

单词 具柔毛

See also:


soft adj
supple adj

rho (Greek letter Ρρ)


hairs pl
hair n
wool n
feather n
mold n
mildew n

External sources (not reviewed)

半圆形,草本的托叶,空白边粗尖锐切成锯齿状或者有叶; 叶具柔毛的和短柔毛; 叶片间断的奇数羽状的具3-5对小叶,在最上部的叶具1或2 对上; 小叶无柄或偶有短具小叶柄,椭圆形,长圆形,或倒卵形椭圆形, 2-7 * 1.5-4 厘米,背具短柔毛和具柔毛,正 面贴 具柔毛 , 基部圆形或宽楔形,边缘具粗圆齿,先端钝或锐尖。
Stipules semiorbicular, herbaceous, margin coarsely acutely serrate or lobed; petiole pilose and pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with 3–5 pairs of leaflets, on uppermost leaves with 1 or 2 pairs; leaflets sessile or occasionally shortly petiolulate, elliptic, oblong, or obovate-elliptic, 2–7 × 1.5–4 cm, abaxially pubescent and pilose, adaxially appressed pilose, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin coarsely crenate, apex obtuse or acute.
[...] 更低的小花倍于颖片,不育,只由外稃组成,在背面 具柔毛 浓 密贴伏,先端2裂; 外稃具芒生于中间,直的芒,等长外稃身体的首先; [...]
从凹缺那里深深2裂,具芒的第二外稃,直线; 两性的小花少于1/2段颖片,平滑,发亮; 花药长约3毫米。
Spikelets obovate, ca. 3 mm; glumes subequal, ovate, pale with green keel, 3-veined, sparsely setose, apex acute; lower florets as long as
glumes, sterile, composed only of lemmas,
[...] densely appressed-pilose on back, apex 2-lobed; [...]
first lemma with awn arising from
middle, awn straight, equaling lemma body; second lemma deeply bifid, awned from sinus, awn straight; bisexual floret less than 1/2 length of glumes, smooth, shiny; anthers ca. 3 mm.
叶32-120厘米; 叶柄5.5-20厘米,毛或具柔毛; 经常带红色的轴,毛或具柔毛; 通常的小叶8-20 对; 小叶柄3-9毫米,后脱落; 小叶叶片狭披针形到线状披针形, 11-22 * 3-5.6 厘米,毛或具柔毛,特 别在中脉和次脉毛密,具棍状腺毛,正面中脉、叶轴和小叶柄连接处明显,基部不对称,边缘有锯齿,有细锯齿,或很少全缘。
Leaves 32-120 cm; petiole 5.5-20
[...] cm, glabrous or pilose; rachis often reddish, glabrous or pilose; leaflets usually 8-20 pairs; petiolules 3-9 mm, glabrescent; leaflet blades narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 11-22 × 3-5.6 cm, glabrous or pilose especially on midvein [...]
and secondary veins,
with club-shaped glandular trichomes conspicuous on adaxial midvein areas and junction between leaf rachis and petiolules, base asymmetric, margin serrate, serrulate, or rarely entire, apex acuminate.
纤维状,平滑的叶鞘膜质或,但是有时有毛的下部叶的那些; 叶舌0.2-0.6毫米,膜; 叶耳通常无; 叶片苍绿色,平, 6-15 *
[...] 0.3-0.8(-1) 厘米,硬,两面粗糙的或正具柔毛。
Leaf sheath membranous or fibrous, smooth, but those of lower leaves sometimes hairy; ligule 0.2–0.6 mm, membranous; auricles usually
absent; leaf blade glaucous green, flat, 6–15 × 0.3–0.8(–1) cm, stiff, both surfaces scabrous
[...] or adaxial surface pilose.
花冠黄或绿色具紫色斑点,(2.3-)4.3-4.9厘米,(4-)5.5宽近基部-7毫米; 均匀染色的筒部,2-3.4毫米宽,逐渐增加到(6-)宽在喉部9-12毫米,在外面; 裂片(0.7-)1.4-2.5厘米,恰好在贱上面强烈外卷,宽, 外部副花冠裂片三角形具柔毛; 内 部裂片线形,稍膨大的向先端,钝,无毛,两倍倍于外部。
Corolla yellow or green with purple markings, (2.3-) 4.3-4.9 cm, (4-)5.5-7 mm wide near base; tube uniformly colored, 2-3.4 mm wide, increasing gradually to (6-)9-12 mm wide at throat, glabrous outside; lobes (0.7-) 1.4-2.5 cm, strongly revolute, widest just above base, erect with strongly incurved tip, base pale with fine dark veins, apical part dark, densely pubescent, puberulent inside.
叶柄1-3厘米,纤细,柔毛,具长 柔毛 , 具 柄 腺 体; 叶片宽卵形,长圆形,或长圆形倒卵形, 6-12 * 4-9 厘米,背面具柔毛的特 别是沿脉,正 具柔毛 或 无 毛,基部心形,边缘不规则和有粗锯齿,浅裂在中部以上,先端短尖的渐尖的或尾状; 侧脉9或10在中脉两边各。
Petiole 1-3 cm, slender, pubescent, villous, stipitate glandular; leaf blade broadly ovate, oblong, or oblong-obovate, 6-12 × 4-9 cm, abaxially pilose especially along veins, adaxially pilose or glabrous, base cordate, margin irregularly and coarsely serrate, lobed above middle, apex mucronate-acuminate or caudate; lateral veins 9 or 10 on each side of midvein.
叶子全部基生;托叶三角形; 叶柄5-19厘米,长硬毛状柔毛或疏生长柔毛;
叶片正面在脉间或接近脉的角上通常粉黄绿到白色,斜卵形或近圆形, 5-20 * 4-13 厘米,
[...] 通常有角度地浅裂, 背面的稀少或者适中多毛的在脉上,正 具柔毛 , 稀 少被绒毛,或者非常稀少微糙,基部5或6脉,第三脉细,随机网状,基部深心形,边缘细齿或细圆齿,先端渐尖或锐尖。
Leaves all basal; stipules triangular; petiole 5-19 cm, hirsute-villous or sparsely villous; blade adaxially often pale green to white on angles between or near veins, obliquely ovate or suborbicular, 5-20 × 4-13 cm, often angularly
shallowly lobed, abaxially sparsely or
[...] moderately hirsute on veins, adaxially pilose, sparsely [...]
tomentose, or very sparsely scaberulous,
basally 5- or 6-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base deeply cordate, margin denticulate or crenulate, apex acuminate or acute.
小穗宽长圆形,5-6毫米; 近等长的颖片,倍于小穗,下部1-3脉,上面3-5脉; 雄蕊花的下部小花,外稃粗糙短毛 在 背 ,具糙硬毛的向先端,边缘具缘毛上; 首先有1-3毫米,直的近尖端的芒微缺的外稃; 第二外稃2半裂至中部或下部,从凹缺那里具芒,身体虚弱膝曲,4-7毫米; 两性的小花约4毫米具柔毛的向 先端; 内稃1脉,沿着静脉的上半部分具短缘毛; 花药长约2.5毫米。
Spikelets broadly oblong, 5–6 mm; glumes subequal, as long as spikelet, lower 1–3-veined, upper 3–5-veined; lower florets staminate, lemmas
scabrid-pubescent on back, hispid toward apex,
[...] margins ciliate; first lemma emarginate with 1–3 mm, straight subapical awn; second lemma 2-cleft to middle or below, awned from sinus, awn weakly geniculate, 4–7 mm; bisexual floret ca. 4 mm, pilose toward apex; palea 1-veined, ciliolate along upper part of vein; anthers ca. 2.5 mm.
具长柔毛或无毛; 叶片宽线形, 10-30 * 1-2 厘米,稀具柔毛或近 无毛; 叶舌膜状体,1-1.3毫米开花轴7-20厘米; 总状花序10-20,5-15厘米,单身,配对归类的或; 轴狭窄,飞行,粗糙; [...]
配对或的小穗单个在上半部分的总状花序,在短次生上有时在不整洁或排内总状花序在下部; 花梗通常具刚毛。
Inflorescence axis 7–20 cm; racemes
10–20, 5–15
[...] cm, single, paired or grouped; rachis narrow, winged, scabrous; spikelets paired or single in upper [...]
part of raceme,
in untidy rows or sometimes on short secondary branchlets in lower part of raceme; pedicels usually setose.
小穗披针形,那么通常不同; 更低的小穗无毛,上面的小穗短柔毛; 更下部的颖片很小,0.4毫米的几乎无或可达,2裂的三角形或,; 披针形的上面颖片,大约小穗长度,3脉 具柔毛; 更 低的外稃倍于小穗,7脉, 更低的小穗具等距离的脉, 在中脉的两边上的上面小穗具宽无毛的空间, 淡黄的上面外稃,稍短于小穗。
Spikelets lanceolate, ca. 3 mm, those of a pair usually different; lower spikelet glabrous, upper spikelet pubescent; lower glume very small, almost absent or up to 0.4 mm, triangular or bifid, veinless; upper glume lanceolate,
ca. 2/3 length of
[...] spikelet, 3-veined, pilose; lower lemma as long as spikelet, 7-veined, lower spikelet with equidistant veins, upper spikelet with wider glabrous interspaces [...]
on either side of midvein,
lateral veins crowded near margins, rows of silky hairs between lateral veins, usually also setose, the hairs spreading halo-like at maturity; upper lemma yellowish, slightly shorter than spikelet.
每苞片内雄花1到多数;萼片(2或者)3或4,镊合状,在芽中关闭; 花瓣无;雄蕊(10-)20-30(-200); 花丝离生
[...] 花药基着,2室的,几乎离生,直立的囊;近雄蕊的的腺体很多,短,直立, 具柔毛 ; 无 退化雌蕊。
Male flowers 1 to many per bract; sepals (2 or)3 or 4, valvate, closed in bud; petals absent; stamens (10-)20-30(-200); filaments free; anthers
basifixed, 2-locular, theca almost free, erect; juxtastaminal glands many,
[...] short, erect, apex pilose; pistillode absent.
根状茎5-8毫米直径叶6-8; 叶柄3-10厘米; 叶片卵形 2-3.2 * 1.2-3.2 厘米,具3小叶具柔毛的背 面稀疏,正面无毛,基部楔形; 侧生小叶具小叶柄,分为3 裂片,裂片更进一步裂;中心小叶具小叶柄,具柄的宽卵形,3浅裂,中心裂片和3深裂; 0.8-1.5毫米宽,末级裂片披针形,2或3齿。
Leaves 6--8; petiole 3--10 cm; leaf blade ovate, 2--3.2 × 1.2--3.2 cm, 3-foliolate, abaxially sparsely pilose, adaxially glabrous, base cuneate; lateral leaflets petiolulate, divided into three segments, segments further lobed; central leaflet petiolulate, broadly ovate, 3-lobed, central segment stipitate and deeply 3-lobed; ultimate lobes lanceolate, 0.8--1.5 mm wide, apically 2- or 3-toothed.
叶互生或近对生,在小枝尖聚生;1-2.4厘米的叶柄,先端或者叶片基部没有腺体;叶片绿色背面,深绿色正面,长圆状椭圆形到宽椭圆形,卵形,倒卵形,或有时近圆形的, 4-11 * 2.5-5.5 厘米, 具腺体近的边缘,无毛,在中脉上被微 毛 , 或 背面 具柔毛 幼 时 ,基部截形,圆形或钝,先端短尖或渐尖,很少微凹;侧脉在方面(6-)8-10 对。
Leaves alternate or subopposite, grouped at apices of branchlets; petiole 1-2.4 cm, apex (or leaf blade base) without glands; leaf blade green abaxially, deep green adaxially, oblong-elliptic to broadly elliptic, ovate, obovate, or sometimes suborbicular, 4-11 × 2.5-5.5 cm, with glands near margin, glabrous, puberulous on midvein, or abaxially thinly pilose when young, base truncate, rounded, or obtuse, apex mucronate or acuminate, rarely retuse; lateral veins in (6-)8-10 pairs.
叶2或3羽状复叶(上面叶通常单生);叶柄2-15厘米; 小叶柄1-5毫米; 小叶3-9 每羽片,宽卵形, 1-3.5 * 1-2 厘米,膜状体,背面在脉上具柔毛 到 脱 落无毛, 正面无毛到有具柔毛粗糙 , 次脉4或者5 对,近明显, 第三脉近明显背面,基部心形到钝,边缘深锐裂和重锯齿(齿具刚毛,渐尖),顶生小叶先端长渐尖,侧生小叶通常钝。
Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately compound (upper leaves often simple); petiole 2-15 cm; petiolules 1-5 mm; leaflets 3-9 per pinna, broadly ovate, 1-3.5 × 1-2 cm, membranous, abaxially slightly pilose to glabrescent on veins, adaxially glabrous to slightly pilose-scabrid, secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs, subconspicuous, tertiary veins subconspicuous abaxially, base cordate to obtuse, margin deeply incised and biserrate (teeth setose, acuminate), apex of terminal leaflets long acuminate, lateral leaflets often obtuse.
茎生叶4-7,包括叶柄(8-)10-20(-25)厘米; 叶柄(1-)2-8(-10)厘米,并非耳形在基部; 顶生小叶披针形,椭圆形,到卵形椭圆, ( 3-)4-9(-13) * (0.6-)1-3.5(-4) 厘米, 或者被柔毛的具短糙伏毛的正面, 背面具柔毛的或 更长具糙伏毛, 具一小叶柄5-13(-20)毫米, 很少,侧生小叶2或3 对最上部的叶,类似于顶生的那个,小,无梗,有时偏斜的基部楔形或。
Cauline leaves 4-7, including petiole (8-)10-20(-25) cm; petiole (1-)2-8(-10) cm, not auriculate at base; terminal leaflet lanceolate, elliptic, to ovate-elliptic, (3-)4-9(-13) × (0.6-)1-3.5(-4) cm, adaxially shortly strigose or puberulent, abaxially pilose or long strigose, with a petiolule 5-13(-20) mm, base cuneate, margin antrorsely ciliate and irregularly serrate, doubly serrate, or subdentate, apex acuminate or rarely acute; lateral leaflets 2 or 3 pairs, rarely uppermost leaf trifoliolate, similar to terminal one, smaller, sessile, base cuneate or sometimes oblique.
通常的叶鞘棕色或带紫色在基部,对密被短柔毛平滑; 叶舌1-2毫米,膜; 叶片有白霜,平的或内卷, 10-30 * 0.3-0.8 厘米,平滑到微柔毛,粗糙,被微柔毛的正面的背面,有 具柔毛 的 或
Leaf sheath usually brown or purplish at base, smooth to densely pubescent; ligule 1–2 mm, membranous; leaf blade glaucous, flat or involute, 10–30 × 0.3–0.8 cm, abaxial surface smooth to puberulent, adaxial surface scabrous, puberulent, or sometimes pilose.
叶全部茎生; 叶鞘通常长比节间,粗糙或具柔毛 在 叶 颈; 叶片线形披针形,平, 10-35 * 1-2 厘米,微糙或特别是在背面,好渐尖的基部渐狭,先端; 叶舌0.5-2毫米,削去,啮蚀状。
Leaves all cauline; leaf sheaths usually
longer than
[...] internodes, scabrid or puberulous, pilose at collar; leaf blades linear-lanceolate, flat, 10–35 × 1–2 cm, scaberulous or puberulous especially on [...]
abaxial surface, base
attenuate, apex finely acuminate; ligule 0.5–2 mm, truncate, erose.
纤细的穗状花序,腋生,两性或单性的,4-11厘米;花序梗近无柄的或长约3毫米 具柔毛 ; 基 部1-5雌花和上部雄花,或全部雄性,有时1或2雌花或没有雄花;雌花苞片近心形,约2×3毫米,4-5具细牙齿 具柔毛 ; 雄 花苞片散布,卵形,长约0.5毫米 具柔毛。
Spike slender, axillary, bisexual or unisexual, 4-11
[...] peduncle subsessile or ca. 3 mm, pilose; female flowers 1-5 at base and male flowers distal, or all males, sometimes 1 or 2 female flowers without males; female bracts subcordiform, ca. 2 × 3 mm, 4- or 5-denticulate, pilose; male bracts scattered, [...]
ovate, ca. 0.5 mm, pilose.
小穗不对称的的生于花梗,卵形的或椭圆形轮廓,1.5-2毫米,疏生 柔毛 到 具柔毛; 卵 形的下部的颖片,倍于小穗,透明,1-3脉,被一节间分开; 上面颖片倍于小穗,5脉; 更低的外稃类似于上面颖片,内稃发育良好; 上面小花白色,微糙,发亮。
Spikelets asymmetrically borne on the pedicels, ovate or elliptic in outline, 1.5–2 mm, sparsely puberulous to pilose; lower glume ovate, as long as spikelet, hyaline, 1–3-veined, separated by an internode; upper glume as long as spikelet, 5-veined; lower lemma similar to upper glume, palea well developed; upper floret white, scaberulous, shiny.
奇数羽状复叶,通常聚生在茎顶部;轴被微柔毛; 叶柄1.5-4厘米,被微柔毛; 小叶(3或)5-9(或更多),8-12厘米; 小叶叶片长圆形,卵形,椭圆形,倒卵形,或者近圆形, 0.5-7.5 * 0.3-3 厘米,基部小叶最小,小叶尺寸沿叶轴到先端增大,顶端小叶显著大,膜质到厚纸质,背面疏生微柔毛,但脉上密生微柔毛,正面无毛或在腺间具非常稀疏糙硬毛,沿 具 微 柔毛 , 次腺在中脉两边各约5,纤细,基部偏斜,楔形到圆形,边缘全缘或具稀疏钝牙齿或浅羽状裂;侧小叶近无柄,比顶生小叶小,先端圆形,钝,或渐尖;顶生小叶具小叶柄,通常基部和顶部小叶较侧小叶狭窄。
Leaves odd-pinnate, usually aggregated apically on stem; rachis puberulent; petiole 1.5-4 cm, puberulent; leaflets (3 or)5-9(or more), 8-12 cm; leaflet blades oblong, ovate, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, 0.5-7.5 × 0.3-3 cm, basal ones smallest and increasing in size along rachis to apex with apical leaflet distinctly larger, membranous to thickly papery, abaxially sparsely puberulent but more densely so along veins, adaxially glabrous or very sparsely hispid between veins and puberulent along veins, secondary veins ca. 5 on each side of midvein and slender, base oblique and cuneate to rounded, margin entire or with sparse obtuse teeth or shallowly pinnately lobed; lateral leaflets subsessile, smaller than terminal leaflet, apex rounded, obtuse, or acuminate; terminal leaflet petiolulate, usually basally and apically more attenuate than lateral leaflets.
通过开花期早落的基生叶; 0.7张-6厘米的基部和下部茎生叶具叶柄,背面和稍微棕 具 长 柔毛 或 具 腺 具 长 柔毛; 叶片心形心形到卵形, 1.6-4.5 * 1.1-3.2 厘米,背面和稍微具具长柔毛的棕 色 具 长 柔毛 或 , 基部心形,先端锐尖; 上部茎生叶具叶柄1-10毫米,棕色腺 具 长 柔毛 , 叶片卵形到披针形, 1.3-3.2 * 0.5-1.7 厘米,背面和稍具腺柔毛,正 面无毛 具 腺 柔毛 , 基 部楔形或圆形,先端锐尖或近渐尖; 大多数上部茎生叶具腺具长柔毛和 短 腺毛在边缘。
Basal leaves caducous by anthesis; basal and proximal cauline leaves with petiole 0.7-6 cm, abaxially
and marginally brown
[...] villous or glandular villous; leaf blade cordate to ovate-cordate, 1.6-4.5 × 1.1-3.2 cm, abaxially and marginally brown villous or glandular villous, base cordate, apex acute; distal cauline leaves with petiole 1-10 mm, brown glandular villous, leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 1.3-3.2 × 0.5-1.7 cm, abaxially and marginally glandular pilose, adaxially glabrous or glandular pilose, base cuneate or rounded, apex acute or subacuminate; most distal cauline leaf glandular villous and shortly glandular hairy at margin.
叶柄2.8-6厘米,无毛; 叶片背面的淡绿,正面绿色,比长稍微宽, 5-13 * 7-16 厘米,薄纸质,主脉5, 两面的水平, 不离生的侧脉,正面无毛,背面无毛除了腋生束毛和主脉 具 短 柔毛 或 无 毛外背面无毛,通常5裂或很少7裂,基部楔形或宽心形;裂片卵形或长圆形,小的基部裂片,边缘有细锯齿,先端锐尖到尾状渐尖。
Petiole 2.8-6 cm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially light green, adaxially green, somewhat broader than long, 5-13 × 7-16 cm, thinly papery, primary veins 5, level on both surfaces, lateral veins not distinct, adaxially glabrous, abaxially glabrous with exception of axillary tufts and pubescent or glabrous on primary veins, usually 5-lobed or rarely 7-lobed, base truncate or broadly cordate; lobes ovate or oblong, basal lobes smaller, margin serrulate, apex acute to caudate-acuminate.
披针形的小穗,3.5-4.5(-6)毫米,一对的那些无毛的不同,下部的小穗,上面小 具 长 柔毛; 更 低的颖片很小,无脉; 上面颖片披针形,1/2倍于兑一等长,3-5-脉; [...]
上面小穗具排绢状毛,通常也具刚毛,象晕一样的毛开展成熟时; 上面外稃灰白色,渐尖。
Spikelets lanceolate, 3.5–4.5(–6)
mm, those of a pair different, lower
[...] spikelet glabrous, upper spikelet villous; lower glume [...]
very small, veinless; upper glume
lanceolate, 1/2 as long as to equaling spikelet, 3–5-veined; lower lemma as long as spikelet, closely 7–11-veined, veins equidistant, thick, prominent, interspaces slitlike; upper spikelet with rows of silky hairs, usually also setose, the hairs spreading halo-like at maturity; upper lemma pallid, acuminate.
叶长约20厘米;小叶5-9; 小叶柄5-10毫米; 轴和小叶柄具条纹具短柔毛或者 近无毛;叶片长圆状卵形的或长圆状圆形, [...]
6-13 * 4-5 厘米,硬纸质,基部圆形或宽楔形偏斜,靠近先端边缘疏生锯齿,先端锐尖或尾状;侧脉9-11 对,疏生被短柔毛,中脉和侧脉两面突出,特别背面。
Leaves ca. 20 cm; leaflets 5-9; petiolules
5-10 mm; rachis and petiolules
[...] striped, shortly pubescent or nearly glabrous; blades oblong-ovate [...]
or oblong-rounded, 6-13
× 4-5 cm, rigidly papery, base rounded or broadly cuneate, oblique, margin sparsely serrate near apex, apex acute or caudate; lateral veins 9-11 pairs, sparsely shortly pubescent, midrib and lateral veins prominent on both surfaces, especially abaxially.
叶柄(2-)5-10(-20)毫米; 叶片椭圆形到长圆形,很少稍卵形或倒卵形, ( 6-)9-25 * (2-)3-10 厘米, 纸质或膜质,两面或一面除中脉和侧 具 短 柔毛 外 无 毛,很少背面全部 具 短 柔毛 , 两面发亮且干燥时橄榄绿色,但通常背面较亮,基部锐尖或钝,很少圆形,先端渐尖,很少锐尖,具短尖;虫菌穴有时宿存;主脉凹陷,正面很少平,侧脉7-10对,支脉弱顶。
Petiole (2-)5-10(-20) mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong, more rarely slightly ovate or obovate, (6-)9-25 × (2-)3-10 cm, papery or membranous, glabrous except midvein and lateral veins pubescent on one or both surfaces, rarely abaxially slightly pubescent throughout, shiny and drying olive green on both surfaces but often lighter abaxially, base acute or obtuse, rarely rounded, apex acuminate, more rarely acute, mucronate; domatia sometimes present; major veins impressed, rarely flat adaxially, lateral veins 7-10 pairs, tertiary venation weakly percurrent.
Featuring soft fur and a poseable head, the [...]
new pets make gentle slumbering sounds and have irresistible puppy-dog eyes that blink with affection.
花序单的或具侧的总状花序在基部,无毛或被 柔毛 , 具 短 腺 毛; 花梗上升或者发散的在花期垂直于总状花序的轴,无毛或,很少,疏生 柔毛具 短 的 腺毛;花开放在总状花序伸长或伸长后和多少稀疏排列,具一刚毛状的小苞片在基部。
Inflorescence simple or with lateral racemes at base, glabrous or pubescent, with short glandular hairs; pedicels ascending or diverging perpendicular to axis of raceme at anthesis, glabrous or, rarely, sparsely pubescent with short glandular hairs; flowers opening during or after elongation of raceme and ± widely spaced, with a setaceous bracteole at base.
茎淡绿到绿色, 通常成熟时成为红紫色, 叶具叶柄,上部的通常具短叶柄或近无柄; 叶柄0.5-4厘米,无毛,反曲具皮刺的沿着棱; 正面的叶片绿色,淡绿背面,宽披针形的到长圆形, 2-8.5 * 1-3 厘米,薄,背面无毛,中脉的背面的通常反曲 具 皮 刺 的近基部, 正面毛到密被短柔毛有贴 伏的简单的多列毛,斜的托叶鞘,0.5-1.3厘米,干膜质,无毛,经常,身体虚弱纤毛的在顶部,下部1 经常撕裂。
Leaves petiolate, upper ones often shortly petiolate or subsessile; petiole 0.5-4 cm, glabrous, retrorsely prickly along angles; leaf blade green adaxially, light green abaxially, broadly lanceolate to oblong, 2-8.5 × 1-3 cm, thin, abaxially glabrous, abaxially usually retrorsely prickly near base of midvein, adaxially glabrous to densely pubescent with appressed simple multiseriate hairs, base sagittate to deeply cordate with small rounded or triangular lobes, margin ciliate or eciliate, apex acute to subacute or obtuse; ocrea oblique, 0.5-1.3 cm, scarious, glabrous, often weakly ciliate at tip, lower ones often lacerate.
较长的一枚竖立,到2厘米;较短的一枚钩状,下弯;叶柄3-13毫米, 柔毛; 叶 片卵形到椭圆形,对称到多少不对称, 2-4 * 1.5-3.5 厘米,纸质,3到羽状脉具3-6次脉的,基部钝到心形,边缘不明显有锯齿,先端钝。
Stipular spines 2 per node; longer
[...] one erect, to 2 cm; shorter one hooklike, recurved; petiole 3-13 mm, pubescent; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, symmetric to ± asymmetric, 2-4 × 1.5-3.5 [...]
cm, papery, 3-
to pinnately veined, with 3-6 pairs of secondary veins, base obtuse to cordate, margin inconspicuously serrate, apex obtuse.
如这些具像毛绒玩具般有毛毯的柔 软 的 质感,或色彩对比分明(如黑和白), 或含有基本的反差大的图案和脸部轮廓,或色彩丰富、鲜艳,更会魅力倍添。
They are more appealing
[...] when they have a soft, felt-like texture like plush toys, have highly [...]
contrasting colors (for example,
black and white) or basic contrasting patterns and faces, or have rich vibrant colors.




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