

单词 典范

典范 ()



新典范 n

new paradigm n

See also:

standard work of scholarship
be in charge of
mortgage or pawn
literary quotation or allusion

External sources (not reviewed)

此类经验堪称增进和保护人权的良好做法 典范。
Experiences such as these were examples of good practices for the promotion and protection of human rights.
[...] 用于处理修订问题的方法的关注,并指出,一些文本仍不清楚,不知是为政府准备的还 是供在典范围内使用。
Some delegations however expressed concern with the way in which the revision had been handled and indicated
that some texts were still unclear as to whether it was intended for governments or
[...] for use within the context of Codex.
出于明显的原因,我们非常了解他的工作,而且我必 须说,他今天的发言再次充分体现准确、清晰和坦率典范。
For obvious reasons, we know his work well and I must say that what he told us today
[...] was once again a model of precision, clarity [...]
and frankness.
(c) 确认该会议在欧洲区域建立的有效协调机制是其他区域和全球应当效 仿的良典范。
(c) Acknowledged the effective coordination mechanism that the
Conference of European Statisticians has established in the
[...] region as a good model to follow in other [...]
regions and globally.
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚洲议员人口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得的杰出成就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球典范的各 国人口与发展议会委员会,实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b) 为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采取行动;(d) 加强各国议员的知识和能力, 以宣传、倡导并颁布与人口和发展、生殖健康、计划生育、艾滋病毒和艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇女行为有关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population Award selected the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, initiate and adopt legislation on population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, poverty, youth issues, gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
成员 国们表示,该次会议有积极意义,富有成果,可以成为类似会议 典范。
Members agreed that this was a positive and productive experience and
[...] could be a role model for meetings of [...]
similar organs.
虽然《儿童权利公约》的批准进程堪 典范 ,但 仍然必须实施重要的战略,在国家一级妥善执行《儿童权利公约》,并确保制定 [...]
While exemplary in terms of ratification, [...]
an important strategy would be to implement the Convention on the Rights of the
Child appropriately at the national level and to assure that policies are designed so as to realize the right to food of children, a group with particular nutritional needs.
为此,不仅开展了大量调 查,披露了与这一问题相关的违法违规现象并进行了相应惩处,同时也对私人部 门的努力予以认可,树立了相应的行 典范 , 以 营造更具包容性的社会。
Thus, campaigns are being implemented not only to identify violations and impose the relevant sanctions, but also to acknowledge individual efforts and public-spirited actions to promote a more inclusive society.
他的抗争和光典范已经 载入当代历史,并激励 各方人士矢志努力建设一个更加美好的世界;一个更 加平等和公正的世界;一个尊重人权、差异、人人平 等和机会均等的世界;一个各民族和各国普遍相互理 解、精诚团结的世界;一个人人都应享有经济和社会 发展平等权利,而没有这种权利,稳定、和平与民主 就不可能实现的世界;一个没有歧视的世界。
His fight and towering example are imbedded in contemporary history and constitute an inspiration for all those who strive for a better world, a more equal and just world, a world respectful of human rights, of difference, of equality and equal opportunities for all; a world where mutual understanding and active solidarity among peoples and countries should be the rule; a world where everyone should have an equal right to economic and social development, without which stability, peace and democracy cannot thrive; a world free of discrimination.
几年来,塞尔维亚一直与原子能机构密切合作, 根据温萨核退役计划研究所(VIND)项目,为安全存 储目的从塞尔维亚向俄罗斯联邦安全转移 48 公斤辐
[...] 照高浓缩铀——这是在三个关键领域进行多边合作典范:乏 燃料去除;中低级放射性废物管理和大 [...]
For several years, Serbia had been working closely with IAEA to transfer 48 kilograms of irradiated highly enriched uranium from Serbia to the Russian Federation for safe storage under the
Vinča Institute Nuclear Decommissioning
[...] (VIND) project — a model for multilateral cooperation [...]
in three crucial fields: spent
fuel removal; low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste management; and large-scale facility decommissioning.
在中国拥有300多名员工的墨尔本物流公司Linfox,则是澳大利亚物流集团在中国建立业务的又 典范。
With more than 300 employees in China, Melbourne-based logistics company Linfox is another example of an Australian logistics group that has set up in China.
调查委员会虽然被许多人视为此类 机制应如何工作的典范例, 强调资源缺乏,难以任命足够的调查员、律师、军 [...]
The Commission — deemed
[...] by many as a textbook example on how [...]
such a mechanism should work — nevertheless highlighted the
lack of resources to appoint sufficient investigators, lawyers, military analysts and forensic experts as an important constraint.
该项目是 国际援助的一个优典范,因为它为加强国家在受到地 方和地区极大限制和压力的政治环境中的能力立即作出 了贡献。
The project constitutes a good example of international assistance which has contributed directly to reinforcing national capacity in a political environment subjected to considerable local and regional constraints and pressures.
PM 11 启动是整个行业典范,验证了‘同一平台概念’。
The PM 11 start-up is exemplary for the entire industry and confirms the One Platform Concept.
中期评估的目的是确定第二个十年 的目标和目的的实施程度和取得的进展,找出今后加强行动的关键优先领域以及 推动这些优先领域的可能战略,并且找出在(a) 宣传第二个十年和(b) 具体实施 第二个十年的目标和目的方面的“最佳做法 典范。
The objectives of the midterm assessment are to identify the degree of implementation and progress made regarding the goal and objectives of the Second Decade, to identify future key priority areas for strengthened action and possible strategies to promote these priority areas and to identify examples of “good practice” in (a) the promotion of the Second Decade and (b) the specific implementation of the goal and objectives of the Second Decade.
与会者承认,土著人民的主 要挑战是,发展和推广基于《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的发 典范。
The participants recognized that, for indigenous peoples, the compelling challenge was
to develop and promote their paradigms for
[...] development supported by the United [...]
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
[...] 同北约伙伴一起执行的时间虽然短一些,但也有很长时间了,为国际社会中其他 类似关系提供了一典范。
The NATO claims provisions and procedures have been implemented successfully by NATO and its member States for some six decades, in conjunction with NATO partners for a
shorter but significant period of time
[...] and has served as a model for similar relationships [...]
elsewhere in the international community.
在水泥业中,将废物用 作燃料和原料是一个具有前瞻性的正 典范。
Within the cement industry the use of wastes as fuel and raw materials is a positive, forward-thinking example.
就埃尔姆斯-多拉德河口所缔结的各项协定被许 多人认为是在两个国家间无法就边界达成任何协定的情况下处理问题 典范。
The agreements that have been concluded with respect to the Ems-Dollard estuary are regarded by many as exemplary of how to deal with a situation where no agreement concerning a boundary can be reached between two countries.
大会在同一决议的第 11 段中,满意地欢迎由科学和技术小组委员会第四十六届 会议通过并由委员会第五十二届会议核可的《外层空间核动力源应用安全框 架》。8
大会在同一决议的第 12 段中注意到国际原子能机构安全标准委员会已在其 2009 年 4 月第二十五次会议上就《安全框架》达成一致意见,并欢迎小组委员会与
[...] 原子能机构就编拟《安全框架》进行的建设性和高效合作,这是联合国系统内 机构间合作的一个成典范。
In paragraph 11 of the same resolution, the General Assembly welcomed with satisfaction the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space, adopted by the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-sixth session and endorsed by the Committee at its fifty-second session.8 In paragraph 12 of the same resolution, the General Assembly noted that the Commission on Safety Standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency had agreed on the Safety Framework at its twenty-fifth meeting, in April 2009, and welcomed the constructive and efficient cooperation between the Subcommittee and the Agency in the
preparation of the Safety Framework, which was an example
[...] of successful inter-agency cooperation [...]
within the United Nations system.
事实上,该中心正与多家旅行社洽谈有关将其纳入旅游线路的事宜,不久之后就能通过提供导游服务和出售礼品自筹资金,这也是“帮助他人自助”的成 典范。
In fact, talks are under way with travel agencies about including the center on tour routes, so that it will soon be able to help fund itself by offering guided tours and selling gifts – a perfect example of how to help others help themselves.
在随后展开的辩论中,包括来自观察国阿尔及利亚、黎巴嫩和加纳 的代表在内的发言者赞扬委员会由于开展了这个试验项目而提高了 效率,并赞扬惠普公司和孟买教育信托基金所做出的贡献,他们说 这是公司同公共、私营和学术部门进行合作的一个良 典范。
Speakers in the ensuing debate, including those from observer States Algeria, Lebanon and Ghana, applauded the increased efficiency of the Committee because of the pilot project, as well as the contributions made by Hewlett Packard and the Mumbai Educational Trust, which they characterized as a good example of cooperation between the public, private and academic sector.
这些都是 创新性合作模式典范,今 后能够且必须借鉴这典 范,但前提是作出必要的改进。
Those are examples of innovative models of cooperation, which can and must be drawn upon in the future, provided that the necessary improvements are made.
在将残疾问题纳入国家公共议程并将关爱残疾人 典范 做 法予以推广方面, 一项具有决定性意义的成果就是颁布了第 498-2009-MIMDES 号部长决议,重申 了对帮助残疾人融入社会利国利民这一理论的认可。
Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009-MIMDES establishing the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities has made a decisive contribution to placing disability rights on the public agenda in Peru and promoting good practice with respect to persons with disabilities.
她相信该小组必会成为未来一体行动倡 议的一个有用典范。
She believed that the Cluster could be a useful paradigm for future delivering-as-one initiatives.
2002 年的《蒙特雷共识》和 2008 年的《多哈宣言》是融资合作典范 ,尽管其对实现千年发展目标的作用并不十分有效,原因是经常不能充分履行承诺, 而且未涵盖千年发展目标气候影响筹资。
The Monterrey Consensus of 2002 and the Doha Declaration of 2008 are examples of financing cooperation, though they will not be very effective for accomplishing the Millennium Development Goals because pledges are often not fully fulfilled and the financing of the climate impacts of the Millennium Development Goals is not included.
他重申共同提案国赞扬新西兰随时准备同特别委员会合作 及其在协助托克劳人民争取实现自决方面堪 典范 的 努 力。
He reiterated the co-sponsors’ commendation of New Zealand’s readiness to cooperate with the Special Committee and its exemplary efforts in assisting the people of Tokelau in their endeavours to realize self-determination.
英联邦科学和工业研究组织与联合国信息和通信技术厅及澳大利亚国际开 发署一起,一直在与澳大拉西亚地名委员会和印度尼西亚国家地理空间信息机构
[...] (Badan Informasi Geospasial)合作,试制可以用作全 典范 的 地 名录框架,充 当全球都可使用的经久基础设施。
In partnership with the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Australian Agency for International Development, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization has been working with the Committee for Geographic Names of Australasia and the Indonesian National Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial) to pilot
a gazetteer framework, which can be used
[...] as global best practice and as a globally accessible persistent [...]
该项目(恢复渔业经济的研究)的结果是用于帮助政策制定者 在恢复的努力中的一套原则和准则,考虑了经济和机制方面的问题42 。这些可操
[...] 作的以及基于证据的原则和准则的目的是确保恢复计划是良好治理 典范 , 包 含 规则和进程的包容性、授予权力、透明、灵活和可预先性。
The outcome of this project, the study The Economics of Rebuilding Fisheries, is a set of principles and guidelines that help policy-makers in their rebuilding efforts, taking into account the economic and institutional aspects.42 These practical and evidence-based principles and guidelines aim to ensure that
rebuilding plans are examples of good
[...] governance, which implies inclusiveness, [...]
empowerment, transparency, flexibility and
predictable sets of rules and processes.
例如, 美 国 的 “伟 大 地 方 ”倡 议 每 年 都 识 别 具典 范 特征 、质量和规划的地方——突出那些展示着巨大 的文化与历史价值、社区参与以及“明日远景”的 地方。
The American ‘Great Places’ initiative, for example, annually identifies places with exemplary character, quality, and planning – distinguishing places that demonstrate significant cultural and historical interest, community involvement and a ‘vision for tomorrow’.




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