

单词 兵来将敌,水来土堰

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一名黎巴嫩军队兵因以色列敌军的 炮火受轻伤,而且黎巴嫩军队阵地水 箱被中等口径的子弹击中。
A Lebanese Army soldier was slightly injured by the Israeli enemy army gunfire, and the water tanks at the Lebanese [...]
Army position were hit by mediumcalibre bullets.
我們亦建議改 善七個現有位於觀塘土瓜灣 和九龍灣的旱季 水 截 流 設施,並加裝 可供調校堰,以 提升這些設施控制流量的效能。
We also propose to upgrade seven DWFIs in Kwun Tong, To Kwa Wan and Kowloon Bay with adjustable weirs to enhance [...]
their performance in flow control.
在每一階段,工程將在香港仔海峽內建造 堰 ( “ 圍 堰” 是指用土形成的臨時水築堤)包圍所需的作業工地。
For each section, cofferdams (that
[...] is, deposition of earthy materials in the sea to form a waterproof dam) will first [...]
be constructed in the
Channel to circumscribe a work site.
最后,法院认定申诉将来在土耳其 服 兵 役 并不会有何风险。
Lastly, the Court considered
[...] that there would be no risk for the complainant during his presumable future military service in Turkey.
记者在戚堰梁场 亲眼所见,尽管C50高性能混 土 的 水 泥 、矿粉、粉煤灰等细物料的掺量达到了490kg/m3,混凝土达到了粘稠度的极限值,但经过特殊设计的22米泵车似乎对这种高性能混凝土毫无惧色,仅用9.4Mpa出口压力泵送,就可以迅速准确 将 混 凝 土输送入模,反而是箱梁上负责振捣的工人忙得不亦乐乎,有些赶不及振捣不断喷涌而出的混凝土。
The reporter has seen by himself at the site of Qi Shu Yan, although the intermingled quantity of C50 high performance concrete’s cement, metal powder and powdered coal dust have reached 490kg/m3, and concrete has reached the limiting value of stickiness, the 22m Truck Mounted Concrete Pump with the special design has no fear toward [...]
this high performance
concrete; by only pump sending with 9,4Mpa exporting pressure, it can swiftly and accurately send concrete into moulds, and workers responsible for piling are so busy that they nearly cannot catch up with the function of the machine.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,将除其 他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被来进行敌 对 活 动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under
resolutions 425 (1978)
[...] and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and [...]
assisting the Government
of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
随着整 个国家经济的复兵提高到更水平 , 他们的权利和福利 将 进 一 步提高。
Their rights
[...] and welfare would be further promoted as the overall economy was revitalized and raised to a higher [...]
使水电站的围堰、锁和涡轮机进 水 资 源 管理。
Water resource management employs weirs, locks and the turbines in hydroelectric plants.
我們也會在現有旱季水截流 設施加裝可調校 堰 和 流量調節器,以 改善這些設施,從而提升流量控制成效。
The existing dry weather flow interceptors will
[...] also be upgraded with adjustable weirs and flow regulators to enhance [...]
the performance in flow control.
对于叙利亚的这种开放态度、合作和承诺,自大 马士革接受安南先生的计划以来,恐怖分子的活动出 现了升级,包括实施侵略行为以及打死政府部队兵 和平 民;破坏和摧毁基础设施;强行驱逐和平公民并 把他们迁至邻国境内的预制营地,目的是为制造难民 危机奠定基础,以便用于政治目的并随后用来建立所 谓的缓冲区,这反来将为要求外国进行军事干预提 供理由。
In return for this openness, cooperation and commitment on the part of Syria, and since Damascus accepted Mr. Annan’s plan, terrorist operations have escalated, including acts of aggression and the killing of Government forces and civilians; the sabotage and destruction of infrastructure; and the forcible eviction of peaceful
citizens and their relocation to
[...] prefabricated camps in neighbouring countries, with the objective of laying the groundwork for the creation of a refugee crisis to be used for political ends and later built upon to establish so-called buffer zones that would, in turn, justify calls for foreign military intervention.
将相关 战略同以下方面的工作结合 来: 减轻贫困、加强粮食安全和水保障 、防 土 地退水土流失 、减少生物多样性丧失等。
Strategies should be
[...] linked with efforts to alleviate poverty, enhance food security and water availability, combat land degradation and soil erosion and reduce biodiversity loss, [...]
inter alia.
由于达尔富尔人民没有从 1925 年的《土地垦殖和注册条例》中获益,因 此将根据关于土地所有权、传统畜牧业路线和获 水 资 源 的机会的习俗、传统和 遗产,优先修改法律将土地(H awakeer)权 土 地 (Hawakeer)使用权囊括 来。
Since the people of Darfur did not benefit from the 1925 Land Settlement and Registration Ordinance, priority shall be given to modifying the laws to include rights to
land and its use
[...] (hawakeer) in conformity with customs, traditions and heritage on land ownership, traditional livestock routes and access opportunities to water sources.
2007年9 月,以色列宣布加沙地带为敌对领 土”, 出于安全考虑并为对哈马斯政府施加压力 将 限 制 货物进出加沙地带, “作为以色列国打击持续恐怖主义的行动的一部分”12 2007年10 月来,收紧 了燃料限制。
In September 2007, Israel declared the Gaza Strip “hostile territory” and that the movement of goods into and out of Gaza would be restricted for security concerns as well as in order to apply pressure on the Hamas government “as part [...]
of the State of Israel’s operations against continuous terrorism.
2012 年 4 月 19 日 21 时 50 分 以色敌方士兵从黎巴嫩军队瓦扎尼泵站对面的阵地将一束红色激光照向该站的警卫,为时 5 秒钟。
19 April 2012 2150 For five seconds, Israeli enemy soldiers directed a red laser beam from a position [...]
opposite the Lebanese Army Wazzani
pumping station towards the guard at that station.
(ii) 隧道會橫跨香港仔海峽,要在海峽內興建隧道,先要封 閉海峽部份海面,然後建造堰(即在 海中 土 築 起 防水 堤壩),圍繞施工範圍,抽走其中海水後,始可展開敷設 沉管等工程。
(ii) In order to construct the tunnel section across the Aberdeen Channel, part of the Channel will be required to be closed to
facilitate the
[...] construction of cofferdams (that is, deposition of earthy materials in the sea to form a waterproof dam), followed by dewatering of the works [...]
site, and subsequent
construction of the tunnel units.
第三名兵没有跳水,但 迅速与顶甲板 来 的 以 色列兵 会合
The third soldier did not jump and was rapidly joined by Israeli soldiers who came down from [...]
the top deck.
08 时 00 分 黎巴嫩军队一车辆行驶经过
[...] Fatimah 门对面的 Kafr Kila 时,以色敌方一士兵对着 车辆上的人员在使用 亵渎语言。
0800 While a Lebanese Army vehicle was travelling
through Kafr Kila, opposite the Fatimah
[...] Gate, an Israeli enemy soldier directed profanities [...]
at the personnel in the vehicle.
2012 年 5 月 14 日 21 时 50 分 以色敌军士兵不断 从黎巴嫩陆军泵站对面设 在盖杰尔的一个据将一束 红绿激光束照向驻 该站附近的警卫人员,前后有 10 分钟。
14 May 2012 2150 For 10 minutes, an Israeli enemy soldier intermittently directed a red and green laser beam from [...]
a position in Ghajar opposite the Lebanese
Army Wazzani pumping station towards the guard at the emplacement by that station.
20 时 57 分 以色敌军两名士兵将探照 灯照射黎巴嫩军队 Tallat al-Hamra 阵地达两分钟。
2057 Two Israeli enemy soldiers directed a searchlight [...]
for two minutes towards the Lebanese Army Tallat al-Hamra position.
许多的河流上均建造大坝和堰以优 化 水 源 管理、进行发电以及改善运输条件。
Dam and weir control is used on numerous rivers to optimize water resource management [...]
and generate energy as well as to
improve conditions for shipping.
在双方正在讨论谈判进程前途的时候,希族塞人方面 土 耳 其 和 土 族 塞敌对立场,以及利用一切现有渠道重复这些无端指控的行为正进一步破坏两 族群之间仅存的一点信任,而这种信任对任何 来 解 决 方案取得成功至关重 要。
At a time when the future of the negotiation process is being discussed by the
two sides, the Greek
[...] Cypriot side’s hostile stance against Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots and its use of every available outlet to repeat these fabricated accusations are further deteriorating what little is left of the trust between the two communities, which will be vital for the success of any future settlement.
堰內的海水 會被抽出而形成作乾涸海床的工地,繼而在海床上進行挖掘移走海底沉 [...]
Seawater within the enclosed area [...]
will then be pumped out to form a dry working area, thus enabling excavation and removal
of marine deposit down to the foundation level of the tunnel unit at about –20 mPD.
同时,巴勒斯坦再次紧急并一如既往地呼吁国际社会 捍卫法治和对巴勒斯坦问题承担的全部法律和道义义务,包括追究占领国以色列 数十来在敌对军 事占领期间,在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占 土 对巴 勒斯坦人民所实施的罪行,并伸张正义。
At the same time, Palestine reiterates its urgent and constant appeals to the international community to uphold the rule of law and all of the legal and moral obligations towards the question of Palestine, including towards ensuring accountability and justice for the crimes perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, over the many decades of its belligerent military occupation.
在现有的堰和水闸基 础上安装水电站,从各方面看都对环保和经济运营有益。
Installing new hydro power plants in existing dams and locks [...]
is, in a number of ways, a "plus" for both the environment and the economy.
在他看来,军队仍在“观察”美国在南海的介入,如果没 有给地区安全来实质性转变,例如与中国周边国家结 成新的军事联盟,中将“按兵不动 ”。
In his opinion, the military is still “observing” U.S. involvement in the South China Sea and will not “do anything” if
the pivot does not
[...] bring substantial changes to regional security, such as through new military alliances with countries in China’s periphery.
兵来将挡,水来土掩” 、“条条大路通罗马”,古往今来,总有数也数不清的名言警句或者俗语谚语来解释何谓“灵活”,往往这也是我们最喜欢同时也是最擅长的处事原则。
Promoting Change, “Challenging the Status Quo” Flexibility is our go-to value in the face of challenge.
如果俄罗斯继续推 行现行政策,侵犯格鲁吉亚的土完 整,违反 2008 年 8 月 12 日签订的停火协议, 在被占领的地区实行军事化,拒绝一切对话要求,不承认格鲁吉亚政府,对格鲁 吉亚使用侵略性的充满军事色彩的言论,那么俄罗斯将很难改变第比利 将 其视 为敌对国的观点。
By continuing the policy of
[...] violating Georgia’s territorial integrity, breaching the ceasefire agreement of 12 August 2008, further militarizing the occupied regions, rejecting all offers of dialogue, not recognizing Georgia’s Government and pursuing aggressive military rhetoric against Georgia, Russia will hardly manage to change the perception of Tbilisi that Russia is a hostile State.
螺丝垫圈采水浴缸下的15 °倾斜,堰板块 形成的沉淀池,螺旋头部在此池浸泡,螺杆是由电动机通过减速器驱动连续旋转,新鲜的水是从多孔喂养在沉淀池底部的钢板,这台机器有三个洗涤,脱水,分级功能。
The screw washer adopts inclination
[...] of 15°, under the water tub, three weir plates form the sediment [...]
pool, the screw head is immersed
in this pool, the screw is driven by electric motor through reducer rotating continuously, the fresh water is feeding from porous plate at bottom of sediment pool, this machine have three functions of washing, dewatering, classifying.




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