

单词 兵戎相见

See also:

兵戎 n

weapons n
arms n


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meet in person

External sources (not reviewed)

主席女士,台 獨 必然會 導 致 戰 爭 , 兩 岸 一兵戎 相見, 中 華 民 族 將 蒙受 深 重 的 災 難 。
When the governments on both sides of the straits wage war, it will only bring tragedy to the Chinese people.
戎,本 地区的首府,直到1477勃艮第公爵的家是一个文化和艺术的天堂,大量的学生人口,给它一个现代和充满活力的感觉。
Dijon, the region’s capital [...]
and until 1477 home to the Dukes of Burgundy is a cultural and artistic haven and the large
student population gives it a modern and vibrant feel.
主席女士,昨 天,田北俊議員在 某 報章發 表 了一篇 題 為 《 香 港 難 容 支持 台 獨 的 空間》的 文 章,內 容 大 意是指一旦 台灣走 向 獨 立,兩 岸 必兵 戎 相見, 屆 時不但兩 岸 的 經 濟 受 影響, 甚 至 連 香 港 的 經 濟 亦 會 受 沖擊。
Madam President, Mr James TIEN wrote an article in a newspaper yesterday which when translated into English was entitled "No room to support Taiwan independence".
我们的教学区设在1 Finlayson Green和143 Cecil Street(GB大厦),分别距离莱佛士坊地铁站和 戎 巴 葛 地铁站仅几分钟的路程。
Our classrooms are located at 1 Finlayson Green and 143 Cecil Street (GB Building), just minutes away from Raffles Place MRT and Tanjong Pagar MRT stations respectively.
如若不然,亚美尼亚领导人应解释,展示的无人驾驶侦察机等各类武 器 (见 所附 照片)是怎么出现在阿塞拜疆被占领土上的,据报道,这些武器是在亚美尼 亚制造的,并于 2011 年 9 月 21 日首次在亚美尼亚一次兵式上亮相。
Otherwise, the Armenian leadership should explain how the demonstrated types of weapons (see annexed photos), including unmanned spy aircraft which are reportedly manufactured in Armenia and which were presented publicly [...]
for the first
time at a military parade in Armenia on 21 September 2011, appeared in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
考虑到有罪不罚、指挥和控制、甄别 以及抱有族裔或政治见的民兵死灰 复燃的风险等问题可能带来 相 关 影 响,联 合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)继续监测基于社区的安全举措,包括监测阿富汗 地方警察,并同时向政府和国际安全援助部队(安援部队)提供有关咨询。
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) continues to monitor and provide advice both to the Government and the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on community-based security initiatives, including the Police-e-Mahali (Afghan Local Police), given the possible fallout linked to issues of impunity, command and control, vetting and the risk of ethnically or politically biased militias re-emerging.
他们认为,为了使教科文组织的科学计划产生重大影响,本组织应发挥推动全球、地区和国家层面制定科 学政策的作用,具体工作包括改相 关 科学研究知识的基础,通过促进政策性工作和参与提出政策咨询 见来 传 播这方面的知识,以及提高各国制定政策、进行科学监测和制定基准的能力。
They considered that in order for UNESCO science programmes to make a significant difference, the Organization should act as a facilitator of
global, regional- and
[...] countrylevel science policy development by improving the base of relevant scientific research knowledge and communicating that [...]
knowledge, by promoting
policy work and participating in formulating policy advice, as well as by building country capacity in policy making and scientific monitoring and benchmarking.
咨询委 员会注意到,该提议与其有关持续需要管理司中的一般事务员额的 见相 符。
The Advisory Committee notes that the proposal is in line with its observation in respect of the continuing need for General Service posts in the Division of Management.
戎既不 是年级最大,也不是学历最高或最富圣 战活动经验的成员,然而他把这个团体集合在一 起并成为组织的决策者。
The group’s leader, Fahrul Rozi Tanjung, was neither the oldest, the best-educated, nor the most experienced in jihadi activism, but it was he who brought the group together and became its decision-maker.
从国家馆作为寓言环境的概念出发,墨西哥城馆意在探索两个地方(墨西哥和中国)的文化和政治想象,二者已经不期而遇却永不 相见。
Departing from the concept of national pavilions as allegorical environments, the Mexico City Pavilion aims at exploring the
cultural and political imaginaries of two places (Mexico and China) that
[...] have encountered each other but that will [...]
not meet.
最近几 个月来,卢民主力量多次攻击前盟友,包括 Akilo 派马伊马伊民兵和
[...] Sheka 派马 伊马伊兵(见 S/20 10/596,第三节 A 部分),显然是为了追回他们为这些团体提 [...]
On multiple occasions in recent months, FDLR have attacked
former allies, including Mai Mai Akilo and
[...] Mai Mai Sheka (see S/2010/596, sect. [...]
III.A), apparently in order to retrieve
weapons they provided to those groups or to undermine negotiations with FARDC.
讨论情见相关的 简要记录(E/2009/SR.40、43 和 44)。
An account of the discussion is
[...] contained in the relevant summary records [...]
(E/2009/SR.40, 43 and 44).
M23 成员还告诉专家组说, 他们同恩杜马保卫刚果兵组织(见上 面 第 60 至 63 段)、刚果促进和平爱国者联 盟的Albert Kahasha上校(见下面第 226 和 127 段)和抵抗阵线(见上面第 51 和 52 段),因为他们对中央政府提出的要求是一样的。
Albert Kahasha of UPCP (see paras. 126-127 below) and FRPI (see paras. 51-52 above), as they had the same demands for the central Government.
忠于政府的前全国保卫人民大会军官负责说服其 兵变 官兵投降(见附件 27)。
Ex-CNDP officers loyal to the Government had been tasked with persuading
[...] the remaining mutineers to surrender (see annex 27).
据估计,仅北基 伍省就有 1 000 多兵开小差(见附件 28)。
They estimated that over 1,000 troops had
[...] deserted in North Kivu alone (see annex 28).
禁止酷刑委员会感到不安的是,在 戎 不 碌 (1984年) 、东帝汶(1999年)和阿 倍普拉(2000年) 案中,人权法院、包括特设法院不能确保对任何被控严重侵犯人 权的人定罪,尤其是现在最高法院已经宣判 在行使司法职责方面遇到严重困难,造成事实上对于严重侵犯人权者有罪不罚, 因此缔约国应考虑修订关于人权法院的立法。
CAT was troubled that human rights courts, including ad hoc ones, were not able to secure the conviction of any of the alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations in relation to the Tanjung Priok (1984), East Timor (1999) and Abepura (2000) cases, especially now that the Supreme Court had acquitted Enrico Guterres.
正如当时所做的一样,需要强调的 一点是,国际刑事法院允许严重罪行的受害者陈述自 己的见,儿童兵被认 定为受害者而不是肇事者。
One element to underscore — as was done at that event — is that the ICC has allowed
victims of serious crimes to speak for
[...] themselves and that child soldiers were recognized more [...]
as victims than perpetrators.
法國南部這三個城市的博物館是《法-美地區博物館協會》(Frame)進行藝術和教育項目合作的成員館,該協會的成員館還有波爾多、 戎 、 格勒諾布爾、裡爾、裡昂、蘭斯、魯昂、斯特拉斯堡和美國的一些地區博物館(共26家機構)。
The museums in all three of these southern French cities are part of the Frame
association, whose other members include institutions
[...] in Bordeaux, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, [...]
Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg and the
United States (26 in all), which work together on artistic and educational projects.
2011 年初,为进一步对青年党施加军事压力和保护本国边境,埃塞俄 比亚为行动和利益各相同的民兵发 起的另一次联合攻击提供了支持。
In early 2011, in a further attempt to exert military pressure on Al-Shabaab and
to secure its own border, Ethiopia backed another
[...] coordinated offensive by militias with diverging agendas [...]
and interests.
该组织特别建议以色列, 这 种安排应 严 格 处于文职管 制 之 下,符
[...] 合 拒 服 兵役的性质 ,与兵役相 比 不 是 惩 罚 性的,并应 接 [...]
受 良 心 声 明 而 不 做 任 何 伤 害。
The Organization commended to Israel in
particular that arrangements be firmly under
[...] civilian control, compatible with the nature [...]
of the objections, not punitive in nature
by comparison with military service and that it should accept declarations of conscientious without inquiry.
托尼·托加尔先是 从戎古斯塔监狱发布命令,2010 年初被转移到北苏 门答腊的另一所监狱——先达市监狱以后,又在那里 进行指挥。
Fadly suggests a territorial structure, not unlike JI, with Toni Togar in command, first from Tanjung Gusta, then from Pematang Siantar prison, also in North Sumatra, where he was moved in early 2010.
此外,没有对任何与可能提出请 求以及应主席、共同主席和联合报告员的请求获得“排雷、法律和外交方面的专 家见”相关的费用作出预算。
In addition, no amount has been budgeted for any costs associated with possible requests to acquire for and at the request of the President, Co-Chairs and Co-Rapporteurs “expert mine clearance, legal and diplomatic advice.
访问团根据收集到的证据,确认对示威活动的反应,包括派出 大量武装兵的做法是相称的
On the basis of the evidence gathered, the mission was able
to confirm that the response to demonstrations, including the presence of
[...] numerous armed soldiers, was disproportionate.
作為新聞記者,她樂於採訪,但卸 戎 裝 參 加晚會,她怕影響新聞工作者的形象。
As a journalist, she would be happy to report on the spot.
最近的地铁站是EW15 –戎巴葛站。
The nearest MRT Station is EW15-Tanjong Pagar Station.
出现这些偏差的原因,包括海关干事训练不足,与津巴布韦臭氧办公室缺乏沟通 (2011
[...] 早已经矫正),外加一个种植者人数急剧增加的产业需要进一步培训;在埃及,化学替 代品的登记过程缓慢而困难见相应 案例研究的说明);在肯尼亚,项目实施多次延迟, [...]
为了能用磷化氢处理谷物,调整适应筒仓也需要更多时间;在摩洛哥,甲基溴主要用于 生产青菜豆,这是一个新兴行业,在不断扩大,只在最近才对该行业实施替代做了研究,
7 该行业可用的化学替代品登记的很少。
Reasons for these deviations include insufficient training of customs officers and lack of communication with the Ozone Office in Zimbabwe (imported MB was allowed into the country in 2011 8 without the required validation or permit from the Ozone Office, but situation has since been corrected), plus a requirement for further training in an industry where the number of growers has increased dramatically;
in Egypt, a slow and difficult registration process for chemical alternatives (as
[...] described in the corresponding case study); in [...]
Kenya, delays in project
implementation and additional time needed to make adjustments to silos so grain can be treated with phosphine; in Morocco, MB is mainly used in the production of green beans, a new and expanding sector where research on the implementation of alternatives has only been conducted very recently and for which few chemical alternatives are registered.
例子包括戎芥末及“辣"芥末(以 有殼種子製成)。
Examples include Dijon mustard, and “hot” mustard [...]
(prepared from seeds with hulls).
印尼政府已经意识到极端主义囚徒可能带来的问题: 他们可能拉普通囚徒入伙(苏卡米士金和 戎 古 斯塔 监狱就是例证),或者拒绝改造,在出狱后立即重新 加入以前的激进网络。
The Indonesian government recognises the problems that extremist prisoners can cause, from the recruitment of ordinary criminals, such as went on in Sukamiskin and Tanjung Gusta prisons, to the problem of recidivism by men who, once released, immediately return to former networks.
我们另外的六个基地(戎不碌 、棉兰、苏腊巴亚、三宝垄、BGR 仓库和巴丹仓库)也将接受认证,将于 2013 年和 2014 年接受必维国际检验集团的年度审核审计。
Our six other sites (Tanjung Priok, Medan, Surabaya Semarang, BGR warehouse and Batam warehouse) will also be certified but are to be inspected during the BV annual surveillance audits in 2013 and 2014.




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