

单词 兵戈扰攘

See also:

兵戈 n

arms n
war n
weapons n


create trouble





External sources (not reviewed)

刚果(金)武装部队司令部从加丹加和马涅马调来受过专门训练的两个特兵营,加强戈马和 布卡武两个省会的安全,对付兵变分子。
The FARDC command brought in two battalions of specially trained commando troops from Katanga and
Maniema to reinforce security in the
[...] provincial capitals of Goma and Bukavu, and to be [...]
used in the operations against the mutineers.
安理会第 1556(2004)号决议还要求苏丹政府履行其承诺,解除 戈 威德 民兵的武装。
Furthermore, in resolution 1556 (2004), the Council demanded that the Government of the Sudan fulfil its
[...] commitment to disarm the Janjaweed militias.
星期本局終於通過㆒個皆大歡喜的條例修訂草案,令 攘 多 年 的長期服務金及遣散費 改革在農曆年關前得到落實。
After all these rows over the years, the reforms on the long service payment and severance payment were settled before the Chinese New Year.
我担心的是,发动极端骇人听闻的攻击 仍将是反叛分子目前所使用的策略,而他们 扰 当前 增兵的努力也将采用此种策略。
The spectacular horror in the use of attacks will remain, I am
afraid, a tactic of the insurgency for the time being, as will their
[...] efforts to interfere with the current military surge.
苏丹 政府进一步解释说,解除武装的要求已不再适用于 戈 威 德 民 兵 , 因 为他们继《达 尔富尔和平协议》之后也被编入了政府部队。
The Government of the Sudan further explained that the disarmament of the Janjaweed was no longer relevant because, following the Darfur Peace Agreement, they were also integrated into Government forces.
她曾间接听说兵在搜 寻她,但在 她哥哥被杀之后她仍在布隆迪住了相当长一段时间,而没有受到威胁或其他扰。
She had indirectly heard that she had been
[...] asked for by the militia but remained in the country for a relatively long time after her brother was killed without being subjected to threats or other harassments.
因此,現在九大工會要求本局通過㆒個動議,促請政府成 立獨立仲裁委員會,以解決這場攘 多 年 的紛爭。
Therefore, the nine major civil service unions now request this Council to pass a motion urging the Government to set up an independent Committee of Inquiry to resolve this dispute which has dragged on for several years.
我們亦相信,人大常委會 決定作出這項方向性的決定,會有助特別行政區(“特區”)無須經過冗長 的紛爭及攘便能作出更好的安排。
We also believe that, in making this directional decision, the NPCSC has helped clear the way forward for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), so that we can make better arrangements without going through a tedious process of arguments and disputes.
据报告,在苏人解赢得青尼罗州州长选举后,苏丹解放军 兵 骚 扰 、 任 意逮 捕、扣留及暴力侵犯全国大会党的支持者,导致许多人因担心生命安危而逃往达 [...]
Following the SPLM victory in the
Blue Nile State gubernatorial
[...] elections, SPLA soldiers reportedly harassed, arbitrarily arrested, [...]
detained and employed violence
against NCP supporters, causing many to flee to Ed-Damazin in fear for their lives.
在这方 面,委员会关切的是,有报告说人权维卫者,包括那些帮助个人和社区要求其经 济、社会和文化权利的人,往往受到私人和公共行为者雇用的私人 兵 的 威 胁、扰和暴力。
In this regard, the Committee is concerned about reports that human rights defenders, including those assisting individuals and communities in asserting their economic, social
and cultural rights,
[...] are threatened, harassed and subjected to violence, frequently by private militias commissioned [...]
by private and public actors.
安全理事会为关于苏丹的第 1591(2005)号决议 所设委员会规定的任务是,负责监察对在苏丹北达尔 富尔州、南达尔富尔州和西达尔富尔州活动的包括戈威德民兵在内 的所有非政府实体和个人实行的军 火禁运,这一军火禁运随后扩大到包括《恩贾梅纳停 火协议》所有缔约方和在上述各州的任何其他交战 方。
The Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan is mandated by the Security Council to monitor an arms embargo on all non-governmental entities and individuals, including the Janjaweed, operating in the States of Northern Darfur, Southern Darfur and Western Darfur, which was subsequently expanded to include all the parties to the N’Djamena Ceasefire Agreement and any other belligerents in the above-mentioned States in the Sudan.
5 月 4 日,Makenga 从戈马越境进入卢旺达 Gisenyi,等待他的兵从戈马 和布卡武前来与他汇合。
On 4 May, Makenga crossed the border from Goma into Gisenyi, Rwanda,
[...] and waited for his soldiers to join him from Goma and Bukavu.
军事构成部分将维持与中乍特派团和联苏特派团的密切联系,特别是监测和 报告沿乍得和中非共和国边界的安全状况,并核实和促进 戈 威 德 民 兵 及 其 他武 装团体解除武装,以支持解除武装、复员和重返社会方案。
The military component will maintain close liaison with UNMIS and MINURCAT, especially monitoring and reporting on the security situation along the borders with Chad and the Central African Republic, as well as verifying and promoting the disarmament of the Janjaweed and other armed groups in support of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme.
例如,戈多美宪兵队, 登记簿 没有指出被拘留者的年龄,也没有单独的青少年被拘留者登记簿。
For example, at the Gendarmerie in Godomey, the [...]
registers did not indicate the age of the detainees, and there was no separate
register for adolescent detainees.
其中包括(反叛组织),正义运动、正义运动/和平 派、戈威德民兵、权 利与民主人民力量运动、苏丹解放军阿布埃尔·卡西姆派、 苏丹解放军和平派、苏丹解放军/运动阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹解放军/米纳维 派等,和各种部落群(见下图一)。
This includes rebel groups such as JEM, JEM/Wings for Peace, the Janjaweed, the Movement of Popular Forces for Rights and Democracy (MPFRD), SLA Abu Gasim, SLA Peace Wing, SLA/Movement Abdul Wahid, SLA-Minawi and various tribal groups (see figure I).
[...] 料,但苏丹政府也还没有按照第 1556(2004)号决议的要求在戈威德民兵 解 除武 装和重返社会的问题上做到公开透明。
While the Panel has not been able to verify the information it has received owing to limited access to areas controlled by armed rebel groups, the Government of the Sudan for its part has not
been transparent concerning the
[...] disarmament of the Janjaweed militias, as demanded [...]
by the Security Council in resolution 1556
(2004), and their subsequent reintegration.
主席先生,今㆝,立法局會議廳㆗充滿了激烈的辯論與罵戰,不少評論者都認為這是㆒個 重要時刻,但社會㆟士的意見及最新民意測驗均顯示,大多數㆟認為今㆝的辯論,只不過 是為攘多時 的彭定康政改方案帶來㆒個歸於平淡的結局。
Yet popular opinion and recent polls consistently reveal that most of the public consider today’s debate to be little more than an anticlimactic conclusion to the chaos that has characterized the Patten reform proposals.
就在去年,菲律宾扩大了对联合国维和行 动的参与,把一个 336 人的兵营部署到戈兰高地。
Just last year, the Philippines expanded its
participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations with the
[...] deployment of a 336-man infantry battalion to the Golan Heights.
不 論 是 尊攘 夷 的 學 者 、 激 進 官 僚 或 是 忠 於 朝 廷 的 人 , 此 等 人 士 主 要 也 是 來 自 武 士 階 級 , 這 階 級 對 封 建 制 度 的 崩 潰 及 新 制 度 的 成 立 扮 演 了 極 重 要 的 角 色 。
These men, whether they were Sonno-Joi intellects, activists-bureaucrat or loyalists came mostly from the samurai, the class which played such an important part in the breakdown of the feudal system and the establishment of the new one.
戈多美宪兵队的工作人员报告说,检察官每年有两三次来检查如何处理初 始拘留,并向查访的地点提出口头或书面反馈意见。
Staff at the Gendarmerie of Godomey reported that [...]
prosecutors came to check two or three times a year on how initial custody
is handled, and gave oral or written feedback to the places visited.
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议,
[...] 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任 扰 乱 其 运作的 危急事件。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from
Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical
[...] incidents that disrupt their operations.
在某些情况下,沿海 国可以在其领海内的外国船只上行使刑事管辖权,包括当犯罪的后果波及沿海国时, 或如果发生犯扰乱了 该国的和平或其领海的良好秩序的情况。
In certain circumstances, a coastal State may exercise criminal jurisdiction on board a foreign ship within its territorial sea, including
when the consequences of
[...] the crime extend to the coastal State, or if the crime disturbs the peace [...]
of the country or the good order of its territorial sea.
在过境点每日受到的屈辱和以色列 兵 不 停扰以及把人围堵在一起,所有这些都呈现出占领的一 贯形态。
The daily humiliation at border
crossings and in the course of constant
[...] incursions by Israeli soldiers, as well as the herding [...]
together of people, reveal a consistent
and generalized pattern on the part of the occupation.
年,禁止酷刑委员会表示关切:未对酷刑受害者作出有效赔偿;恶劣 的监狱条件;军队内盛行扰( “捉弄新兵”) 习气,既导致了侵犯和违反公约的 行为,又对受害者造成了严重后果,有时甚至酿成新兵自杀事件。
In 2000, the Committee against Torture (CAT) expressed concern about the lack of effective compensation for torture victims;
poor prison conditions; the ongoing
[...] practice of hazing ("dedovshchina") in the military, [...]
which has led to abuses and violations
of the Convention and has a devastating effect on victims, sometimes leading to their suicide.53 The HR Committee was also concerned about poor prison conditions.54 26.
李渊在进入霍邑后,下令不许兵扰 民 ,并在西河对他们进行慰劳,李渊在其中挑选了许多年轻力壮的青年,让他们从军。
Before his troop started on an
expedition, Li Yuan gave a position in his
[...] government to all soldiers unwilling to fight [...]
any more and allowed them to go home.
安全理事会第 1556(2004)号决议第 7 段和第 8 段对活动于北达尔富尔州、南 达尔富尔州和西达尔富尔州的所有非政府实体和个人,包括 戈 威 德 民 兵 , 实施 军火禁运。
By paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), the Security Council imposed an arms embargo on all non-governmental entities and individuals, including the Janjaweed, operating in the states of Northern Darfur, Southern Darfur and Western Darfur.
本议程项目涉及乍得和苏丹边境沿线的动荡局势,造成这种动荡的原因是达尔富尔局势,特别是苏丹 戈 威 德 民 兵 2 0 0 6年攻击乍得边境城镇所产生的影响。
This agenda item deals with the instability along the border between Chad and the Sudan due to spill-over
effects from the situation in Darfur, in particular with
[...] Sudanese Janjaweed militias attacking border [...]
towns in Chad in 2006.
听到这个消息后,刘琨报国心切,一次他给家人的信中写道:“在国家危难时刻,我经常‘ 戈 待 旦 ’(枕 兵 器 睡觉一直到天明),立志报国,常担心落在祖逖后边,不想他到底走到我的前头了
Having heard of this news, Liu Kun wrote a letter to his family in which he said:" My ambition is to force out the invaders.
国家 尤其应当确保法律援助提供人能够不受恐吓、阻碍、 扰 或 不 正当 扰 地 行 使 其所有专业职能;能够在本国及国外自由和完全保密地旅行、与其客户进行协 [...]
商和会晤,并且能自由地接触关于起诉的档案及其他相关档案;并且不会因为 根据公认的职业责任、标准和道德而采取的行动遭到或被威胁遭到起诉或行
In particular, States should ensure that legal aid providers are able to perform all of their
professional functions without
[...] intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; [...]
are able to travel, to consult
and meet with their clients freely and in full confidentiality both within their own country and abroad, and to freely access prosecution and other relevant files; and do not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
安全理事会在该段中决定所有国家均应采取必要措施,防止本国国民或从本 国领土或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只或飞机,向活动于北达尔富尔州、南达尔富尔 州和西达尔富尔州的包括戈威德民 兵 在 内 的所有非政府实体和个人出售或供 应各类军火和相关物资,包括武器弹药、军用车辆和装备、准军事装备及上述物 资的备件……。
Under this paragraph, the Security Council decided that all states shall take the necessary measures to prevent the sale or supply, to all non-governmental entities and individuals, including the Janjaweed, operating in the states of North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur, by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition [...].




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