

单词 养性



cultivate the heart and nurture the character (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation


take care of one's spirit and keep fit [idiom.]

See also:

raise (animals)
bring up (children)
give birth
keep (pets)

External sources (not reviewed)

台风“宝霞”过后,龙龙(即巴托洛梅)被诊断出患有全身 养性 水 肿 ,这是严重 性 营 养 不 良 (SAM)的一种症状。
After Typhoon Bopha, Longlong, as Bartolome is known, was diagnosed with kwashiorkor, a nutritional oedema affecting his whole body that is one of the signs of severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
博纳上光保养剂去除剂可去除防水地板上的上光保养剂及其他 养性 涂 料的残留积累物。
Bona Polish Remover removes build up from
[...] polish and other maintenance coatings on [...]
water resistant floorings.
本清洁剂可与博纳木地板保养剂、博纳上光保养剂及众多其他类型的 养性 涂 料 配合使用。
The cleaner is compatible with Bona Wood Floor Refresher, Bona Polishes and many other types of maintenance coatings.
没有开发新的颜色,但是开发了许多新口味、非 养性 甜 味 剂、浓缩食品提取物以及功能性成分,这些暗示了公众想要购买的东西。
No new colors have been developed, but a multitude of new flavors, non-nutritive sweeteners, concentrated food extracts, and functional ingredients are indicative of what John Q. Public wants to buy.
同样,关于诸如环境 健康、用水和卫生设施、养、性生 育 保健、粮食安全、预防性保健服务、健康 [...]
As well, the implementation of community plans and awareness programmes on areas
such as environmental health, water and
[...] sanitation, nutrition, sexual reproductive [...]
health, food safety, preventive health
services, health research and promotion of public health are ongoing.
天主教教育的主要使命是:以基督为整个教育事业的根基,致力介绍福音启示的基督博爱精神和中华文化的瑰丽精髓,藉以指导生活取向和协助青少年及学生培育智慧、修 养性 、 追 求真理、印证价值,并发展成为崇尚人文价值、身心与灵性健康、富同情心、能履行公民责任、能独立思考、明辨是非、有道德勇气及自力创新的人。
The major mission of Catholic education is as follows: with Christ as the foundation of the whole educational enterprise, to endeavour to present the Christian concept of life according to the Gospel and the invaluable core of Chinese culture, so as to generate human attitudes and help youth and students to cultivate wisdom and virtues, pursue the truth, verify merits and develop into persons who cherish human values and who are sound in body and mind, persons of compassion, and persons with civic responsibility, a discerning mind, moral courage and creativity.
总商会所主办的“中华书法欣赏与学习”班希望学员通过中华国粹书法的学习与欣赏中,能接触更多的中华文化艺术、哲学思想与传统美德,从而修 养性 , 并 提高大家对书法的鉴赏能力和品味水平,同时又缓和与调剂大家的劳累身心。
The SCCCI Chinese Calligraphy Class was formed with the hope to instill interest and appreciation of this profound Chinese art.
通过记录 何时需要保养以及需要那种类型的 养 , 建 立预 性保 养计划 ,然后确定系统检查的定期计划。
Establish a preventive maintenance schedule by recording when and what kind of maintenance is needed, and then determine a regular schedule for checking your system.
作为一个缩小数字和知识鸿沟的重要工具,提高媒介与信息 养 的 重 要 性 不 言自喻, 发达国家和发展中国家对媒介与信息素养的重视程度与日俱增。
The importance of MIL is noted as a key instrument for narrowing both the digital and knowledge divides, and increased importance is being placed on MIL by both developed and developing countries.
关于男女同性恋者和变性人的权利,以及承认同居者和同性伴侣权 利的法律,乌拉圭报告制订了保障这些伴侣权利的 养 法 ,以 及 性 别 认 同法案。
With regard to the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals, and the legislation that recognized the rights of couples cohabiting and couples of the
same sex, Uruguay
[...] reported on the new law on adoption guaranteeing this right for these couples and on the bill on gender identity.
此外,有悠久传统的综合稻田养鱼系统的一些国家正在重新 重点关注复杂稻田生态系统在生物多 性养 护 中 的作用,例 如日本的里山风景行动。
In addition, some countries with a long tradition in integrated rice–fish systems are giving renewed attention to the
complex rice ecosystem with a focus on
[...] its role in biodiversity conservation, as in the [...]
Japanese satoyama landscape initiative.
将与儿童基金会在如下领 域开展合作:(a)加强并监测关于贫困和弱势儿童和妇女获得并使用卫生服务的 政策、标准和战略;(b)降低穷人的保健成本,制订较少依赖自付费用的支付机 制;(c)确保卫生人员具备适当的能力,特别是在偏远贫困地区;(d)完善保健 信息系统,以加强管理、服务提供和资源分配;(e)扩大妇幼保健和 养 服 务的 可性、范围和质量,特别是对贫困人口;以及(f)提高保健品和 养 品 、 药物 和疫苗的可性和可得性。
UNICEF will cooperate in the following areas: (a) improving and monitoring policies, standards and strategies for access to and uptake of health services for poor and vulnerable children and women; (b) reducing health care costs for the poor and developing payment mechanisms less reliant on out-of-pocket expenses; (c) assuring adequate capacity in health human resources, particularly in remote poor areas; (d) improving health information systems to enable
improved governance and performance of services and allocation of resources; (e)
[...] increasing the availability, range and quality of maternal and child health care and nutrition services, especially for the poor; and (f) increasing the reliability and availability of health and nutrition commodities, [...]
drugs and vaccines.
家用空调的泄漏主要 是安装欠妥和缺乏预性养护和 腐蚀造成的。
The leakage rate in the domestic air-conditioning is justified mainly by the poor installation and the lack of preventive maintenance and corrosion.
[...] 其中涉及将太平洋结核矿带的特定区域指定用于进行典型生境和生物多 性养 护; 与保护东北大西洋海洋环境公约委员会建立更密切的合作安排,协调采取管 [...]
为确定在生态和生物方面具有重要意义的海洋区域制定科学标准,并确定包括生 物多样性在内环境影响评估的标准。
This includes: the consideration by the Legal and Technical Commission of a proposal to designate
specific areas within the Pacific nodule
[...] province for the purposes of conserving [...]
representative habitats and biodiversity;
the development of closer cooperative arrangements with the OSPAR Commission in connection with the coordination of management measures to safeguard biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic; and cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity in the development of criteria for the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas and applicable standards for biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact assessment.
全球统计依然缺少:(i)非食用水产养殖产量,包括钓鱼的活饵料、活的观 赏物种(动物和植物)和装饰品(珍珠和贝壳);(ii)用于特定肉 性养 殖 物种 饲料的养殖的鱼类;(iii)用于水产养殖孵化场和养成阶段饵料的许多物种的养殖 生物量(例如浮游动物、卤虫和海洋蠕虫);(iv)用于继续养殖或野外投放的水 产养殖孵化场和育苗场的产量;以及(v)用于养殖的捕捞野生鱼的投入量。
Global statistics are still lacking on: (i) non-food aquaculture production, including live bait for fishing, live ornamental species (animals and plants) and ornamental products (pearls and shells); (ii) fishes cultured as feed for certain carnivorous farmed species; (iii) culture of biomass of many species (such as plankton, Artemia and marine worms) for use as feed in aquaculture hatcheries and grow-out operations; (iv) aquaculture hatchery and nursery outputs for ongrowing in captivity or stocking to the wild; and (v) inputs in terms of captured wild fish ongrown in captivity.
因此,日本认识到大会对促进国家管辖范围以外 海洋生物多样性保护工作的作用,并将继续建设性地 参与不限成员名额非正式特设工作组的工作,以研究 与国家管辖范围以外海洋生物多 性养 护 和 可持续 利用有关的问题,并适当考虑 10 月份在日本爱知县 名古屋市举行的《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十 次会议上通过的决定。
In this context, Japan recognizes the role of the General Assembly in facilitating the protection of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction and will continue to participate in a constructive way in the work of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction, taking duly into account the decisions adopted at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan in October.
迄今为止, 对话的结果是积极的,一些领域已在实施重要决定:公务员养老金制度因偿付能
[...] 力而进行重组;采取措施减少全民医疗保健制度的过大结构性成本上升;私营部 门雇员实行强性养老金制度;改革一般老年养老金。
The results have been positive thus far, and key decisions have been implemented in several areas: the public servants’ pension system was restructured for reasons of solvency, measures were implemented to reduce the excessive, structural cost
increases of the universal health care
[...] system, a mandatory pension was introduced [...]
for private-sector employees, and the General Old Age Pension was reformed.
[...] 传资源和分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书为生物多 性养 护 提供了重要 推动力,同时还保护当地和土著社区对自然资本资产的权利。
The Nagoya Protocol on sharing access to and
benefits of genetic resources affords a
[...] major boost to biodiversity conservation [...]
while at the same time protecting the rights
of local and indigenous communities to natural capital assets.
关于“科技伦理,特别是生物伦理”项下的活动,建议更加重视对广大公众和决策者 进行宣传和提高他们的认识,制订更多的准 性 文 件 、促进伦理教育、利用科技的伦理、能 力养和多学科活动。
As regards activities under the “ethics of science and technology, in particular bioethics”, the suggestion was made to place more emphasis on information and sensitization of the public-at-large and
decision-makers, on the
[...] development of further normative instruments, on the promotion of ethics education, on the ethics of the use of science and technology, capacity-building and [...]
on multidisciplinary action.
在这个项目下,将请各代表团讨论第 59/24 号决议第 73(a)和(b)段提及的问 题,即:回顾联合国和其他相关国际组织过去和现在就国家管辖范围以外区域的 海洋生物多性的养护和 可持续利用问题进行的活动;审查这些问题的科学、技 术、经济、法律、环境、社会经济和其他方面。
Under this item, delegations will be invited to address the issues referred to in paragraph 73 (a) and (b) of General Assembly resolution 59/24, namely: to survey the past and present activities of the United Nations and other relevant international organizations with regard to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction; and to examine the scientific, technical, economic, legal, environmental, socio-economic and other aspects of these issues.
国际林研联 2010-2014 年战略概述了六个主题领域:森 林造福人类;气候变化;森林生物多 性养 护 ;生物能源;森林和水的相互作用; 未来的资源。
The IUFRO 2010-2014 strategy outlined six thematic areas: forests for people; climate change; forest biodiversity conservation; bioenergy; forests and water interactions; and resources for the future.
森林与气候变化;(b) 扭转森林覆盖面丧失的趋势,防
[...] 止所有类型森林的森林退化,防治荒漠化,包括在森林覆盖率低的国家;(c) 森 林与生物多性养护, 包括保护区,将结合森林届会主要任务、以及贯穿各领域 [...]
The deliberations on the specific topics, namely, (a) Forests and climate change; (b) Reversing the loss of forest cover, preventing forest degradation in all types of forests and combating desertification, including in
low forest cover countries; and (c)
[...] Forests and biodiversity conservation, including [...]
protected areas, would be within the
context of the main task of the Forum session as well as the cross-cutting issues and common agenda items as listed in the multi-year programme of work.
在美援署的援助下,萨 尔瓦多有 2 600
[...] 名以上妇女接受了农业培训,以提高效率和确保职业安全;850 名妇女得到贸易和投资支助,以利用多米尼加共和国-中美自由贸易协定带来的 机会;2 155 名妇女接受了自然资源管理和生物多 性养 护 培 训。
With USAID assistance, more than 2,600 women in El Salvador received agricultural training to raise efficiency and ensure occupational safety; 850 women received trade and investment support to take advantage of Dominican Republic-Central America Free
Trade Agreement opportunities; and 2,155
[...] women were trained in natural resources management and biodiversity conservation.
此外,开发署还在有关森林、荒漠化和土地管理、生 物多性养护和 生态系统管理、贫穷与环境、适应气候变化、化学品管理、减少 灾害风险、水资源管理和穷人获得能源等方面的主要国际举措中发挥重要作用。
Moreover, UNDP is an important actor in key international initiatives on forestry, desertification and land management, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, poverty-environment; climate change adaptation, chemicals management, disaster risk reduction, water resources management and energy access for the poor.
如上所述(见第三章“国家的能力建设需求”),包括海洋遗传资源在内的 海洋生物多性养护和 可持续利用的问题和(或)障碍众多。
As identified above (see chapter III on “capacity-building needs of States”), the challenges and obstacles to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity, including marine genetic resources, are numerous.
2010 年 2 月 1 日至 5 日在纽约召开的研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多性 养护和可持续利用问题大会特设不限成员名额非正式工作组会议通过的建议也 强调,能力建设在促进发展中国家特别是通过捐赠基金机制参与海洋科学研究方 面具有重要意义(见 A/65/68,附件一)。
The importance of capacity-building to facilitate the participation of developing countries in marine scientific research, particularly through the mechanism of the Endowment Fund, was also highlighted in the recommendations adopted by the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group of the General Assembly to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction, held in New York from 1 to 5 February 2010 (see A/65/68, annex I).
森林论坛在其第七届会议上,还通过了联合国森林论坛 2007-2015 年期间多 年工作方案3 中要求 2009
[...] 年第八届会议处理“变化环境中的森林”的问题,包 括“森林与生物多性养护” 、“扭转森林覆盖面丧失的趋势,防止所有类型森林 [...]
的森林退化,防治荒漠化,包括在森林覆盖率低的国家”和“森林与气候变化” 这些主题。
At its seventh session the Forum also adopted its multi-year programme of work for the period 2007-2015,3 which calls for the eighth session in 2009 to address “forests in a changing
environment”, including the themes
[...] “forests and biodiversity conservation, including [...]
protected areas”, “reversing the loss
of forest cover, preventing forest degradation in all types of forests and combating desertification, including low forest cover countries”, and “forests and climate change”.
我们注意到大会主持的不限成员名额非正式特设工作组为研究国家管辖 范围以外区域海洋生物多性养护和 可持续利用有关问题正在开展的工作。
We note the ongoing work under the auspices of the General Assembly of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction.
[...] 律制度进行的讨论,并吁请各国根据研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多性 养护和 可持续利用问题不限成员名额非正式特设工作组(“不限成员名额非正式 [...]
特设工作组”)的任务规定,进一步审议这一问题,以期就此问题进一步取得进 展;143.
Notes the discussion on the relevant legal regime on marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction in accordance with the Convention, and calls upon States to further consider this issue in the context of the mandate of the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Informal Working Group to study issues
[...] relating to the conservation and sustainable [...]
use of marine biological diversity beyond
areas of national jurisdiction (“the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group”), with a view to making further progress on this issue
此外,与该法相关的《2000 年环境保护和 生物多性养护条 例》规定,任何需要取得生物资源的项目,必须获得土著人民 的知情同意。
Further, its associated Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations, 2000, state that informed consent must be sought from indigenous peoples if biological resources are to be accessed during a project.




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