法》支付官员的额养老金和 一些其他养恤金补助费。
In some cases, state budget financing is used only for the part which exceeds the pension
paid under the State Pension Insurance Act,
[...] the additional old-age pension paid [...]
to officials under the Public Service Act,
and some other pension supplements.
近五年无需纳税养老金领取者人数增长了一倍;涉及到社会弱势群体,他们没 [...]
They included socially
[...] vulnerable persons who lacked the assets [...]
and income they needed to survive and could not rely on the support of any relatives.
这些改革考虑养老金制 度的今后可持续性和充足性,提高了全 国的退休年龄,旨在确保代际团结和再分配,还旨在改善公共制度所保障的老年 [...]
These reforms consider the future sustainability and
[...] adequacy of the pension system and they [...]
introduce an increase in the national retirement
age, aiming at ensuring intergenerational solidarity and redistribution, and also at improving the old age protections guaranteed by the public system, including an adequate income after retirement.
虽然发达国家有数百万人失去了好工作 养老 金 、 积蓄和房屋,但发 展中国家的穷人的福祉受到的损害更大,尽管他们与危机起因毫无关系,承受重 [...]
While millions of people in developed economies have
[...] lost good jobs, pensions, life savings [...]
and homes, the people living in poverty in
the developing world have been subjected to disproportionate erosions in their well-being even though they did not contribute to the causes of the crises and are the least able to bear the costs of any major shock.
在纳费比例方面,会议上指出:(i) 在大多数联合国组织中,雇员和雇主的缴费比例都 是 40/60,甚至是
[...] 33/67,如联合国工作人员共养老基 金 ;(ii) 医疗保险基金总体缴费达到 [...]
Concerning the change in the contribution formula, it was recalled that (i) in most United Nations organizations the share between the employee and employer contributions is 40/60 or even
33/67, as is the case in the United
[...] Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, (ii) the [...]
global MBF contribution is reaching such
a point that the staff and retiree contributions should now be alleviated to a possible extent.
截至 2012 年,向老年人支付社区照顾金是 养老 金 一 并支付的法定权利。
As of 2012, community care
[...] payments to the elderly are a statutory right paid in conjunction with old age pensions.
瓦克现在可以通过健康服务部为员工 养老 保 险 公司提交康复申请,由此可以加快康复申请的办理速度。
WACKER’s Health Services department can now submit rehabilitation applications on an employee’s behalf, for expedited processing by the insurance system.
南非赞扬东帝汶政府为老年人和弱势群体实施 社会福利计划,通过关于建立战斗人员社 养老 金的立法,以及在社区层面开展劳动力密集型基础设施项 目,从而使较贫困的家庭获得收入。
South Africa commends the Government of Timor-Leste for introducing
social welfare
[...] packages for the aged and the vulnerable and the legislation passed to establish social pensions for combatants, [...]
as well as labour-intensive
infrastructure projects at the community level to inject income into poorer households.
撒哈拉以南非洲国家需要进一步拓宽外来资金的基础,吸引更多类别的投资 者,养老基金 和机构投资者,并扩大公私伙伴关系,以便筹集更多外部融 资。
Sub-Saharan African countries need
to make external
[...] finance more broad-based, attract a broader category of investors, such as pension funds and [...]
institutional investors,
and expand public-private partnerships in order to raise additional external financing.
规模较小 的公司通常会加入集养老基金 会或联合会。
Smaller companies often join
[...] a collective pension foundation or [...]
目前,老年人事务司已经开始养老 院 的情况进行调查和监督,目的是核实 老年人养老院的 生活状况,经过调查,在全国范围内共十六 养老 院 , 其中两 家是私人开设的营利性养老院,两家是政府开办 养老 院 ,还有十二家是非营 利性组织开办养老院,这十二 养老 院 条 件比较差,依靠私人捐赠和慈善组织 的帮助才得以支撑。
The Directorate-General has launched
[...] an inspection and enquiry into the workings of centres for older persons in order to establish the living conditions in such institutions; there are 16 such centres around the country, of which 2 are profit-making private centres, 2 are State-run and 12 are non-profit institutions that care for older persons living in poverty, and which are supported [...]
by private individuals and charities.
如何确定残疾人中的最弱势群体(举例说明),以及为将其 纳入劳动力市场而实施的政策和立法 第 03112/2008-CR
[...] 号法律提案建议修改第 19990 号《国养老 金制 度法》第 65 条之规定,允许雇用领受助养金的残疾孤儿。
Identification of the most vulnerable groups among persons with disabilities (including by providing examples) and policies and legislation in place for their inclusion in the labour market Bill No. 03112/2008/CR
contains proposed amendments to article 65
[...] of National Pensions System Decree-Law [...]
No. 19990 which would provide for the
employment of disabled recipients of orphan’s benefits.
境况艰苦者或残疾者,有社会福利赠款 养老 金 制 度救助。
A system of social welfare grants and pensions is in place to deal with cases of hardship and disability.
实际上,这种法律组织 形式通常在实施首次公开发行的商业计划、
[...] 寻找私募股权/风险投资的投资者,或当法律 要求使用这种形式(例如,银行 养老 基金 和其他金融机构)时采用。
In fact, this legal form is used for business planning IPO, searching for
PE/VC investors or when this form is required by Polish law
[...] (e.g. banks, pension funds and other [...]
financial institutions).
成功的主要因素和保险业的基本状况是:人均收入水平很高、 对安全性的需求极强养老金制 度的结构稳固、保险业中心具有 开放和国际化的网络、监管环境值得信赖、再保险业务具有国际 [...]
The key factors for success and the basic conditions for the insurance industry include a generous per capita income
and a strong need for security, a solidly
[...] structured old age pension system, an [...]
open and internationally networked insurance
centre, a credible regulatory environment and international know-how in the reinsurance business.
为将汇款导向生产部门,塞内加尔为移徙者设计了包括人寿保险、医疗保险养老金在 内的一套银行业务一揽子计划。
In an attempt to channel remittances to productive sectors, Senegal was
developing a banking package for Senegalese migrants that would include life/death
[...] insurance, medical insurance and pensions.
[...] 案,包括有的放矢的收入转移计划、普及保健服务、向老年人发养 老金、 向残疾人以及艾滋病毒携带者和艾滋病患者提供支助。
It also noted that several such programmes were in operation in the region, including targeted
income transfer schemes, universal
[...] health care, pensions for the elderly, and support [...]
for people with disabilities and
people living with HIV and AIDS.
中兴通讯除为员工足额缴纳各项法定社会保险(包括基 养老 保 险 、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险、 失业保险),以及员工按劳动合同规定可享受的法定休假日、带薪年休假等外,中兴通讯还为员工提供商业意外 保险、女职工产前休养假、海外员工年休假及配偶出国探亲假、常驻及出差海外人员的国际急难救助服务、海外 优秀骨干员工家属陪同政策等,解除员工后顾之忧,提高员工生活质量。
In addition to full payment of all statutory social insurances (including retirement insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance) to its employees, and in addition to statutory leave and holidays and annual leave with pay according to labor contracts, ZTE Corporation also provides its employees with commercial accident insurance, maternity leave for female workers before giving birth, overseas employees’ annual leave and home leave to visit families, international first-aid services for stationed and travelling personnel, and accompanying policies for excellent employees overseas to reduce the strees of employees and to improve their living quality.
消除对妇女歧视委员会进一步强调,职业生涯中的性别歧视到老年产生了积 累效应,导致老年女性与男性相比,收入 养老 金 特 别低,或者甚至没 养老 金。
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women further underscores that gender-based discrimination in employment throughout life has a cumulative impact in
old age, forcing older women to face disproportionately
[...] lower incomes and pensions, or even no pension, compared with men.
2008年瓦克的特别拨款以及随后两年企业的良好收益发展形势使瓦 养老 基 金 的经营状况在金融危机之后得到迅速改善。 养老 基 金因此通过了德国金融监管机构BaFin要求的所有压力测试。
Thanks to a special allocation by WACKER in 2008 and the positive development of returns in the subsequent two years, the situation of the pension fund improved quickly after the financial crisis, and the pension fund passed all the stress tests required by Germany’s Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
一家欧洲大型机构投资养老金管理机构(PGGM)对中国公司越来越多地参与“采 [...]
掘业透明度行动倡议”(例如中石油在伊拉克的活动)评价甚高,并与多家中国采掘类 公司取得正式联系,希望他们也能对“采掘业透明度行动倡议”表示“正式支持”。
A major European institutional
[...] investor and pension fund service [...]
provider (Saskia van den Dool-Gietman, Senior Advisor Responsible
Investment, PGGM Investments) values increased Chinese EITI involvement (such as CNPC’s activities in Iraq) and encourages Chinese extractive companies to “formalize their support” for EITI.
关于安全部门改革问题,几内亚比绍通过了必要 的法律文书,并努力建立了一项特 养老 金 , 以便使 部分现役军人和警察人员复员和恢复平民生活,从而 [...]
With respect to security sector reform, GuineaBissau had adopted the necessary legal
instruments and had made efforts to put in
[...] place a special pension fund in order [...]
to demobilize and reintegrate part of the
current military and police personnel into civilian life in order to pave the way for a more professional armed forces.




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