

单词 具齿


具小齿 adj

denticulate adj

具牙齿 adj

dentate adj

具圆齿 adj

crenate adj

具细齿 n

denticulate n

External sources (not reviewed)

所谓的双偏心原理分离了张紧和阻尼功能的公差补偿系统,并能满足 具 体 齿 形 带 传动的精确调整要求。
The so-called double eccentric principle separates the tensioning and damping functions of
the tolerance compensation system and can be precisely adjusted to the
[...] requirements of the specific toothed belt drive.
颖片无毛,滤波或粗糙; 更低的颖片2.5-3.5毫米,3-5脉; 上面颖片倍于小穗,5脉;
[...] 雄蕊花的下部的小花,倍于更低的颖片; 上面小花2.5-3毫米,外稃先具小齿 , 具 芒; 用棕色的盘旋的柱子,2-5毫米膝曲的芒; [...]
Spikelets 3.5–4 mm, yellowish green orpurplish; glumes glabrous, smooth or midvein scabrid; lower glume 2.5–3.5 mm, 3–5-veined; upper glume as long as spikelet, 5-veined; lower floret staminate, as
long as lower glume; upper floret 2.5–3
[...] mm, lemma apex 2-denticulate, awned; awn geniculate [...]
with brown twisted column, 2–5
mm; callus hairs 1/4–1/3 length of lemma.
基部和中间的茎生叶化合物,具2或3对侧生小叶; 叶柄0.5-1.5厘米; 小叶薄纸质,卵形的或椭圆形, 1-4 * 0.8-1.7 厘米,具短硬毛,基部钝或楔形,边缘钝 齿具 短 尖,先端锐尖的齿; 小叶柄到5毫米; 小的最上部的茎生叶具更少齿和侧 生小叶。
Basal and median cauline leaves compound, with 2 or 3 pairs of lateral leaflets; petiole 0.5-1.5 cm; leaflets thin papery, ovate or elliptic, 1-4 × 0.8-1.7 cm, hispidulous, base
obtuse or cuneate, margin
[...] obtusely dentate with the teeth mucronate, apex acute; petiolule to 5 mm; uppermost cauline leaves smaller, with fewer teeth and lateral leaflets.
通过使用双面滚动检测仪,所有必要的参数都是已知的;这样,机床就能自动计算出最理想的Xu值,使得 具 和 齿 轮 能 一对一地保持良好的接触,确保每个齿轮按优化值进行加工。
By using the double flank tester, all necessary parameters are known; allowing the machine to automatically calculate the optimal Xu value
which enables the proper
[...] contacts between tool and gear on an individual basis, ensuring every gear is machined [...]
with an optimized value.
所谓的单偏心原理简化了装配线上和工作过程中张紧系统的安装,并能满足 具 体 齿 形 带 传动的精确调整要求。
The so-called single eccentric principle simplifies fitting of the tensioning system on
the assembly line and during service and can be precisely adjusted to the
[...] requirements of the specific toothed belt drive.
具的棘齿机构 中只有三个活动部件。
The Hydraulic Torque tool has only three moving [...]
parts in the ratchet mechanism.
带有Z51性能组件的变速器包具有 特定 密 齿 轮 比 的传动装置,有助于获得更刺激的驾驶体验。
The transmission with the Z51 Performance
[...] Package includes specific close-ratio gearing for more aggressive [...]
具有Brüel & Kjær齿轮箱 测试系统在手,一旦出现问题,你能确保进行快速准确的故障诊断。
With Brüel & Kjær’s gearbox test system at hand, [...]
you can ensure quick and precise fault diagnosis in the field as issues arise.
528XB还配有灵活的中置伸展器,后 具 有 可 收缩 齿 轮 支柱可咬合每个预设位置,以便快速打开三脚架。
The 528XB includes a versatile mid-level spreader, which has telescopic ''ratchet'' braces that click into place in each of the preset positions for faster deployment.
具有一个精齿轮齿条横 向驱动,无反冲变速箱,交流伺服电机和伺服放大器。
It features a transverse drive with precision rack and pinion, zero-backlash gearbox, AC motors and digital amplifiers.
圣戈班磨料磨具能为木工具、锯齿 修 磨 等加工提供NORTON和WINTER品牌的各种产品,如陶瓷结合剂和树脂结合剂普通砂轮、油石,以及用于修整硬质合金钢和高速钢刀具的超硬材料磨具(如金刚石和立方氮化硼CBN砂轮)。
Saint-Gobain Abrasives can provide various NORTON
and WINTER products used for the wood
[...] cutting and saw sharpening. These products include [...]
vitrified and organic bond grinding
wheels, sharpening stone and superabrasives (e.g. diamond and CBN grinding wheels) used for sharpening carbide steel and high-speed steel cutting tools.
该公司成立于 1943 年,为诸多应用提供高质量压铸冲模部件,包括电气用品、办公自动化、工业设备、建筑行业及汽车行业 具 , 生 产 齿 轮 箱 体及气缸体。
Formed in 1943, it supplies high quality die cast components for a wide variety of applications including electrical appliances,
office automation,
[...] industrial machinery, tools for the building industry, and the automotive sector, producing parts such as gearbox casings and [...]
cylinder blocks.
格里森引进了一系列新的Opti-Form®珩磨轮,可减少初始修整时间达50%,同时又能提高珩磨轮和修形标 齿 轮 的 刀 具 寿 命
Gleason has introduced a new series of Opti-Form®  honing wheels that reduce the time typically required to perform the initial dressing time by as
much as 50%, while at the same time
[...] improving both the tool life of the honing wheel and the master gear used for dressing.
这些工具由四种具构成,具有内置 齿 轮 传 动装置,使得螺母能够迅速降低运转速度,同时还采纳了海卓泰特荣获专利的真空缩回机构来加快滑块缩回和拆卸的速度。
Made up of four tool segments, the tools have a built-in gear drive for rapid [...]
nut run down, and incorporate Hydratight’s
patented vacuum retract mechanism which helps to speed up ram retraction and disassembly.
Purslane, native to India, has thick, fleshy [...]
stalks and leaves and so is classed as a succulent.
格罗茨-贝克特能提具有各种钩齿大 小、 钩 齿 种 类 、工作段细度以及工作段横截面的刺针,因此格罗茨-贝克特能为所有针刺过滤材料提供理想的用针。
The availability of a wide choice of suitable needles which vary in terms of their barb size, barb shape, working part fineness and working part cross-section allows Groz-Beckert to offer the ideal felting needle for all needled filter media.
具有双轴承的皮带轮、平稳运动齿 形 带 和 具 有 抗 震特征的编码器安装机构,保证了系统安静平稳的运行。
Belt pulleys with duplex
[...] bearings, smooth-running toothed belts and a vibration-resistant encoder mounting fixture guarantee [...]
very quiet, smooth operation of the system.
所有的1号三脚架(不齿轮版)如今 具 有 第 三个超低的脚管伸展角度,利用地置套装可伸展到离地面极近的位置。
All series 1 tripods (geared version excluded) now feature a new third ultra low leg spread for ultra low ground position to take full advantage of the Ground Level Set.
具备完整的刀具和精密齿轮的 检测条件,包括各种精密检测设备、专用检测设备等120余台(套),其中有德国LEITZ [...]
PMM12106三坐标测量机一台,德国KLINGELNBERG PWF-250滚刀检测仪一台,国产GDY-250滚刀检测仪一台,
3004B齿轮检测仪一台,美国M&M精密系统公司 M&M3515一台,瑞士MAAG SP-60齿轮检测仪一台,德国OPTON 万能工具显微镜两台。
Having complete testing facilities for bit
[...] measure and precision bearing, including more than [...]
120 precision testing and specialised
testing equipment of various types, such as one German Leitz PMM12106 three-coordinate testing machine, one German Klingelnberg PWF-250 testing instrument, one Chinese GDY-250 Hob testing instrument, one 3004B bearing testing instrument, US M&M Precision System  M&M3515, one Swedish MAAG SP-60 Bearing testing instrument, and two German Opton all-purpose tool microscopes.
无梗小穗约7毫米; 近尖的胼胝体,1.3-1.7毫米,具髯毛具金色毛,斜着生分枝先端;
更低的颖片狭长圆形,沿着inturned 侧面具刺具瘤,有时具短硬毛在先端,先端截形或2齿;
[...] 在龙骨状向先端,awnless,短尖或具上具糙硬毛的上面颖片一可达10毫米; 上面外稃微小的2齿,具芒; 膝曲的芒,1.2-3.5厘米,被微柔毛的柱子。
Sessile spikelet ca. 7 mm; callus subacute, 1.3–1.7 mm, bearded with golden hairs, obliquely attached to branch apex; lower glume narrowly oblong, tuberculate-spinose along inturned flanks, sometimes hispidulous at apex, apex truncate or 2-toothed; upper glume hispid on keel toward apex, awnless,
mucronate or with an awn up to 10 mm; upper
[...] lemma minutely 2-toothed, awned; awn geniculate, [...]
1.2–3.5 cm, column puberulous.
它的触变性能可以防止材料流入齿 之 间, 并 具 有 极高最终硬度(肖氏D强度-69, 或Barcol [...]
Its thixotropic properties prevent the material [...]
from running into interdental spaces, and its superior final hardness (Shore
D-69, or Barcol 25) eliminates compression or flexing when mounted to facilitate precise bite registrations.
叶2或3羽状复叶(上面叶通常单生);叶柄2-15厘米; 小叶柄1-5毫米; 小叶3-9
每羽片,宽卵形, 1-3.5 * 1-2 厘米,膜状体,背面在脉上稍具柔毛到脱落无毛, 正面无毛到有点具柔毛粗糙, 次脉4或者5 对,近明显,
[...] 第三脉近明显背面,基部心形到钝,边缘深锐裂和重 齿 ( 齿具 刚 毛 ,渐尖),顶生小叶先端长渐尖,侧生小叶通常钝。
Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately compound (upper leaves often simple); petiole 2-15 cm; petiolules 1-5 mm; leaflets 3-9 per pinna, broadly ovate, 1-3.5 × 1-2 cm, membranous, abaxially slightly pilose to glabrescent on veins, adaxially glabrous to slightly pilose-scabrid, secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs, subconspicuous, tertiary veins subconspicuous abaxially, base
cordate to obtuse, margin deeply
[...] incised and biserrate (teeth setose, acuminate), [...]
apex of terminal leaflets long acuminate,
lateral leaflets often obtuse.
齿轮箱 输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 [...]
下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。
The output
[...] shaft of the gearbox and the connecting [...]
rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when
the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping).
它的突出优势包括:利用中心力传递能以机电方式设置磨浆间隙;磨 齿 、 槽 外形 具 有 最 大的运行灵活性;盘式磨浆机的液压保护功能可确保均匀的磨片磨损。
E. It is characterized by electro-mechanical setting of the refining gap with
central force transmission, the
[...] greatest possible flexibility with groove and knife geometry, [...]
and uniform fitting wear due to
hydraulic limiting factors in the disk refiner.
齿轮组 可留在电动机的前端盖内,也可留 在驱动室内。
Gear cluster may stay engaged [...]
in motor front end bell or drive housing.
另外还备有车螺纹或齿加工 等支持功 能,可有效支持用车床进行的各种加工。
There are also other options for
[...] threading and hobbing, providing powerful [...]
support for many lathe users.
公司现主要生产银焊片,用于大理石加工业中金刚石与基体的焊接,熔点底,抗拉强度高,质量可靠,广泛应用于大理石、金刚石,制冷、硬质合金、眼镜 齿 科 、 卫生 具 、 首 饰、造船、汽车、电器、电子电力、建材、灯饰、交通、钻探、采掘、工具等领域,我们愿以优良的产品质量,先进的技术性能,完善的售后服务与您取得良好的合作关系,共同进步,共同发展。
The company presently mainly produces the silver soldering lug,Uses in the marble processing industry the diamond and the substrate welding, the melting point bottom, the tensile strength is high, the quality is reliable, widely applies in the marble, the
diamond, domains and so on
[...] refrigeration, hard alloy, eyeglasses, dental faculty, hygienic [...]
sanitary equipment, jewelry,
shipbuilding, automobile, electric appliance, electronic electric power, building materials, decorative lighting, transportation, drilling, excavation, tool,We hope by the fine product quality, the advanced technical performance, the consummation post-sale service obtains the good cooperation with you, progresses together, communal development.
另外,在12000台以上的交货业绩基础上经过不断完善, 齿 轮 驱 动的 具 座 相 比,振动可控制在1/3以下、 刀具座温度上升控制在1/10以下,在精度方面也实现大幅改进提高。
In addition, the “maturity” resulting from delivery of 12,000
units has enabled a substantial
[...] improvement in terms of accuracy; vibration in the turret [...]
is reduced to less than one-third
and the turret temperature rise to less than one-tenth of those of a gear-driven turret.




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