

单词 养父母

See also:


adoptive father
foster father


adoptive mother
foster mother


father n

External sources (not reviewed)

母或收 养家庭在收 养儿童时也必然要经历这一过程,尽管儿童和 养父母 可 能 已经共同生活了一段 时间。
Such a process is also
[...] necessary when step-parents or foster families adopt a child, although the child and the adopting parents may have already [...]
been living together for some time.
截至 2008 年 1 月 1 日,在女员工第一个孩子出生时付给母亲或者在收养 孩子时付养父母的“产妇补助金”为 1 489 新谢克尔(略高于 402 美元)。
As of January 1, 2008, a “maternity grant”
[...] given to a new mother upon the birth of her first baby, or to the adoptive parents upon adoption, [...]
will equal 1,489 NIS (slightly more than $402).
照顾者津贴按月发给因为抚养残疾儿童而无法工作的残疾儿童 父母 或养父母。
Caregiver’s allowance is paid monthly to a
[...] parent or step-parent of a disabled child if the parent or step-parent cannot work [...]
due to raising the child.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终
止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三)
[...] 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权父母-养父母; (五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children
in relation to whom they were
[...] deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, [...]
if they have been deprived of the
education of the children; (v) other cases.
(b) 对养父母和照料孩子的亲属的帮助和支持有限,导致被剥夺家庭环境 的儿童可以获得此种替代照料的机会不足
(b) The limited promotion and
[...] support of foster parents and kinship carers, [...]
which results in the inadequate availability
of such alternatives for children deprived of a family environment
[...] 妹之间、同父异母或同母异父兄弟姐妹之间 养父母 和 养 子 女 之间、同一人收养 的子女之间以及至少有一方因为有限的实际行为能力而一直受到监护的两人之间 [...]
缔结(该法第 4 节第 1-3 条)。
A marriage may not be contracted between persons of whom at least one is already married, between direct ascendants and descendants, brothers and
sisters, half-brothers and
[...] half-sisters, adoptive parents and adopted children, or [...]
between children adopted by the same
person, and between persons of whom at least one has been placed under guardianship due to his or her restricted active legal capacity (§ 4 clause 1–3 of the Act).
然 而,这一切并不排除残疾人的任何可能性,但全面的能力是成为 养父母 或 收养 子女的条件。
However, all this does not exclude the persons with disabilities from
any of the possibilities but full competency is a condition for
[...] becoming a foster parent or for the adoption [...]
of a child.
国家为下述人员缴纳社会税:孩子 3-16 岁,人居住在爱沙尼亚,身有 中度、重度和极重度残疾父母或 养父母 ; 孩 子 16-18 岁,身有重度和极重 度残疾,人居住在爱沙尼亚,没有职业,还没领取国家养恤金 父母 或 养父 母;只 身居住在爱沙尼亚,已经缔结了在家中抚育孩子的父母、监护人或照 料者,和抚养七个或更多 19 岁以下儿童,人居住在爱沙尼亚的父母、监护 人或照料者。
The state pays social tax for a parent or step-parent of a child aged 3–16 and residing in Estonia and having a
moderate, severe or profound
[...] disability or of a child aged 16–18 and having a severe or profound disability if such parent or step-parent resides in Estonia and is not employed and does not receive a national pension, and for [...]
a parent,
guardian or caregiver residing alone in Estonia with whom an agreement of raising a child in the family has been concluded and who raises seven or more children under 19 years old and residing in Estonia.
还有人指出,在发达国家中的儿童教养 院中非裔儿童的比例过高;由于没 养父母 予 以 照料,结果导致他们身份的丧 失。
It was also noted that a disproportionate number of children of African descent remain in
the childcare system in developed countries as
[...] there are no foster parents for them, which [...]
results in a loss of identity.
如果不得不关闭家庭式孤儿院父 母-养父母必须 腾出提供给他们的住房,如果遭到拒绝,可将他们迁出并向他们 [...]
In cases when the family type orphanage
[...] is closed, the parents-adopters must free the [...]
given housing, in case of refusal they
are evacuated and are subsequently offered another living space with utilities.
残疾父母津贴支付金额等于社会补助额的 75%(2007 年为 300
[...] 克朗),按月 发给残疾单身父母,发给独自抚养孩子的残 养父母 , 发给独自抚养孩子的残疾 监护人,发给独自抚养孩子而且已经根据《社会福利法》订立了书面寄养合同的 [...]
16 岁的孩子、或进入基础学校、高级中等学校、职业学 校走读或因为医疗原因而从事其他形式学习、最大 19 岁的孩子的两位残疾配偶 中的一个。
Disabled parent’s allowance is paid in an amount equal to 75% of the social benefit rate (300 kroons in 2007)
and it is paid monthly to a
[...] disabled single parent or to a disabled step-parent who is raising [...]
a child alone or to a disabled
guardian who is raising a child alone or to a disabled person who is raising a child alone and with whom a written foster care contract has been entered into pursuant to the Social Welfare Act or to one of two disabled spouses raising a child of up to 16 years of age or a child of up to 19 years of age who is enrolled in a basic school, upper secondary school or vocational school in daytime study or, for medical reasons, in another form of study.
委员会表示关切的是,养父母有时不必经过一整套正规的选拔和审 核程序便被选为养父母,这 可能违背了儿童的最高利益。
It is concerned that sometimes foster parents are selected as adoptive parents without necessarily going through the whole [...]
regular selection and eligibility process,
potentially affecting the best interests of the child.
(e) 向从事收养工作的专业人员提供培训,包括关于《公约》的培训,使
[...] 他们能满足儿童的需要,并且迅速而有效的执行程序,同时在挑选 养父母 时考 虑儿童的最大利益
(e) Provide training, including on the Convention, for professionals working with adoptions, to enable them to address the needs of children and
apply prompt and effective procedures, taking into account the best interests of the
[...] child for selecting adoptive parents
委员会感到关切的是,存在“秘密”收养的做法,法律允许被领养儿童用养父母的姓 名登记,亦允许隐瞒生身父母的身份,法律不要求保存关于儿童出身 的信息,特别是关于生身父母身份的信息和病史。
The Committee is concerned about the practice of “secret” adoption and that legislation allows for adopted children to be registered
with the names of the
[...] adoptive parents and for the identity of the biological parents not be revealed, [...]
and that the law
does not require the preservation of information concerning the child’s origin, in particular information concerning the identity of the biological parents, as well as the medical history.
(c) 向养父母提供培训、监督和支持,并且鼓励将儿童安置在像家庭一样 的亲密关系中和寄养家庭
(c) Providing training, supervision and
[...] support to foster parents and encouraging [...]
placements of children in family-like kinship and foster care
(a) 加大力度,确保需要替代性照料的儿童被安置在家庭型或寄养家庭的 环境中,而不是安置在机构中;采取措施,增加寄养资源和对 养父母 的 支 持, 以避免儿童被连续安置在公共机构中
(a) Increase its efforts to ensure that children in need of alternative care are placed in family-type and foster family care and not in institutions, and take measures to avoid successive placement of children in public care by, inter alia, increasing the resources for foster care and support of foster parents
(b) 对所有提供替代性照料的专业人员,包 养父母 和 监 管人员进行培 训
(b) Provide training to all professionals working with children in alternative care
[...] settings, including foster parents and supervisors
委员会感到关切的是,第99 号法律(2010年5月25日)和第512
[...] 号政府令 (2003年4月25日) 可能对潜在的养父母或被 收养儿童作出任意的限制,如关 [...]
于健康或残疾情况的限制( 第十条)。
The Committee is concerned that Law 99 (25 May 2010) and Government Decision 512 (25 April 2003)
may impose arbitrary restrictions on
[...] prospective adoptive parents or children, [...]
such as those related to health or disability status (art. 10).
(c) 确保在准备收养期间养父母提供适当的社会支持和咨询意见,并且 帮助被收养儿童融入收养家庭
(c) Ensure the provision of adequate social support and
[...] counselling for adoptive parents in preparation [...]
for the adoption and to help the integration
of the adopted child into the adoptive family
(b) 在收养程序期间很少考虑儿童的最大利益,考虑的重点常常是儿童能
[...] 否满足未来父母的需要和要求而不是充分考虑有关儿童的最大利益; (c) 在准备收养期间以及采取后续行动促进被收养儿童融入收养家父 母,向养父母提供的支持不够
(b) The severe limitations in taking into account the best interests of the child during adoption procedures, with the focus being frequently on the child
being able to meet the needs and
[...] requirements of the prospective parents rather than with [...]
taking into full account the best
interests of the child concerned
(d) 向所有替代照料机构从事儿童工作的专业人员以及 养父母 提 供 培训
(d) Provide training to all professionals working with children in alternative care
[...] settings, as well as foster parents
委员会欢迎对养父母进行 强制培 训以及逐渐提高津贴,但令委员会关切的是,某些类型的 养父母 得 不 到经济支 持。
The Committee welcomes the
[...] fact that foster parents receive mandatory training and receive an increased allowance, but is concerned that some categories of foster parents are not financially [...]
根据儿童保护法,当有人希望成为 养父母 , 或者当有人想领 养一个孩子时,将进行适合性审查(从医疗、心理、环境和生活方式方面)。
Based on the child protection act an aptness examination
is to be conducted when somebody wishes to
[...] become a foster parent or when somebody [...]
wants to adopt a child (from medical, psychological,
environmental and life style aspects).
基金会与地方政府合作,为寄 养家庭装修公寓、提供家具、为 养父母 提 供 补贴、持续的培训及其他杂 费。
The Foundation partners with local governments
to renovate apartments, provide furnishings, a small
[...] stipend for foster parents, ongoing training [...]
and miscellaneous fees.
为鼓励“巫童”重新融入社会, 他们还要求贝宁政府提供更多资源,以提高对这一问题的认识,并支持社会工作
[...] 者和非政府组织已在开展的工作,它们设立接收和培训中心,以使这些儿童重新 与亲生父母建立联系或找养父母。
With a view to encouraging the reintegration of “witch children”, they also ask the Government of Benin to provide additional resources for consciousness-raising campaigns and to support the work already being done by social workers and the NGOs that run reception and training centres
for these children to enable them to re-establish contact with their biological
[...] families or find adoptive parents.25 24.
(未满3 岁的儿童)
[...] 、残疾儿童以及属于少数群体的儿童。通过提供教 育和支持改善子女养育状况, 养父母 和 其 他照料者进行培训,监督和定期审 查,建立儿童申诉机制以及便利家庭团聚等,需要受到优先重视。
Better parenting through education and support, preparation of foster parents [...]
and other carers, supervision and regular
review, complaint mechanisms for children and family reunification need to be given priority.
(b) 为本导则之目的,根据最后收养令,有关儿童从被有效置于 养父母监 护 之下接受照料的那一刻起,即被视同受父母照料。不过,本导则适用于在收养 前或试收养期,将儿童安置于潜在 养父母 那 里的情况,只要他们符合其他相关 国际文书所订立的此类安置相关规定
The Guidelines are,
[...] however, applicable to pre-adoption or probationary placement of a child with the prospective adoptive parents, as far as they are compatible with requirements governing such placements as stipulated in other [...]
relevant international instruments
第二项活动是关于儿童参与问题的互动讨论,由伯利兹、捷克共和国、瑞 典和乌拉圭四国政府主办,并得到了儿童基金 养父母 计 划 国际协会、拯救儿童 组织、荷兰拯救战争中儿童组织的合作。
The second event, an interactive panel on child participation, was organized by the Governments of Belize, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Uruguay, in cooperation with UNICEF, Plan International, Save the Children and War Child Holland.
[...] 预领域是对未成年人的干预,在当事人居住地的管辖法院审理 养 、 父母 责 任 和 抚养费等案件方面,或者在少年法院和实施保护、援助或教育措施方面进行干 预。
One of the most important areas of intervention of the Prosecutor-General’s Department is that of minors, either in respect of the proceedings
brought before the domestic courts in
[...] such cases as adoption, parental responsibility, [...]
alimony or in respect of the Juvenile
Court and the application of protection, assistance or education measures.




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